Homework will take more time for some, and less time for others. It is up to you how you want to partition your time for a given exercise.
Turn in something. Turning in an incomplete assignment is infinitely better than turning in nothing at all. We can't get you the help you need unless we see what you're working on.
Late homework will not be accepted. If you need help submitting homework, an instructor can assist during office hours.
You can track your homework completion rate in Garnet.
Assignments may ask you to learn or research something that has not been explicitly covered in class. Learning how to learn is fundamental to becoming a successful developer.
You will generally be assigned homework every day. Due dates can be found in the class schedule.
Unless otherwise directed, each assignment should be forked and cloned from a ga-wdi-exercises
repository, and submitted as a pull request to the original ga-wdi-exercises
repository from your fork. For more information on pull requests, see below.
Plagiarized homework will not be accepted. Concerned about what is considered plagiarism? Consult an instructor.
Homework is graded only on meaningful progress. That is: that you made an effort to complete it, regardless of whether you were successful.
There are three possible grades for each assignment:
- Complete: something was turned in, and meaningful effort was made.
- Incomplete: something was turned in, but meaningful effort was not made: the submission is blank, or it was blatantly copied wholesale from somewhere.
- Missing: nothing was turned in.
We rely on homework to know where you're at. It's very much to your advantage to begin your homework the day it's assigned. Any problems can be addressed before the unit continues, preventing you from falling behind.
Feedback will only be given in response to specific questions. Requests for feedback, however, are encouraged (see below).
When submitting your pull request or issue, please ask specific and targeted question in the form:
- I wanted...
- I tried...
- I expected...
- I got...
For example:
I wanted to double the input number. I tried
var doubled = userInput * 2
. I expected the value to be twice the input number but instead gotNaN
. What is causing this?
On every submission -- that is, on every pull request (or, sometimes, issue) -- please include...
- Comfort score, out of 5
- Completeness score, out of 5
All homework assignments will have their own Github repository, under the ga-wdi-exercises
- Please fork new assignments.
- Then, clone your fork to your computer.
- Add and commit your work.
- Then, push your completed work to your forked repository.
- Finally, make a pull request to the upstream repository (in
For example, the sequence of commands you might follow to complete the above process is:
# Click grey 'Fork' button on Github
js1989: ~/wdi $ git clone [email protected]:js1989/homeworkaroo.git
js1989: ~/wdi/homeworkaroo $ cd homeworkaroo
js1989: ~/wdi/homeworkaroo (master) $ git checkout -b johnsmith_solution
js1989: ~/wdi/homeworkaroo (master) $ touch did_my_homework.txt
js1989: ~/wdi/homeworkaroo (master) $ git add did_my_homework.txt
js1989: ~/wdi/homeworkaroo (master) $ git commit -m "Added did_hw file. All done"
js1989: ~/wdi/homeworkaroo (master) $ git push origin master
# Click green 'New pull request' button on Github
# Add a title with your name and the name of the assignment
# Add your comfort and completeness scores and any requests for feedback
# Click green 'Create pull request' button
# Click the new 'Create pull request' button
...please refer to this readme for instructions on common Git errors.