0.23.4 (2024-05-09)
- add timestamp on resend/reprovision nats msg (f924e1c)
0.23.3 (2024-05-07)
- organize email templates in layout (4c25af0)
0.23.2 (2024-05-07)
- 2229: separate provisioning of golddr cluster (4665edd)
- 2249: add logger for backend (013d3f3)
- 2556: store user image in db (9e47fe2)
- 2645: ignore Form validations on Delete Requests (7d47d60)
- add externalLink generic component (84259b3)
- add generic checkbox component (568c1c7)
- add golddrEnabled field (74c0c81)
- add mailLink generic component (dbdd293)
- add view history document permission (c9de09e)
- comments: added confirmation box for deleting a comment, and success toast (5b263b7)
- comments: delete a comment through UI (54b3dc3)
- comments: edit a comment through the UI (d3705b4)
- signout from keycloak along with app backend (0efde47)
0.23.1 (2024-04-29)
0.23.0 (2024-04-29)
- 1954: add client base page component (b30a10f)
- 1954: add server base page component (361e705)
- add generic modal component (60102c4)
- add generic select component (ba2c722)
- add generic table components (4700591)
- add generic toggle component (723400a)
- add light & export buttons (ba0d845)
- add private products search/download api endpoints (b6b4959)
- comments: created stylized comment bubbles (2b5e445)
- convert private list page to client rendering (e190c98)
- convert private request list page to client rendering (c612098)
- convert public list page to client rendering (d3f9ac7)
- convert public request list page to client rendering (8096eb7)
- created stylized comments bubbles (33bd1de)
- history tab and request page for public cloud (#2544) (402d470)
- set user session timeout configuration (e94b3a8)
- comments box for rejection decision only (2674a26)
- correct subject for admin edit request email (051be5b)
- private-email: admins now notified of a delete request (51e2c27)
- private-email: send delete approval email after provisioning has been complete (258414f)
- rejection email now has correct content according to docs (5aea799)
- send correct emails given scenario, refactored approval email content (907fcb2)
- private-email: update scenario 4 consistency (3fd4d5e)
- updated private cloud email scenarios documentation Scenario 2 (bf81426)
- organize create routes based on restful spec (6869424)
- organize frontend/backend routes (083baea)
- organize read/update routes based on restful spec (13e2b55)
- re-organize other cloud routes (915f3ef)
- re-organize private cloud routes (2cd3204)
- re-organize public cloud routes (f7181c9)
0.22.3 (2024-04-18)
- add comments by a textbox (8afdf6e)
- added comments tab, display comments in UI (06e2b45)
- frontend: add buttons to copy licensePlate to clipboard (6b5720a)
- frontend: add buttons to copy licensePlate to clipboard (d87f6ad)
- history tab mockup implemented (#2498) (164c68d)
- add check for Decode JWT token header (c197b8b)
- change permission for private cloud admin to see LAB clusters in drop down (#2472) (080a3c5)
- check is Expense authority form is filled in for public cloud product before deletion (#2454) (abfddcc)
- frontend: fix tooltip shown for multiple rows (de800c0)
- hide comments section on prod (53e7c10)
- layout now consistent with other tabs (d603066)
- switch permission from private to public admins (#2462) (ad57b60)
- use useQuery, and useMutation for comments logic (f2348e7)
0.22.1 (2024-04-04)
- add updatedAt field to comments (ed971c3)
0.22.0 (2024-03-22)
- add reprovision endpoint along with resend (08cbb54)
0.21.0 (2024-03-22)
- add re-provisioning function (fb5b0d1)
- enhance data validation in v1 api endpoints (bc7a275)
- logic for delete comment by id api (b9c99d0)
- logic for list all comments api (d3fb8ee)
- logic for read comment by id api logic (4167255)
- logic for update comment by id api (94e939b)
0.20.2 (2024-03-22)
- use auth server instead of auth base url (44627e8)
0.20.1 (2024-03-21)
- 2320: migreate gitops apis (e4f60d1)
0.20.0 (2024-03-21)
- add editor roles (11dee64)
- add total quotas in csv exports (82de485)
- create comment api (be32408)
- sort functionality to public and private products and requests (#2344) (b514f85)
0.19.1 (2024-03-20)
- fix data migration scripts (6142afa)
0.19.0 (2024-03-19)
- add data migration to populate missing fields (ae02860)
- add ministry editor roles (f450e58)
