diff --git a/.github/workflows/test.yml b/.github/workflows/test.yml index cae647889..633655416 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/test.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/test.yml @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ name: Build, Test and Optionally Deploy - -on: [push, pull_request, workflow_dispatch] +on: + - push + - workflow_dispatch # According to: https://github.com/actions/virtual-environments/blob/main/images/linux/Ubuntu2004-README.md # Both Node and Yarn should be installed already @@ -63,12 +64,17 @@ jobs: yarn install --immutable env: NODE_ENV: test - - name: Do Tests + - name: Run unit tests run: | - yarn build - bundle exec rails test - bundle exec rails test:system - + bin/test --unit --no-fix + env: + POSTGRES_USER: postgres + POSTGRES_HOST: localhost + POSTGRES_PORT: 5432 + PGPASSWORD: foobar + - name: Run system tests + run: | + bin/test --system --no-lint env: POSTGRES_USER: postgres POSTGRES_HOST: localhost diff --git a/.prettierignore b/.prettierignore index e4ee9d1ba..5f73aaa12 100644 --- a/.prettierignore +++ b/.prettierignore @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ /app/assets/builds/ +/doc/**/*.html +/doc/**/*.css +/doc/**/*.js /tmp/ /vendor/bundle/ +/.rubocop_todo.yml diff --git a/.rubocop.yml b/.rubocop.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..132952f07 --- /dev/null +++ b/.rubocop.yml @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +inherit_from: .rubocop_todo.yml + +require: + - rubocop-graphql + - rubocop-minitest + - rubocop-performance + - rubocop-rails + - rubocop-rake + +AllCops: + NewCops: enable + +GraphQL/FieldName: + Enabled: false + +GraphQL/ObjectDescription: + Enabled: false + +Rails/DynamicFindBy: + AllowedMethods: + - find_by_day + - find_by_request + - find_by_sql + - find_by_week + +Style/Documentation: + Enabled: false diff --git a/.rubocop_todo.yml b/.rubocop_todo.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ec0c3c286 --- /dev/null +++ b/.rubocop_todo.yml @@ -0,0 +1,850 @@ +# This configuration was generated by +# `rubocop --auto-gen-config --auto-gen-only-exclude --exclude-limit 1000` +# on 2022-10-04 22:51:51 UTC using RuboCop version 1.30.1. +# The point is for the user to remove these configuration records +# one by one as the offenses are removed from the code base. +# Note that changes in the inspected code, or installation of new +# versions of RuboCop, may require this file to be generated again. + +# Offense count: 6 +GraphQL/ArgumentDescription: + Exclude: + - 'app/graphql/types/event_queries.rb' + - 'app/graphql/types/query_type.rb' + +# Offense count: 4 +# Configuration parameters: MaxFields, Prefixes. +# Prefixes: is, has, with, avg, min, max +GraphQL/ExtractType: + Exclude: + - 'app/graphql/types/address_type.rb' + - 'app/graphql/types/article_type.rb' + - 'app/graphql/types/event_type.rb' + - 'app/graphql/types/neighbourhood_type.rb' + +# Offense count: 3 +# Configuration parameters: AllowedMethods. +# AllowedMethods: enums +Lint/ConstantDefinitionInBlock: + Exclude: + - 'lib/tasks/db.rake' + +# Offense count: 2 +# Configuration parameters: IgnoreLiteralBranches, IgnoreConstantBranches. +Lint/DuplicateBranch: + Exclude: + - 'app/policies/tag_policy.rb' + - 'lib/tasks/db.rake' + +# Offense count: 2 +# Configuration parameters: AllowComments, AllowEmptyLambdas. +Lint/EmptyBlock: + Exclude: + - 'db/seeds.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/article_query_type_test.rb' + +# Offense count: 2 +Lint/LiteralAsCondition: + Exclude: + - 'app/models/site.rb' + - 'lib/tasks/data.rake' + +# Offense count: 1 +# Configuration parameters: MaximumRangeSize. +Lint/MissingCopEnableDirective: + Exclude: + - 'test/integration/admin/user_integration_test.rb' + +# Offense count: 5 +Lint/MissingSuper: + Exclude: + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/eventbrite_event.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/ics_event.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/manchester_uni_event.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/meetup_event.rb' + - 'app/policies/user_policy.rb' + +# Offense count: 1 +Lint/ShadowingOuterLocalVariable: + Exclude: + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/ics_event.rb' + +# Offense count: 1 +Lint/UnreachableCode: + Exclude: + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/meetup_event.rb' + +# Offense count: 1 +# Configuration parameters: AllowedPatterns, IgnoredPatterns. +# AllowedPatterns: (?-mix:(exactly|at_least|at_most)\(\d+\)\.times) +Lint/UnreachableLoop: + Exclude: + - 'lib/tasks/neighbourhoods.rake' + +# Offense count: 27 +Lint/UselessAssignment: + Exclude: + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/ics.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer_job.rb' + - 'app/models/address.rb' + - 'app/models/calendar.rb' + - 'db/data/20180530123745_add_manchester_uni_feeds.rb' + - 'db/seeds_to_migrate.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/article_by_tag_query_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/articles_by_partner_tag_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/partners_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/news_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer_test.rb' + - 'test/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver_strategy_test.rb' + - 'test/jobs/calendar_importer/events_import_test.rb' + - 'test/models/partner_site_scope_test.rb' + - 'test/models/site_test.rb' + - 'test/policies/partner_scope_test.rb' + - 'test/system/graphql/graphql_test.rb' + +# Offense count: 1 +# This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). +Lint/UselessMethodDefinition: + Exclude: + - 'app/graphql/place_cal_schema.rb' + +# Offense count: 2 +# Configuration parameters: CheckForMethodsWithNoSideEffects. +Lint/Void: + Exclude: + - 'test/controllers/partners_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/models/site_test.rb' + +# Offense count: 38 +# Configuration parameters: IgnoredMethods, CountRepeatedAttributes, Max. +Metrics/AbcSize: + Exclude: + - 'app/components/event/event_component.rb' + - 'app/controllers/admin/partners_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/admin/tags_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/admin/users_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/concerns/map_markers.rb' + - 'app/controllers/events_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/partners_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/users/auth_common.rb' + - 'app/datatables/calendar_datatable.rb' + - 'app/graphql/types/event_queries.rb' + - 'app/helpers/map_helper.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/base.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer_job.rb' + - 'app/models/concerns/html_render_cache.rb' + - 'app/models/partner.rb' + - 'app/policies/article_policy.rb' + - 'app/policies/calendar_policy.rb' + - 'config/initializers/icalendar_overrides.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20170726032024_add_devise_to_users.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20170726032515_create_initial_tables.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20191201002011_fix_invalid_partners.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20211118145604_alter_structure_of_neighbourhoods.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20211118162518_remove_old_neighbourhood_properties.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20211203153422_correct_datamodel_by_importing_neighbourhoods_json.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20220105161548_fix_broken_datamodel.rb' + - 'test/controllers/admin/articles_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/event_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/partners_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/policies/article_policy_test.rb' + +# Offense count: 43 +# Configuration parameters: CountComments, Max, CountAsOne, ExcludedMethods, IgnoredMethods. +# IgnoredMethods: refine +Metrics/BlockLength: + Exclude: + - 'Guardfile' + - 'config/environments/development.rb' + - 'config/environments/production.rb' + - 'config/environments/staging.rb' + - 'config/initializers/simple_form_bootstrap.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20211118145604_alter_structure_of_neighbourhoods.rb' + - 'lib/tasks/data.rake' + - 'lib/tasks/db.rake' + - 'lib/tasks/events.rake' + - 'lib/tasks/workers.rake' + - 'test/controllers/admin/partner_update_postcode_test.rb' + - 'test/controllers/concerns/map_markers_concern_test.rb' + - 'test/controllers/partners_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/factories/address.rb' + - 'test/factories/neighbourhood.rb' + - 'test/factories/partner.rb' + - 'test/factories/user.rb' + - 'test/integration/admin/partner_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/event_site_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/article_by_tag_query_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/article_query_type_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/articles_by_partner_tag_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/event_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/partners_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/partners_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver_test.rb' + - 'test/models/article_test.rb' + - 'test/models/partner_site_scope_test.rb' + - 'test/system/admin/site_test.rb' + - 'test/system/admin/user_test.rb' + +# Offense count: 21 +# Configuration parameters: CountComments, Max, CountAsOne. +Metrics/ClassLength: + Exclude: + - 'app/controllers/admin/partners_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver.rb' + - 'app/models/calendar.rb' + - 'app/models/event.rb' + - 'app/models/partner.rb' + - 'app/models/site.rb' + - 'test/controllers/admin/articles_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/controllers/admin/partners_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/controllers/admin/users_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/admin/partner_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/admin/sites_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/admin/user_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/event_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/partners_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer_test.rb' + - 'test/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver_test.rb' + - 'test/models/article_test.rb' + - 'test/models/events_test.rb' + - 'test/models/partner_site_scope_test.rb' + - 'test/models/partner_test.rb' + +# Offense count: 10 +# Configuration parameters: IgnoredMethods, Max. +Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity: + Exclude: + - 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/concerns/map_markers.rb' + - 'app/graphql/types/event_queries.rb' + - 'app/helpers/application_helper.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver.rb' + - 'app/models/site.rb' + - 'app/policies/tag_policy.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20191201002011_fix_invalid_partners.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20211118162518_remove_old_neighbourhood_properties.rb' + +# Offense count: 73 +# Configuration parameters: CountComments, Max, CountAsOne, ExcludedMethods, IgnoredMethods. +Metrics/MethodLength: + Exclude: + - 'app/components/paginator/paginator_component.rb' + - 'app/controllers/admin/articles_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/admin/calendars_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/admin/neighbourhoods_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/admin/partners_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/admin/sites_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/admin/tags_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/admin/users_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/concerns/map_markers.rb' + - 'app/controllers/events_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/graphql_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/news_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/partners_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/users/auth_common.rb' + - 'app/datatables/article_datatable.rb' + - 'app/datatables/calendar_datatable.rb' + - 'app/datatables/tag_datatable.rb' + - 'app/graphql/types/event_queries.rb' + - 'app/graphql/types/query_type.rb' + - 'app/helpers/calendars_helper.rb' + - 'app/helpers/events_helper.rb' + - 'app/helpers/map_helper.rb' + - 'app/helpers/users_helper.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/base.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/eventbrite_event.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer_job.rb' + - 'app/models/calendar.rb' + - 'app/models/concerns/html_render_cache.rb' + - 'app/models/partner.rb' + - 'app/models/site.rb' + - 'app/policies/partner_policy.rb' + - 'app/policies/user_policy.rb' + - 'db/data/20180530123745_add_manchester_uni_feeds.rb' + - 'db/data/20180625163935_add_places_partners.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20170726032024_add_devise_to_users.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20170726032515_create_initial_tables.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20170916030904_change_relations.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20170927112842_create_delayed_jobs.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20171128151240_create_friendly_id_slugs.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20180919111400_split_turfs_into_neighbourhoods_and_turfs.