This client library communicates with the InfluxDB HTTP API (ver 1.7) and is very small. It is still lacking a few debugging features but has the important things for managing, reading from and writing to databases.
Add the following dependency to your project.clj
[fullspectrum/influxdb-client "1.0.0"]
Specify how the client reaches the InfluxDB API using a hash-map:
{:url "http://localhost:8086"
:username "root" ; optional
:password "secret"} ; optional
The following code examples assumes you are in the user
namespace and have
required the library and a connection representation (conn
user > (require '[influxdb.client :as client :refer [unwrap query write]])
user > (def conn {:url "http://localhost:8086"})
If you don't already have an InfluxDB server running Docker can be used:
docker run -p 8086:8086 -v influxdb:/var/lib/influxdb influxdb
This corresponds to GET /query
endpoint when using the method ::client/read
This will work with any query that reads from the database (SELECT
user > (unwrap (query conn ::client/read "SHOW DATABASES"))
[{"series" [{"values" [["_internal"]],
"columns" ["name"],
"name" "databases"}],
"statement_id" 0}
This corresponds to POST /query
endpoint when using the method
. This will work with any query that changes anything in the
database (SELECT INTO
user > (unwrap (query conn ::client/manage "CREATE DATABASE mydb"))
[{"statement_id" 0}]
For inserting data see the next section "Write".
If you already have the data you want to write in the Line Protocol:
user> (:status (write conn "mydb" "mymeas,mytag=1 myfield=90"))
If not you can use the convert
namespace to generate Line Protocol syntax from
a hash-map:
user> (require '[influxdb.convert :as convert])
The following hash-maps are all valid point representations:
;; minimal data required by the Line Protocol
{:meas "cpu"
:fields {:value 0.64}}
;; now also including a few tags
{:meas "cpu"
:tags {:host "serverA" :region "us_west"}
:fields {:value 0.64}}
;; now with multiple fields and different data types along with a timestamp
{:meas "cpu"
:fields {:value 0.64 :verified true :count 4}
:time 1434067467000000000}
Use point->line
to construct a sigle line following the Line Protocol format:
user> (convert/point->line {:meas "cpu" :fields {:value 0.64}})
"cpu value=0.64"
The following is an extreeme example from the InfluxDB website to demonstrate escaping:
user> (convert/point->line
{:meas "\"measurement with quo⚡️es and emoji\""
:tags {"tag key with sp🚀ces" "tag,value,with\"commas\""}
:fields {"field_k\\ey" "string field value, only \" need be esc🍭ped"}})
"\"measurement\\ with\\ quo⚡️es\\ and\\ emoji\",tag\\ key\\ with\\ sp🚀ces=tag\\,value\\,with\"commas\" field_k\\ey=\"string field value, only \\\" need be esc🍭ped\""
To first write data and then extract it from the database again:
(:status (write conn "mydb" (convert/point->line {:meas "cpu" :fields {:value 0.64}})))
(unwrap (query conn ::client/read "SELECT * FROM mydb..cpu"))