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Virgo Accounts Programmers' Notes

The source code for Virgo Accounts is supplied in two files VIRGO.RSA and VIRGO.GSA. The former contains all the routines (plus a few strays) in DataTree routine save format, and the latter contains the required globals (^HELP, ^MENU, ^MENU1, ^NAMES and ^SCREEN) in global save format. Most but not all of the routines are also provided in .m files.

Two routines (DESPOOL and XSCOMPACT) have been omitted as they contain code that is the copyright of DataTree (now InterSystems).

Whilst DTM supports multi-user applications, Virgo Accounts does not include any record or file locking and so is a single-user system.

These brief (and possibly incomplete) notes describe the development and maintenance tools, and the subroutines used in Virgo Accounts. The application routine names are generally four letters beginning XS.


Standard Utilities, Subroutines and Globals


  • KILLPW - delete system password
  • SCRDEF - screen definition maintenance
  • SCRDFP - screen definition print
  • SETPW - set system password
  • XSX - main menu
  • XSY - enquiries menu


  • Cont(x) - wait for key press
  • DATE - date and time processing routine
  • DOSDEV - get a DOS file name
  • GETX - read X value for Option prompt
  • INPASSW - password input routine
  • INPUT - standard input routine
  • OUTPUT - open a printer or DOS file for reports
  • READX - input field (subroutine for INPUT)
  • printstat - check that printer is ready (parallel printer only?; no source code available; probably of little use)


  • ^SCREEN - screen definitions
  • ^SEARCH - search facility
  • ^HELP - help text
  • ^MENU - main menu
  • ^MENU1 - enquiries menu
  • ^MENU1 - enquiries menu
  • ^NAMES - pseudonyms
  • ^Access - passwords
  • ^SYS - parameters


Routine: SCRDEF

Purpose: Program to input, amend and delete screen definitions.

Variables: Stand-alone routine - all variables are defined and used locally

Globals: ^SCREEN, ^SCREEN(0) contains the prompts for screen definitions

Subroutines: Contains a modified version of INPUT for screen input, which allows entry of a ^ in the validation prompt

Routine: SCRDFP

Purpose: Program to print a range of screen definitions.

Variables: Stand-alone routine - all variables locally defined/used

Globals: ^SCREEN, ^SCREEN(1) prompts for "From screen" and "To screen"

Subroutines: OUTPUT, XSXS

Routine: SETPW

Purpose: Sets or changes the system password.

Variables: all variables are local

Globals: ^Access

Subroutines: INPASSW

Routine: XSX

Purpose: Main menu, started automatically when Virgo Accounts starts.


  • % - field delimiter "^"
  • P1-P5 - escape sequences for, respectively, prompt text, input text, error messages, screen headers and other text
  • PU - a row of 80 underscores
  • PX - sub-menu number
  • H0 - type of firm
  • H1 - system name
  • H2 - program description
  • PGM - program name

Globals: ^Access, ^MENU, ^SYS



Subroutine: DATE

Purpose: Routine to convert dates and time. Converts $H format to or from DD/MM/YYYY format.


  • DAT - the date in DD/MM/YYYY format
  • %DAT - the date in DD/MM/YYYY format
  • TIM - the time in HH:MM format
  • %H - the date and time (or date only) in $H format

Entry points:

  • ^DATE - returns DAT and TIM for $H (i.e. today's date and the present time)
  • H2DMY^DATE - converts %H (or $H) to %DAT
  • DMY2H^DATE - converts DAT to %H

Subroutine: DOSDEV

Purpose: Request a DOS file name and open a DOS device for output.

Variables: all variables are local

Globals: ^SCREEN(9) requests the file name

Subroutines: INPUT

Subroutine: INPASSW

Purpose: Requests input of a password.


Globals: ^Access

Subroutine: INPUT

Purpose: General screen input and amendment routine, giving one prompt per line. To be called from within a program, usually used in a for loop.


  • %S - screen number (must be defined on entry)
  • %J - field number (must be defined on entry)
  • X - input variable
  • ERR - an error message (only defined if the input fails a validation check)
  • other % variables used internally


Entry points:

  • A^INPUT - for amendment
  • D^INPUT - to display

INPUT includes the following validation routines:

  • DATE - Checks for a valid date. May be input in various formats (see user manual) and is converted to DD/MM/YYYY format
  • TIME - Checks for a valid time. May be input as H:M and is converted to HH:MM
  • EXIST - Checks for the existence of a record
  • NOTEX - Checks that a record does not exist
  • EXDISP - Checks for the existence of a record and displays the relevant description
  • AMOUNT - Checks that the value input is an amount (up to 7 numeric digits optionally followed by a decimal point and one or two further digits); * is also valid
  • AMOUNTN - Checks that the value input is either an amount optionally preceded by a minus sign; * is also valid
  • NUMBER - Checks for a valid number
  • YESNO - Checks that the value input is either a "Y" or "N"
  • also includes HELP and SEARCH routines.

Entry of "?" in any field invokes HELP, which displays text from the ^HELP global.

Entry of "??" invokes SEARCH if the field has been defined as a searchable field.

Subroutine: OUTPUT

Purpose: Opens the printer (or a DOS file).

Variables: all variables are local

Globals: none

Subroutines: none


Kn indicates a key field

| ^SCREEN - Screen layout                                    |
|Field| Description  |Type|Max |Min | Comments               |
|  K1 | Screen no    | AN |  4 |  1 |                        |
|  K2 | Field no     |  N |  2 |  1 |                        |
|   1 | Prompt       |  E | 12 |  1 |                        |
|   2 | Max length   |  N |  2 |  1 | =0 display only        |
|   3 | Min length   |  N |  2 |  1 |                        |
|   4 | Variable     | AN |  4 |  0 |                        |
|   5 | Search file  | AN |  4 |  0 |                        |
|   6 | Default      |  E | 10 |  0 |                        |
|   7 | Validation   |  E | 40 |  0 | No delimiter           |
|  K3 | "IF"         |  A |  2 |  0 |                        |
|   1 | Omit         |  X | 40 |  0 | MUMPS expression       |
| ^SEARCH - Search file                                      |
|Field| Description  |Type|Max |Min | Comments               |
|  K1 | Key 1        | AN |  4 |  1 | Search file ID         |
|  K2 | Key 2        |  E | 20 |  1 | Field description      |
|  K3 | Key 3        |  E | 10 |  1 | Field key/index        |
|   1 | Null record  |  E |  0 |  0 |                        |
| ^HELP                                                      |
|Field| Description  |Type|Max |Min | Comments               |
|  K1 | Key 1        |  A |  4 |  4 | Program name           |
|  K2 | Key 2        | AN |  6 |  2 | Field (variable) name  |
|  K3 | Key 3        |  N |  2 |  1 | Line number            |
|   1 | Help text    |  E |    |  1 |                        |
| ^MENU / ^MENU1                                             |
|Field| Description  |Type|Max |Min | Comments               |
|  K1 | Key 1        |  N |  3 |  1 | Option                 |
|   1 | Description  | AN | 40 |  1 | Sub-menu description   |
|  K2 | Key 2        |  N |  3 |  1 | Sub option             |
|   1 | Prog descr   | AN | 40 |  1 | Program description    |
|   2 | Prog name    |  A |  8 |  4 | Program name           |