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20191201002011_fix_invalid_partners.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20200107174516_add_more_info_to_neighbourhoods.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20211118145604_alter_structure_of_neighbourhoods.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20211118162518_remove_old_neighbourhood_properties.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20211203153422_correct_datamodel_by_importing_neighbourhoods_json.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20220105161548_fix_broken_datamodel.rb' + - 'lib/tasks/data.rake' + - 'test/controllers/admin/articles_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/event_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/partners_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver_strategy_test.rb' + - 'test/policies/article_policy_test.rb' + +# Offense count: 9 +# Configuration parameters: IgnoredMethods, Max. +Metrics/PerceivedComplexity: + Exclude: + - 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/concerns/map_markers.rb' + - 'app/graphql/types/event_queries.rb' + - 'app/helpers/application_helper.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver.rb' + - 'app/models/site.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20191201002011_fix_invalid_partners.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20211118162518_remove_old_neighbourhood_properties.rb' + +# Offense count: 2 +Minitest/AssertRaisesCompoundBody: + Exclude: + - 'test/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer_task_test.rb' + - 'test/models/partner_service_area_test.rb' + +# Offense count: 1 +Minitest/AssertWithExpectedArgument: + Exclude: + - 'test/test_helper.rb' + +# Offense count: 1 +Minitest/AssertionInLifecycleHook: + Exclude: + - 'test/policies/article_policy_test.rb' + +# Offense count: 80 +# Configuration parameters: Max. +Minitest/MultipleAssertions: + Exclude: + - 'test/controllers/admin/tags_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/controllers/admin/users_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/controllers/concerns/map_markers_concern_test.rb' + - 'test/controllers/news_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/controllers/pages_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/admin/articles_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/admin/calendars_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/admin/neighbourhood_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/admin/partner_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/admin/sites_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/admin/tags_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/admin/user_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/collections_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/devise_redirection_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/event_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/events_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/article_by_tag_query_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/article_query_type_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/articles_by_partner_tag_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/event_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/partners_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/partner_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/partners_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/sites_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/models/calendar_state_test.rb' + - 'test/models/calendar_test.rb' + - 'test/models/neighbourhoods_test.rb' + - 'test/models/partner_test.rb' + - 'test/models/user_test.rb' + - 'test/policies/article_policy_test.rb' + - 'test/policies/neighbourhoods_policy_test.rb' + - 'test/policies/partner_policy_test.rb' + - 'test/policies/tag_policy_test.rb' + - 'test/system/admin/article_test.rb' + - 'test/system/admin/calendar_test.rb' + - 'test/system/admin/partner_test.rb' + - 'test/system/admin/site_test.rb' + - 'test/system/admin/tag_test.rb' + - 'test/system/admin/user_test.rb' + - 'test/system/create_admin_users_test.rb' + +# Offense count: 7 +Naming/AccessorMethodName: + Exclude: + - 'app/datatables/article_datatable.rb' + - 'app/datatables/calendar_datatable.rb' + - 'app/datatables/neighbourhood_datatable.rb' + - 'app/datatables/partner_datatable.rb' + - 'app/datatables/site_datatable.rb' + - 'app/datatables/tag_datatable.rb' + - 'app/datatables/user_datatable.rb' + +# Offense count: 4 +# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyleForLeadingUnderscores. +# SupportedStylesForLeadingUnderscores: disallowed, required, optional +Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName: + Exclude: + - 'app/controllers/admin/sites_controller.rb' + - 'app/models/concerns/html_render_cache.rb' + - 'test/models/partner_site_scope_test.rb' + - 'test/models/partner_site_with_tag_scope_test.rb' + +# Offense count: 2 +# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, AllowedPatterns, IgnoredPatterns. +# SupportedStyles: snake_case, camelCase +Naming/MethodName: + Exclude: + - 'app/graphql/types/event_type.rb' + +# Offense count: 6 +# Configuration parameters: MinNameLength, AllowNamesEndingInNumbers, AllowedNames, ForbiddenNames. +# AllowedNames: at, by, db, id, in, io, ip, of, on, os, pp, to +Naming/MethodParameterName: + Exclude: + - 'app/components/paginator/paginator_component.rb' + - 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/graphql_controller.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer_job.rb' + - 'app/models/address.rb' + - 'config/initializers/kramdown.rb' + +# Offense count: 9 +# Configuration parameters: NamePrefix, ForbiddenPrefixes, AllowedMethods, MethodDefinitionMacros. +# NamePrefix: is_, has_, have_ +# ForbiddenPrefixes: is_, has_, have_ +# AllowedMethods: is_a? +# MethodDefinitionMacros: define_method, define_singleton_method +Naming/PredicateName: + Exclude: + - 'app/helpers/application_helper.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/base.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/ics_event.rb' + - 'app/models/calendar.rb' + - 'app/models/partner.rb' + - 'app/uploaders/supporter_logo_uploader.rb' + +# Offense count: 26 +# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, CheckMethodNames, CheckSymbols, AllowedIdentifiers, AllowedPatterns. +# SupportedStyles: snake_case, normalcase, non_integer +# AllowedIdentifiers: capture3, iso8601, rfc1123_date, rfc822, rfc2822, rfc3339 +Naming/VariableNumber: + Exclude: + - 'test/controllers/admin/partner_update_postcode_test.rb' + - 'test/factories/address.rb' + - 'test/helpers/calendars_helper_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/event_site_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/event_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/partners_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/models/article_test.rb' + - 'test/models/partner_site_scope_test.rb' + - 'test/models/partner_site_with_tag_scope_test.rb' + - 'test/policies/partner_scope_test.rb' + +# Offense count: 1 +# Configuration parameters: MinSize. +Performance/CollectionLiteralInLoop: + Exclude: + - 'db/migrate/20191201002011_fix_invalid_partners.rb' + +# Offense count: 1 +Performance/FixedSize: + Exclude: + - 'app/models/address.rb' + +# Offense count: 21 +# Configuration parameters: Database, Include. +# SupportedDatabases: mysql, postgresql +# Include: db/migrate/*.rb +Rails/BulkChangeTable: + Exclude: + - 'db/migrate/20171017160904_add_contact_to_places.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20180316122253_add_columns_to_admin_partners.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20180629174727_add_last_checksum_and_footer_to_calendar.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20180716040041_remove_type_and_address_from_calendar.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20180801041639_add_access_token_to_users_and_calendars.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20180827120116_add_devise_invitable.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20180926032437_change_calendar_columns.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20181009094523_merge_partners_places_tables.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20181010165919_add_calendar_contact_columns.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20181012041853_add_facebook_app_id_and_facebook_app_secret_to_users.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20181031134053_change_calendar_contact_details_to_type_string.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20181121141327_add_social_media_columns_to_partners.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20200107174516_add_more_info_to_neighbourhoods.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20220106150818_add_summary_description_to_partners.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20220516083725_add_importer_mode_to_calendar.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20220611154511_add_html_fields_to_models.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20220711161804_remove_facebook_fields.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20220720151156_remove_calendar_contact_info_fields.rb' + +# Offense count: 7 +# Configuration parameters: Include. +# Include: db/migrate/*.rb +Rails/CreateTableWithTimestamps: + Exclude: + - 'db/migrate/20170726032515_create_initial_tables.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20180530100533_create_data_migrations.seed_migration.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20180919111400_split_turfs_into_neighbourhoods_and_turfs.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20181009162402_add_organisation_relationships_table.rb' + +# Offense count: 24 +# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, AllowToTime. +# SupportedStyles: strict, flexible +Rails/Date: + Exclude: + - 'app/components/paginator/paginator_component.rb' + - 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb' + - 'app/models/partner.rb' + - 'test/controllers/admin/calendars_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/controllers/partners_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/event_site_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/partners_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer_task_test.rb' + - 'test/models/events_test.rb' + +# Offense count: 7 +# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle. +# SupportedStyles: slashes, arguments +Rails/FilePath: + Exclude: + - 'config/application.rb' + - 'config/environments/development.rb' + - 'config/initializers/assets.rb' + - 'lib/tasks/db.rake' + - 'test/test_helper.rb' + +# Offense count: 8 +# Configuration parameters: Include. +# Include: app/models/**/*.rb +Rails/HasAndBelongsToMany: + Exclude: + - 'app/models/collection.rb' + - 'app/models/event.rb' + - 'app/models/partner.rb' + - 'app/models/site.rb' + - 'app/models/supporter.rb' + - 'app/models/user.rb' + +# Offense count: 6 +# Configuration parameters: Include. +# Include: app/models/**/*.rb +Rails/HasManyOrHasOneDependent: + Exclude: + - 'app/models/address.rb' + - 'app/models/online_address.rb' + - 'app/models/partner.rb' + - 'app/models/user.rb' + +# Offense count: 7 +# Configuration parameters: Include. +# Include: app/helpers/**/*.rb +Rails/HelperInstanceVariable: + Exclude: + - 'app/helpers/events_helper.rb' + - 'app/helpers/partners_helper.rb' + - 'app/helpers/sites_helper.rb' + +# Offense count: 55 +Rails/I18nLocaleTexts: + Exclude: + - 'app/controllers/admin/articles_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/admin/calendars_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/admin/collections_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/admin/neighbourhoods_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/admin/partners_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/admin/sites_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/admin/supporters_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/admin/tags_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/admin/users_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/calendars_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/events_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/joins_controller.rb' + - 'app/mailers/join_mailer.rb' + - 'app/models/address.rb' + - 'app/models/article_partner.rb' + - 'app/models/article_tag.rb' + - 'app/models/calendar.rb' + - 'app/models/neighbourhoods_user.rb' + - 'app/models/partner.rb' + - 'app/models/partner_tag.rb' + - 'app/models/sites_neighbourhood.rb' + - 'app/models/sites_supporter.rb' + - 'app/models/sites_tag.rb' + - 'app/models/tags_user.rb' + - 'app/models/user.rb' + +# Offense count: 1 +# Configuration parameters: IgnoreScopes, Include. +# Include: app/models/**/*.rb +Rails/InverseOf: + Exclude: + - 'app/models/user.rb' + +# Offense count: 5 +# Configuration parameters: Include. +# Include: app/controllers/**/*.rb +Rails/LexicallyScopedActionFilter: + Exclude: + - 'app/controllers/admin/neighbourhoods_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/admin/tags_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/collections_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/pages_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/sites_controller.rb' + +# Offense count: 3 +# Configuration parameters: Include. +# Include: db/migrate/*.rb +Rails/NotNullColumn: + Exclude: + - 'db/migrate/20181009162402_add_organisation_relationships_table.rb' + +# Offense count: 13 +# This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). +# Configuration parameters: Include. +# Include: app/**/*.rb, config/**/*.rb, db/**/*.rb, lib/**/*.rb +Rails/Output: + Exclude: + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer_job.