There are two possibilities to build image directly from your local machine or using Tmux on VM.
Image producer should set image status to shared, otherwise not shown in customer image list. If status set to public, then share/accept action is not required.
OpenSstack CLI and Parser are required to build an image.
packer --version
Create SSH key without passphrase:
ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/packer_id_rsa -N ""
openstack keypair create --public-key ~/.ssh/ packer-key
Clone project and change directory to ./install
You can use already downloaded installation files in directory ./install/files instead of downloading them during cloud init again
Use OpenStack CLI to obtain required data to full fill packer_template.JSON
- ssh_keypair_name - string from Instances -> Key Pairs
openstack keypair list
- ssh_private_key_file - relative path to the private key which mathes public key from ssh_keypair_name
- floating_ip address - ID of Public IP address from Network -> Floating IPs
openstack floating ip list
- ssh_username account - login used for SSH provisioning (for Debian typically debian)
- source_image - source image ID
openstack image list
- flavor - Flavor ID
openstack flavor list
- ssh_keypair_name - string from Instances -> Key Pairs
After succesfull build installation logs are available in local directory ./install/logs
ssh-keygen -f "/root/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "<Floating IP>"
Prepared template is used to build VM. Provisioning is used to set all required settings. Debug option is used in this example:
### Verify syntax
packer validate packer_template.JSON
# Build using debug parameter
packer build -debug packer_template.JSON
openstack image set --name <imageName> <imageID>
# Check images to delete
openstack image list | grep bioconductor
| b97137f6-7b35-477d-9fa0-3f84031803b9 | debian-9-x86_64_bioconductor | active |
# Delete selected image using ID
openstack image delete b97137f6-7b35-477d-9fa0-3f84031803b9
- Check Rules in Security Group if containing "Permit SSH". Add new rule for SSH if missing:
ROUTER_ID=$(openstack router list -c ID -f value);
ROUTER_IP=$(openstack router show -f value -c external_gateway_info $ROUTER_ID |tr -d '"'| sed -rn 's/.*ip_address: ([0-9\.]+).*/\1/p');
SEC_GROUP=$(openstack security group list -c ID -f value);
openstack security group rule create --description "Permit SSH" --remote-ip ${ROUTER_IP}/32 --protocol tcp --dst-port 22 --ingress $SEC_GROUP
- Login to prepared VM builded using template packer_template.JSON.sample
- Open Tmux session
or attach to ittmux attach
- Check used ID inside the template packer_template.JSON
- If private repository, then check private/public keys
- Start building image:
sleep 80; packer build packer_template.JSON
- Leave Tmux session (Ctrl+B D), not closing the session using Ctrl+D
- Logout from VM
- Disassociate a Floating IP from an instance
- Get ID of Image to Share
openstack image list
- Share an Image
openstack image set --shared <image ID>
openstack image add project <image ID> <project ID to share image to>
- List of Shared Images
openstack image list --shared
- Unshare an Image
openstack image remove project <image ID> <project ID to unshare image from>
- Accept a Shared Image
openstack image member list <image ID>
openstack image set --accept <image ID>