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Deploying the PodInfo Application with Landscaper and Flux

Deploying the PodInfo Application with Landscaper and Flux

This example deploys Stefan Prodan's podinfo application. The deployment proceeds in two stages. First, Landscaper creates Flux custom resources, namely a GitRepository and a Kustomization resource. Based on these resources, Flux installs then the podinfo application.


For the usual prerequisites, see here. In addition, we use a second target cluster (which may coincide with the first). The first target cluster is for the Flux resources, and the second for the podinfo application.

Moreover, we assume that Flux is installed on the first target cluster. We need the source controller and the kustomize controller of Flux. Example Install Flux shows how to install them with the Landscaper.


The diagram below provides an overview of the clusters and resources in this example.


The first row of the diagram shows the Landscaper resource cluster, where we will create an Installation. The Installation has three DeployItems, each using the manifest deployer. They deploy the following three resources on the first target cluster, shown in the middle row of the diagram.

  • a Secret that contains the kubeconfig of the second target cluster. This Secret is referenced by the Kustomization below, so that Flux can access the second target cluster and deploy the podinfo application there.

  • a GitRepository custom resource by Flux. It points to a commit of the git repository The git repository URL and commit are specified in the component version:

    - name: podinfo-gitrepo
      type: blob
      version: 6.7.0
        type: gitHub
        commit: 0b1481aa8ed0a6c34af84f779824a74200d5c1d6  # required
        ref: 6.7.0

    The template for the deploy item takes them from there:

    kind: GitRepository
      name: podinfo
      namespace: flux-system
      {{- $res := getResource .cd "name" "podinfo-gitrepo" }}
      url: {{ $res.access.repoUrl }}
        tag: {{ $res.access.ref }}
      interval: 60m
      timeout: 60s
  • a Kustomization custom resource by Flux. It points to the directory ./kustomize in the above Git repository. The deployment is done using kustomize according to the kustomization.yaml in this directory.

    kind: Kustomization
      name: podinfo
      namespace: flux-system
      force: false
      interval: 30m
          key: kubeconfig
          name: cluster2
      path: ./kustomize
      prune: true
      retryInterval: 2m0s
        kind: GitRepository
        name: podinfo
      targetNamespace: cu-podinfo
      timeout: 3m0s
      wait: true

The creation of the GitRepository and Kustomization resources starts a gitops process, which reconciles the resources of the PodInfo application periodically (specified in field spec.interval), and also when the sources are changed. As a consequence, the status of the GitRepository and Kustomization resources can change over time. This process is controlled by Flux, and not monitored by the Landscaper. The task of the Landscaper in this scenario is only to create the GitRepository and Kustomization resources. Once this is done, the Installation will be in a final phase (Succeeded or Failed). It will remain in this phase until a new reconcile of the Installation is triggered.


  1. Adapt the settings file such that

    • entry TARGET_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG_PATH points to the kubeconfig of the first target cluster,
    • entry TARGET_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG_PATH_2 points to the kubeconfig of the second target cluster.
  2. Create the following namespaces:

    • namespace cu-example on the resource cluster,
    • namespace flux-system on the first target cluster,
    • namespace cu-podinfo on the second target cluster.
  3. Run the script deploy-k8s-resources script. It will create the Installation on the resource cluster (shown in the first row of the diagram), as well as its Target and Context.

Inspect the Result

On the resource cluster you can inspect the Installation and its three DeployItems, creating the Secret, the GitRepository, and the Kustomization:

❯ landscaper-cli inst inspect -n cu-example podinfo

[✅ Succeeded] Installation podinfo
    └── [✅ Succeeded] Execution podinfo
        ├── [✅ Succeeded] DeployItem podinfo-item-1-rqsfn
        ├── [✅ Succeeded] DeployItem podinfo-item-2-gps2r
        └── [✅ Succeeded] DeployItem podinfo-item-3-fb4pt

On the first target cluster:

❯ kubectl get secrets -n flux-system
NAME       TYPE     DATA   AGE
cluster2   Opaque   1      43m

❯ kubectl get gitrepositories -n flux-system
NAME         URL                                       AGE   READY   STATUS
podinfo   43m   True    stored artifact for revision '6.7.0@sha1:0b1481aa8ed0a6c34af84f779824a74200d5c1d6'

❯ kubectl get kustomizations -n flux-system
NAME                     AGE   READY
podinfo                  43m   True

On the second target cluster, the podinfo application should run in namespace cu-podinfo:

❯ kubectl get deployments -n cu-podinfo

NAME                      READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/podinfo   2/2     2            2           43m


You can remove the Installation with the script commands/

When the Installation is gone, you can delete the Context and Target with the script commands/