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CloudEvents - Version 0.1


CloudEvents is a vendor-neutral specification for defining the format of event data.

Status of this document

This document is a working draft.

Table of Contents


Events are everywhere. However, event publishers tend to describe events differently.

The lack of a common way of describing events means developers are constantly re-learning how to receive events. This also limits the potential for libraries, tooling and infrastructure to aide the delivery of event data across environments, like SDKs, event routers or tracing systems. The portability and productivity that can be achieved from event data is hindered overall.

Enter CloudEvents, a specification for describing event data in a common way. CloudEvents seeks to ease event declaration and delivery across services, platforms and beyond.

Event Formats specify how to serialize a CloudEvent with certain encoding formats. Compliant CloudEvents implementations that support those encodings MUST adhere to the encoding rules specified in the respective event format. All implementations MUST support the JSON format.

For more information on the history, development and design rationale behind the specification, see the CloudEvents Primer document.

Notations and Terminology

Notational Conventions

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

Attribute Naming Convention

CloudEvents attributes use "camelCasing" for the object member names, to aid integration with common programming languages.

Attribute names that are composed of multiple words are expressed as compound words, with the first word starting with a lower-case character and all subsequent words starting with an upper-case character, and no separator characters.

Words that are acronyms are written in all-caps, e.g. "ID" and "URL".


This specification defines the following terms:


An "occurrence" is the capture of a statement of fact during the operation of a software system. This might occur because of a signal raised by the system or a signal being observed by the system, because of a state change, because of a timer elapsing, or any other noteworthy activity. For example, a device might go into an alert state because the battery is low, or a virtual machine is about to perform a scheduled reboot.


An "event" is a data record expressing an occurrence and its context. Events are routed from the emitting source to interested parties for the purpose of notifying them about the source occurrence. The routing can be performed based on information contained in the event, but an event will not identify a specific routing destination. Events will contain two pieces of information: the Data representing the Occurrence and extra Context metadata providing additional information about the Occurrence.


As described in the Event definition, an Event contains two parts, the data representing the occurrence and additional metadata that provides other circumstantial information about the occurrence (e.g. information about the originating system). This additional metadata will be encapsulated in the Context Attributes. Tools and application code can use this information to identify the relationship of Events to aspects of the system or to other Events.


Domain-specific information about the occurrence (i.e. the payload). This might include information about the occurrence, details about the data that was changed, or more. See the Data Attribute section for more information.


Events are transported from a source to a destination via messages.


Messages can be delivered through various industry standard protocol (e.g. HTTP, AMQP, MQTT, SMTP), open-source protocols (e.g. Kafka, NATS), or platform/vendor specific protocols (AWS Kinesis, Azure Event Grid).

Type System

The following abstract data types are available for use in attributes.

  • String - Sequence of printable Unicode characters.
  • Binary - Sequence of bytes.
  • Map - String-indexed dictionary of Object-typed values
  • Object - Either a String, or a Binary, or a Map
  • URI - String expression conforming to URI-reference as defined in RFC 3986 §4.1.
  • Timestamp - String expression as defined in RFC 3339

This specification does not define numeric or logical types.

The Object type is a variant type that can take the shape of either a String or a Binary or a Map. The type system is intentionally abstract, and therefore it is left to implementations how to represent the variant type.

Context Attributes

Every CloudEvent conforming to this specification MUST include one or more of the following context attributes.

These attributes, while descriptive of the event, are designed such that they can be serialized independent of the event data. This allows for them to be inspected at the destination without having to deserialize the event data.

The choice of serialization mechanism will determine how the context attributes and the event data will be materialized. For example, in the case of a JSON serialization, the context attributes and the event data might both appear within the same JSON object.


  • Type: String
  • Description: Type of occurrence which has happened. Often this attribute is used for routing, observability, policy enforcement, etc.
  • Constraints:
    • MUST be a non-empty string
    • SHOULD be prefixed with a reverse-DNS name. The prefixed domain dictates the organization which defines the semantics of this event type.
  • Examples
    • com.github.pull.create


  • Type: String
  • Description: The version of the CloudEvents specification which the event uses. This enables the interpretation of the context.
  • Constraints:
    • MUST be a non-empty string


  • Type: URI
  • Description: This describes the event producer. Often this will include information such as the type of the event source, the organization publishing the event, and some unique identifiers. The exact syntax and semantics behind the data encoded in the URI is event producer defined.
  • Constraints:


  • Type: String
  • Description: ID of the event. The semantics of this string are explicitly undefined to ease the implementation of producers. Enables deduplication.
  • Examples:
    • A database commit ID
  • Constraints:
    • MUST be a non-empty string
    • MUST be unique within the scope of the producer


  • Type: Timestamp
  • Description: Timestamp of when the event happened.
  • Constraints:
    • If present, MUST adhere to the format specified in RFC 3339


  • Type: URI
  • Description: A link to the schema that the data attribute adheres to. Incompatible changes to the schema SHOULD be reflected by a different URL.
  • Constraints:
    • If present, MUST adhere to the format specified in RFC 3986


  • Type: String per RFC 2046

  • Description: Content type of the data attribute value. This attribute enables the data attribute to carry any type of content, whereby format and encoding might differ from that of the chosen event format. For example, an event rendered using the JSON envelope format might carry an XML payload in its data attribute, and the consumer is informed by this attribute being set to "application/xml". The rules for how the data attribute content is rendered for different contentType values are defined in the event format specifications; for example, the JSON event format defines the relationship in section 3.1.

    When this attribute is omitted, the "data" attribute simply follows the event format's encoding rules. For the JSON event format, the "data" attribute value can therefore be a JSON object, array, or value.

    For the binary mode of some of the CloudEvents transport bindings, where the "data" content is immediately mapped into the payload of the transport frame, this field is directly mapped to the respective transport or application protocol's content-type metadata property. Normative rules for the binary mode and the content-type metadata mapping can be found in the respective transport mapping specifications.

  • Constraints:

    • If present, MUST adhere to the format specified in RFC 2046
  • For Media Type examples see IANA Media Types


  • Type: Map
  • Description: This is for additional metadata and this does not have a mandated structure. This enables a place for custom fields a producer or middleware might want to include and provides a place to test metadata before adding them to the CloudEvents specification. See the Extensions document for a list of possible attributes.
  • Constraints:
    • If present, MUST contain at least one entry
  • Examples:
    • authorization data

Data Attribute

As defined by the term Data, CloudEvents MAY include domain-specific information about the occurrence. When present, this information will be encapsulated within the data attribute.


  • Type: Object
  • Description: The event payload. The payload depends on the eventType and the schemaURL. It is encoded into a media format which is specified by the contentType attribute (e.g. application/json).
  • Constraints:


The following example shows a CloudEvent serialized as JSON:

    "cloudEventsVersion" : "0.1",
    "eventType" : "com.example.someevent",
    "source" : "/mycontext",
    "eventID" : "A234-1234-1234",
    "eventTime" : "2018-04-05T17:31:00Z",
    "extensions" : {
        "comExampleExtension" : "value"
    "contentType" : "text/xml",
    "data" : "<much wow=\"xml\"/>"