Manage a game player's High Score list.
Your task is to build a high-score component of the classic Frogger game, one of the highest selling and addictive games of all time, and a classic of the arcade era. Your task is to write methods that return the highest score from the list, the last added score and the three highest scores.
In this exercise, you're going to use and manipulate lists. Python lists are very versatile, and you'll find yourself using them again and again in problems both simple and complex.
- Data Structures (Python 3 Documentation Tutorial)
- Lists and Tuples in Python (Real Python)
- Python Lists (Google for Education)
Sometimes it is necessary to raise an exception. When you do this, you should include a meaningful error message to indicate what the source of the error is. This makes your code more readable and helps significantly with debugging. Not every exercise will require you to raise an exception, but for those that do, the tests will only pass if you include a message.
To raise a message with an exception, just write it as an argument to the exception type. For example, instead of
raise Exception
, you should write:
raise Exception("Meaningful message indicating the source of the error")
To run the tests, run pytest
Alternatively, you can tell Python to run the pytest module:
python -m pytest
: enable verbose output-x
: stop running tests on first failure--ff
: run failures from previous test before running other test cases
For other options, see python -m pytest -h
Note that, when trying to submit an exercise, make sure the solution is in the $EXERCISM_WORKSPACE/python/high-scores
You can find your Exercism workspace by running exercism debug
and looking for the line that starts with Workspace
For more detailed information about running tests, code style and linting, please see Running the Tests.
Tribute to the eighties' arcade game Frogger
It's possible to submit an incomplete solution so you can see how others have completed the exercise.