On a remote metaverse, DWARFS mine $GOLD in a abandoned mines while GOBLINS are looking for opportunities to steal their precious rewards. Once a player depleted all resources from a mine they can used them to recruit more creatures (Dwarfs/Goblins) to strengthening there fraction.
Our Game is risk protocol for NFTs using pseudo randomness to steal or mine $GOLD
Those are then used re-enforce due recruitment of creatures and finally set the battle to the last standing (END OF GAME).
Each group can attack one another once a creature has no more HP I'll DIE in a final Battle where a last standing creature will live to be the last to tell the story.
Victors history will be written and recorded as on-chain record. For everyone to see the and observe and review the battle.
GOBLINS are good to steal but not so good for war, in the other side DWARFS are war machines but while mining they have the limitations of their weight and slow speed so It's a disadvantage agains greedy GOBLINS
Last standing characters will be reward: Stay tuned
- There will only ever be 10,000 GEN0, minted for 0 ETH each (only gas), GEN1, GEN2, GEN3 will be only purchased via
obtained MINING or STEALING from MINES.
- You spend
hiring extra GEN1,2,3 creatures, see Total supply
- DWARF can be staked to a mine MINE to earn
for43200 blocks
(~12 hr) till they get tired and wait return home (UNSTAKE CLAIM)
) / rand(1000,10000)
- GOBLIN can be staked to a mine STEAL some
for43200 blocks
(~12 hr) till they get tired and wait to return home (UNSTAKE CLAIM)
If a DWARF RETURNS (UNSTAKES) from the MINE, the GOBLINS have a change to steal some/all of It's accumulated `$GOLD`.
- You spend
hiring extra GEN1,2,3 creatures, see Total supply
- If DWARF doesn't MINE but is stilled (STAKED) for 1 MONTH (6154 * 30 blocks). I'll DIE of STARVATION
- If GOBLIN don't STEAL (UNSTAKE) for 3 MONTHS (6154 * 90 blocks) I'll DIE of PUNISHMENT (By the other GOBLINS)
- Everyone can ATTACK another creature of a opposite race, with a chance of KILL or subtract HP (Still in discussion)
- collected resource may be used to recover HP
- While attack you can take
drops from another player
- Creatures can't ATTACK till 2/3 of the supply is reached
- When MINE $GOLD supply is depleted, I'll crash forcing the creatures to only ATTACH each other
- When a creature ATTACK another one another they will reduce HP till KILL's it
graph TD
DWARF --> |stacking| MINING(Go mining)
MINING --> MINE{still $GOLD}
MINE --> |yes| REWARD
MINE --> |no| DWARF
WAR --> STILLWAR{still goblins alive}
STILLWAR -->|no| WINNER(Winner last standing)
DWARF --> |stacking| WAR(Go war)
graph TD
GOBLIN --> |stacking| STEAL(Go steal)
STEAL --> MINE{still $GOLD}
MINE --> |yes| REWARD
MINE --> |no| GOBLIN
WAR --> STILLWAR{still dwarfs alive}
STILLWAR -->|no| WINNER(Winner last standing)
GOBLIN --> |stacking| WAR(Go war)
Gen | Cost | Total Supply | Subtotal |
#0 | 0.0 Ξ |
10.000 | |
#1 | 10.000 $GOLD |
10.000 | 100.000.000 |
#2 | 20.000 $GOLD |
10.000 | 200.000.000 |
#3 | 30.000 $GOLD |
10.000 | 300.000.000 |
#4 | 50,000 $GOLD |
10.000 | 500.000.000 |
50.000 | |
: 1.000.000
GEN2: 2.000.000
GEN3: 4.000.000
struct Creature {
string name;
Race race;
uint256 dna;
Races enum:
enum Race {
Dna is a uint256 value that stores all the traits and modifiers for a creature, given the descriptor will determine special ones, the first 8 will determine the rarity and main competitive caracteristics of the creature.
actor Wallet
Wallet ->>+ CreatureToken { ERC721 }: publicMint
CreatureToken { ERC721 } ->>+ CreatureFactory: _generateRandomDna
Note right of CreatureToken: _generateRandomDna if no Chainlink
CreatureToken { ERC721 } ->>+ Chainlink VRF: transferAndCall
Chainlink VRF -->>+ CreatureToken { ERC721 }: tx successfully
CreatureToken { ERC721 } ->>+ Chainlink VRF: requestRandomWords
Chainlink VRF ->>+ CreatureToken { ERC721 }: fulfillRandomWords
CreatureToken { ERC721 } ->>+ CreatureFactory: _createCreature
CreatureToken { ERC721 } ->>+ ERC721: _safeMint
ERC721 ->>+ CreatureToken { ERC721 }: tx success
Attack base: 4d6 Defense base: 4d6 Hit points base: 100 + 4d6
Ordinary: 50/100 Common: 21/100 Rare: 13/100 Very rare: 8/100 Epic: 5/100 Legendary: 3/100
Chance of spawn (on MINT): 1d3 = 3
- Attack:
Attack base
+rarity modifier
- Defense:
Defense base
+rarity modifier
- Hit Points:
Hit points base
+rarity modifier
Rarity modifier:
Rarity | Attack | Defense | Hit Points |
Ordinary | +2 | +3 | +1 |
Common | +3 | +5 | +3 |
Rare | +5 | +8 | +3 |
Very rare | +8 | +13 | +5 |
Epic | +13 | +21 | +8 |
Legendary | +21 | +21 | +13 |
Chance of spawn (on MINT): 1d3 = 1,2
- Attack:
Attack base
+rarity modifier
- Defense:
Defense base
+rarity modifier
- Hit Points:
Hit points base
+rarity modifier
Rarity modifier:
Rarity | Attack | Defense | Hit Points |
Ordinary | +1 | +1 | +1 |
Common | +1 | +1 | +2 |
Rare | +1 | +3 | +3 |
Very rare | +3 | +5 | +5 |
Epic | +5 | +8 | +8 |
Legendary | +8 | +13 | +13 |
- Attack: ATTACK 1d12
- Defense: DEFENCE 1d12
- Hit Points: HP 1D100
Hit points total + Defense: reduce chance of DEATH per ATTACK Attack total: increase chance of DEATH per ATTACK
Given the intense use of randomness, during staking/unstaking mechanics randomness may be gamed from players.
We envision a range of mechanisms which allow this process more efficient.
On approach could be that users have to earn there place in the mine (which will in turn request randomness)
We could use packing methods to get many random numbers from a single seed. approach
- Mathematical model
- Balance
- Simulation
- Chain link subscribe getRandomWork unit
Are games based on randomness possible to be fun and fair made in EVM blockchains?
A real use case has to be deployed and tested as a real world example?
This is valuable material to be used as design for a fair gameplay engine protocol?
To be determined