gem install cldr-languages
require 'cldr'
require 'languages'
include Cldr
include Languages
# imports all available languages to the folder config/locales
# retrieves a list of available language codes
# retrieves a hash of available language codes and language names in English
# retrieves a hash of available language codes and language name in German with fallback English
localized_languages(language: 'de')
# retrieves a hash of available language codes and language name in German with fallback French
localized_languages(language: 'de', :fallback 'fr')
# please be aware that a call with 'zxx' as language parameter is very expensive. perhaps it's better to import
# this localization and use the cached version.
# retrieves a hash of available language codes and language name localized to the language code with fallback English
localized_languages(language: 'zxx')
# retrieves a hash of available language codes and language name localized to the language code with fallback German
localized_languages(language: 'zxx', fallback: 'de')