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1302 lines (957 loc) · 51 KB

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1302 lines (957 loc) · 51 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Fixed issue with localization string testing with new version of the HQRM tests (module DscResource.Test).
  • Fixed a problem with ModuleBuilder which throws a parsing error in Windows PowerShell (see PR PoshCode/ModuleBuilder#136). The fix is a workaround until ModuleBuilder release a new version with the permanent fix.

[0.118.2] - 2025-01-19


  • Pinned GitVersion to v5 in the pipeline since v6 is not yet supported, also updated templates to pin GitVersion v5. Workaround for issue #477.
  • Fix issue template in repository and Plaster template (issue #483).
  • Task publish_module_to_gallery
    • Changed to use Publish-PSResource if available.
    • Remove unnecessary debug information.

[0.118.1] - 2024-07-20


  • Added extensions.json for vscode
  • Automatic wiki documentation for public commands.


  • Update template for and add it to Sampler repository as well.
  • Built module is now built in a separate folder. This is to split the paths for the built module and all required modules, to avoid returning duplicate modules when using Get-Module -ListAvailable. The templates already has this configuration.
  • Now PSResourceGet always default to the latest released version if no specific version is configured or passed as parameter.
  • Templates was changed to use PSResourceGet as the default method of resolving dependencies. It is possible to change to the method PowerShellGet & PSDepend by changing the configuration. Also default to using PowerShellGet v3 which is a compatibility module that is a wrapper for the equivalent command in PSResourceGet.
  • Switch to build worker windows-latest for the build phase of the pipeline due to a issue using Publish-Module on the latest updated build worker in Azure Pipelines.
  • Set_PSModulePath: The PSModulePath is now expanded and can therefore also contain variables.
  • Switch to build worker windows-latest for the build phase of the pipeline due to a issue using Publish-Module on the latest updated build worker in Azure Pipelines.
  • Public command documentation has been moved from to the GitHub repository Wiki.
  • Update order of deploy tasks for the Plaster templates to make it easier to re-run a deploy phase when a GitHub token has expired.


  • Update template for module.tests.ps1. Fixes #465
  • Now the tasks work when using Set-SamplerTaskVariable with tasks that do not have the parameter ChocolateyBuildOutput.
  • Remove duplicate template files, and fix templates to point to the single version.
  • Correct description of the parameter GalleryApiToken in the build task script Fixes #442
  • ModuleFast now supports resolving individual pre-release dependencies that is part of RequiredModules.psd1. It is also possible to specify NuGet version ranges in RequiredModules.psd1, although then the file is not compatible with PSResourceGet or PSDepend (so no fallback can happen).
  • Now it won't import legacy PowerShellGet and PackageManagement when PSResourceGet or ModuleFast is used.
  • Now it works saving PowerShellGet compatibility module when configured.
  • Now if both ModuleFast and PowerShellGet compatibility module is configured PSResourceGet is automatically added as a dependency. This is for example needed for publishing built module to the gallery.
  • Update pipeline so build not fail.

[0.117.0] - 2023-09-29


  • Integration tests to build and import a module created using the Plaster template SimpleModule.
  • Support ModuleFast when restoring dependencies by adding the parameter UseModuleFast to the build.ps1, e.g. ./build.ps1 -Tasks noop -ResolveDependency -UseModuleFast or by enabling it in the configuration file Resolve-Dependency.psd1. Using ModuleFast will resolve dependencies much faster, but requires PowerShell 7.2.
  • Support for PSResourceGet (beta release). If the modules PSResourceGet can be bootstrapped they will be used. If PSResourceGet cannot be bootstrapped then it will revert to using PowerShellGet v2.2.5. If the user requests or configures to use ModuleFast then that will override both PSResourceGet and PowerShellGet. The method PSResourceGet can be enabled in the configuration file Resolve-Dependency.psd1. It is also possible to use PSResourceGet by adding the parameter UsePSResourceGet to the build.ps1, e.g. ./build.ps1 -Tasks noop -ResolveDependency -UsePSResourceGet.
  • When using PSResourceGet to resolve dependencies it also possible to use PowerShellGet v2.9.0 (previous CompatPowerShellGet). To use the compatibility module it can be enabled in the configuration file Resolve-Dependency.psd1. It is also possible to use it by adding the parameter UsePowerShellGetCompatibilityModule to the build.ps1, e.g. ./build.ps1 -Tasks noop -ResolveDependency -UsePSResourceGet -UsePowerShellGetCompatibilityModule. The 2.9.0-preview has since then been unlisted, the compatibility module will now be released as PowerShellGet v3.0.0.


  • Task publish_nupkg_to_gallery
    • Add support for publishing a NuGet package to a gallery using the .NET SDK in addition to using nuget.exe. Fixes #433
  • Split up unit tests and integration tests in separate pipeline jobs since integration tests could change state on a developers machine, and in the current PowerShell session. Integration tests no longer run when running ./build.ps1 -Tasks test. To run integration tests pass the parameter PesterPath, e.g. ./build.ps1 -Tasks test -PesterPath 'tests/Integration'.
  • Added sample private function and public function samples to Plaster template SimpleModule so that it is possible to run task test without it failing.
  • Sample Private function tests updated to Pester 5.
  • Sample Public function tests updated to Pester 5.
  • Sampler's build.ps1 and the template build.ps1 was aligned.
  • PowerShell Team will release the PSResourceGet compatibility module (previously known as CompatPowerShellGet) as PowerShellGet v2.9.0 (or higher). The resolve dependency script, when PowerShellGet is used, will use MaximumVersion set to 2.8.999 to make sure the expected PowerShellGet version is installed, today that it is v2.2.5. The 2.9.0-preview has since then been unlisted, the compatibility module will now be released as PowerShellGet v3.0.0.


