Name | Type | Description | Notes |
chain | string | Chain name | [optional] [default to undefined] |
nameCn | string | Chain name in Chinese | [optional] [default to undefined] |
nameEn | string | Chain name in English | [optional] [default to undefined] |
contractAddress | string | Smart contract address for the currency; if no address is available, it will be an empty string | [optional] [default to undefined] |
isDisabled | number | If it is disabled. 0 means NOT being disabled | [optional] [default to undefined] |
isDepositDisabled | number | Is deposit disabled. 0 means not | [optional] [default to undefined] |
isWithdrawDisabled | number | Is withdrawal disabled. 0 means not | [optional] [default to undefined] |
decimal | string | Withdrawal precision | [optional] [default to undefined] |