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#music.d.js A music library for discord.js.

Now it's even easier for the Discord community to make amazing music bots!




const Player = require('music.d.js')

let options = {
    scKey: "1234567",
    ytKey: "7654321",
    autoPlay: true

let player = Player(options)

voiceChannel.join().then(connection => {
   player.addConnection(connection, message)


Value Default Description
scKey false The SoundCloud API Key (if no key is provided, SoundCloud functionality is disabled)
ytKey false The YouTube API Key (if no key is provided, YouTube playlist and search is disabled)
autoPlay true When enabled, will start playing music on queue without having to run play()

####Song Object returned from queue(song url) and nextSong event

Value Description
title The song title
owner The song uploader
stream Streaming url ignore
url The songs url
duration The song duration in milliseconds
regionsAllowed Array of regions allowed, true if no restrictions
requester The provided requester info in queue() or false if not provided

####Playlist Object return from queue(playlist url)

Value Description
title The playlist title
owner The playlist uploader
tracks An array of Song Objects

##Player ####.setup({options}) Set up the music player.

returns Promise<Options>

.then(options => {
    //The options set
.catch(err => {
    //Invalid api keys or options were simply incorrect

####.addConnection(connection, message) Add a voiceConnection.

returns GuildPlayer Class of id, else returns false on error

voiceChannel.join().then(connection => {
    let GuildPlayer = Player.addConnection(connection, message)
//connection: The VoiceChannel connection object
//message: The standard d.js Message Object

####.get(id) Get a GuildPlayer by ID, if it exists.

returns GuildPlayer Class of id, else returns false

let GuildPlayer = Player.get('12345678899')

After calling Player.get, you can use the following functions with the returned object:

##GuildPlayer ####.queue(url [, requester) Queue a song, playlist, or search query. Requester argument optional. If given, however, it will be returned in the nextSong event. If autoplay is true then this will trigger music to start playing if it isn't already.

returns Promise<Song Object/Array>

GuildPlayer.queue('', requester).then(song => {
    //Song Object
}.catch(err => //something went wrong)


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