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Gabi Melman edited this page Jul 15, 2018 · 26 revisions

Functions under the spdlog:: namespace

The functions under spdlog:: are thread safe, except for the following that should not be called if loggers in other threads might execute in same time:

void spdlog::set_error_handler(log_err_handler);


To create thread safe loggers, use the _mt factory functions.

For example:

auto logger = spdlog::basic_logger_mt(...);

To create single threaded loggers, use the _st factory functions.

For example:

auto logger = spdlog::basic_logger_st(...);

The following method should not be called concurrently by different threads on same logger instance:

void spdlog::logger::set_error_handler(log_err_handler);


  • Thread safe sinks: sinks ending with _mt (e.g daily_file_sink_mt)
  • Non thread safe sinks: sinks ending with _st (e.g daily_file_sink_st)