Ignore the game.py file. I have completely change the structure of the game. I havent deleted it yet, because I might need pieces of the code.
Name ideas: Calvin and Hops.
idea | status |
implement selling of beer | not started |
make length of screen rely on variable | not started |
make parser not case-sensitive | done |
fix ctrl-d error | not started |
parse using verb/noun/quantity system | done |
add alternative for commands. fx exit instead of quit | not started |
idea | status |
maybe make different locations like in dope wars | not started |
make menu | not started |
save file | not started |
loans | not started |
sql beer | not started |
add help | not started |
make prices in general go up and down, and individually | not started |
make beer prices depend on demand (maybe in the form of consumers | not started |
add AI player | not started |