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20211118145604_alter_structure_of_neighbourhoods.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20211118162518_remove_old_neighbourhood_properties.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20211203153422_correct_datamodel_by_importing_neighbourhoods_json.rb' + +# Offense count: 19 +Rails/OutputSafety: + Exclude: + - 'app/components/address/address_component.rb' + - 'app/components/hero/hero_component.rb' + - 'app/helpers/application_helper.rb' + - 'app/helpers/articles_helper.rb' + - 'app/helpers/calendars_helper.rb' + - 'app/helpers/events_helper.rb' + - 'app/helpers/map_helper.rb' + - 'app/helpers/partners_helper.rb' + - 'app/helpers/tags_helper.rb' + - 'app/helpers/users_helper.rb' + - 'app/models/partner.rb' + +# Offense count: 8 +# Configuration parameters: Include. +# Include: db/**/*.rb +Rails/ReversibleMigration: + Exclude: + - 'db/migrate/20180418132801_drop_sites_turfs_table.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20181031134053_change_calendar_contact_details_to_type_string.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20220225162314_add_id_to_partners_tags_and_places_tags.rb' + +# Offense count: 1 +# Configuration parameters: ForbiddenMethods, AllowedMethods. +# ForbiddenMethods: decrement!, decrement_counter, increment!, increment_counter, insert, insert!, insert_all, insert_all!, toggle!, touch, touch_all, update_all, update_attribute, update_column, update_columns, update_counters, upsert, upsert_all +Rails/SkipsModelValidations: + Exclude: + - 'lib/tasks/fixes/users.rake' + +# Offense count: 22 +# This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). +# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle. +# SupportedStyles: strict, flexible +Rails/TimeZone: + Exclude: + - 'app/components/event/event_component.rb' + - 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb' + - 'app/graphql/types/query_type.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/meetup_event.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/ticketsolve_event.rb' + - 'app/models/calendar.rb' + - 'app/models/event.rb' + - 'app/models/partner.rb' + - 'app/models/site.rb' + - 'lib/tasks/db.rake' + - 'test/controllers/events_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/controllers/partners_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/graphql/event_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/models/events_test.rb' + +# Offense count: 4 +Rails/TransactionExitStatement: + Exclude: + - 'app/models/calendar.rb' + +# Offense count: 9 +# Configuration parameters: Include. +# Include: app/models/**/*.rb +Rails/UniqueValidationWithoutIndex: + Exclude: + - 'app/models/article_tag.rb' + - 'app/models/calendar.rb' + - 'app/models/neighbourhoods_user.rb' + - 'app/models/partner.rb' + - 'app/models/partner_tag.rb' + - 'app/models/sites_neighbourhood.rb' + - 'app/models/sites_supporter.rb' + - 'app/models/tag.rb' + - 'app/models/tags_user.rb' + +# Offense count: 1 +# Configuration parameters: Environments. +# Environments: development, test, production +Rails/UnknownEnv: + Exclude: + - 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb' + +# Offense count: 4 +# This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). +Rails/WhereEquals: + Exclude: + - 'app/models/article.rb' + - 'app/models/event.rb' + - 'app/models/partner.rb' + +# Offense count: 1 +# This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). +# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle. +# SupportedStyles: exists, where +Rails/WhereExists: + Exclude: + - 'app/policies/application_policy.rb' + +# Offense count: 4 +# This cop supports safe autocorrection (--autocorrect). +Rake/Desc: + Exclude: + - 'lib/tasks/events.rake' + - 'lib/tasks/fixes/users.rake' + +# Offense count: 8 +Rake/MethodDefinitionInTask: + Exclude: + - 'lib/tasks/data.rake' + - 'lib/tasks/db.rake' + - 'lib/tasks/events.rake' + +# Offense count: 34 +# This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). +# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle. +# SupportedStyles: nested, compact +Style/ClassAndModuleChildren: + Exclude: + - 'app/controllers/users/confirmations_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/users/invitations_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/users/passwords_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/users/sessions_controller.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer_task.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/base.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/eventbrite_event.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/ics_event.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/manchester_uni_event.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/meetup_event.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/ticketsolve_event.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/base.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/eventbrite.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/ics.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/manchester_uni.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/meetup.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/ticketsolve.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/xml.rb' + - 'test/controllers/admin/articles_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/controllers/admin/calendars_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/controllers/admin/collections_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/controllers/admin/neighbourhoods_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/controllers/admin/partners_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/controllers/admin/sites_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/controllers/admin/supporter_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/controllers/admin/tags_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/controllers/admin/users_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/controllers/concerns/map_markers_concern_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/admin/articles_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/admin/calendars_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/integration/admin/tags_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer_test.rb' + +# Offense count: 1 +# This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). +Style/CollectionCompact: + Exclude: + - 'app/helpers/map_helper.rb' + +# Offense count: 1 +Style/CombinableLoops: + Exclude: + - 'db/migrate/20211203153422_correct_datamodel_by_importing_neighbourhoods_json.rb' + +# Offense count: 2 +# This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). +Style/CommentedKeyword: + Exclude: + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/base.rb' + +# Offense count: 2 +# Configuration parameters: MaxUnannotatedPlaceholdersAllowed, IgnoredMethods. +# SupportedStyles: annotated, template, unannotated +Style/FormatStringToken: + EnforcedStyle: unannotated + +# Offense count: 2 +# This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). +Style/GlobalStdStream: + Exclude: + - 'config/environments/production.rb' + - 'config/environments/staging.rb' + +# Offense count: 10 +# Configuration parameters: MinBodyLength, AllowConsecutiveConditionals. +Style/GuardClause: + Exclude: + - 'app/controllers/users/auth_common.rb' + - 'app/graphql/types/event_queries.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/meetup_event.rb' + - 'app/models/partner.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20191031170146_add_foreign_key_constraint_to_active_storage_attachments_for_blob_id.active_storage.rb' + - 'lib/tasks/data.rake' + +# Offense count: 1 +# Configuration parameters: MinBranchesCount. +Style/HashLikeCase: + Exclude: + - 'lib/tasks/db.rake' + +# Offense count: 1 +Style/MixinUsage: + Exclude: + - 'test/test_helper.rb' + +# Offense count: 4 +# Configuration parameters: AllowedMethods. +# AllowedMethods: respond_to_missing? +Style/OptionalBooleanParameter: + Exclude: + - 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb' + - 'app/controllers/concerns/map_markers.rb' + - 'app/helpers/application_helper.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer_job.rb' + +# Offense count: 43 +# This cop supports safe autocorrection (--autocorrect). +# Configuration parameters: Max, AllowHeredoc, AllowURI, URISchemes, IgnoreCopDirectives, AllowedPatterns, IgnoredPatterns. +# URISchemes: http, https +Layout/LineLength: + Exclude: + - 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb' + - 'app/graphql/types/event_queries.rb' + - 'app/graphql/types/event_type.rb' + - 'app/graphql/types/neighbourhood_type.rb' + - 'app/helpers/calendars_helper.rb' + - 'app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/ics_event.rb' + - 'app/models/address.rb' + - 'app/models/calendar.rb' + - 'app/models/concerns/validation.rb' + - 'app/models/partner.rb' + - 'config/initializers/devise.rb' + - 'config/initializers/simple_form.rb' + - 'config/initializers/simple_form_bootstrap.rb' + - 'db/data/20180625163935_add_places_partners.rb' + - 'db/data/20180625172033_add_sites.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20170927112842_create_delayed_jobs.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20180919111400_split_turfs_into_neighbourhoods_and_turfs.rb' + - 'db/migrate/20181009094523_merge_partners_places_tables.rb' + - 'db/seeds_to_migrate.rb' + - 'lib/tasks/db.rake' + - 'lib/tasks/events.rake' + - 'lib/tasks/neighbourhoods.rake' + - 'test/factories/articles.rb' + - 'test/integration/home_integration_test.rb' + - 'test/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer_test.rb' + - 'test/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver_strategy_test.rb' + - 'test/system/admin/site_test.rb' diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile index a2732d4f9..0a1f61519 100644 --- a/Gemfile +++ b/Gemfile @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ git_source(:github) do |repo_name| end # Core +gem 'minitest-rails' gem 'pg' gem 'puma', '~> 5' gem 'rails', '~>' -gem 'minitest-rails' # Frontend gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 5.0' @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ gem 'jquery-rails' gem 'jquery-turbolinks' gem 'jsbundling-rails' gem 'sass-rails', '~> 6.0' -gem 'turbo-rails' gem 'stimulus-rails' +gem 'turbo-rails' # Backend gem 'ancestry' @@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ gem 'ancestry' gem 'ajax-datatables-rails' # Calendar +gem 'eventbrite_sdk' gem 'httparty' gem 'icalendar' gem 'icalendar-recurrence' -gem 'eventbrite_sdk' # Uploads gem 'carrierwave' @@ -102,21 +102,26 @@ group :development do gem 'awesome_print' gem 'better_errors' gem 'binding_of_caller' + gem 'graphiql-rails' gem 'guard' gem 'guard-livereload', '~> 2.5', require: false gem 'guard-minitest' gem 'letter_opener' gem 'rails-erd' - gem 'rubocop-rails' + gem 'rubocop-graphql', require: false + gem 'rubocop-minitest', require: false + gem 'rubocop-performance', require: false + gem 'rubocop-rails', require: false + gem 'rubocop-rake', require: false gem 'spring' gem 'spring-watcher-listen', '~> 2.0.0' gem 'web-console', '>= 3.3.0' gem 'yard' - gem 'graphiql-rails' end group :test do gem 'capybara-select-2', '~> 0.5.1' + gem 'graphql-client' gem 'json_matchers' gem 'minitest-rails-capybara' gem 'minitest-reporters' @@ -125,7 +130,6 @@ group :test do # gem 'simplecov', require: false gem 'vcr' gem 'webmock' - gem 'graphql-client' end # Windows does not include zoneinfo files, so bundle the tzinfo-data gem diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock index 7925485c3..e8a7a2ac0 100644 --- a/Gemfile.lock +++ b/Gemfile.lock @@ -430,10 +430,19 @@ GEM unicode-display_width (>= 1.4.0, < 3.0) rubocop-ast (1.18.0) parser (>= + rubocop-graphql (0.15.0) + rubocop (>= 0.87, < 2) + rubocop-minitest (0.22.1) + rubocop (>= 0.90, < 2.0) + rubocop-performance (1.15.0) + rubocop (>= 1.7.0, < 2.0) + rubocop-ast (>= 0.4.0) rubocop-rails (2.14.2) activesupport (>= 4.2.0) rack (>= 1.1) rubocop (>= 1.7.0, < 2.0) + rubocop-rake (0.6.0) + rubocop (~> 1.0) ruby-graphviz (1.2.5) rexml ruby-progressbar (1.11.0) @@ -594,7 +603,11 @@ DEPENDENCIES rails_autolink redis (~> 4.0) rollbar + rubocop-graphql + rubocop-minitest + rubocop-performance rubocop-rails + rubocop-rake sass-rails (~> 6.0) seed_migration select2-rails diff --git a/Guardfile b/Guardfile index 3906c03ae..6fb607898 100644 --- a/Guardfile +++ b/Guardfile @@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ # # and, you'll have to watch "config/Guardfile" instead of "Guardfile" -guard :minitest, spring: 'bin/rails test', env: { 'NO_COVERAGE': 'true' } do +guard :minitest, spring: 'bin/rails test', env: { NO_COVERAGE: 'true' } do # with Minitest::Unit - watch(%r{^test/(.*)\/?(.*)\_test.rb$}) + watch(%r{^test/(.*)/?(.*)_test.rb$}) watch(%r{^lib/(.*/)?