Please refer to our design files when contributing to either the File Sync app, Blox app or component library.
Here are the style rules to follow:
This is the number one rule and should help determine what to do in most cases.
All screens and components are built around restyle. The Restyle library provides a type-enforced system for building UI components in React Native with TypeScript. Please read through the restyle documentation before contributing
We use a linter and prettier to automatically help you make style guide decisions easy.
Generally file names are PascalCase if they are components or classes, and camelCase otherwise. This is with the exception of the component library (see rule #1). Filenames' extension must be .tsx for component files and .ts otherwise.
The style guide accessible here should be respected. However, if a rule is not consistent with the rest of the codebase, rule #1 takes precedence. Same thing goes with any of the above rules taking precedence over this rule.
- Functions descriptions should start with a verb using the third person of the
- _Ex:
/\*\* Tests the validity of the input. _/
- _Ex:
- Inline comments within procedures should always use the imperative.
- Ex:
// Check whether the value is true.
- Ex:
- Acronyms should be uppercase in comments.
- Ex:
// IP, DOM, CORS, URL...
- Exception: Identity Provider = IdP
- Ex:
- Acronyms should be capitalized (but not uppercase) in variable names.
- Ex:
- Ex:
- Always start an inline comment with a capital (unless referring to the name of
a variable/function), and end it with a period.
- Ex:
// This is a valid inline comment.
- Ex: