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Helm Chart Component

Blueprint and Helm Chart Resources in a Component Version

In this section we create a component version, and show how to use it for a deployment of a Helm chart with the Landscaper.

For prerequisites, see here.

The Open Component Model

A component version is a concept introduced by the Open Component Model (OCM). In short, a component version consists of a number of resources and a component descriptor. Our example component version will have three resources: a blueprint, a Helm chart, and a Docker image. The component descriptor lists these resources in a standard format, and is stored in an OCM repository. In our case, an OCI registry serves as OCM repository. The resources are divided into local and external resources. The local resources are stored together with the component descriptor in the OCM repository. For example, we will store blueprints as local resources. External resources are stored elsewhere, for example a Docker image in a Docker registry.

This Guided Tour cannot go into all the details about that model, so you might want to read about the core concepts, the benefits and the available tools on the official website under A good entry point is the OCM Getting Started Guide.

The advantages of the OCM approach are:

  • The blueprint is stored at a referencable location so that it can be reused by several Installations.
  • The component descriptor contains a complete list of all resources involved in a deployment. Otherwise, you would have to search them spread somewhere in templates of charts and deploy items.
  • The standardized format of component descriptors can be used by other tools to perform lifecycle management activities like transport, signing/verification, scanning.

The Component Version

To give an example, we build a component version for an echo server. It has the following resources:

  • A blueprint, which you can find here, and which will be stored as local resource together with the component descriptor.
  • A Helm chart, which you can find here. We have uploaded it in an OCI registry. It will be an external resource of our component version.
  • The Docker image hashicorp/http-echo. It will be another external resource.

Uploading the Component Version

The most convenient way to generate a component version is through a component constructor file as described in Getting Started with OCM - All in One. The component constructor file specifies the component name and version, and the list of resources. The component constructor file for this example is here:

  - name:   # component name
    version: 1.0.0                                                         # component version
      name: internal
      - name: blueprint
          type: dir
          path: ../blueprint
          compress: true
          mediaType: application/vnd.gardener.landscaper.blueprint.v1+tar+gzip
      - name: echo-server-chart
        type: helmChart
        version: 1.0.0
          type: ociArtifact
      - name: echo-server-image
        type: ociImage
        version: v0.2.3
          type: ociArtifact
          imageReference: hashicorp/http-echo:0.2.3

The resource entries of the component constructor file either have an input or an access section.

  • Resource entries with an access section will become external resources of the component version. In our case, the chart and image are both OCI artifacts whose access information is an OCI image reference. There exist other access types, which are specified here. See for example section Helm Chart in a Helm Chart Repository below.

  • Resource entries with an input section become local resources (normally, it depends on the type). The blueprint entry has an input section of type dir, whose path references the blueprint directory on the file system. During the creation of the component version, the content of the blueprint will be taken from there and uploaded as local resource together with the component descriptor into the OCM repository. Again, there exist other input types, which are specified here.

The script creates the actual component version based on the component constructor file. The script uses commands of the OCM Command Line Client. It proceeds in two steps:

  • First, the command ocm add componentversions creates a file system representation of the component version, a so-called common transport file (CTF). The component constructor file determines what will be included in the CTF.
  • Second, the command ocm transfer ctf uploads the CTF to the OCM repository.

Downloading the Component Version

We have uploaded the component version into this location in our public OCI registry. You can download the component version from there with the following command ocm download componentversions, which more or less provides you its file system representation:

ocm download componentversions -O <your location on the file system>

Here you can see the downloaded component version. The most important part is the component descriptor which mainly contains the adapted data from the component constructor file. Besides the component descriptor, there is a directory blobs which contains the local resources of the component version. In our case there is only one blob, namely the blueprint as tar file.

The Installation

Our Installation does not contain the blueprint inline as in previous examples. Rather it references the blueprint in our component version. This is done as follows:

kind: Installation
  context: landscaper-examples
      version: 1.0.0
      resourceName: blueprint
  • The field context contains the name of a custom resource of kind Context. This Context must exist in the same namespace as the Installation on the Landscaper resource cluster. The Context contains the information in which OCM repository the component descriptor is stored:

    kind: Context
      type: ociRegistry
  • The fields componentDescriptor.ref.componentName and componentDescriptor.ref.version are then used to locate the component descriptor in that OCM repository.

  • The component descriptor contains a list of resources, each of which has a name. Field blueprint.ref.resourceName in the Installation specifies the name of the blueprint resource in the component descriptor.

The Blueprint

You can find the blueprint for the current example here. The blueprint is a directory. It must contain a blueprint.yaml file. It may contain further files and subdirectories like the deploy-execution.yaml file in our case.