([^/]+)\.rb$}) { |m| "test/#{m[1]}test_#{m[2]}.rb" } watch(%r{^test/test_helper\.rb$}) { 'test' } @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ guard :minitest, spring: 'bin/rails test', env: { 'NO_COVERAGE': 'true' } do end guard 'livereload', grace_period: 1 do - extensions = { css: :css, scss: :css, diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 5c75eab0a..de86d5137 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ To run PlaceCal locally you will need: - [yarn](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install) - ImageMagick for image manipulation - [Graphviz](https://voormedia.github.io/rails-erd/install.html) for documentation diagrams -- Chrome/Chromium for system tests +- Chrome/Chromium for system tests along with a matching version of [Chromedriver](https://chromedriver.chromium.org/) ## Quickstart @@ -89,23 +89,21 @@ Amongst other things, this will create an admin user for you: ## Testing -PlaceCal tests are written in minitest. Before running the tests please ensure your dev environment has all of the migrations run, and ensure you have loaded the schema into the test database by running: +PlaceCal tests are written in minitest. -```sh -bin/rails db:test:prepare -``` +Before running the tests please make sure your development environment is up to date (you can run `bin/update` to quickly do that). -The following commands are used for running tests: +You can run the tests with: ```sh -bin/rails test # To run all of the unit tests -bin/rails test:system # To run all of the system tests (Invokes a headless browser) -bin/rails test:all # To run both the unit tests and the system tests at once +bin/test # To run all tests +bin/test --unit # To only run unit tests +bin/test --system # To only run system tests ``` -Please note that when running unit tests, system tests are **not** run, this is because they can take a while to run and are quite resource intensive. To perform more advanced usage like executing only a specific test or test file, see the documentation [here](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/testing.html) +Note that the system tests can take a while to run and are quite resource-intensive. To perform more advanced usage like executing only a specific test or test file, see the [Rails documentation on testing](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/testing.html). -When pushing to a branch on github all tests are run (unit and system). This is configured [here](.github/workflows/test.yml). You are not allowed to merge a branch (onto main or production) without a passing test suite. +Note also that the test suite will also run all formatters and linters for you in autocorrect mode. ## Formatting @@ -117,8 +115,20 @@ If you do want to run it manually, you can: bin/yarn run format ``` +It's also run for you by the test runner. + Note that we use tabs over spaces because [tabs are more accessible to people using braille displays](https://twitter.com/Rich_Harris/status/1541761871585464323). +## Linting + +We use Rubocop to lint our Ruby code. Because of the time it can take to run, this is a manual step: + +```sh +bin/bundle exec rubocop --autocorrect +``` + +It's also run for you by the test runner. + ## Contributing We welcome new contributors but strongly recommend you have a chat with us in [Geeks for Social Change's Discord server](http://discord.gfsc.studio) and say hi before you do. We will be happy to onboard you properly before you get stuck in. diff --git a/app/components/contact_details/contact_details_component.rb b/app/components/contact_details/contact_details_component.rb index 7fcfe0db8..115fbcc42 100644 --- a/app/components/contact_details/contact_details_component.rb +++ b/app/components/contact_details/contact_details_component.rb @@ -25,6 +25,6 @@ def strip_url(target_url) target_url.gsub('http://', '') .gsub('https://', '') .gsub('www.', '') - .gsub(/\/$/, '') + .gsub(%r{/$}, '') end end diff --git a/app/components/dashboard_card/dashboard_card_component.rb b/app/components/dashboard_card/dashboard_card_component.rb index ffa4b770c..6e8f7cc29 100644 --- a/app/components/dashboard_card/dashboard_card_component.rb +++ b/app/components/dashboard_card/dashboard_card_component.rb @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ class DashboardCardComponent < MountainView::Presenter property :last_updated, default: false def description - if properties[:description] - properties[:description].truncate(200) - end + properties[:description]&.truncate(200) end end diff --git a/app/components/event/event_component.rb b/app/components/event/event_component.rb index dbcae4e36..4a5baaf91 100644 --- a/app/components/event/event_component.rb +++ b/app/components/event/event_component.rb @@ -7,17 +7,13 @@ class EventComponent < MountainView::Presenter include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper - def id - event.id - end + delegate :id, to: :event - def place - event.place - end + delegate :place, to: :event def time if event.dtend - fmt_time(event.dtstart) + ' – ' + fmt_time(event.dtend) + "#{fmt_time(event.dtstart)} – #{fmt_time(event.dtend)}" else fmt_time(event.dtstart) end @@ -54,13 +50,9 @@ def date end end - def summary - event.summary - end + delegate :summary, to: :event - def description - event.description - end + delegate :description, to: :event def page? context == :page diff --git a/app/components/hero_image/hero_image_component.rb b/app/components/hero_image/hero_image_component.rb index 5dda0356d..36c75c616 100644 --- a/app/components/hero_image/hero_image_component.rb +++ b/app/components/hero_image/hero_image_component.rb @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ # app/components/hero_image/hero_image_component.rb class HeroImageComponent < MountainView::Presenter - property :title, default: 'PlaceCal is a community events calendar where you can find everything near you, all in one place.' + property :title, + default: 'PlaceCal is a community events calendar where you can find everything near you, all in one place.' properties :image_path, :image_credit def title @@ -10,7 +11,8 @@ def title end def image_credit - return false unless properties[:image_credit].present? + return false if properties[:image_credit].blank? + "Image credit: #{properties[:image_credit]}" end diff --git a/app/components/navigation/navigation_component.rb b/app/components/navigation/navigation_component.rb index d1b3e8dd4..e123171fc 100644 --- a/app/components/navigation/navigation_component.rb +++ b/app/components/navigation/navigation_component.rb @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ # app/components/navigation/navigation_component.rb class NavigationComponent < MountainView::Presenter - property :navigation # property :site @@ -14,5 +13,4 @@ class NavigationComponent < MountainView::Presenter # def site_logo # site.logo # end - end diff --git a/app/components/paginator/paginator_component.rb b/app/components/paginator/paginator_component.rb index 397f4e61f..68e0f1132 100644 --- a/app/components/paginator/paginator_component.rb +++ b/app/components/paginator/paginator_component.rb @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ def paginator # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize css: 'paginator__arrow paginator__arrow--back js-back' } # Create in-between links according to steps requested (0..steps).each do |i| - day = pointer + period * i + day = pointer + (period * i) css = active?(day) ? 'active js-button' : 'js-button' pages << { text: format_date(day), link: create_event_url(day), @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ def todayify(date) end # Format the button for a week of events - def weekify(date) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength + def weekify(date) today = Date.today end_date = date + period - 1.day date_fmt = if date.month == end_date.month @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ def url_suffix str << 'period=week' if period == 1.week str << "sort=#{sort}" if sort str << "repeating=#{repeating}" if repeating - '?' + str.join('&') if str.any? + "?#{str.join('&')}" if str.any? end # Icon for back arrow diff --git a/app/components/place_partner_preview/place_partner_preview_component.rb b/app/components/place_partner_preview/place_partner_preview_component.rb index 49a9d5fc1..c90455554 100644 --- a/app/components/place_partner_preview/place_partner_preview_component.rb +++ b/app/components/place_partner_preview/place_partner_preview_component.rb @@ -5,9 +5,7 @@ class PlacePartnerPreviewComponent < MountainView::Presenter properties :primary_neighbourhood, :previewee, :show_neighbourhoods, :badge_zoom_level, :service_areas - def name - previewee.name - end + delegate :name, to: :previewee def link previewee @@ -35,7 +33,7 @@ def primary_neighbourhood? end def show_service_area? - service_areas.count > 0 + service_areas.count.positive? end def service_area_name diff --git a/app/components/profile/profile_component.rb b/app/components/profile/profile_component.rb index 0291f3c4c..e2ab6a18e 100644 --- a/app/components/profile/profile_component.rb +++ b/app/components/profile/profile_component.rb @@ -10,10 +10,9 @@ def name def phone # Bloody empty string strikes again return false unless user.phone&.length&.positive? + user.phone end - def email - user.email - end + delegate :email, to: :user end diff --git a/app/constraints/sites.rb b/app/constraints/sites.rb index 2c87df024..2f0f98216 100644 --- a/app/constraints/sites.rb +++ b/app/constraints/sites.rb @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Sites class Local def self.matches?(request) return false if request.subdomain == Site::ADMIN_SUBDOMAIN + site = Site.find_by_request request site&.local_site? end diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/articles_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin/articles_controller.rb index b6782cdd6..34a390246 100644 --- a/app/controllers/admin/articles_controller.rb +++ b/app/controllers/admin/articles_controller.rb @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ def index respond_to do |format| format.html - format.json { + format.json do render json: ArticleDatatable.new( params, view_context: view_context, articles: @articles ) - } + end end end diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/calendars_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin/calendars_controller.rb index 54f71315f..7208ee845 100644 --- a/app/controllers/admin/calendars_controller.rb +++ b/app/controllers/admin/calendars_controller.rb @@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ def index respond_to do |format| format.html - format.json { + format.json do render json: CalendarDatatable.new( params, view_context: view_context, calendars: @calendars ) - } + end end end diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/jobs_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin/jobs_controller.rb index 9dd3fe8f1..bd4f49530 100644 --- a/app/controllers/admin/jobs_controller.rb +++ b/app/controllers/admin/jobs_controller.rb @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ class JobsController < Admin::ApplicationController def index @job_count = ActiveRecord::Base - .connection.execute("select count(*) from delayed_jobs") - .first["count"] + .connection.execute('select count(*) from delayed_jobs') + .first['count'] @calendar_counts = Calendar.group(:calendar_state).count end diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/partners_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin/partners_controller.rb index 842a1ca79..ff777d46e 100644 --- a/app/controllers/admin/partners_controller.rb +++ b/app/controllers/admin/partners_controller.rb @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ def index respond_to do |format| format.html - format.json { + format.json do render json: PartnerDatatable.new(params, view_context: view_context, partners: @partners) - } + end end end @@ -113,14 +113,14 @@ def setup def set_service_area_map_ids # maps neighbourhood ID to service_area ID - if @partner - @service_area_id_map = @partner - .service_areas.select(:id, :neighbourhood_id) - .map { |sa| { sa.neighbourhood_id => sa.id } } - .reduce({}, :merge) - else - @service_area_id_map = {} - end + @service_area_id_map = if @partner + @partner + .service_areas.select(:id, :neighbourhood_id) + .map { |sa| { sa.neighbourhood_id => sa.id } } + .reduce({}, :merge) + else + {} + end end def set_neighbourhoods diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/tags_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin/tags_controller.rb index d426f2cf7..72c95dc07 100644 --- a/app/controllers/admin/tags_controller.rb +++ b/app/controllers/admin/tags_controller.rb @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ def index respond_to do |format| format.html - format.json { + format.json do render json: TagDatatable.new( params, view_context: view_context, tags: @tags ) - } + end end end diff --git a/app/controllers/application_controller.rb b/app/controllers/application_controller.rb index 9a85ec75f..22adb0699 100644 --- a/app/controllers/application_controller.rb +++ b/app/controllers/application_controller.rb @@ -90,9 +90,7 @@ def current_site @current_site = Site.find_by_request(request) - if @current_site.nil? && !response.redirect? - redirect_to( root_url( :subdomain => false ) ) - end + redirect_to(root_url(subdomain: false)) if @current_site.nil? && !response.redirect? @current_site end @@ -101,7 +99,6 @@ def set_primary_neighbourhood @primary_neighbourhood = current_site&.primary_neighbourhood end - # Create a calendar from array of events def create_calendar(events, title = false) cal = Icalendar::Calendar.new @@ -140,9 +137,11 @@ def default_update(obj, obj_params) def authenticate_by_ip # Is whitelist mode enabled? return unless ENV['WHITELIST_MODE'] + # Whitelisted ips are stored as comma separated values in the dokku config whitelist = ENV['WHITELISTED_IPS'].split(',') return if whitelist.include?