- add private & public roles in keycloak (7e595b7)
- add vanity url into terraform production client (#2293) (5f57ea5)
- apply security layers on product list page (cc46be9)
- lowercase user emails (babd957)
- update missing updated_at (f07f32d)
- deprecate aggregate db query (0a629e6)
- enhance api handler types (df9696a)
- enhance mock session generation (0af738a)
- merge duplicate email users (c984867)
- migrate data to update old data (05c2932)
- optimize codebase according to roles & permissions (4feacbd)
- optimize delete api endpoints (970ac90)
0.18.1 (2024-03-14)
- analytics: filter private cloud requests by prod productions (1158948)
- update db backup steps (c2ffe13)
0.18.0 (2024-03-13)
- add update-db make script (b485016)
- restrict certain special characters from entering in public project name (d938ca9)
- setup restful api for comments (c373319)
- fix issue with deletion provisioned email for public cloud (#2267) (ae056b1)
- resolve issues when deleting projects (c57986c)
0.17.0 (2024-03-07)
- 1733: Comment model is now PrivateCloudComment (eae6428)
- 1733: more meaningful name + formatting (9b37f88)
- 2110: add portfolio per ministry pie charts in public cloud (2008ba7)
- add approver in keycloak terraform (3d67e59)
- add check for ag ministries (#2148) (7ac3873), closes #2154
- add data migrations workflow (9d77841)
- add expense authority for public cloud product (#2192) (fdb2a6c)
- add housing ministry into AG alliance list (896f552)
- add knip and removed unused (bbcd3f5)
- add mock-up provisioner in local env (176887c)
- add request comment in public cloud (a1a92b8)
- add top level roles in session (efffb4b)
- clean up ms query data (384dcd3)
- comment model schema w/ reactions (cadfcb9)
- deploy mock nats server in dev environment (33dcb28)
- display IDIR, UPN in user search (640af7a)
- enhance analytics pages (351284f)
- rename comment fields (f262d56)
- rename public comment fields (f39acc6)
- separate private & public nats endpoints (22b9ffb)
- sort products by updated dates (1d0ef14)
- upsert users when users assinged for products (873d05f)
- 1733: fixed build error in seed (14f9f0c)
- 2 comments are created per project (fec97d8)
- 2003: various small visual bugs (84013fb)
- ensure delete provision falg the product as inactive (e42b9a1)
- resolve issue on showing deleted products (9da0da7)
- return modal + hosting tier info for users (f552a8d)
- add email scenarios for private cloud (2d78021)
- add email scenarios for public and private cloud (15908ee)
- add tab in the first paragraphs (52c9656)
- update README.md (8a5b0f6)
0.16.0 (2024-02-13)
0.15.0 (2024-02-09)
- display URL sources in sonar scan results (19dbe22)
- wording, and admin delete email (4e89814)
0.13.0 (2024-02-07)
- search github urls from acs image build metadata (07edb45)
- 1680: fix comments in emails (99c0eb7)
0.12.0 (2024-02-06)
0.9.1 (2024-01-30)
- 1865: apply KC resources changes on pipeline (28f18f5)
- add sysdig alerts with terraform (effd21b)
- delete request email for admins for public cloud (76e30bc)
- edit request now edit summary for public cloud (053d991)
- move env variables into config file (8fd7681)
- only allow github bcgov organization repos (4641551)
- secdash: order list by scanned date (465b262)
- skip sonarscans if repo has no changes (65220db)
- sysdig: add sysdig alerts for upper environments (7cb61cb)
- updated wording of edit summary (0d24dc7)
0.9.0 (2024-01-17)
- add security scan results tabs (99d5151)
- add sonarscan result page (ab52b3a)
- add version # in footer (2eff74f)
- BudgetChanges logic for PublicEdit (07d4263)
- email formatting and email changes (907791a)
- provider details component now completed (c8789c1)
- wording (e9dc830)
- wording, formatting, links (3a72d78)
0.7.0 (2024-01-16)
- 1728: add security tab layout (3271fd8)
- 1728: update security - repository tab (7cfb2f8)
- add custom SonarQube scan Dockerfile with entrypoint (68796d4)
- add security service layer for privateCloudProjectZapResult (f62a094)
- add zap results page (c03d8b9)
- AlertBox modal for handling confirmation messaages and alerts (0a8869e)
- allow idir login option only (c013d44)
- sonarscan: update static analysis scheduler task (6f3379b)
- update ministry when user logs in (bd70335)
- update security layer (a5cd797)
- updated favicon (2795294)
- add decimal values in budget field (9677b39)
- added link to quota increase process (53be5c1)
- confirm box and isdirty submission for secondary lead form (7c7605f)
- handle non-string search values (9d3fdee)
- modals now display correct info given the context (9a0e452)
- redundant curly brackets (21c9171)
- removed unused import (e7b7760)
- use idir as the single IDP (49bd5f3)
0.5.0 (2023-12-27)
- add api wrapper (9c30b00)
- add db backup cronjob (75fbd3a)
- add helm chart for airflow deployment (7cf85e1)
- add prisma extension to apply security layer (23c6d0f)
- add prisma extension to apply security layer (ad2a8f1)
- add wirte base filter in security layer (6b9a120)
- add zap vulnerability scanning airflow dag (e2e8a5f)
- create config.ts for common variables (5d0fb96)
- csv export with filtering (6a23ebd)
- enhance eslint rules (4f17273)
- enhance session context in higher level (99c8929)
- new kc clients for new UI (9b728da)
- new modal for approve/deny an edit request. (3cbfbb9)
- publish security dashboard related images (1527f54)
- show inactive projects/requests in private cloud (5c68075)
- toggle changes depending on requests/products (6e12d44)
- toggle for public cloud (39e59e2)
- update react-email doc (68a8baa)
- updated favicon (524b214)
- .react-email in .gitignore (697b5d9)
- border not showing in email header (be75fdb)
- capitalized rejection (aa883ef)
- change logic to handle if active != false or true (7419d52)
- corrected download button on public-cloud (11bb232)
- fix wording in emails (ead0ccd)
- fix wording in emails (7f6b1c5)
- prefix applies to sendEmail level (f946581)
- react-email misspell (bcde965)
- remove commented out lines (8debf21)
- rename rejection to denial, fix comment modals (fade899)
- rename variable name (7ce297e)
- resolved build error for download button behavior (06b0e03)
- return modal displays note only if its public-cloud (28f699e)
- update .gitignore for react-email (b939026)
- update db backup deployment config (69f6255)
- update wording for rejection emails (3c03729)
- updated emailHandler to grab value from config.ts (b2786d5)
- wording on privatecloud modal and links in modals (a741c7c)
- wording on privatecloud modal and links in modals (584d176)
- add database documents (91e367c)
0.4.0 (2023-11-28)
- add db migration container and build pipeline (14d8e02)
- add deply dispatch pipeline (80c6e61)
- add global api response handler (19ff4ea)
- add ministry role access logic (#1376) (88308c3)
- comments passed from modal to api (7cbc45b)
- editRequest email template (fcf5b99)
- install mongodb via helm charts (d668014)
- set timeout for ches email requests (a2a0e3d)
- update edit request emails to lookup quota (8dfd2f2)
- made comment modal less confusing (33b9ddf)
- remove redundant tailwind imports (08c68b7)
- remove tailwind from newRequest email (ee094bd)
- revert downgrade on faker (bf5d4fc)
- update react-emails/tailwind (ac0ba1c)
- update style for editRequest (40c3dc9)
- used lodash for comparePorjects, removed EditRequest modal to different pr (9a30489)
- add git tips (c27f70c)
- add security dashboard POC result (bd691d6)
- clean-codes: add return-early-pattern (e9c51be)
0.3.0 (2023-11-16)
- 1231: add secure headers in nextjs config (f31d90c)
- 897: add rows per page selection on paginations (89635bf)
- add nounce to remove 'unsafe-inline' in csp (46db8cf)
- Added nats messeges (#1250) (f5abcc2)
- send emails for create/approve/reject and more tests (eac1dbf)
- better type definitions for ches and emails (79de07c)
- change data passed to sendNewRequestEmails to request (14c027a)
- deny request properly calls email function and pr fixes (e12d5e4)
- organize auth options (0233ee2)
- remove snapshot testing (ed5e3a7)
0.2.0 (2023-11-03)
- 1226: add deployment pipelines in test & prod (8eeda41)
- 1226: add release & changelog configurations (19a87b2)
- add deployment helm charts (fc177c4)
- add development sandbox (a69cb95)
- CHES endpoint and header template (3e3393a)
- create oc service accounts (940d948)
- product details (5ebad12)
- provide default userImage (bc49ca2)
- add developer guide (8c6642c)
- remove duplicate example (01b7e02)
- update developer-guide (ca5e1fa)
- update team conventions (60499b4)
- update team conventions (9160ac4)
- 1235: update useQuery syntax accordingly to the new version (f7a48cd)