Feature: modified and setup base theme for WolfManage for light and d…
Feature: modified and setup base theme for WolfManage for light and d…
Refactor(ui): update Sonner toast configuration and import
Refactor(ui): update Sonner toast configuration and import
Fix: Account setting layout page and APi-Test page
Fix: Account setting layout page and APi-Test page
Refactor(config): remove requiresFirstTimeSetup flag and improve Stea…
Refactor(config): remove requiresFirstTimeSetup flag and improve Stea…
Refactor: Migrate settings page to server-side rendering with client …
Refactor: Migrate settings page to server-side rendering with client …
Refactor(auth): convert login page to server component
Refactor(auth): convert login page to server component
Docs: Comprehensive README Update with Detailed Project Overview
Docs: Comprehensive README Update with Detailed Project Overview
Refactor: Modularize Account Settings and API Test Pages
Refactor: Modularize Account Settings and API Test Pages
Enhance project configuration and routing
Enhance project configuration and routing
Merge: this is the initial merging of the new wolf manager code base …
Merge: this is the initial merging of the new wolf manager code base …
Modify Vite configuration and task UUID generation
Modify Vite configuration and task UUID generation
Added Client Pairing and fixed some bugs
Added Client Pairing and fixed some bugs
Update docker-build.yml
Update docker-build.yml
Adding methods for building image easier and fixed client selection
Adding methods for building image easier and fixed client selection
fixed logic to handle multiple clients
fixed logic to handle multiple clients
PairDialog broken when pairing subsequent clients. still trying to fi…
PairDialog broken when pairing subsequent clients. still trying to fi…
Enhance Wolf API integration with unpairing functionality and client …
Enhance Wolf API integration with unpairing functionality and client …