(request.remote_ip) + redirect_to 'https://google.com' end @@ -174,7 +173,7 @@ def redirect_from_default_site def set_navigation return @navigation if @navigation - return if self.class == MountainView::StyleguideController + return if instance_of?(MountainView::StyleguideController) @navigation = if default_site? default_site_navigation @@ -183,15 +182,15 @@ def set_navigation end end - protected def configure_permitted_parameters devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:sign_up, keys: %i[first_name last_name email password password_confirmation]) - devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:account_update, keys: %i[first_name last_name email password password_confirmation current_password]) + devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:account_update, + keys: %i[first_name last_name email password password_confirmation + current_password]) end - def storable_location? (request.subdomain == Site::ADMIN_SUBDOMAIN) && request.get? && is_navigational_format? && !devise_controller? && !request.xhr? end @@ -224,7 +223,7 @@ def sub_site_navigation # ['Places', places_path], ['Partners', partners_path] ] - items << ['News', news_index_path] if article_count > 0 + items << ['News', news_index_path] if article_count.positive? items end end diff --git a/app/controllers/concerns/load_utilities.rb b/app/controllers/concerns/load_utilities.rb index 865ce7f7e..06d369dfb 100644 --- a/app/controllers/concerns/load_utilities.rb +++ b/app/controllers/concerns/load_utilities.rb @@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ module LoadUtilities included do def set_tags @tags = if current_user&.role&.root? - Tag.all - else - current_user&.tags - end + Tag.all + else + current_user&.tags + end end end end diff --git a/app/controllers/concerns/map_markers.rb b/app/controllers/concerns/map_markers.rb index d4acd0b1b..c3bab9ef2 100644 --- a/app/controllers/concerns/map_markers.rb +++ b/app/controllers/concerns/map_markers.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module MapMarkers extend ActiveSupport::Concern @@ -12,8 +14,7 @@ module MapMarkers # returns: # Array of Hashes to be consumed by the JS map front end # - def get_map_markers(locations, addresses_only=false) - + def get_map_markers(locations, addresses_only = false) # Events locations = locations.map do |loc| next loc unless loc.is_a?(Event) @@ -28,9 +29,9 @@ def get_map_markers(locations, addresses_only=false) # reject partner with no resolvable address next if loc.address.nil? || loc.address.latitude.blank? - if addresses_only + if addresses_only && loc.service_areas.count.positive? # reject partner if they have any service areas? - next if loc.service_areas.count > 0 + next end { @@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ def get_map_markers(locations, addresses_only=false) # Addresses locations = locations.map do |loc| next loc unless loc.is_a?(Address) + { lat: loc.latitude, lon: loc.longitude @@ -52,5 +54,4 @@ def get_map_markers(locations, addresses_only=false) locations.keep_if { |loc| loc.is_a?(Hash) } end - end diff --git a/app/controllers/graphql_controller.rb b/app/controllers/graphql_controller.rb index 659a53f85..11217c247 100644 --- a/app/controllers/graphql_controller.rb +++ b/app/controllers/graphql_controller.rb @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class GraphqlController < ApplicationController - skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token # If accessing from outside this domain, nullify the session @@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ def execute render json: result rescue StandardError => e raise e unless Rails.env.development? + handle_error_in_development(e) end @@ -48,6 +50,6 @@ def handle_error_in_development(e) logger.error e.message logger.error e.backtrace.join("\n") - render json: { errors: [{ message: e.message, backtrace: e.backtrace }], data: {} }, status: 500 + render json: { errors: [{ message: e.message, backtrace: e.backtrace }], data: {} }, status: :internal_server_error end end diff --git a/app/controllers/joins_controller.rb b/app/controllers/joins_controller.rb index af7284b37..281f315f1 100644 --- a/app/controllers/joins_controller.rb +++ b/app/controllers/joins_controller.rb @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class JoinsController < ApplicationController before_action :set_site def new - @join = Join.new + @join = Join.new end def create @@ -11,9 +13,9 @@ def create if @join.submit redirect_to join_path, notice: "Thank you for your interest in PlaceCal. We'll be in touch with you shortly." else - flash[:error] = "Please fill out the required fields below" - render :new - end + flash[:error] = 'Please fill out the required fields below' + render :new + end end private diff --git a/app/controllers/news_controller.rb b/app/controllers/news_controller.rb index 738c49b54..0c1923483 100644 --- a/app/controllers/news_controller.rb +++ b/app/controllers/news_controller.rb @@ -9,24 +9,23 @@ class NewsController < ApplicationController def index @offset = params[:offset].to_i - @offset = 0 if @offset < 0 + @offset = 0 if @offset.negative? @next_offset = @offset + ARTICLES_PER_PAGE @article_count = Article - .for_site(@site) - .published - .count + .for_site(@site) + .published + .count @articles = Article - .for_site(@site) - .published - .by_publish_date - .offset(@offset) - .limit(ARTICLES_PER_PAGE) + .for_site(@site) + .published + .by_publish_date + .offset(@offset) + .limit(ARTICLES_PER_PAGE) end - def show - end + def show; end private diff --git a/app/controllers/partners_controller.rb b/app/controllers/partners_controller.rb index bdc36f88d..2b40b61fb 100644 --- a/app/controllers/partners_controller.rb +++ b/app/controllers/partners_controller.rb @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ class PartnersController < ApplicationController include MapMarkers - before_action :set_partner, only: [:show, :embed] - before_action :set_day, only: [:show, :embed] + before_action :set_partner, only: %i[show embed] + before_action :set_day, only: %i[show embed] before_action :set_primary_neighbourhood, only: [:index] before_action :set_site before_action :set_title, only: %i[index show] @@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ def embed def no_upcoming_events_reason(partner) if partner.calendars.none? - "This partner does not list events on PlaceCal." + 'This partner does not list events on PlaceCal.' else - "This partner has no upcoming events." + 'This partner has no upcoming events.' end end diff --git a/app/controllers/users/auth_common.rb b/app/controllers/users/auth_common.rb index c66d7c7f8..b43778996 100644 --- a/app/controllers/users/auth_common.rb +++ b/app/controllers/users/auth_common.rb @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ module Users module AuthCommon - def self.included(klass) klass.before_action :devise_check_on_root_site klass.after_action :patch_flash @@ -18,7 +17,7 @@ def self.included(klass) # def devise_check_on_root_site return if current_user.present? - return if not request.subdomain.present? + return if request.subdomain.blank? redirect_to url_for(subdomain: nil) end @@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ def patch_flash # # == Returns # URL of admin site with correct path and subdomain - def after_sign_in_path_for(resource_or_scope) + def after_sign_in_path_for(_resource_or_scope) route_for( :root, subdomain: Site::ADMIN_SUBDOMAIN @@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ def after_sign_in_path_for(resource_or_scope) # # == Returns # full url with domain to take user to - def after_accept_path_for(resource_or_scope) + def after_accept_path_for(_resource_or_scope) route_for( :root, subdomain: Site::ADMIN_SUBDOMAIN @@ -82,12 +81,11 @@ def after_accept_path_for(resource_or_scope) # # == Returns # full url with domain to take user to - def after_sign_out_path_for(resource_or_scope) + def after_sign_out_path_for(_resource_or_scope) route_for( :root, subdomain: nil ) end end - end diff --git a/app/datatables/article_datatable.rb b/app/datatables/article_datatable.rb index 0919de76e..4c4f70171 100644 --- a/app/datatables/article_datatable.rb +++ b/app/datatables/article_datatable.rb @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ -class ArticleDatatable < Datatable +# frozen_string_literal: true +class ArticleDatatable < Datatable def view_columns # Declare strings in this format: ModelName.column_name # or in aliased_join_table.column_name format diff --git a/app/datatables/datatable.rb b/app/datatables/datatable.rb index eab299fb5..5ccfb24f4 100644 --- a/app/datatables/datatable.rb +++ b/app/datatables/datatable.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class Datatable < AjaxDatatablesRails::ActiveRecord extend Forwardable diff --git a/app/datatables/neighbourhood_datatable.rb b/app/datatables/neighbourhood_datatable.rb index 9533b6161..468cc7406 100644 --- a/app/datatables/neighbourhood_datatable.rb +++ b/app/datatables/neighbourhood_datatable.rb @@ -1,26 +1,28 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class NeighbourhoodDatatable < Datatable def view_columns # Declare strings in this format: ModelName.column_name # or in aliased_join_table.column_name format @view_columns ||= { - id: { source: 'Neighbourhood.id', cond: :eq }, - name: { source: 'Neighbourhood.name' }, - unit_name: { source: 'Neighbourhood.unit_name' }, - unit_code_key: { source: 'Neighbourhood.unit_code_key' }, + id: { source: 'Neighbourhood.id', cond: :eq }, + name: { source: 'Neighbourhood.name' }, + unit_name: { source: 'Neighbourhood.unit_name' }, + unit_code_key: { source: 'Neighbourhood.unit_code_key' }, unit_code_value: { source: 'Neighbourhood.unit_code_value' }, - parent_name: { source: 'Neighbourhood.parent_name' }, + parent_name: { source: 'Neighbourhood.parent_name' } } end def data records.map do |record| { - id: link_to(record.id, edit_admin_neighbourhood_path(record)), - name: record.name, - unit_name: record.unit_name, - unit_code_key: record.unit_code_key, + id: link_to(record.id, edit_admin_neighbourhood_path(record)), + name: record.name, + unit_name: record.unit_name, + unit_code_key: record.unit_code_key, unit_code_value: record.unit_code_value, - parent_name: record.parent_name, + parent_name: record.parent_name } end end diff --git a/app/datatables/partner_datatable.rb b/app/datatables/partner_datatable.rb index 5c638b138..19c11b099 100644 --- a/app/datatables/partner_datatable.rb +++ b/app/datatables/partner_datatable.rb @@ -1,23 +1,25 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class PartnerDatatable < Datatable def view_columns # Declare strings in this format: ModelName.column_name # or in aliased_join_table.column_name format @view_columns ||= { - id: { source: 'Partner.id', cond: :eq }, - name: { source: 'Partner.name', cond: :like }, - slug: { source: 'Partner.slug' }, - address: { source: 'Partner.address', searchable: false }, - updated_at: { source: 'Partner.updated_at' }, + id: { source: 'Partner.id', cond: :eq }, + name: { source: 'Partner.name', cond: :like }, + slug: { source: 'Partner.slug' }, + address: { source: 'Partner.address', searchable: false }, + updated_at: { source: 'Partner.updated_at' } } end def data records.map do |record| { - id: link_to(record.id, edit_admin_partner_path(record)), - name: link_to(record.name, edit_admin_partner_path(record)), - slug: link_to(record.slug, edit_admin_partner_path(record)), - address: record.address, + id: link_to(record.id, edit_admin_partner_path(record)), + name: link_to(record.name, edit_admin_partner_path(record)), + slug: link_to(record.slug, edit_admin_partner_path(record)), + address: record.address, updated_at: record.updated_at } end diff --git a/app/datatables/site_datatable.rb b/app/datatables/site_datatable.rb index 3be1dee56..92cbc2598 100644 --- a/app/datatables/site_datatable.rb +++ b/app/datatables/site_datatable.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class SiteDatatable < Datatable def view_columns # Declare strings in this format: ModelName.column_name diff --git a/app/datatables/tag_datatable.rb b/app/datatables/tag_datatable.rb index 233ff7ba8..ea37775bd 100644 --- a/app/datatables/tag_datatable.rb +++ b/app/datatables/tag_datatable.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class TagDatatable < Datatable def view_columns # Declare strings in this format: ModelName.column_name diff --git a/app/datatables/user_datatable.rb b/app/datatables/user_datatable.rb index ef99bdb07..8073e3695 100644 --- a/app/datatables/user_datatable.rb +++ b/app/datatables/user_datatable.rb @@ -1,26 +1,28 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class UserDatatable < Datatable def view_columns # Declare strings in this format: ModelName.column_name # or in aliased_join_table.column_name format @view_columns ||= { - id: { source: 'User.id', cond: :eq }, - first_name: { source: 'User.first_name' }, - last_name: { source: 'User.last_name' }, + id: { source: 'User.id', cond: :eq }, + first_name: { source: 'User.first_name' }, + last_name: { source: 'User.last_name' }, admin_roles: { source: 'User.admin_roles', searchable: false, orderable: false }, - email: { source: 'User.email' }, - updated_at: { source: 'User.updated_at' } + email: { source: 'User.email' }, + updated_at: { source: 'User.updated_at' } } end def data records.map do |record| { - id: link_to(record.id, edit_admin_user_path(record)), - first_name: link_to(record.first_name, edit_admin_user_path(record)), - last_name: link_to(record.last_name, edit_admin_user_path(record)), + id: link_to(record.id, edit_admin_user_path(record)), + first_name: link_to(record.first_name, edit_admin_user_path(record)), + last_name: link_to(record.last_name, edit_admin_user_path(record)), admin_roles: record.admin_roles, - email: record.email, - updated_at: record.updated_at + email: record.email, + updated_at: record.updated_at } end end diff --git a/app/graphql/mutations/base_mutation.rb b/app/graphql/mutations/base_mutation.rb index 0749ec031..0ff6c4eec 100644 --- a/app/graphql/mutations/base_mutation.rb +++ b/app/graphql/mutations/base_mutation.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module Mutations class BaseMutation < GraphQL::Schema::RelayClassicMutation argument_class Types::BaseArgument diff --git a/app/graphql/place_cal_schema.rb b/app/graphql/place_cal_schema.rb index 9ea9c2ac4..63565796f 100644 --- a/app/graphql/place_cal_schema.rb +++ b/app/graphql/place_cal_schema.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class PlaceCalSchema < GraphQL::Schema # mutation(Types::MutationType) @@ -18,7 +20,7 @@ def self.type_error(err, context) end # Union and Interface Resolution - def self.resolve_type(abstract_type, obj, ctx) + def self.resolve_type(_abstract_type, _obj, _ctx) # TODO: Implement this method # to return the correct GraphQL object type for `obj` raise(GraphQL::RequiredImplementationMissingError) @@ -27,24 +29,24 @@ def self.resolve_type(abstract_type, obj, ctx) # Relay-style Object Identification: # Return a string UUID for `object` - def self.id_from_object(object, type_definition, query_ctx) + def self.id_from_object(object, type_definition, _query_ctx) # For example, use Rails' GlobalID library (https://github.com/rails/globalid): object_id = object.to_global_id.to_s # Remove this redundant prefix to make IDs shorter: - object_id = object_id.sub("gid://#{GlobalID.app}/", "") + object_id = object_id.sub("gid://#{GlobalID.app}/", '') encoded_id = Base64.urlsafe_encode64(object_id) # Remove the "=" padding - encoded_id = encoded_id.sub(/=+/, "") + encoded_id = encoded_id.sub(/=+/, '') # Add a type hint type_hint = type_definition.graphql_name.first "#{type_hint}_#{encoded_id}" end # Given a string UUID, find the object - def self.object_from_id(encoded_id_with_hint, query_ctx) + def self.object_from_id(encoded_id_with_hint, _query_ctx) # For example, use Rails' GlobalID library (https://github.com/rails/globalid): # Split off the type hint - _type_hint, encoded_id = encoded_id_with_hint.split("_", 2) + _type_hint, encoded_id = encoded_id_with_hint.split('_', 2) # Decode the ID id = Base64.urlsafe_decode64(encoded_id) # Rebuild it for Rails then find the object: diff --git a/app/graphql/types/article_type.rb b/app/graphql/types/article_type.rb index 4563ab720..026bd6586 100644 --- a/app/graphql/types/article_type.rb +++ b/app/graphql/types/article_type.rb @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class ArticleType < Types::BaseObject # author: person, from user def image - return nil unless object.article_image_url.present? + return nil if object.article_image_url.blank? url = URI::HTTP.build(Rails.application.default_url_options) url.scheme = Rails.application.default_url_options[:protocol] diff --git a/app/graphql/types/base_argument.rb b/app/graphql/types/base_argument.rb index c1bfdabbf..2e2278c5a 100644 --- a/app/graphql/types/base_argument.rb +++ b/app/graphql/types/base_argument.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module Types class BaseArgument < GraphQL::Schema::Argument end diff --git a/app/graphql/types/base_connection.rb b/app/graphql/types/base_connection.rb index df16c1713..366c69e8a 100644 --- a/app/graphql/types/base_connection.rb +++ b/app/graphql/types/base_connection.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module Types class BaseConnection < Types::BaseObject # add `nodes` and `pageInfo` fields, as well as `edge_type(...)` and `node_nullable(...)` overrides diff --git a/app/graphql/types/base_edge.rb b/app/graphql/types/base_edge.rb index e3c4bf723..e0d2f79c0 100644 --- a/app/graphql/types/base_edge.rb +++ b/app/graphql/types/base_edge.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module Types class BaseEdge < Types::BaseObject # add `node` and `cursor` fields, as well as `node_type(...)` override diff --git a/app/graphql/types/base_enum.rb b/app/graphql/types/base_enum.rb index b45a845f7..cf43fea45 100644 --- a/app/graphql/types/base_enum.rb +++ b/app/graphql/types/base_enum.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module Types class BaseEnum < GraphQL::Schema::Enum end diff --git a/app/graphql/types/base_field.rb b/app/graphql/types/base_field.rb index 7142ef7dd..611eb0560 100644 --- a/app/graphql/types/base_field.rb +++ b/app/graphql/types/base_field.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module Types class BaseField < GraphQL::Schema::Field argument_class Types::BaseArgument diff --git a/app/graphql/types/base_input_object.rb b/app/graphql/types/base_input_object.rb index c97c47963..279511321 100644 --- a/app/graphql/types/base_input_object.rb +++ b/app/graphql/types/base_input_object.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module Types class BaseInputObject < GraphQL::Schema::InputObject argument_class Types::BaseArgument diff --git a/app/graphql/types/base_interface.rb b/app/graphql/types/base_interface.rb index a330aef26..188993871 100644 --- a/app/graphql/types/base_interface.rb +++ b/app/graphql/types/base_interface.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module Types module BaseInterface include GraphQL::Schema::Interface diff --git a/app/graphql/types/base_object.rb b/app/graphql/types/base_object.rb index ed6a321f1..487af2f58 100644 --- a/app/graphql/types/base_object.rb +++ b/app/graphql/types/base_object.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module Types class BaseObject < GraphQL::Schema::Object edge_type_class(Types::BaseEdge) diff --git a/app/graphql/types/base_scalar.rb b/app/graphql/types/base_scalar.rb index c0aa38be2..719bc808f 100644 --- a/app/graphql/types/base_scalar.rb +++ b/app/graphql/types/base_scalar.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module Types class BaseScalar < GraphQL::Schema::Scalar end diff --git a/app/graphql/types/base_union.rb b/app/graphql/types/base_union.rb index d6dd3acb1..959416963 100644 --- a/app/graphql/types/base_union.rb +++ b/app/graphql/types/base_union.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module Types class BaseUnion < GraphQL::Schema::Union edge_type_class(Types::BaseEdge) diff --git a/app/graphql/types/contact_type.rb b/app/graphql/types/contact_type.rb index e10d6bef2..857d33269 100644 --- a/app/graphql/types/contact_type.rb +++ b/app/graphql/types/contact_type.rb @@ -1,23 +1,22 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module Types class ContactType < Types::BaseObject - description 'Contact information for a person or venue' - field :name, String, - null: false, - method: :public_name, - description: 'Name of contact' + field :name, String, + null: false, + method: :public_name, + description: 'Name of contact' - field :email, String, - null: false, - method: :public_email, - description: 'Email address of contact' + field :email, String, + null: false, + method: :public_email, + description: 'Email address of contact' field :telephone, String, - null: false, - method: :public_phone, - description: 'Telephone number of contact' - + null: false, + method: :public_phone, + description: 'Telephone number of contact' end end - diff --git a/app/graphql/types/event_queries.rb b/app/graphql/types/event_queries.rb index f67ab93cd..ce5f22d13 100644 --- a/app/graphql/types/event_queries.rb +++ b/app/graphql/types/event_queries.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module Types module EventQueries def self.included(klass) @@ -47,12 +49,12 @@ def events_by_filter(**args) if args[:from_date].present? if args[:from_date] =~ /^\s*(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})[ T](\d{2}):(\d{2})/ from_date = DateTime.new( - $1.to_i, # year - $2.to_i, # month - $3.to_i, # day - $4.to_i, # hour - $5.to_i, # minute - 0, # seconds + Regexp.last_match(1).to_i, # year + Regexp.last_match(2).to_i, # month + Regexp.last_match(3).to_i, # day + Regexp.last_match(4).to_i, # hour + Regexp.last_match(5).to_i, # minute + 0 # seconds ) else raise GraphQL::ExecutionError, "fromDate not in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM' format" @@ -64,12 +66,12 @@ def events_by_filter(**args) if args[:to_date].present? if args[:to_date] =~ /^\s*(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})[ T](\d{2}):(\d{2})/ to_date = DateTime.new( - $1.to_i, # year - $2.to_i, # month - $3.to_i, # day - $4.to_i, # hour - $5.to_i, # minute - 0, # seconds + Regexp.last_match(1).to_i, # year + Regexp.last_match(2).to_i, # month + Regexp.last_match(3).to_i, # day + Regexp.last_match(4).to_i, # hour + Regexp.last_match(5).to_i, # minute + 0 # seconds ) raise GraphQL::ExecutionError, 'toDate is before fromDate' if to_date <= from_date diff --git a/app/graphql/types/event_type.rb b/app/graphql/types/event_type.rb index b901abfe1..704f535cc 100644 --- a/app/graphql/types/event_type.rb +++ b/app/graphql/types/event_type.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module Types class EventType < Types::BaseObject description 'An event represents a date in time that a partner operates their service, meetup, workout or class etc' diff --git a/app/graphql/types/mutation_type.rb b/app/graphql/types/mutation_type.rb index 28516a597..6737f73f6 100644 --- a/app/graphql/types/mutation_type.rb +++ b/app/graphql/types/mutation_type.rb @@ -1,10 +1,12 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module Types class MutationType < Types::BaseObject # TODO: remove me field :test_field, String, null: false, - description: "An example field added by the generator" + description: 'An example field added by the generator' def test_field - "Hello World" + 'Hello World' end end end diff --git a/app/graphql/types/neighbourhood_type.rb b/app/graphql/types/neighbourhood_type.rb index 1b5f0ac8a..83009dd0c 100644 --- a/app/graphql/types/neighbourhood_type.rb +++ b/app/graphql/types/neighbourhood_type.rb @@ -1,28 +1,27 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module Types class NeighbourhoodType < Types::BaseObject - description 'A political divison, for example as established by the UK Boundary Authority. Can be on a number of scales from local to national' # field :id, ID, null: false - field :name, String, - null: false, - description: 'The common name for this region' + field :name, String, + null: false, + description: 'The common name for this region' field :abbreviated_name, String, - description: 'Abbreviated version of name or just the name if this is not set' + description: 'Abbreviated version of name or just the name if this is not set' field :unit, String, - description: 'Size of neighbourhood: country -> region -> county -> district -> ward' + description: 'Size of neighbourhood: country -> region -> county -> district -> ward' field :unit_name, String, - description: 'Official name of this neighbourhood' + description: 'Official name of this neighbourhood' field :unit_code_key, String, - description: 'Official key for this neighbourhood' + description: 'Official key for this neighbourhood' field :unit_code_value, String, - description: 'Official value (ID) of this neighbourhood' - + description: 'Official value (ID) of this neighbourhood' end end - diff --git a/app/graphql/types/node_type.rb b/app/graphql/types/node_type.rb index 8daea8406..c71ec3ee6 100644 --- a/app/graphql/types/node_type.rb +++ b/app/graphql/types/node_type.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module Types module NodeType include Types::BaseInterface diff --git a/app/graphql/types/opening_hours_type.rb b/app/graphql/types/opening_hours_type.rb index 13ed1f085..7559f6c1a 100644 --- a/app/graphql/types/opening_hours_type.rb +++ b/app/graphql/types/opening_hours_type.rb @@ -1,19 +1,21 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module Types class OpeningHoursType < Types::BaseObject description 'A period of time that this partner is open for' field :day_of_week, String, - description: 'Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc' + description: 'Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc' field :opens, String, - description: 'Hour at which business commences' + description: 'Hour at which business commences' field :closes, String, - description: 'Hour at which business ceaces' + description: 'Hour at which business ceaces' def day_of_week - object['dayOfWeek'].scan(/\/([^\/]*)$/) - $1 + object['dayOfWeek'].scan(%r{/([^/]*)$}) + Regexp.last_match(1) end end end diff --git a/app/graphql/types/partner_type.rb b/app/graphql/types/partner_type.rb index fe1ffc7b8..77201a698 100644 --- a/app/graphql/types/partner_type.rb +++ b/app/graphql/types/partner_type.rb @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def articles end def logo - return nil unless object.logo_url.present? + return nil if object.logo_url.blank? url = URI::HTTP.build(Rails.application.default_url_options) url.scheme = Rails.application.default_url_options[:protocol] diff --git a/app/graphql/types/query_type.rb b/app/graphql/types/query_type.rb index 569017ff7..7f4dcd5fb 100644 --- a/app/graphql/types/query_type.rb +++ b/app/graphql/types/query_type.rb @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module Types ID = GraphQL::Types::ID module PartnerQueries def self.included(klass) - - klass.field :partner, PartnerType do + klass.field :partner, PartnerType do description 'Retrieve one Partner based on specific ID' argument :id, ID end @@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ def partner(id:) Partner.find(id) end - def partner_connection(**args) + def partner_connection(**_args) Partner.all end @@ -35,9 +36,9 @@ def partners_by_tag(tag_id:) module ArticleQueries def self.included(klass) - #klass.field :all_articles, [ArticleType] do + # klass.field :all_articles, [ArticleType] do # description 'Return news articles from all sites for all partners' - #end + # end klass.field :article_connection, Types::ArticleType.connection_type do description \ @@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ def self.included(klass) end end - def article_connection(**args) + def article_connection(**_args) Article.global_newsfeed end @@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ def site(id:) Site.find(id) end - def site_connection(**args) + def site_connection(**_args) Site.all end end @@ -93,8 +94,8 @@ def site_connection(**args) module MiscQueries def self.included(klass) klass.field :ping, String, - null: false, - description: "Ping server, returns a happy message and a timestamp" + null: false, + description: 'Ping server, returns a happy message and a timestamp' end def ping @@ -103,7 +104,6 @@ def ping end class QueryType < Types::BaseObject - description "The base query schema for all of PlaceCal's GraphQL queries" # Add `node(id: ID!) and `nodes(ids: [ID!]!)` diff --git a/app/graphql/types/site_type.rb b/app/graphql/types/site_type.rb index 9709f6e31..32a694f1f 100644 --- a/app/graphql/types/site_type.rb +++ b/app/graphql/types/site_type.rb @@ -1,29 +1,28 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module Types class SiteType < Types::BaseObject - description 'Sites represent a collection of neighbourhoods or service areas' - field :id, ID, - null: false, - description: 'Internal reference ID' + field :id, ID, + null: false, + description: 'Internal reference ID' field :name, String, - null: false, - description: 'Full name of site' + null: false, + description: 'Full name of site' - field :slug, String, - null: false, - description: 'Short unique URL friendly version of name' + field :slug, String, + null: false, + description: 'Short unique URL friendly version of name' field :domain, String, - description: 'The public URL that this site can be found on PlaceCal' + description: 'The public URL that this site can be found on PlaceCal' field :description, String, - description: 'Longer description of site' + description: 'Longer description of site' field :neighbourhoods, [NeighbourhoodType], - description: 'The neighbourhoods that this site encompasses' - + description: 'The neighbourhoods that this site encompasses' end end - diff --git a/app/helpers/application_helper.rb b/app/helpers/application_helper.rb index b7c9d17a9..db11e2a67 100644 --- a/app/helpers/application_helper.rb +++ b/app/helpers/application_helper.rb @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ # frozen_string_literal: true + class StrongParametersFormBuilder < SimpleForm::FormBuilder def input(attribute_name, options = {}, &block) disabled = self.options[:disabled] display_filter = self.options[:display_only]&.collect { |attr| attr.is_a?(Hash) ? attr.keys : attr }&.flatten - if disabled && disabled.include?(attribute_name) + if disabled&.include?(attribute_name) options[:disabled] = true super elsif display_filter @@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ def admin_nav_link(name, path, icon = false) end def filtered_form_for(object, options = {}, &block) - simple_form_for(object, options.merge(:builder => StrongParametersFormBuilder), &block) + simple_form_for(object, options.merge(builder: StrongParametersFormBuilder), &block) end def has_any_global_admin_links? @@ -44,8 +45,8 @@ def has_any_global_admin_links? def image_uploader_hint(uploader_field) return if uploader_field.nil? - sprintf( - "Supported file formats: %s. Max file size: %s", + format( + 'Supported file formats: %s. Max file size: %s', uploader_field.extension_allowlist.to_sentence, number_to_human_size(uploader_field.size_range.max) ) diff --git a/app/helpers/articles_helper.rb b/app/helpers/articles_helper.rb index 1a3d6da87..3a08da976 100644 --- a/app/helpers/articles_helper.rb +++ b/app/helpers/articles_helper.rb @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ def options_for_partners end def article_partner_links(article) - article.partners.map { |partner| + article.partners.map do |partner| link_to(partner.name, partner_path(partner)) - }.join(' | ').html_safe + end.join(' | ').html_safe end def article_summary_text(article) diff --git a/app/helpers/calendars_helper.rb b/app/helpers/calendars_helper.rb index b12fad6b0..640be3b22 100644 --- a/app/helpers/calendars_helper.rb +++ b/app/helpers/calendars_helper.rb @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ module CalendarsHelper def options_for_organiser org_opts = policy_scope(Partner) - .order(:name) - .collect { |opt| [ opt.name, opt.id ] } + .order(:name) + .collect { |opt| [opt.name, opt.id] } - #[{ name: '', id: ''}] + org_opts - [[ '(No Partner)', '', { disabled: true }]] + org_opts + # [{ name: '', id: ''}] + org_opts + [['(No Partner)', '', { disabled: true }]] + org_opts end def options_for_location @@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ def options_for_importer CalendarImporter::CalendarImporter::PARSERS .dup .keep_if { |parser| parser::PUBLIC } - .map { |parser| [ parser::NAME, parser::KEY ] } - .prepend([ '(Auto detect)', 'auto' ]) + .map { |parser| [parser::NAME, parser::KEY] } + .prepend(['(Auto detect)', 'auto']) end def summarize_dates(dates) diff --git a/app/helpers/map_helper.rb b/app/helpers/map_helper.rb index 5672ba0ff..86a844e04 100644 --- a/app/helpers/map_helper.rb +++ b/app/helpers/map_helper.rb @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true module MapHelper - def args_for_map(map_points, site, style_mode, compact_mode) data_for_markers = map_points.dup.reject(&:nil?).map do |mrkr| {}.tap do |pin| @@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ def args_for_map(map_points, site, style_mode, compact_mode) def map_style_class(points, style_mode, compact_mode) out = [] - case style_mode - when :single - out << 'map--single' - when :multi - out << 'map--multiple' - else - out << ((points.length > 1) ? 'map--multiple' : 'map--single') - end + out << case style_mode + when :single + 'map--single' + when :multi + 'map--multiple' + else + (points.length > 1 ? 'map--multiple' : 'map--single') + end out << 'map--compact' if compact_mode out end @@ -42,15 +42,15 @@ def center(marker_data) return marker_data.first[:position] if marker_data.length == 1 [ - marker_data.map { |p| p[:position][0] }.sum / marker_data.length, - marker_data.map { |p| p[:position][1] }.sum / marker_data.length + marker_data.sum { |p| p[:position][0] } / marker_data.length, + marker_data.sum { |p| p[:position][1] } / marker_data.length ] end def api_token return '' if Rails.env.test? - token = ENV['MAPBOX_TOKEN'] + token = ENV.fetch('MAPBOX_TOKEN', nil) return token if token raise 'MAPBOX_TOKEN is missing from ENV, please see .env.example' @@ -69,4 +69,3 @@ def tileset_for_site_url(site) "https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/placecal/#{tileset}/tiles/256/{z}/{x}/{y}@2x?access_token=#{api_token}" end end - diff --git a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer.rb b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer.rb index 95f1f2355..f17fffe85 100644 --- a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer.rb +++ b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer.rb @@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ def parser # This ensures that self.parser is set during calendar_importer_task def validate_feed! raise InaccessibleFeed, "The URL could not be reached for calendar #{@calendar.name}" unless url_accessible? - raise UnsupportedFeed, 'The provided URL is not supported' unless parser.present? + raise UnsupportedFeed, 'The provided URL is not supported' if parser.blank? end def url_accessible? response = HTTParty.get(@calendar.source, follow_redirects: true) response.code == 200 - rescue + rescue StandardError false end end diff --git a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer_task.rb b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer_task.rb index 3262427a1..89f61bb69 100644 --- a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer_task.rb +++ b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer_task.rb @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ def run calendar.flag_complete_import_job! notices, calendar_source.checksum, parser::KEY end - private def notices @@ -73,7 +72,6 @@ def process_event(parsed_event) active_event_uids << parsed_event.uid parsed_event.save_all_occurences - rescue CalendarImporter::EventResolver::Problem => e notices << e.message end diff --git a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver.rb b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver.rb index 6efafb4bb..be0f87a98 100644 --- a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver.rb +++ b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver.rb @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ def determine_location_for_strategy 'online_only' => :online_only_strategy } - if strategies.keys.include?(calendar.strategy) + if strategies.key?(calendar.strategy) strategy = strategies[calendar.strategy] place, address = method(strategy).call(calendar.place) else @@ -97,13 +97,13 @@ def event_strategy(place, address: nil) # if the address failed to save # Both of these will cause the event to fail validation with "No place or address could be created/found (etc)" - else # no location - raise Problem, WARNING2_MSG if place.present? - # No longer an error if place is not present -- see #1198 - # Passthrough here - end + elsif place.present? + raise Problem, WARNING2_MSG + end # no location + # No longer an error if place is not present -- see #1198 + # Passthrough here - return place, address + [place, address] end def event_override_strategy(place, address: nil) @@ -120,19 +120,17 @@ def event_override_strategy(place, address: nil) # NOTE: place is possibly unset here - fuzzy_find_by_location can be nil # NOTE: address is possibly unset here - place might be nil or Address.search can return nil # In either case we will just drop this event on the floor - else # no location - if place.present? - # place = 'calendar.place' - # address = 'calendar.place.address' - # place = calendar.place - address = place.address - - else # no place, no location - raise Problem, WARNING1_MSG - end + elsif place.present? # no location + address = place.address + # place = 'calendar.place' + # address = 'calendar.place.address' + # place = calendar.place + + else # no place, no location + raise Problem, WARNING1_MSG end - return place, address + [place, address] end def place_strategy(_place, _address: nil) @@ -148,7 +146,7 @@ def place_strategy(_place, _address: nil) raise Problem, message if calendar.place.nil? - return calendar.place, calendar.place.address + [calendar.place, calendar.place.address] # NOTE: calendar.place can be nil, in which case this event will be dropped on the floor # (Likely what is happening with Velociposse?) @@ -169,27 +167,25 @@ def room_number_strategy(place, address: nil) raise Problem, 'N/A' end - else # no location - if place.present? - # place = 'calendar.place' - # address = 'calendar.place.address' - # xx place = calendar.place.address - address = place.address + elsif place.present? # no location + address = place.address + # place = 'calendar.place' + # address = 'calendar.place.address' + # xx place = calendar.place.address - else # no place, no location - raise Problem, 'N/A' - end + else # no place, no location + raise Problem, 'N/A' end - return place, address + [place, address] end def no_location_strategy(_place, _address: nil) - return nil, nil + [nil, nil] end def online_only_strategy(_place, _address: nil) - return nil, nil + [nil, nil] end def save_all_occurences @@ -238,8 +234,8 @@ def event_location_components regexp = Regexp.new(regex_string, Regexp::IGNORECASE) @event_location_components = (data.location || '') - .split(', ') - .map { |component| component.gsub(regexp, '').strip } - .reject(&:blank?) + .split(', ') + .map { |component| component.gsub(regexp, '').strip } + .compact_blank end end diff --git a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/base.rb b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/base.rb index 3f8409864..0e69532a2 100644 --- a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/base.rb +++ b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/base.rb @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module CalendarImporter::Events class Base - ALLOWED_TAGS = %w[p a strong b em i ul ol li blockquote h3 h4 h5 h6 br] + ALLOWED_TAGS = %w[p a strong b em i ul ol li blockquote h3 h4 h5 h6 br].freeze Dates = Struct.new(:start_time, :end_time, :status) @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ def rrule def sanitize_invalid_char(input) # input = I18n.transliterate(input) - input.encode('utf-8', :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => '') + input.encode('utf-8', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '') end # Convert h1 and h2 to h3 @@ -35,15 +35,15 @@ def html_sanitize(input) input_mode = 'markdown' doc = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(clean_text) - if doc.css('*').length > 0 + if doc.css('*').length.positive? input_mode = 'html' # looks like HTML to us - #if doc.errors.any? # this could be useful? + # if doc.errors.any? # this could be useful? # puts 'errors found:' # puts doc.errors # return '' - #end + # end doc.css('h1', 'h2').each { |header| header.name = 'h3' } @@ -60,17 +60,16 @@ def html_sanitize(input) end def attributes - { uid: uid&.strip, - summary: sanitize_invalid_char(summary), - description: html_sanitize(description), + { uid: uid&.strip, + summary: sanitize_invalid_char(summary), + description: html_sanitize(description), raw_location_from_source: location&.strip, - rrule: rrule, - place_id: place_id, - address_id: address_id, - partner_id: partner_id, - publisher_url: publisher_url, - online_address_id: online_address_id - } + rrule: rrule, + place_id: place_id, + address_id: address_id, + partner_id: partner_id, + publisher_url: publisher_url, + online_address_id: online_address_id } end def footer; end @@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ def footer; end def publisher_url; end def has_location? - !location.blank? + location.present? end def recurring_event? @@ -87,7 +86,9 @@ def recurring_event? def postcode postal = location.match(Address::POSTCODE_REGEX).try(:[], 0) - postal = /M[1-9]{2}(?:\s)?