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If you're interested in developing a machine learning model to learn the intricate interactions between proteins and ligands, this repository is for you. Here, I provide a detailed, line-by-line walkthrough of the BindAxTransformer code, explaining how transformers operate and how they can be applied in drug discovery.

This code implements a machine learning model using transformer architecture (BERT) to analyze protein-ligand interactions from PDB files. I'll walk through it line by line, explaining the operations and math behind the model.

1. Imports and Setup

import os

import numpy as np

import torch

import torch.nn as nn

from import Dataset, DataLoader

from transformers import BertConfig, BertModel

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

Here, necessary libraries are imported:

  • os handles file and directory operations.

  • numpy (np) is used for mathematical operations, particularly for handling coordinates.

  • torch and torch.nn are used for constructing and training the deep learning model in PyTorch.

  • BertConfig and BertModel are from the Hugging Face transformers library, which provides the pre-trained BERT model and its configuration.

  • train_test_split from sklearn splits the dataset for training and validation.

2. Atom Tokenization

def tokenize_atom(line, molecule_type):


    return {

        'molecule_type': molecule_type,


  • Goal: This function extracts specific information from lines in PDB files and tokenizes atoms, separating ligand from protein atoms.

  - Input: A single line from a PDB file and a molecule_type (0 for ligand, 1 for protein).

  - Tokenization:

    - Extract atom type (columns 12--16), element (columns 76--78), and 3D coordinates (columns 30--54).

    - For protein atoms, it also gets residue name (columns 17--20) and residue number (columns 22--26).

  - Output: A dictionary with the atom's properties: type, element, coordinates, etc.

3. Parsing and Tokenizing PDB Files

def parse_and_tokenize_pdb(pdb_file):


    return ligand_tokens + protein_tokens
  • Goal: Read a PDB file and separate ligand (HETATM) and protein (ATOM) atoms.

  - Process: The file is read line by line, and the tokenize_atom() function is applied based on the atom type.

  - Output: Returns a combined list of ligand and protein tokens.

4. Calculate Distance Between Atoms

def calculate_distance(coord1, coord2):

    return np.sqrt(sum((a - b) ** 2 for a, b in zip(coord1, coord2)))
  • Mathematics: This function calculates the Euclidean distance between two 3D points (atom coordinates) using the formula:
$$  d = \sqrt{(x_1 - x_2)^2 + (y_1 - y_2)^2 + (z_1 - z_2)^2}$$

5. Finding Protein-Ligand Interactions

def find_interactions(ligand_tokens, protein_tokens, distance_threshold=5.0):


    return interactions
  • Goal: Find close protein-ligand atom pairs where the distance between them is less than a specified threshold (5 Å).

  - Process: The function loops through every pair of ligand and protein atoms, calculates their distance, and stores pairs that interact (distance ≤ 5.0).

6. Processing Multiple PDB Files

def process_pdb_files(directory):


    return all_tokens
  • Goal: Process all .pdb files in a directory.

  - Process:

    1. For each file, it parses and tokenizes atoms.

    2. Calls find_interactions() to get all interacting atoms.

    3. Stores the tokenized information for further use.

7. Protein-Ligand Dataset Class

class ProteinLigandDataset(Dataset):


    def __getitem__(self, idx):

  • Goal: Define a custom dataset class for PyTorch.

  - Methods:

    - __len__(): Returns the length of the dataset.

    - __getitem__(): Fetches a single data point (input IDs, coordinates, distance).

    - The model uses tokenized IDs for ligand and protein atom types and their coordinates.

8. Collate Function

def collate_fn(batch):


    return {


  • Goal: Prepare batches of data during training.

  - Process:

    1. The function pads sequences (input_ids) for uniform length across the batch.

    2. Coordinates and distances are stacked into tensors.

    3. An attention mask is also created to indicate the positions of valid tokens.

9. Protein-Ligand Transformer Model

class ProteinLigandTransformer(nn.Module):


    def forward(self, input_ids=None, coordinates=None, distances=None, attention_mask=None):


        return logits
  • Architecture:

  - BERT Initialization

    config = BertConfig(...), self.bert = BertModel(config)

    This initializes the transformer with:

    - hidden_size=1152: The size of hidden representations for each token.

    - num_attention_heads=12: The number of heads in the multi-head attention mechanism.

    - num_hidden_layers=12: The number of transformer layers (each with self-attention and feed-forward networks).

  - Encoding Coordinates and Distances:

    self.coordinate_encoder = nn.Linear(6, hidden_size)

    self.distance_encoder = nn.Linear(1, hidden_size)

    - The model encodes both the 3D coordinates of the ligand and protein atoms (6 inputs for x, y, z of both molecules) and the distance (1 input) into the same dimension (hidden_size).

    - These embeddings are combined with the token embeddings from BERT.

  - Forward Method:

    1. Token Embeddings

       token_embeddings = self.bert.embeddings(input_ids)

       This creates embeddings for the ligand and protein atom types.

    2. Adding Coordinate and Distance Embeddings:

       embeddings = token_embeddings + coordinate_embeddings + distance_embeddings

       Here, token embeddings are combined with coordinate and distance embeddings to encode spatial and interaction information.

    3. Final Output

       logits = self.cls(sequence_output)

       The model's output is passed through a classification layer to predict the next tokens.

10. Main Function

def main():

    directory = 'mysite'

    ..., 'protein_ligand_model.pth')
  • Process:

  1. The PDB files are processed to extract all tokenized data.

  2. The data is split into training and validation sets.

  3. A vocabulary (token2id) is created for mapping tokens to IDs.

  4. The model is trained using the masked language model (MLM) objective:

     - Masking tokens: 15% of tokens are randomly masked, and the model predicts the masked tokens.

     - Loss: Cross-entropy loss is used to train the model to correctly predict the masked tokens.

  5. Model Saving: The trained model is saved for later use.

Mathematics of BERT Model

The transformer model uses self-attention to compute relationships between tokens, regardless of their positions. The key mathematical operations in self-attention include:

1. Self-attention:

  $$\text{Attention}(Q, K, V) = \text{softmax}\left( \frac{QK^T}{\sqrt{d_k}} \right) V$$

   - Q, K, V are query, key, and value matrices derived from the input.

   - ( d_k ) is the dimension of the keys.

2. Multi-head attention: This involves running multiple attention heads in parallel and concatenating their outputs.

3. Feed-forward layers: Each token representation is passed through a fully connected network after the self-attention step.

This process is repeated for each layer in the transformer, ultimately producing embeddings that consider both the spatial (3D coordinates) and interaction (distances) contexts of ligand-protein complexes.