Repository for semester project for CMSC 508
In the Documentations folder, you should find our:
- Phase 1 Deliverables
- Problem Statement
- ER Diagram
- Relational Schemas
- Functional Dependencies
- Sample Data
- Rough Drafts
- Phase 2 Deliverables
- SQL Files
- Creation Script
- Load Script
- Trigger and Procedure Script
- View Script
- Insert Update Delete Script
- Stored Procedure Script - 20 queries made dynamic as procedures to take in dynamic input
- 20 Queries Script - 20 queries with input hard coded which were used for testing
- Roles and Privileges Script
- Front End Code
- Scheduler Front End App Components
- PHP Server Scripts
- PHP scripts connecting front end to the database
- Dist Folder - Build Artifact Deployed on the EC2 Server
- artifacts and read me to deploy on the EC2 server
- Evidence of Testing Queries
- Creation/Load Scripts in Markdown
- Citations
- Link to EC2 Applicaiton
Jesus Guerrero
- email: [email protected]
- GitHub Username: guerreroj3
Sophia Fehrmann
- email: [email protected]
- GitHub Username: sophiafehrmann
Jonathan Fung
- email: [email protected]
- GitHub Username: fungjk2
Hunter Arndorfer
- email: [email protected]
- GitHub Username: arndorferh