key: built-in (options) required content
HTML Text Styling | |
[p content] | HTML paragraph |
[bq content] | HTML blockquote |
[b content] | HTML bold |
[i content] | HTML italics |
[u content] | HTML underline |
[color HEX3|HEX6 content] | HTML text color |
HTML Linking | |
[a (tab,)URL(,linkedContent)] | HTML link |
[urlencode content] | URL encoding |
[url (sep=|,)(css=CSS,)(tgt=_target,)(nam=Name,)(URLsepLINKED_CONTENT)] | Create URL |
HTML Images | |
[img (imageTitle,)imageURL (linkURL)] | HTML image |
[limg (target=,)(lpath=,)(wpath=)(title=,)(alt=,)imageName] | HTML image name, figures size (uses [lipath],[wepath]) |
[lipath filePathToImages] | path for [locimg] |
[wepath webPathToImages] | path for [locimg] |
HTML Lists | |
[ul (istyle=hstyle,)(lstyle=hstyle,)(wrap=style,)(sep=X,)itemContent(XitemContent)] | HTML unordered list |
[ol (type=X,)(start=N,)(istyle=hstyle,)(lstyle=hstyle,)(wrap=style,)(sep=X,)itemContent(XitemContent)] | HTML ordered list |
[iful (istyle=hstyle,)(lstyle=hstyle,)(wrap=style,)(sep=X,)itemContent(XitemContent)] | HTML unordered list IF > one item |
[ifol (istyle=hstyle,)(lstyle=hstyle,)(wrap=style,)(sep=X,)itemContent(XitemContent)] | HTML ordered list IF > one item |
[t (wrap=style,)(sep=X,)itemContent(XitemContent)] | style wrap around item(s) |
HTML Tables | |
[table (options),content] | HTML table (comma is not optional) |
[row (options),content] | HTML table row (comma is not optional) |
[header (options),content] | HTML table header cell (comma is not optional) |
[cell (options),content] | HTML table data cell (comma is not optional) |
Variables | |
[local varname varContent] | local variable definition |
Variables | |
[raw varname varContent] | local variable definition |
[global varName varContent] | global variable definition |
[graw varName varContent] | global variable definition |
[v varName] | local/global variable |
[vs varName varContent] | local variable definition |
[gv varName] | global variable |
[lv varName] | local variable |
[vinc (pre=1,)(quiet=1,)varName] | increment local(global) variable |
[vdec (pre=1,)(quiet=1,)varName] | decrement local(global) variable |
[load varName fileName] | load file into local variable |
[gload varName fileName] | load file into global variable |
[save varName fileName] | save file from local variable |
[gsave varName fileName] | save file from global variable |
Data Lists | |
[list (sep=X,)listname,itemContent(XitemContent)] | create or overwrite a list |
[clearl listName] | Discards list content |
[lcopy sourceList destinationList] | copy list to new or existing list |
[ltol listName content] | convert lines of content to list |
[append listName,itemContent] | append an item to a list (can create new list) |
[lpush listName,itemContent] | append an item to a list (can create new list) |
[lpop listName,(listIndex)] | pop an item out of a list at top, or at listIndex |
[lset **listName,****listIndex,**itemContent] | Set a list item |
[llen listName] | returns length of list |
[lslice **sliceSpec,****listName,**targetList] | slice listName to targetList |
[lsplit (sep=^,)(num=N,)listName,content] | split content into list |
[ljoin listName,(joinTerm)] | Join a list with joinTerm(s) between elements |
[dlist (fs=styleName,)(ls=styleName,)(wrap=styleName,)(parms=PRE,)(inter=INT,)(ntl=NTL,)(posts=PST,)listName] | dump a list |
[e **listName,**listIndex] | output item from list of length n (listIndex = 0 to n-1) |
[lcc **listOne,****listTwo,**listResult] | list concatenate |
[lsub (ci=1,)(sep=X,)**listName,**content] | list of form AsepB, A=B in content |
[asort (rev=1,)listName] | ASCII alphabetic sort of list, in place |
[aisort (rev=1,)listName] | ASCII case-insensitive sofr of list, in place |
[isort (rev=1,)(sep=X,)listName] | sort by leading integer, sep defaults to "," |
[lhsort (rev=1,)listName] | sort list by leading amateur radio callsign,, any non-alphanumeric sep |
[cmap listName] | create 1:1 character map |
[hmap listName] | create 1:1 character map to hex values |
[translate (pre=PRE,)(post=POST,)(inter=INTER,)**listName,**content] | translate content using character map formatted list |
[postparse content] | pretty-print Python 2.7 code (use black background) |
[pythparse content] | pretty-print Python 2.7 code (use black background) |
[getc (var=varName,)(embeds=t,)(high=lang,)(tabsiz=n,)(tabchar=X,)filename] | import c or oc source file as aa_macro |
Data Dictionaries | |
[dict (sep=X,)(keysep=Y,)dictName,****keyYvalue(XkeyYvalue)] | create/replace dictionary |
[dcopy **sourceDictionary,**destinationDictionary] | copy/replace destination with source |
[dkeys **sourceDictionary,**destinationList] | create a list of keys from source |
[dset (keysep=Y,)**dictName,**keyYvalue] | create/replace dictionary item |
[d (sep=X,)dictName****Xkey(XnotFound)] | retrieve a dictionary value using key |
General Stack | |
[push content] | Push an item on to the general stack |
[pop] | Pop an item off the top of the general stack |
[fetch itemIndex] | fetch any item from stack - 0 is top of stack |
[flush] | delete stack contents |
Math | |
[int value] | integer of number |
[round (digits=decplaces,)value] | rounded value of number |
[abs value] | absolute value of number |
[add (mode=float,)value addend] | add two numbers |
[sub (mode=float,)value subtrahend] | subtract two numbers |
[mul (mode=float,)value multiplier] | multiply two numbers |
[div (mode=float,)value divisor] | divide two numbers |
[max value1 value2] | maximum of two numbers |
[min value1 value2] | minimum of two numbers |
[inc value] | add one to value |
[dec value] | subtract one from value |
[random (seed=none,(icount=N,))] | generate random from 0.0-1.0 |
[stage (mode=float,)(digits=N,)start end steps step] | subtract one from value |
Conditional Content | |
[even value content] | if value is even, then content |
[odd value content] | if value is odd, then content |
[if (sep=X,)(wrap|style=styleName)value match content] | if match, then content |
[else (sep=X,)(wrap|style=styleName)value match content] | if not match, then content |
[ne (sep=X,)**value,**content] | if value is empty, then content |
[eq (sep=X,)**value,**content] | if value is not empty, then content |
[ifle **value1,****value2 ,**content] | if value1 <= value2, then content |
[ifge **value1,****value2 ,**content] | if value1 >= value2, then content |
Text Processing | |
[slice sliceSpec,content] | slice content |
[alphalead (trail=1,)content] | Return leading alpha characters, or trailing content |
[alphanumlead (trail=1,)content] | Return leading alphanumeric characters, or trailing content |
[splitcount value] | Maximum number of splits to perform in next [split] |
[split **X,**content(Xcontent)] | split for use with [parm] |
[locsplit **localName,****X,**content(Xcontent)] | split into numbered local variables |
[glosplit **localName,****X,**content(Xcontent)] | split into numbered global variables |
[splash (pre=,)(post=,)(inter=,)(ntl=,)(limit=N,)(style=Style,)(sep=,,)content] | splits content, applies style |
[parm value] | returns results of [split] |
[upper content] | convert to uppercase |
[lower content] | convert to lowercase |
[soundex (len=N,)content] | return soundex value of content |
[stripe (charset=chars,)content] | strip chars from both ends of line (default = spaces) |
[strip content] | strip HTML tags out |
[roman value] | returns lower case roman numeral |
[dtohex (digits=N,)value] | decimal to hexadecimal conversion |
[dtooct (digits=N,)value] | decimal to octal conversion |
[dtobin (digits=N,)value] | decimal to binary conversion |
[htodec (digits=N,)value] | hexadecimal to decimal conversion |
[otodec (digits=N,)value] | octal to decimal conversion |
[btodec (digits=N,)value] | binary to decimal conversion |
[crush ,] | return packed alphanumerics |
[collapse content] | |
[crop (words=no,)(eol=,)(neol=,)(col=78,)content] | |
[wwrap (eol=X,)(wrap=style,)(nohtml=1,)**value,**content] | word wrap content at column value |
[len content] | return length of content in characters |
[wc content] | return length of content in words |
[lc content] | return length of content in lines |
[chr value] | return ASCII character of code=value |
[ord character] | return ASCII code value in decimal |
[csep value] | comma-separate an integer |
[fcsep value] | comma-separate a floating point number |
[dup value,content] | duplicate content after evaluation (also see [repeat]) |
[eval (style=styleName,)value,content] | duplicate content Nx, eval style Nx if provided |
[find (sep=X,)stringXcontent] | find string in content, sep default = "," |
[replace (sep=X,(lf=1,))targetXreplacementXcontent] | target replaced with replacement in content |
[count (sep=X,)(overlaps=yes,)(casesens=yes,)patternXcontent] | count incidences |
[caps content] | sentence case |
[capw content] | word case |
[capt content] | title case |
[expand **dictName,**content] | dictionary based keyword expansion with leading cap forwarding |
[ssort (rev=1,)content] | case-sensitive sort of lines |
[sisort (rev=1,)content] | case-insensitive sort of lines |
[issort (rev=1,)content] | sort of lines by integer followed by a comma |
[hsort (rev=1,)content] | sort of lines by amatuer radio callsign followed by non-alphanumeric |
[inter **iStr,****L|R,****value,**content] | intersperse iStr every value in content |
[rjust **width,****padChar,**content] | right justify |
[ljust **width,****padChar,**content] | left justify |
[center **width,****padChar,**content] | center (neg width indicates pad both sides) |
[th integer] | st, nd, rd, th... |
[nd integer] | 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th... |
[encrypt (mode=1,)(again=1,)(seed=N,)(salt=String,)(icount=N,)(breakat=N,)content] | (re)Encrypt content |
[decrypt (mode=1,)(seed=N,)(salt=String,)(icount=N,)content] | Decrypt content |
[br (parms,)(content)] | (content) HTML line break (with parms) |
Miscellanea | |
[sys shellCommand] | invoke an operating system command. Output is captured |
[date] | The date of macro() processing (use CGI for live date in HTML) |
[ddelta YYYYMMDD YYYYMMDD] | difference between dates in Y M D |
[time (mode=12|24,)(sfx=auto|*,)(asfx=,)(psfx=,)] | The time of macro() processing (use CGI for live time in HTML) |
[datetime] | The datetime of macro() processing (use CGI for live date in HTML) |
[ampm N] | AM or PM from 12 hour number |
[term (astyle=CSSSTYLE,)CAPSTERM] | if and acrobase.txt present, expand term |
[twelve N] | 12 hour number from 24 |
[month (mode=long,)N] | Month name from ordinal |
[include fileName] | include macro() source file |
[embrace moduleName] | add, extend, or replace macro() functionality |
[repeat **value,**content] | repeat content, evaluating content each time |
[comment content] | suppress output. note: non-content operations still process |
[back HEX3|HEX6] | HTML background text color for HTML 4.01s mode only |
[mode 3.2|4.01s] | set HTML mode |
[hlit (format=1,)content] | places LITERAL content in local variable loc_hlit |
[vlit (format=1,)variable-name] | places LITERAL content in local variable loc_vlit |
[slit (format=1,)(wrap=1,)style-name] | places LITERAL content in local variable loc_slit |
Escapes | |
[co] | comma |
[sp] | space |
[gt] | greater-than |
[lt] | less-than |
[lb] | left square bracket |
[rb] | right square bracket |
[ls] | left squiggly bracket |
[rs] | right squiggly bracket |
[lf|nl] | new line |
Styles | |
[style (help=helpstring,)(help2=helpstring,)styleName styleContent] | local style |
[gstyle (help=helpstring,)(help2=helpstring,)styleName styleContent] | global style |
[helps styleName] | return help string for local style |
[helpg styleName] | return help string for global style |
[helps2 styleName] | return help string 2 for local style |
[helpg2 styleName] | return help string 2 for global style |
[for styleName,X,Y,Z] | iterates number to style |
[in styleName,listName] | iterates list to style |
[switch (csep=X,)(isep=Y,)switchName caseYstylename(XcaseYstyleName)] | switch (works with case) |
[case (sep=X,)switchName caseXcontent] | case (works with switch) |
[s (sep=X,)stylename(styleParameters)] | invoke style(s), local, if no local, then global |
[glos (sep=X,)stylename(styleParameters)] | invoke global style(s) |
[locs (sep=X,)stylename(styleParameters)] | invoke local style(s) |
[spage] | reset local styles to none |
[ghost (source=global|local,)stylename] | output style without processing it |
[fref lable] | forward (or backward) reference |
[resolve (hex=1,)**lable,**content] | resolve reference |
[listg (mode=global] | local,)**listName,**content |
key: built-in (options) required content
Built-in | |
[a (tab,)URL(,linkedContent)] | HTML link |
[abs value] | absolute value of number |
[add (mode=float,)value addend] | add two numbers |
[aisort (rev=1,)listName] | ASCII case-insensitive sofr of list, in place |
[alphalead (trail=1,)content] | Return leading alpha characters, or trailing content |
[alphanumlead (trail=1,)content] | Return leading alphanumeric characters, or trailing content |
[ampm N] | AM or PM from 12 hour number |
[append listName,itemContent] | append an item to a list (can create new list) |
[asort (rev=1,)listName] | ASCII alphabetic sort of list, in place |
[b content] | HTML bold |
[back HEX3|HEX6] | HTML background text color for HTML 4.01s mode only |
[bq content] | HTML blockquote |
[br (parms,)(content)] | (content) HTML line break (with parms) |
[btodec (digits=N,)value] | binary to decimal conversion |
[caps content] | sentence case |
[capt content] | title case |
[capw content] | word case |
[case (sep=X,)switchName caseXcontent] | case (works with switch) |
[cell (options),content] | HTML table data cell (comma is not optional) |
[center **width,****padChar,**content] | center (neg width indicates pad both sides) |
[chr value] | return ASCII character of code=value |
[clearl listName] | Discards list content |
[cmap listName] | create 1:1 character map |
[collapse content] | |
[color HEX3|HEX6 content] | HTML text color |
[comment content] | suppress output. note: non-content operations still process |
[count (sep=X,)(overlaps=yes,)(casesens=yes,)patternXcontent] | count incidences |
[co] | comma |
[crop (words=no,)(eol=,)(neol=,)(col=78,)content] | |
[crush ,] | return packed alphanumerics |
[csep value] | comma-separate an integer |
[d (sep=X,)dictName****Xkey(XnotFound)] | retrieve a dictionary value using key |
[datetime] | The datetime of macro() processing (use CGI for live date in HTML) |
[date] | The date of macro() processing (use CGI for live date in HTML) |
[dcopy **sourceDictionary,**destinationDictionary] | copy/replace destination with source |
[ddelta YYYYMMDD YYYYMMDD] | difference between dates in Y M D |
[dec value] | subtract one from value |
[decrypt (mode=1,)(seed=N,)(salt=String,)(icount=N,)content] | Decrypt content |
[dict (sep=X,)(keysep=Y,)dictName,****keyYvalue(XkeyYvalue)] | create/replace dictionary |
[div (mode=float,)value divisor] | divide two numbers |
[dkeys **sourceDictionary,**destinationList] | create a list of keys from source |
[dlist (fs=styleName,)(ls=styleName,)(wrap=styleName,)(parms=PRE,)(inter=INT,)(ntl=NTL,)(posts=PST,)listName] | dump a list |
[dset (keysep=Y,)**dictName,**keyYvalue] | create/replace dictionary item |
[dtobin (digits=N,)value] | decimal to binary conversion |
[dtohex (digits=N,)value] | decimal to hexadecimal conversion |
[dtooct (digits=N,)value] | decimal to octal conversion |
[dup value,content] | duplicate content after evaluation (also see [repeat]) |
[e **listName,**listIndex] | output item from list of length n (listIndex = 0 to n-1) |
[else (sep=X,)(wrap|style=styleName)value match content] | if not match, then content |
[embrace moduleName] | add, extend, or replace macro() functionality |
[encrypt (mode=1,)(again=1,)(seed=N,)(salt=String,)(icount=N,)(breakat=N,)content] | (re)Encrypt content |
[eq (sep=X,)**value,**content] | if value is not empty, then content |
[eval (style=styleName,)value,content] | duplicate content Nx, eval style Nx if provided |
[even value content] | if value is even, then content |
[expand **dictName,**content] | dictionary based keyword expansion with leading cap forwarding |
[fcsep value] | comma-separate a floating point number |
[fetch itemIndex] | fetch any item from stack - 0 is top of stack |
[find (sep=X,)stringXcontent] | find string in content, sep default = "," |
[flush] | delete stack contents |
[for styleName,X,Y,Z] | iterates number to style |
[fref lable] | forward (or backward) reference |
[getc (var=varName,)(embeds=t,)(high=lang,)(tabsiz=n,)(tabchar=X,)filename] | import c or oc source file as aa_macro |
[ghost (source=global|local,)stylename] | output style without processing it |
[gload varName fileName] | load file into global variable |
[global varName varContent] | global variable definition |
[glos (sep=X,)stylename(styleParameters)] | invoke global style(s) |
[glosplit **localName,****X,**content(Xcontent)] | split into numbered global variables |
[graw varName varContent] | global variable definition |
[gsave varName fileName] | save file from global variable |
[gstyle (help=helpstring,)(help2=helpstring,)styleName styleContent] | global style |
[gt] | greater-than |
[gv varName] | global variable |
[header (options),content] | HTML table header cell (comma is not optional) |
[helpg styleName] | return help string for global style |
[helpg2 styleName] | return help string 2 for global style |
[helps styleName] | return help string for local style |
[helps2 styleName] | return help string 2 for local style |
[hlit (format=1,)content] | places LITERAL content in local variable loc_hlit |
[hmap listName] | create 1:1 character map to hex values |
[hsort (rev=1,)content] | sort of lines by amatuer radio callsign followed by non-alphanumeric |
[htodec (digits=N,)value] | hexadecimal to decimal conversion |
[i content] | HTML italics |
[if (sep=X,)(wrap|style=styleName)value match content] | if match, then content |
[ifge **value1,****value2 ,**content] | if value1 >= value2, then content |
[ifle **value1,****value2 ,**content] | if value1 <= value2, then content |
[ifol (istyle=hstyle,)(lstyle=hstyle,)(wrap=style,)(sep=X,)itemContent(XitemContent)] | HTML ordered list IF > one item |
[iful (istyle=hstyle,)(lstyle=hstyle,)(wrap=style,)(sep=X,)itemContent(XitemContent)] | HTML unordered list IF > one item |
[img (imageTitle,)imageURL (linkURL)] | HTML image |
[in styleName,listName] | iterates list to style |
[inc value] | add one to value |
[include fileName] | include macro() source file |
[int value] | integer of number |
[inter **iStr,****L|R,****value,**content] | intersperse iStr every value in content |
[isort (rev=1,)(sep=X,)listName] | sort by leading integer, sep defaults to "," |
[issort (rev=1,)content] | sort of lines by integer followed by a comma |
[lb] | left square bracket |
[lc content] | return length of content in lines |
[lcc **listOne,****listTwo,**listResult] | list concatenate |
[lcopy sourceList destinationList] | copy list to new or existing list |
[len content] | return length of content in characters |
[lf|nl] | new line |
[lhsort (rev=1,)listName] | sort list by leading amateur radio callsign,, any non-alphanumeric sep |
[limg (target=,)(lpath=,)(wpath=)(title=,)(alt=,)imageName] | HTML image name, figures size (uses [lipath],[wepath]) |
[lipath filePathToImages] | path for [locimg] |
[list (sep=X,)listname,itemContent(XitemContent)] | create or overwrite a list |
[listg (mode=global] | local,)**listName,**content |
[ljoin listName,(joinTerm)] | Join a list with joinTerm(s) between elements |
[ljust **width,****padChar,**content] | left justify |
[llen listName] | returns length of list |
[load varName fileName] | load file into local variable |
[local varname varContent] | local variable definition |
[locs (sep=X,)stylename(styleParameters)] | invoke local style(s) |
[locsplit **localName,****X,**content(Xcontent)] | split into numbered local variables |
[lower content] | convert to lowercase |
[lpop listName,(listIndex)] | pop an item out of a list at top, or at listIndex |
[lpush listName,itemContent] | append an item to a list (can create new list) |
[lset **listName,****listIndex,**itemContent] | Set a list item |
[lslice **sliceSpec,****listName,**targetList] | slice listName to targetList |
[lsplit (sep=^,)(num=N,)listName,content] | split content into list |
[lsub (ci=1,)(sep=X,)**listName,**content] | list of form AsepB, A=B in content |
[ls] | left squiggly bracket |
[ltol listName content] | convert lines of content to list |
[lt] | less-than |
[lv varName] | local variable |
[max value1 value2] | maximum of two numbers |
[min value1 value2] | minimum of two numbers |
[mode 3.2|4.01s] | set HTML mode |
