A device to convert DMX to WS2812.
There are several WS2812-compatible LED strips available on the market. This includes simple RGB strips or the Adafruit Neopixel Ring.
The goal of this project is to have a "fixture" that can be controlled via DMX to drive these LEDs. The fixture has an LCD display as well as a rotary encoder to adjust various settings such as DMX address, DMX mode and others.
This is a work in progress, and schematics as well as a couple of tips will be provided here.
Start this repository to keep updated on new development!
This software is written and tested for an Arduino Leonardo board.
It uses the following hardware:
- Arduino Leonardo: https://www.digikey.ch/product-detail/fr/dfrobot/DFR0260/1738-1246-ND/7087143
- DFRobot DMX Shield: https://www.digikey.ch/product-detail/fr/dfrobot/DFR0260/1738-1246-ND/7087143
- SparkFun LCD Module: https://www.digikey.ch/product-detail/fr/sparkfun-electronics/LCD-09395/1568-1552-ND/5764487