  • Fix unit tests that was wrongly written and failed on Pester 5.5.
  • There was different behavior on PowerShell and Windows PowerShell when creating the module manifest. So when the modify section that was meant to reuse the already present but commented Prerelease key it also ran the modify statement that adds a Prerelease key that is needed for a module manifest that is created under Windows PowerShell. This resulted in two Prerelease keys when creating a module under PowerShell 7.x. Now it will add a commented Perelease key and then next modify statement will remove the comment, making it work on all version of PowerShell. Fixes #436.
  • The QA test template was updated so that it is possible to run the tests without the need to add a git remote (remote origin).

[0.116.5] - 2023-04-19


  • Fix Azure Pipeline bug to resolve errors and delays during the build process. Shallow fetch has been disabled to ensure complete repository cloning. Fixes #424

[0.116.4] - 2023-04-06


  • Fix a bug that prevented downloading of dependent modules that has a dependency on the module PowerShell-Yaml. Fixes #421.

[0.116.3] - 2023-04-01


  • Template SimpleModule
    • The template has been changed to create a module with the minimum scaffolding when using default values for the template questions. The minimum scaffolding enable the building and testing of the module, but default there is no pipeline so it possible to use any platform to run the pipeline.
    • Additional template parameters have been added which will add additional functionality to the module.
      • UseGit - This parameter enables project files that helps with the use of Git for the project. The template will ask if Git should be used, default is No.
      • UseGitVersion - This parameter adds project files that helps with the use of GitVersion for the project. GitVersion is dependent on Git being used for the project. The template will ask if GitVersion should be used if the use of Git was chosen, default is No.
      • UseCodeCovIo - This parameter adds project files that helps with the use of for the project. is dependent on Git being used for the project. The template will ask if should be used if the use of Git was chosen, default is No.
      • UseGitHub - This parameter adds project files that helps with the use of for the project. is dependent on Git being used for the project. The template will ask if should be used if the use of Git was chosen, default is No.
      • UseAzurePipelines - This parameter adds project files that enables the project to run the pipeline in Azure Pipelines (in Azure DevOps). The template will ask if Azure Pipelines should be used, default is No.
      • UseVSCode - This parameter adds project files that helps when using Visual Studio Code as the project code editor. The template will ask if Visual Studio Code should be used, default is No.
    • The file build.yaml will only contain tasks from Sampler.GitHubTasks if template parameter UseGitHub is set to true (the answer to the template question is Yes).
    • The file RequiredModules.psd1 will only contain the module Sampler.GitHubTasks if template parameter UseGitHub is set to true (the answer to the template question is Yes).
    • If Git is not used (UseGit is false) the QA test that uses Git is removed for the generated file module.tests.ps1.
  • Removed module Plaster from the template file RequiredModules.psd1.template since it is not direct requirement for any project. It will still be saved to output/RequiredModules for a project as it is defined as a required module in Sampler's module manifest, and Sampler is still a required modul.
  • Pipeline script for resolving dependencies improved.
    • Evaluating PowerShellGet version now supports parameter AllowOldPowerShellGetModule (still not recommended to use this parameter).
    • Now defaults to save the modules PowerShellGet and PackageManagement to the folder output/RequiredModules (same logic as for module PSDepend) to not make permanent changes to the contributors machine. If parameter PSDependTarget is either set to CurrentUser or AllUsers the modules are installed.


  • Removed duplicate header in template file
  • Fix typo in the file and in module.template.
  • Integration tests clean up the test drive after each test.
  • Update generated module manifest to have recommended values for properties. Fixes #326.
  • Now correctly uses the key CodeCoverage in the file build.yaml.template. Fixes #359.
  • Pipeline script for resolving dependencies improved.
    • Get-PackageProvider no longer throws an exception when NuGet provider is missing (in Windows PowerShell in a clean Windows install).
    • Install-PackageProvider now defaults to installing in the current user scope to avoid requiring an elevated prompt. This is the only change that is permanent on the contributors machine. It is not possible to avoid this as long at the module PowerShellGet requires the NuGet package provider.
    • Remove duplicate code that set AllowPrerelease when installing package provider.
    • Fixed wrong splatting variable that prevented Install-PackageProvider to run.
    • Removing all existing PowerShellGet and PackageManagement module that is loaded into the session to load the newly saved or installed.
    • Handle parameter AllowOldPowerShellGetModule when loading PowerShellGet module version.
    • Fix message on Write-Progress statement.
    • Small style cleanups.
  • Fixed aliases in prefix.ps1 to support ModuleBuild v3.0.0. The fix makes ModuleBuilder not seeing the aliases (using AST) so that the module manifest is not changed during build, instead they are exported during module import. In the future we could add a separate public file that defines the aliases to export so the module manifest is updated during build.