[month (mode=long,)N] | Month name from ordinal |
[mul (mode=float,)value multiplier] | multiply two numbers |
[nd integer] | 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th... |
[ne (sep=X,)**value,**content] | if value is empty, then content |
[odd value content] | if value is odd, then content |
[ol (type=X,)(start=N,)(istyle=hstyle,)(lstyle=hstyle,)(wrap=style,)(sep=X,)itemContent(XitemContent)] | HTML ordered list |
[ord character] | return ASCII code value in decimal |
[otodec (digits=N,)value] | octal to decimal conversion |
[p content] | HTML paragraph |
[parm value] | returns results of [split] |
[pop] | Pop an item off the top of the general stack |
[postparse content] | pretty-print Python 2.7 code (use black background) |
[push content] | Push an item on to the general stack |
[pythparse content] | pretty-print Python 2.7 code (use black background) |
[random (seed=none,(icount=N,))] | generate random from 0.0-1.0 |
[raw varname varContent] | local variable definition |
[rb] | right square bracket |
[repeat **value,**content] | repeat content, evaluating content each time |
[replace (sep=X,(lf=1,))targetXreplacementXcontent] | target replaced with replacement in content |
[resolve (hex=1,)**lable,**content] | resolve reference |
[rjust **width,****padChar,**content] | right justify |
[roman value] | returns lower case roman numeral |
[round (digits=decplaces,)value] | rounded value of number |
[row (options),content] | HTML table row (comma is not optional) |
[rs] | right squiggly bracket |
[s (sep=X,)stylename(styleParameters)] | invoke style(s), local, if no local, then global |
[save varName fileName] | save file from local variable |
[sisort (rev=1,)content] | case-insensitive sort of lines |
[slice sliceSpec,content] | slice content |
[slit (format=1,)(wrap=1,)style-name] | places LITERAL content in local variable loc_slit |
[soundex (len=N,)content] | return soundex value of content |
[spage] | reset local styles to none |
[splash (pre=,)(post=,)(inter=,)(ntl=,)(limit=N,)(style=Style,)(sep=,,)content] | splits content, applies style |
[split **X,**content(Xcontent)] | split for use with [parm] |
[splitcount value] | Maximum number of splits to perform in next [split] |
[sp] | space |
[ssort (rev=1,)content] | case-sensitive sort of lines |
[stage (mode=float,)(digits=N,)start end steps step] | subtract one from value |
[strip content] | strip HTML tags out |
[stripe (charset=chars,)content] | strip chars from both ends of line (default = spaces) |
[style (help=helpstring,)(help2=helpstring,)styleName styleContent] | local style |
[sub (mode=float,)value subtrahend] | subtract two numbers |
[switch (csep=X,)(isep=Y,)switchName caseYstylename(XcaseYstyleName)] | switch (works with case) |
[sys shellCommand] | invoke an operating system command. Output is captured |
[t (wrap=style,)(sep=X,)itemContent(XitemContent)] | style wrap around item(s) |
[table (options),content] | HTML table (comma is not optional) |
[term (astyle=CSSSTYLE,)CAPSTERM] | if and acrobase.txt present, expand term |
[th integer] | st, nd, rd, th... |
[time (mode=12|24,)(sfx=auto|*,)(asfx=,)(psfx=,)] | The time of macro() processing (use CGI for live time in HTML) |
[translate (pre=PRE,)(post=POST,)(inter=INTER,)**listName,**content] | translate content using character map formatted list |
[twelve N] | 12 hour number from 24 |
[u content] | HTML underline |
[ul (istyle=hstyle,)(lstyle=hstyle,)(wrap=style,)(sep=X,)itemContent(XitemContent)] | HTML unordered list |
[upper content] | convert to uppercase |
[url (sep=|,)(css=CSS,)(tgt=_target,)(nam=Name,)(URLsepLINKED_CONTENT)] | Create URL |
[urlencode content] | URL encoding |
[v varName] | local/global variable |
[vdec (pre=1,)(quiet=1,)varName] | decrement local(global) variable |
[vinc (pre=1,)(quiet=1,)varName] | increment local(global) variable |
[vlit (format=1,)variable-name] | places LITERAL content in local variable loc_vlit |
[vs varName varContent] | local variable definition |
[wc content] | return length of content in words |
[wepath webPathToImages] | path for [locimg] |
[wwrap (eol=X,)(wrap=style,)(nohtml=1,)**value,**content] | word wrap content at column value |