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+title: "de.NBI / ELIXIR-DE All Hands Meeting"
+tease: "The Freiburg Galaxy Team participated in the de.NBI / ELIXIR-DE All Hands Meeting"
+author: "Paul Zierep"
+date: "2024-11-28"
+subsites: [eu]
+# The Freiburg Galaxy Team participated in the **de.NBI / ELIXIR-DE All Hands Meeting** in Berlin on November 28–29, 2024.  
+The team showcased their work through two posters:  
+1. Highlighting Galaxy as a cloud service provided by the Freiburg de.NBI node.  
+2. Presenting research advances achieved using Galaxy.  
+  We had interesting discussions with researchers from all over Germany on Galaxy tools, workflows and research data management. The poster covered topics like microGalaxy, Single-cell, working with clinical data or contributions to reference Genome Generation but also Large Language Models.
+Additionally, **Björn** delivered a talk about the **Freiburg Service Cluster (RBC)**, emphasizing its capabilities and contributions.  
+The team actively engaged in all the new de.NBI working groups, contributing in the following areas:  
+- **WG Service and Service Monitoring**:  
+  Paul and Saim provided discussion points from a Galaxy perspective, some of which were incorporated into the ongoing updates to the *de.NBI/ELIXIR-DE Guidelines for Node Services Selection Process and Quality Management*.  
+- **WG Training**  
+  Pavan, Teresa, Rand and Daniela joined the Working Group meeting on Training and talked - among others - about possibilities of the Galaxy Training Network and how to make being a trainer more attractive.
+- **WG Cloud**  
+For more details, the complete agenda of the All Hands Meeting can be found [here](https://www.denbi.de/images/Events/Agendaentwurf_All_Hands_2024_V6.pdf).  
+The Team had a good time in Berlin and nice interactions with other German Bioinformatic researchers!
+<img src="group.jpeg" alt="Group" width="500">