[0.116.2] - 2023-03-01


  • Script Set-SamplerTaskVariable.ps1
    • Added debug output of PSModulePath

[0.116.1] - 2023-01-09


  • Task Build_ModuleOutput_ModuleBuilder
    • Fixed #402: Using parameter Filter instead of Include to get MOF files.
  • Get-MofSchemaName
    • Permanently skipped a test that the build worker ubuntu-latest were unable to run due to missing shared library 'libmi'.
  • Now the QA test that verifies that the Unreleased section header is present in the correctly supports ChangelogManagement v3.0.1.
  • Task Convert_Pester_Coverage
    • No longer throws an exception when there was just one missed command for a test suite. Fixes #407.


  • Task Build_ModuleOutput_ModuleBuilder
    • Proper support for DSC composite resources (*.schema.psm1).
  • Added task Set_PSModulePath.
    • Added function Set-SamplerPSModulePath.
    • Added tests for the task and function.
    • Added task Set_PSModulePath to build.yml Plaster template for project type dsccommunity.


  • The QA tests can now be debugged by Invoke-Pester directly, before it had to be started by the build script build.ps1. This will also help the Pester Tests VS Code extension to be able to run the tests.

[0.116.0] - 2022-11-08


  • Removed the task Set_Build_Environment_Variables since it is not used, and build helpers are not in use anymore. Fixes #376.
  • Removed MOF based DSC resources from the CompleteModule sample.


  • Added more unit tests to raise code coverage.
    • Deprecated Pester 4 HQRM tests was removed from code coverage. The new Pester 5 HQRM test are in module DscResource.Test and is tested there.


  • Task copy_paths_to_choco_staging
    • Now handle property Exclude and Force correctly.
  • Merge-JaCoCoReport
    • Improvements to be able to merge missing elements, like entire element <class>, <sourcefile>, <method>.


  • Get-MofSchemaName
    • Correctly throws an error if the schema MOF cannot be parsed.
  • Task Convert_Pester_Coverage
    • Removed one unused line of code.
    • Moved one line of code so that code coverage threshold value will output correctly in some circumstances.
  • Set-SamplerTaskVariable
    • Reverted code that was removed in pull request #383. The code is necessary because how the commands Get-BuiltModuleVersion, Get-SamplerBuiltModuleManifest, Get-SamplerBuiltModuleBase, and Get-SamplerModuleRootPath are currently built. The code that was reverted handles resolving the wildcard (*) in the returned paths from the mentioned commands.
  • RequiredModules.psd1.template
    • Fixes #397, ModuleType Plaster parameter.
  • Resolve-Dependency.ps1
    • Fixes #394, AllowPrerelease is ignored for bootstrap.
  • module.tests.ps1.template
    • Fixed code style according to this project's standard.

[0.115.0] - 2022-06-09


  • Supports using a private Nuget repository, e.g. a Azure DevOps Server Pipelines feed that is using Windows integrated security, or a feed with no security.
  • Now supports getting module version from dotnet-gitversion if it is available.
  • Tests now run in Pester 5.
  • Added task Create_Release_Git_Tag to create a Git tag for a preview release. Fixes #351
  • Added task Create_Release_Branch to push a branch containing the updated change log after release. Fixes #351


  • The QA test that verifies that a change log entry has been added to will no longer fail if the has not been committed but is staged or unstaged. This makes it possible to get the QA tests to pass without having to first commit changes.


  • Task package_module_nupkg now correctly adds the release notes to the Nuget package. Fixes #373
  • Task publish_module_to_gallery now correctly adds the release notes to the published module. Fixes #373
  • Fix a evaluation in the script Set-SamplerTaskVariable so it can be tested individually outside of the pipeline (using Invoke-Pester).
  • Fix all source files to UTF8 to comply with the HQRM tests (due to a bug in the HQRM tests that runs in Pester 4 this has not been detected until moving to Pester 5).
  • Remove HQRM rule suppression in source file for New-SamplerJaCoCoDocument since it no longer required.
  • Fixed QA test that was breaking release.
  • Fixed #384: It not tag is defined, Create_Release_Git_Tag throws an error.

[0.114.0] - 2022-05-13


  • New task Pester_Run_Times that outputs each test's run time. Only works for Pester 5. The task will be skipped if Pester 4 is used.


  • Fixed a problem which occurred on certain machined when using Sampler in Windows PowerShell. Fixes #350
  • The module manifest is now correctly updated with release notes from the changelog. Fixes #358

[0.112.3] - 2022-03-31


  • The task Invoke_Pester_Tests_v5 generated a unexpected filename for the test results, compared to the Pester 4 task. Fixes #355

[0.112.2] - 2022-03-20


  • Fixed GuestConfiguration build task on MOF file name equal to localhost.mof
  • Fixed explicit parameter value in build.ps1 while calling .\Resolve-Dependency.ps1
  • When running test using Pester 5, and the build configuration (build.yaml) do not specify the location of tests in the key Path, the pipeline will no longer run the tests twice. Fixes #337


  • Switch to installing GitVersion using dotnet tool install. Fixes #348
  • Updated pipeline to use the build worker image 'ubuntu-latest'.
  • Updated pipeline to use the build worker image 'windows-latest'.
  • Updated the Plaster templates
    • to use 'dotnet tool install' in the pipeline.
    • to use build image 'ubuntu-latest' in the pipeline.
    • to use build image 'windows-latest' in the pipeline.

[0.112.1] - 2022-01-23


  • Template file Build/RequiredModules.psd1 that was not used.


  • Added Pipeline to build chocolatey packages.
  • Added Sample to add Chocolatey Package source files.
  • Added New-SamplerPipeline to create build, Sampler Module or Chocolatey pipeline.
  • Extra configuration files for passing to Azure Policy Guest Configuration Package on creation.


  • Fixed Resolve-Dependency.ps1 to not fail when PowerShell-yaml module was specified but already loaded (handle on dll). Fixes #335
  • Fixed default source folder to source and not src.
  • Fixed failed loading when there's no project name (when calling Set-SamplerTaskVariable). Fixes #331.
  • Fixed Get-SamplerAbsolutePath returning the wrong path in PowerShell and ISE. Fixes #341.
  • The templates was using the task Create_ChangeLog_GitHub_PR in the meta task publish that is also specifically run in a separate Azure Pipelines task. This made the task to run twice.
  • Fixed missing full stop (.) in the and the template file. Fixes #333.


  • Making sure the Set-SamplerTaskVariable does not fail when there's no Module manifest (i.e. when using Sampler for other reasons than building a module).
  • Switched the pipeline to use Ubuntu 18.04 instead of Ubuntu 16.04 as the build worker for some tasks.
  • Template SimpleModule have been modified to remove unnecessary configuration (issue #277).
  • Template files are updated.
    • Module script file no longer contain code that is irrelevant.
    • Now asks if GitVersion should be used.
    • Now asks if should be used.
    • Now asks for the upstream GitHub organization or account name to be used in Azure Pipelines.
    • GitVersion.yml now uses the correct chosen default branch.
    • Codecov.yml now uses the correct chosen default branch.
  • Fixed GuestConfiguration compilation to work with GuestConfiguration module version 4.0.0-preview0002.
  • Set the default type to AuditAndSet, but supporting override by creating a '$GCPackageName.psd1' file along with the config.

[0.112.0] - 2021-09-23


  • Removed PesterOutputFormat parameter in fix (issue #292).
  • Removed the template newDscCommunity which is replaced by the template dsccommunity.


  • Added -WhatIf parameter to


  • Merged both templates dsccommunity and newDscCommunity into the template dsccommunity.
  • All templates now defaults to using main as the default branch.
  • Updated Sampler documentation in


  • Fix azure-pipelines.yml where variables are not possible to use (triggers and deploy condition).

[0.111.8] - 2021-08-08


  • Fixed GitHub templates for the Sampler repository.
  • Fixed GitHub templates in the DSC Community Plaster template.


  • Task Pester_If_Code_Coverage_Under_Threshold
    • Now the code code coverage threshold is correctly reported using decimals.

[0.111.6] - 2021-07-03


  • Added pester tests for Set-SamplerVariableTask.ps1.


  • Changed Plaster Template (Sampler/Templates/Sampler/plasterManifest.xml), so that all functions will be exported by default, which in turn correlates with the template code in Sampler/Sampler.psm1, which uses Export-ModuleMember to export all functions loaded from the Public (sub-)folder.


  • Removed $BuiltModuleSubdirectory definition in the begin bloc of build.ps1 template (issue #299).
  • Replaced $ModudulePath with $BuiltModuleBase for the task file.

[0.111.5] - 2021-06-25


  • Added support of BuiltSubDirectoryDirectory in build configuration files (issue #299)


  • The task Invoke_Pester_Tests_v5 no longer fails when using Pester v5.3.0-alpha5 (issue #307).
  • The task Convert_Pester_Coverage no longer fails when using a preview version of Pester (issue #301).

[0.111.4] - 2021-06-03


  • Task Invoke_Pester_Tests_v4
    • It now once again works using a hashtable together with parameter PesterScript (issue #303).

[0.111.3] - 2021-05-21


  • If the Pester build configuration key ExcludeFromCodeCoverage does not specify a value, the task Invoke_Pester_Tests_v5 no longer fails.

[0.111.2] - 2021-05-21


  • Now the task Pester_If_Code_Coverage_Under_Threshold correctly honors the zero value (0) of the parameter CodeCoverageThreshold when using build.ps1, and honors the zero value (0) of the Pester advanced build configuration key CoveragePercentTarget. If the value is set to 0 the task will now be skipped since code coverage was disabled.

[0.111.1] - 2021-05-15


  • Now the task Pester_If_Code_Coverage_Under_Threshold report the code coverage and correctly fail if the code coverage is under the code coverage threshold.
  • Task Invoke_Pester_Tests_v5
    • Now the Pester advanced configuration correctly handles false values in the build configuration files.
    • Now the Pester object, that is written to file by the pipeline, correctly holds all expected objects. Export-CliXml defaulted to two levels of depth, now it exports five levels.

[0.111.0] - 2021-05-13


  • Added new public command New-SamplerJaCoCoDocument.
  • Added new public command Out-SamplerXml.
  • Added new private function New-SamplerXmlJaCoCoCounter.
  • Added new build task Import_Pester (issue #223).
  • Added new build task Invoke_Pester_Tests_v5 (issue #223).
    • Task Invoke_Pester_Tests_v5 will not run if Pester 4 is used in the pipeline.
  • Added unit test for public command Get-BuildVersion.


  • Renamed default branch to main (issue #235).
  • Added a public alias Set-SamplerTaskVariable that points to the script Set-SamplerTaskVariable.ps1 in the tasks folder. This alias is used to dot-source task variables for re-use over multiple build tasks.
  • Moved code from build task Convert_Pester_Coverage into a public function New-SamplerJaCoCoDocument.
  • It is now possible to specify module's semantic version in the build.yml using the key SemVer, e.g. SemVer: '99.0.0-preview1'. This can be used if the preferred method of using GitVersion is not available, and it is not possible to set the session environment variable $env:ModuleVersion, nor setting the variable $ModuleVersion in the PowerShell session (parent scope) before running the task build (issue #279).
  • Templates
    • build.yaml
      • Comment Pester tag exclusion for all templates so that the default is to use all QA test.
      • Added comment task Convert_Pester_Coverage for the test task.
      • Removed leftovers from key DscTest that was kept when using template 'SimpleModule'.
      • Updated with entries to support several code coverage scenarios, some initially commented.
    • azure-pipelines_dsccommunity.yml
      • Updated with the latest code coverage scenarios, some initially commented.
    • azure-pipelines.yml
      • Updated with the latest code coverage merge scenario.
    • codecov_dsccommunity.yml
      • Removed and replaced with codecov.yml.template
    • codecov.yml.template
      • Codecov.yml is now added for several templates and features. Content is dependent on the template that is used.
    • Now the template 'dsccommunity' gets a file.
  • Task Invoke_Pester_Test was renamed to Invoke_Pester_Tests_v4.
    • Pester 5 support was removed from the task and replaced with Invoke_Pester_Tests_v5
    • Task Invoke_Pester_Tests_v4 will not run if Pester 5 is used in the pipeline.
  • Meta build task Pester_Tests_Stop_On_Fail was change to run Import_Pester, Invoke_Pester_Tests_v4 (previously Invoke_Pester_Test), and Invoke_Pester_Tests_v5.
    • Task Invoke_Pester_Tests_v4 will not run if Pester 5 is used in the pipeline.
    • Task Invoke_Pester_Tests_v5 will not run if Pester 4 is used in the pipeline.
  • The task Convert_Pester_Coverage was changed to support converting Pester 5 code coverage.
  • The function Get-CodeCoverageThreshold was changed to support Pester 5 advanced build configuration.
  • The function Get-SamplerCodeCoverageOutputFile was changed to support Pester 5 advanced build configuration.


  • Renamed task file from to
  • Move task Convert_Pester_Coverage to task file
  • Resolve-Dependency.ps1: fix MinimumPSDependVersion comparison.
  • Resolve-Dependency.ps1: add -Force to all Save-Module.
  • New-SamplerJaCoCoDocument
    • Fixed counters when a method only had either one hit line or one missed line.
  • Now unit tests properly test the function in the built module, not the ones that the pipeline dot-sources into session to be able to dogfooding itself.
  • Fix so that Convert_Pester_Coverage correctly replaces build version with source folder in JaCoCo file.

[0.110.1] - 2021-04-08


  • Fix task Convert_Pester_Coverage so it is skipped when CodeCoverageThreshold is 0.

[0.110.0] - 2021-04-08


  • Resolve-Dependency.ps1 PSDependTarget param no longer includes period.
  • Resolve-Dependency.ps1 Save-Module added -Force switch to create non-existent directory.


  • Support for Generating MAML help files (all Locale/Culture) from PlatyPS Markdown Source.
  • Support for Updating the PlatyPS Markdown source in your repo (this is a dev task to do before a commit).
  • Support for Generating MAML file from Comment-based help (not recommended).
  • Support for code coverage when using ModuleBuilder pattern for building module.
  • Update-JaCoCoStatistic
    • Added unit test.
  • Pipeline updated to support merging code coverage between operating system pipeline jobs.


  • Merge-JaCoCoReport
    • Now correctly adds new packages to the original document.
    • Moves the report element's counter elements to the bottom of the report element to comply with the DTD.
  • Update-JaCoCoStatistic
    • Fixed so that statistics are updated correctly for the 'CLASS' counter.
  • Fixed codecov.yml to parse version number in paths correctly.
  • Fix uploading to Azure Code Coverage.
  • Merge_CodeCoverage_Files
    • Fixed so the file that is outputted is in UTF-8 (without BOM) to support
    • The task now only searches for the file pattern inside the ./output/testResults folder.
    • The merge process is not attempted if CodeCoverageThreshold is set to 0.
    • Updated so that build.yaml now have a key CodeCoverage which have to settings CodeCoverageMergedOutputFile and CodeCoverageFilePattern.
  • Convert_Pester_Coverage
    • The backup file now have the extension .bak (instead of .bak.xml) so that is not mistakenly used by a task Merge_CodeCoverage_Files.
    • Some code cleanup.

[0.109.10] - 2021-03-24


  • Fixed issue with uncommenting release notes in module manifest

[0.109.9] - 2021-03-20


  • Fix to use the correct path when determine class-based resources.

[0.109.8] - 2021-03-20


  • Fix issue when there is no root module.
  • Fix to use the correct path when determine class-based resources.

[0.109.7] - 2021-03-20


  • Error when the Module has no RootModule script (manifest only with DSC resources).

[0.109.6] - 2021-03-18


  • Fixed #247 where Building submodule would fail on linux (but not WSL).
  • Fixed #239 to re-add support for BuiltModuleSubdirectory more consistently.
  • Fixed bug when using CopyOnly nested resources.


  • Made Convert-SamplerHashtableToString public function.
  • Refactored a lot of Path resolution into Sampler public function for consitency and re-usability.
  • Updated the Tasks to use those Sampler functions.
  • Updated Get-BuiltModuleVersion to support $BuiltModuleSubdirectory as per #239.


  • Added Get-SamplerAbsolutePath, Get-SamplerBuiltModuleBase, Get-SamplerModuleInfo, Get-SamplerBuiltModuleManifest, Get-SamplerModuleRootPath.

[0.109.5] - 2021-03-10


  • New DSC Community template (New-SampleModule -ModuleType newDscCommunity).


  • Fixes #222: Adding *.dll binary to gitattributes.
  • Fixes eol for file types .sh .svg .sh .mof
  • Fixes #225 by asking the question or assuming the default is main in most cases.
  • Readded the Create_ChangeLog_GitHub_PR task to the publish workflow and template.
  • Fixes newDscCommunity template missing the psm1 and the Required modules.


  • Extracted the Common functions to be within the main Sampler module to enable re-usability.
  • Updated this project's build.ps1 to load the Private/Public *.ps1 so it can build itselves without impacting Sampler templates.
  • Added empty functions' Unit test files (for subsequent PR when writing moving to Pester 5).
  • Added Comment-based help for the extracted functions.
  • Dropped the CodeCoverage Threshold of the project to reflect the newly discovered code (Common.Functions.psm1 wasn't counted for code coverage).


  • Removed the GitHub functions to publish them in the Sampler.GitHubTasks module.

[0.109.4] - 2021-03-06


  • Added the build_guestconfiguration_packages task to create GuestConfig packages using the GuestConfiguration module.
  • Added GCPackage template so that you can use Add-Sample -Sample GCPackage to add a GC Package to your Sampler project.
  • Added the gcpack meta task to call clean, build, and build_guestconfiguration_packages for you.

[0.109.3] - 2021-02-16


  • Fixed bug when using PesterScript with the build task Invoke_Pester_Tests when running Pester 5.


  • Update build.ps1 with an alias PesterPath for the parameter PesterScript so that repositories that move over to Pester 5 can future-proof the file azure-pipelines.yml (for example when splitting tests over several jobs). The parameter PesterScript is deprecated and will be removed when Pester 4 support is removed some time in the future. Change scripts to PesterPath when migrating to Pester 5 tests.

[0.109.2] - 2021-01-13


  • The Deploy tasks publish_nupkg_to_gallery and publish_module_to_gallery are now made mutually exclusive. For each deploy pipeline you must choose to use either one.
    • publish_nupkg_to_gallery is using nuget to publish to the gallery.
    • publish_module_to_gallery is using the cmdlet Publish-Module to publish to the gallery.


  • Fix issue in DscResourcesToExport task to properly process DscResource schema (issue #230).
  • Fix uploading of code coverage when using the DSC Community template.

[0.109.1] - 2021-01-06


  • Update the to fix a few typos.
  • Fix wrong resource name is added in module manifest property DscResourcesToExport (issue #220)

[0.109.0] - 2020-11-24


  • Updating all azure-pipeline.yaml to change Build Artifacts to Pipeline Artifacts (issue #159).
  • Update plasterManifest.xml call by New-SampleModule :
    • Add section modify to replace "FunctionsToExport = '*'" by "FunctionsToExport = ''" in new module manifest (issue #67).
    • Add section modify to add "Prerelease = ''" in "PSData" block in new module manifest (issue #69).
  • Changing ClassResource.
    • Add generic content in the class.
    • Add pester tests.
    • Add localizeddata.
    • Update plasterManifest.xml.
    • Add private functions.
    • Add pester tests.
    • Update Sampler integration tests.
  • Changing the Reasons property in the classes based resource template. It's now NotConfigurable.
  • Renamed Build_Module_ModuleBuilder task to Build_ModuleOutPut_ModuleBuilder. Build_Module_ModuleBuilder is now a metatask that calls Build_ModuleOutPut_ModuleBuilder and Build_DscResourcesToExport_ModuleBuilder tasks.


  • Added new template ClassFolderResource
  • Added new function Get-ClassBasedResourceName on Common.Functions.psm1 module. It's used to find the class-based resource defined in psm1 file.
  • Added new task Build_DscResourcesToExport_ModuleBuilder. On build, it adds DscResources (class or Mof) in DscResourcesToExport manifest key.


  • Fixed Test-ModuleManifest (issue #208) in tasks.

[0.108.0] - 2020-09-14


  • Added GitHub config element template.
  • Added vscode config element template.
  • Added a new template file for azure-pipelines.yml when using the module type 'dsccommunity'.
  • Added a new template and configuration for when using module type 'dsccommunity'.


  • Renamed the moduleType 'CompleteModule' to CompleteSample.
  • Updated changelog (removed folder creation on simple modules).
  • Updated doc.
  • Updated code style to match the DSC Community style guideline.
  • Updated logic that handles the installation on PSDepend in the bootstrap file Resolve-Dependency.ps1.
  • Updated year in LICENSE.
  • Updated the template GitVersion.yml to use specific words to bump major version (previously it bumped if the word was found anywhere in the commit message even if it was part of for example a code variable).
  • Updated the template file build.yaml to make it more clean when using the module type 'dsccommunity'.
  • Updated so that the module type 'dsccommunity' will add a
  • Updated so that the module type 'dsccommunity' will add the GitHub templates.


  • Fixed missing 'PSGallery' in build files when the Plaster parameter CustomRepo is not assigned a value.
  • Fixed a whitespace issue in the template file Resolve-Dependency.psd1.
  • Rephrased comments in the template file build.yaml.


  • Removed the CompletModule_noBuild template as it's unecessary and add complexity to the template.

[0.107.3] - 2020-09-10


  • Fixed the Build of template with DSC Resource by adding required modules, config & helper modules tests.
  • Fixed the issue with the Publish module task (always use Publish-Module unless you want to UseNugetPush).

[0.107.2] - 2020-09-08


  • Fixed build error when the "Update changelog" PR is created (and no changes exists).
  • Fixed when creating a Module from template and the Build.yml does not copyPaths: DscResources.

[0.107.1] - 2020-09-08


  • Fixed #192 where the Build-Module command from module builder returns a rooted path (sometimes).

[0.107.0] - 2020-09-07


  • Added New-SampleModule command to invoke the template.
  • Added Add-Sample command to invoke component templates


  • Fixed pack action & nuget push.

[0.106.1] - 2020-08-30


  • Fixed task Create_ChangeLog_GitHub_PR so that it respects MainGitBranch if passed.

[0.106.0] - 2020-08-30


  • Added Templates for:
    • DSC Composite
    • Class-based DSC Resource with reasons
    • MOF based DSC Resource and tests
    • Private Function and tests
    • Public Function and tests
    • Public function calling a Private function and tests
    • Classes and tests
    • Enum
  • Added integration tests for the Plaster templates.
  • Added support to use an alternate name for the trunk branch in (issue #182).
  • Added additional log output to
  • Corrected markdown format in to remove linting messages.


  • Removing main module's BOM from built PSM1 when built in Windows PowerShell.
  • Resolve-Dependency when running in vscode and PS7 is installed.
  • Fixed module.tests.ps1 to be able to run locally.


  • Duplicate integration test for template.

[0.105.6] - 2020-06-01

  • Added fix to support Pester 4 parameters.

[0.105.5] - 2020-05-29


  • Fix for Pester 5.0.1 making sure only to use the Simple ParameterSet.
  • Fix typo in DscResource.Test task.
  • Updated style in generateHelp.PlatyPS task.

[0.105.4] - 2020-05-29


  • Added Pester 5 support in the CI pipeline test and hqrmtest task.
  • Pinned the module Pester to v4.10.1 in the file RequiredModule.psd1 until this repo is converted to Pester 5.
  • Update build task to pass the full path to the module manifest to Build-Module to be able to build without a build manifest.
  • Remove the build manifest from Sampler and Plaster template.
  • Change the build.yaml to use CopyPaths instead of CopyDirectories.

[0.105.3] - 2020-05-09


  • Removed not needed attempt to use ModuleBuilder's build manifest (build.psd1) from the build task. It was trying to determine the source path by using the SourcePath property from the build manifest. But since the build manifest is in the source path the source path must already be known to be able to import the build manifest. Catch 22. The code also wrongly assumed that the SourcePath needed to include the module manifest file which it should not since that is determined by ModuleBuilder using the source path as base path.

[0.105.2] - 2020-05-01


  • Updated with a section Task Variables and described each of the build task Build-Module.ModuleBuilder's task variables.
  • When there are multiple module manifest found in the repository the build now fails with a a better error error message (issue #155).
  • Now the the module does not export the helper function modules as tasks aliases (issue #161).
  • Fixed so module version can be detected using GitVersion on macOS and Linux.


  • Update tasks to reduce code duplication (issue #125).
  • Task 'Merge_CodeCoverage_Files' did not use the parameter ProjectName to that parameter was removed.
  • Tasks that are not setting the version in the module manifest or otherwise need to evaluate the module version are now using the the module version from the built module's module manifest (issue #160).
  • The helper function Get-ModuleVersion was split into two cmdlets. A new helper function Get-BuildVersion that evaluates and returns the next module version, and Get-BuiltModuleVersion that always returns the module's version from the built module manifest.

[0.105.1] - 2020-04-24


  • The task build will no longer fail if GitVersion is not installed and there are no output folder.

[0.105.0] - 2020-04-21


  • Add new build task Generate_Wiki_Content for the DSC Community module type.


  • Update the repository to always use the latest version of the module ModuleBuilder.


  • Now the prerelease is cleaned so that it does not contain any dashes by removing any suffix after a dash, for example pr054-0012 will be changed to just pr054 as the prerelease string. This is due to a bug in the cmdlet Publish-Module together with a newer version of the module ModuleBuilder.

[0.104.0] - 2020-04-18


  • It no longer updates the module manifest release notes in the task publish_module_to_gallery, because that is already done in the task create_changelog_release_output that is run in the build step. The task publish_module_to_gallery was still dependent on the task create_changelog_release_output was run for it to be able to update the release notes in the module manifest, so publish_module_to_gallery could never have been run independent of task create_changelog_release_output.


  • The regular expression for minor-version-bump-message in the file GitVersion.yml was changed to only raise minor version when the commit message contain the word add, adds, minor, feature, or features.


  • Correctly evaluate the module version in task publish_module_to_gallery.

[0.103.0] - 2020-04-17


  • Now the module manifest release notes is only updated with the latest release. This fixes the issue with the limitation for the release notes in the module manifest when releasing a module to PowerShell Gallery. If all the change log entries for the latest release still exceed the max hard limit then the release notes will be truncated to the max hard limit.
  • The CI pipeline was updated with working build images.

[0.102.1] - 2020-02-21


  • Changed build tasks to use the helper function Get-ModuleVersion to reduce code duplication.
  • Changed each build task so that the default value of the parameter ModuleVersion always returns the sematic version (x.y.z-prerelease), and not the informational version (issue #130).

