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Testing QMix

This directory contains tests for all of the modules within the QMix package. The 4 most important modules are:

  • qmix.circuit: for building the embedding circuit
  • qmix.respfn: for generating the response function
  • qmix.harmonic_balance: for performing harmonic balance
  • qmix.qtcurrent: for calculating the quasiparticle tunneling currents

The tests for these packages are the most important. qmix.circuit, qmix.respfn and qmix.harmonic_balance are all very easy to test. qmix.qtcurrent, on the other hand, is very difficult to test because it tests how the quasiparticle tunneling currets are calculated.

Note: The qmix.exp.exp_data module is for analyzing experimental data. This module does not effect QMix simulations.

Automated Testing

Build Status

Everytime there is a new commit, QMix is automatically tested using Travis CI.

Note: If you make some changes that do not affect the code, you can prevent Travis CI from running by including [ci skip] at the end of the commit message.

Testing QMix on Your Machine

From the QMix/ directory, run:

pytest --verbose --color=yes tests/

To test coverage, run:

pytest --verbose --color=yes --cov=qmix/ tests/

To generate a coverage report, run:

pytest --verbose --color=yes --cov=qmix/ --cov-report=html tests/

then open the report that is generated in htmlcov/index.html.

Testing Individual Modules

As an example, from the QMix/tests/ directory, you can run:


to test the harmonic balance module