- Bence Graics (homepage) [1, 2]: core framework
- Vince Molnár (homepage) [1, 2]: tutorials, PlantUML visualization, build system and design
- Benedek Horváth [1]: initial UPPAAL serialization and dialog window, headless Eclipse, webserver API
- Bence Beöthy [1]: metamodel changes
- Tamás Tóth (homepage) [1]: initial metamodels
- Márton Búr (homepage) [1, 2]: bugfixes
- Simon József Nagy (homepage) [1]: RCP Gamma application, stochastic extension
- Richárd Szabó (homepage) [1]: bugfixes
- Balázs Várady [1]: action language
- Csanád Csuvarszki [1]: PlantUML statechart visualization, headless Eclipse, webserver API
- Levente Márk Nagy [1]: C code generator
- Critical Systems Research Group (ftsrg) Department of Measurement and Information Systems Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- MTA-BME Lendület Cyber-Physical Systems Research Group Office for Research Groups Attached to Universities and Other Institutions of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences