- Hardhat Setup and Overview
- Testing with Typescript
- Etherscan
- Deploying Smart Contracts
- Verifying Smart Contracts
- Mainnet Forking
yarn add --dev hardhat npx hardhat
> Create a typescript project
then ok everything
Here we will learn
- Use TypeChain to make writing tests easier
- Write unit tests using Mocha, Chai and Hardhat Toolkit
- Set up multiple signers and call smart contract functions with different signers
Setup Typechain
you created a new project using the init command that by default installs @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox. This package already contains Typechain, which is a plugin that generates static types for your smart contracts.
After compiling, a new folder called typechain-types was created
- List some of the features of Etherscan
- Read data from the Bored Ape Yacht Club contract on Etherscan
- Write data to a contract using Etherscan.
One of the things you can do with Etherscan is interact with already-deployed contracts.
This is the BAYC contract on Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/token/0xbc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d
You are able to see information such as:
- The ETH balance it holds
- The contract creator
- The transaction when it was created
- Latest transactions
- And the verified contract
In the Contract tab, you can see the full source code of BAYC.
Verifying contracts is important since it gives transparency to your users. Bear in mind this means bad actors will be able to see the source code of your contract and will try to exploit it.
- Setting up Hardhat deploy
- Testing your deployment
- Deploying to a test network
- Verify a deployed smart contract on Etherscan
- Connect a wallet to a contract in Etherscan
- Use etherscan to interact with your own deployed contract
Use Hardhat Network to create a local fork of mainnet and deploy a contract to it
Utilize Hardhat forking features to configure the fork for several use cases
Creating the Balance Reader contract
Configuring Hardhat to support forking
Creating a test for the BalanceReader.sol contract