Subject to change. Download this whole thing in one convenient package using CurriculumCollector.
- Intro to WDI
- CSS Review
- Terminal and the Command Line
- Git and Github Intro
- Git Branchingo
- Lab: Portfolio Pages
- Mini: HTML Review
- Quiz 1
- Pseudocoding and Problem-Solving
- Javascript Intro
- Objects and Functions
- Debugging
- Scope and Context
- Lab: Hangman
- Events and Callbacks
- DOM Manipulation
- Quiz 2
- jQuery Intro
- Prototypes and Constructors
- jQuery Practice
- Project 1 Refactoring Lab
- User Stories and Problem Modeling
- jQuery Plugins
- Code Retreat
- Refactoring
- Lab: Tic Tac Toe
- Quiz 3
- HW: Try Ruby
- Ruby Intro
- Enumerables
- OOP: Classes
- OOP: Inheritance
- TDD and RSpec
- SQL, ERDs, and Domain Modeling
- ActiveRecord
- Lab: Gladiator
- Quiz 4
- Intro to MVC, HTTP, REST, and Rails
- Views and Controllers
- Models and Migrations
- Routing and Resources
- Forms and Helpers
- Sessions, Users, Flash, and Error Handling
- Model Methods and Validations
- Lab: Hogwarts
- Mini: How to Retroactively Add Devise
- Mini: Sinatra Walkthrough
- Quiz 5
- AJAX and Consuming APIs
- Single-Page Apps, Angular, Directives, and Controllers
- uiRouter
- Factories, Services, and ngResource
- Custom Directives
- Rails Back, Angular Front
- Git Workflow and Teams
- Mini: Angular Walkthrough
- Lab: WDI Radio