Our scripts are designed for OSX. Until they have been updated to work with Linux, you will be ignoring the class-wide instructions and following the instructions below.
- Browse to https://gorails.com/setup/ubuntu
- Choose your specific version of Ubuntu.
- Installing Ruby
- Choose the most recent version of ruby.
- Choose "Using rvm"
- Install rvm and ruby
- Configuring Git: follow all instructions
- Installing Rails
- Choose the most recent version of Rails and follow the instructions.
- Setting up MySQL: SKIP this section
- Setting Up PostgreSQL: follow all instructions
- Final Steps: optional.
- Download atom from their website and install.
- Run "atom". From the "Atom" menu, select "Install Shell Commands".
- Then configure your terminal to use 'atom'...
$ echo "EDITOR=atom" >> ~/.bash_profile
Update your Github profile with your full name and profile picture. This is so we know who you are!
Click this link. This will register you as a WDI16 student in Garnet, our classroom management system.