Referencing the Helm Chart

Our blueprint defines a Helm deploy item. In the template for the deploy item, the Helm chart must be specified. The preferred way is to reference the corresponding resource in the component version. The entry in the component descriptor looks as follows:

  - name: echo-server-chart
    type: helmChart
    version: 1.0.0
      type: ociArtifact

In the deploy item template, we reference this resource of the component version by its name echo-server-chart:

  resourceRef: {{ getResourceKey `cd://resources/echo-server-chart` }}

This snippet shows a Go Templating function getResourceKey with a single input argument cd://resources/echo-server-chart. The result of the Go Templating of this expression is the access data to the helm chart as specified in the component descriptor. As this function uses ocm to fetch the corresponding resource, you can even switch the storage technology (more often referred to as access type in the context of ocm) - thus, e.g. store the helm chart in a helm repository instead of an oci registry - without having to adjust the blueprint (You will of course have to adjust the access in the corresponding component version).

NOTE: Theoretically, it is possible that the name of a component reference or a resource is not sufficient to uniquely identify them within a component version. The ocm specification defines that the identity of references as well as resources may optionally also contain a version and an extraId entity.

In such cases, the resource cannot be specified with a path expression. Instead, it has to be specified as defined in the guidelines of the ocm specification. The corresponding part of the deploy execution looks like this:

  resourceRef: {{ getResourceKey `
      name: ocmcli
      version: v0.5.0
        architecture: amd64
        os: linux

Here, you have to be careful with the indentation, as the input string has to be valid yaml. You could also specify this as JSON.

  resourceRef: {{ getResourceKey `{"resource":{"name":"ocmcli","version":"v0.5.0","extraIdentity":{"architecture":"amd64","os":"linux"}}}` }}

Referencing the Docker Image

The echo-server helm chart in this example consists of a Deployment and a Service. The Deployment uses a Docker image. Instead of a hard-coded image reference in the deployment.yaml, we maintain the image reference in the component version. In detail, the connection is the following:

  • The component descriptor contains a resource with name echo-server-image and a reference to the actual image:

      - name: echo-server-image
        type: ociImage
        version: v0.2.3
          type: ociArtifact
          imageReference: hashicorp/http-echo:0.2.3
  • The blueprint contains a template for a DeployItem. Part of this is a section values for the Helm values. During the templating, we read the entry echo-server-image of the component descriptor, extract the field access.imageReference, and write it into the section with Helm values:

      {{ $imageResource := getResource .cd "name" "echo-server-image" }}
      image: {{ $imageResource.access.imageReference }}

    After the templating, the resulting DeployItem contains the image reference in its values section:

      image: hashicorp/http-echo:0.2.3
  • Finally, the deployment.yaml template of the chart takes the image from the Helm values:

      - image: {{ .Values.image }}

NOTE: Since Kubernetes does not support OCM, we need the oci reference of the container image, here. Consequently, to actually use this component version with landscaper, the container image that has to be deployed in a pod cannot be embedded into the component as a local blob (though it make sense to do so, as an intermediate step during transport of the component).


The procedure to install the echo server is as follows:

  1. On the target cluster, create a namespace example. It is the namespace into which we will deploy the echo server.

  2. On the Landscaper resource cluster, create a namespace cu-example.

  3. On the Landscaper resource cluster, in namespace cu-example, create a Target my-cluster containing a kubeconfig for the target cluster, a Context landscaper-examples, and an Installation echo-server. There are templates for these resources in the directory installation. To apply them:

    • adapt the settings file such that the entry TARGET_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG_PATH points to the kubeconfig of the target cluster,
    • run the deploy-k8s-resources script, which will template and apply the Target, Context, and Installation.
  4. To try out the echo server, first define a port forwarding on the target cluster:

    kubectl port-forward -n example service/echo-server 8080:80

    Then open localhost:8080 in a browser. The response should be "hello world", which is the text defined in the values.yaml of the chart.


You can remove the Installation with the delete-installation script. When the Installation is gone, you can delete the Context and Target with the delete-other-k8s-resources script.

Helm Chart in a Helm Chart Repository

This section describes a modification of the above example.

Suppose the Helm chart is stored in a Helm chart repository instead of an OCI registry. In this case, you just need to modify the component constructor file before you upload the component version. In the entry of the Helm chart resource, replace the access section using the access type helm as described in OCM Input and Access Types:

  - name: echo-server-chart
    type: helmChart
    version: 1.0.0
      type: helm
      helmChart: echo-server:1.0.0


Open Component Model (OCM)
OCM: All in One
OCM: Input and Access Types