[0.102.0] - 2020-02-14


  • Added the functionality to merge multiple JaCoCo code coverage files into one file.

[0.101.0] - 2020-02-10


  • Added warning messages to all build task if the task couldn't be imported because of an invalid PSD1 file.
  • build.ps1 will now dynamically determine the build configuration if not specified via the -BuildConfig parameter.
  • Updated the PesterScript parameter to allow the specification of hastables, to enable specifying parameters to Pester.


  • Add conceptual build step for DSC resources issue #122.

[0.100.0] - 2020-02-01


  • Added the option to specify CodeCoverageOutputFile and CodeCoverageOutputFileEncoding in the file build.yml. For example if a code coverage provider need the file to be named in a certain way.


  • Added new common functions for build tasks to reduce code duplication.

[0.99.4] - 2020-01-22


  • Removed Azure-Pipelines.yml on simple module type.
  • Ensuring Pester version above 4.0 is used and loaded.
  • build.yaml, RequiredModules.psd1 and Resolve-Dependency.psd1 are now templated assets with conditional content.
  • HQRM tests to run only when using the dsccommunity module type.
  • Updated simple module to not contain sample scripts & tests.
  • supports setting CustomRepo to pull dependencies from a private gallery other than PSGallery.
  • Update the plaster template to replace 'synedgy' with 'dsccommunity' if the module type is 'dsccommunity'.

[0.99.3] - 2020-01-21


  • The deploy step is no longer run if the Azure DevOps organization URL does not contain 'synedgy'.

[0.99.2] - 2020-01-16


  • VSCode template setting pipelineIndentationStyle.

[0.99.1] - 2020-01-16


  • Update GitVersion.yml with the correct regular expression.
  • Fix casing in key names in azure-pipelines.yml.


  • Set a display name on all the jobs and tasks in the CI pipeline.
  • Azure Pipelines will no longer trigger on changes to just the

[0.99.0] - 2020-01-01


  • Updated build.ps1 to add DscTestTag, DscTestExcludeTag parameters.
  • Updated module manifest to support PS 5.0.
  • updated to redirect to
  • Set testRunTitle for PublishTestResults steps in azure-pipelines.yml so that a helpful name is displayed in Azure DevOps for each test run.
  • Removed unnecessary comments from azure-pipelines.yml.

[0.98.1] - 2019-12-24


  • Fixing the codecoverage threshold issues reported by Daniel (As param set to 0 should not bypass).


  • Removing QA tests from dsccommunity template.

[0.98.0] - 2019-12-22


  • Added Module manifest in build.psd1 template to fix issue resolving Project on linux.
  • Added DSC Resources & Supporting modules (including one from PSGallery, one from source).
  • Added PesterScript parameter in Build.ps1 so that it can be overridden at runtime (in azure-pipelines.yml).
  • Added Modules commented out to the build.yml
  • Added CodeCoverageThreshold parameter to fail when under threshold (configurable in build.yaml). Will skip all code coverage when set to 0 (build.ps1 parameter override build.yml config).
  • Added Tasks.json with build and test tasks. (VSCode bug when you click on Problems, Integrated terminal crashes).


  • Made Code Coverage threshold to load from config file, and be skipped completely if set to 0 or absent.
  • Updating Code of Conduct to the DSC Community one.


  • Made build.ps1 & Resolve-Dependency.ps1 compliant with DSC Style guidelines
  • removed unnecessary file from Plaster template

[0.96.0] - 2019-11-01


  • Fixed when the SourcePath is not enough for finding ModuleManifest (ModuleBuilder bug)

[0.95.1] - 2019-11-01


  • Updating QA tests function discovery to look within loaded module

[0.95.0] - 2019-11-01


  • Support for Pester parameter in Config File
  • Making Plaster Template Discoverable by Get-PlasterTemplate -IncludeInstalledModules

[0.93.2] - 2019-10-30


  • Template not including RootModule anymore
  • Uncomment ReleaseNotes from module manifest before updating
  • Skip Changelog test when not in a git repo

[0.93.1] - 2019-10-29


  • Shields badge on the readme page
  • Release notes to module manifest


  • Changelog compiled to release notes
  • use release notes for publishing to GH


  • fixed template
  • fixed the publishing to also pack Nupkg
  • Added hidden files as template assets
  • fixed git test to skip test on new module scaffolding
  • fixed default DscResources from copy-item in build yaml


  • old file reference with wrong case
  • remove kitchen yaml from template

[v0.92.2] - 2019-10-15


  • Add condition to trigger deployment stage when building a tag (not master)

[v0.92.0] - 2019-10-15


  • Fixing GitHub config for creating Changelog PR


  • Changed the Tags trigger to include "v*" but still exclude "-"

[v0.91.6] - 2019-10-11


  • Packaging module to nupkg
  • Adding Auto-creation of GitHub PR for Changelog update on release


  • for changes in existing functionality.
  • changed continuous deployment to continuous delivery in gitversion
  • extracted GitHub functions into separate file


  • for soon-to-be removed features.


  • in case of vulnerabilities.


  • Fixing Create ChangeLog PR Get-Variable
  • fixing versioning by reverting to gitversions' continuousDeployment mode
  • fixed #22: marking github releases as pre-release when there's a PreReleaseTag
  • fix call to add assets to GH release.
  • for any bug fixes.


  • for now removed features.

[v0.0.1] - 2019-10-04


  • dummy release for example