(?:[1-9])?/.match(location).try(:[], 0) if postal.blank? # check for instances of M14 or M15 4 or whatever madness they've come up with + if postal.blank? + postal = /M[1-9]{2}(?:\s)?(?:[1-9])?/.match(location).try(:[], 0) + end # check for instances of M14 or M15 4 or whatever madness they've come up with # TODO? Remove? This will currently do nothing because postcodes.io only # works on postcodes and we have established that a postcode does not @@ -110,12 +111,12 @@ def ip_class end def private? - ip_class&.casecmp('private')&.zero? || (description&.include?('#placecal-ignore')) + ip_class&.casecmp('private')&.zero? || description&.include?('#placecal-ignore') end def online_event? # TODO: Put in default here - return nil + nil end end end diff --git a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/eventbrite_event.rb b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/eventbrite_event.rb index e717a83e7..8e3b7d40f 100644 --- a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/eventbrite_event.rb +++ b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/eventbrite_event.rb @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def location address['city'], address['region'], address['postal_code'] - ].reject(&:blank?).join(', ') + ].compact_blank.join(', ') else place['name'] end diff --git a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/ics_event.rb b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/ics_event.rb index 74fcbfa21..a398148f6 100644 --- a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/ics_event.rb +++ b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/ics_event.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ def description text = @event.description text = text.join(' ') if text.is_a?(Icalendar::Values::Array) - text.to_s #.gsub(/\A(\n)+\z/, '').strip + text.to_s # .gsub(/\A(\n)+\z/, '').strip end def location @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ def online_event? def have_direct_url_to_stream?(link) # Oh my god why is ruby's iteration stuff so annoying # also TODO: find a different name than "value" - domain = event_link_types.keys.find(proc { nil }) { |domain| link.include?(domain) } + domain = event_link_types.keys.find(proc {}) { |domain| link.include?(domain) } return event_link_types[domain][:type] if domain @@ -79,18 +79,18 @@ def have_direct_url_to_stream?(link) end def find_event_link - link_regexes = event_link_types.values.map { |v| v[:regex] } + link_regexes = event_link_types.values.pluck(:regex) regex = Regexp.union link_regexes regex.match description end def event_link_types - http = %r{(http(s)?://)?} # - https:// or http:// or nothing - alphanum = %r{[A-Za-z0-9]+} # - alphanumeric strings - subdomain = %r{(#{alphanum}\.)?} # - matches the www. or us04web in the zoom link - suffix = %r{[^\s<"]+} # - matches until we see a whitespace character, - # an angle bracket, or a quote (thanks html) + http = %r{(http(s)?://)?} # - https:// or http:// or nothing + alphanum = /[A-Za-z0-9]+/ # - alphanumeric strings + subdomain = /(#{alphanum}\.)?/ # - matches the www. or us04web in the zoom link + suffix = /[^\s<"]+/ # - matches until we see a whitespace character, + # an angle bracket, or a quote (thanks html) # We deal with the following strings: # meet.jit.si/foobarbaz @@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ def event_link_types #

(event url)

{ - 'meet.jit.si' => { regex: %r{#{http}#{subdomain}meet.jit.si/#{suffix}}, type: 'direct' }, + 'meet.jit.si' => { regex: %r{#{http}#{subdomain}meet.jit.si/#{suffix}}, type: 'direct' }, 'meet.google.com' => { regex: %r{#{http}#{subdomain}meet.google.com/#{suffix}}, type: 'direct' }, - 'zoom.us' => { regex: %r{#{http}#{subdomain}zoom.us/j/#{suffix}}, type: 'direct' }, - 'facebook.com' => { regex: %r{#{http}#{subdomain}facebook.com/events/#{suffix}}, type: 'indirect' } + 'zoom.us' => { regex: %r{#{http}#{subdomain}zoom.us/j/#{suffix}}, type: 'direct' }, + 'facebook.com' => { regex: %r{#{http}#{subdomain}facebook.com/events/#{suffix}}, type: 'indirect' } } end end diff --git a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/manchester_uni_event.rb b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/manchester_uni_event.rb index e5fa93641..b04e3cfb1 100644 --- a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/manchester_uni_event.rb +++ b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/manchester_uni_event.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module CalendarImporter::Events class ManchesterUniEvent < Base def initialize(event) @@ -23,7 +25,7 @@ def dtstart time = @event.at_xpath('./ns:times[@type="local"] //ns:start //ns:time') DateTime.parse([date, time].join(', ')) rescue StandardError - nil + nil end def dtend @@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ def dtend time = @event.at_xpath('./ns:times[@type="local"] //ns:end //ns:time') DateTime.parse([date, time].join(', ')) rescue StandardError - nil + nil end def recurring_event? diff --git a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/meetup_event.rb b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/meetup_event.rb index 8b9edf7f0..bafe43b17 100644 --- a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/meetup_event.rb +++ b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/meetup_event.rb @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ def location venue['city'], venue['localized_country_name'], venue['name'] # postcode? - ].map(&:to_s).map(&:strip).reject(&:blank?).join(', ') + ].map(&:to_s).map(&:strip).compact_blank.join(', ') end end diff --git a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/ticketsolve_event.rb b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/ticketsolve_event.rb index 848f92e9b..d2b1aae3e 100644 --- a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/ticketsolve_event.rb +++ b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/events/ticketsolve_event.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module CalendarImporter::Events class TicketsolveEvent < Base def uid diff --git a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/base.rb b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/base.rb index 1ab009e26..ae3a254d8 100644 --- a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/base.rb +++ b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/base.rb @@ -30,9 +30,7 @@ def calendar_to_events data = download_calendar checksum = digest(data) - if !@force_import && (@calendar.last_checksum == checksum) - return Output.new([], checksum) - end + return Output.new([], checksum) if !@force_import && (@calendar.last_checksum == checksum) Output.new(import_events_from(data), checksum) end diff --git a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/eventbrite.rb b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/eventbrite.rb index 2fe17fd6c..acb038a7a 100644 --- a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/eventbrite.rb +++ b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/eventbrite.rb @@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ module CalendarImporter::Parsers class Eventbrite < Base NAME = 'Eventbrite' KEY = 'eventbrite' - DOMAINS = %w[www.eventbrite.com www.eventbrite.co.uk] + DOMAINS = %w[www.eventbrite.com www.eventbrite.co.uk].freeze def self.whitelist_pattern - /^https:\/\/www.eventbrite\.(com|co.uk)\/o\/[A-Za-z0-9-]+/ + %r{^https://www.eventbrite\.(com|co.uk)/o/[A-Za-z0-9-]+} end def organizer_id @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ def organizer_id end def download_calendar - EventbriteSDK.token = ENV['EVENTBRITE_TOKEN'] + EventbriteSDK.token = ENV.fetch('EVENTBRITE_TOKEN', nil) @events = [] results = EventbriteSDK::Organizer.retrieve(id: organizer_id).events.with_expansion(:venue).page(1) diff --git a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/ics.rb b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/ics.rb index 3482e0542..e00dde45f 100644 --- a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/ics.rb +++ b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/ics.rb @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class Ics < Base outlook.live.com ics.teamup.com webcal:// - ] + ].freeze def self.whitelist_pattern whitelists = { @@ -60,9 +60,8 @@ def digest(data) def parse_remote_calendars(data) Icalendar::Calendar.parse data - rescue StandardError => e - # FIXME this should set an error flag that is checked by the importer and + # FIXME: this should set an error flag that is checked by the importer and # logged to the calendar [] end diff --git a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/manchester_uni.rb b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/manchester_uni.rb index 545583d18..c1e32e5a2 100644 --- a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/manchester_uni.rb +++ b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/manchester_uni.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + # In order for a parser to be recognized, it must be added # to the PARSERS constant list in app/models/calendar_parser.rb. # Parent parser classes should not be added. @@ -6,10 +8,10 @@ module CalendarImporter::Parsers class ManchesterUni < Xml PUBLIC = false NAME = 'Manchester University' - DOMAINS = %w[events.manchester.ac.uk] + DOMAINS = %w[events.manchester.ac.uk].freeze def self.whitelist_pattern - /^http(s)?:\/\/events.manchester.ac.uk\/f3vf\/calendar\/.*/ + %r{^http(s)?://events.manchester.ac.uk/f3vf/calendar/.*} end def import_events_from(data) @@ -21,6 +23,5 @@ def import_events_from(data) events end - end end diff --git a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/meetup.rb b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/meetup.rb index ae4f92131..05b77cc08 100644 --- a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/meetup.rb +++ b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/meetup.rb @@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ module CalendarImporter::Parsers class Meetup < Base NAME = 'Meetup' KEY = 'meetup' - DOMAINS = %w[www.meetup.com] + DOMAINS = %w[www.meetup.com].freeze def self.whitelist_pattern - /^https:\/\/www\.meetup\.com\/[^\/]*\/?$/ + %r{^https://www\.meetup\.com/[^/]*/?$} end def download_calendar - user_name = (@url =~ /^https:\/\/www\.meetup\.com\/([^\/]*)\/?$/) && $1 - return [] unless user_name.present? + user_name = (@url =~ %r{^https://www\.meetup\.com/([^/]*)/?$}) && Regexp.last_match(1) + return [] if user_name.blank? api_url = "https://api.meetup.com/#{user_name}/events" response = HTTParty.get(api_url).body diff --git a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/ticketsolve.rb b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/ticketsolve.rb index 10fd6dcc3..33abaea65 100644 --- a/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/ticketsolve.rb +++ b/app/jobs/calendar_importer/parsers/ticketsolve.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + # In order for a parser to be recognized, it must be added # to the PARSERS constant list in app/models/calendar_parser.rb. # Parent parser classes should not be added. @@ -6,7 +8,7 @@ module CalendarImporter::Parsers class Ticketsolve < Xml NAME = 'Ticket Solve' KEY = 'ticket-solve' - DOMAINS = %w[*.ticketsolve.com] + DOMAINS = %w[*.ticketsolve.com].freeze def self.whitelist_pattern %r{^https?://([^.]*).ticketsolve.com/?} @@ -21,6 +23,5 @@ def import_events_from(data) @events end - end end diff --git a/app/jobs/calendar_importer_job.rb b/app/jobs/calendar_importer_job.rb index 41a38bfd0..1293ed9a3 100644 --- a/app/jobs/calendar_importer_job.rb +++ b/app/jobs/calendar_importer_job.rb @@ -1,17 +1,20 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class CalendarImporterJob < ApplicationJob queue_as :default rescue_from CalendarImporter::CalendarImporter::UnsupportedFeed do |exception| - report_error exception, "Calendar URL is not supported" + report_error exception, 'Calendar URL is not supported' end rescue_from CalendarImporter::CalendarImporter::InaccessibleFeed do |exception| - report_error exception, "Calendar URL is not accessible" + report_error exception, 'Calendar URL is not accessible' end rescue_from ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError do |exception| - raise exception if Rails.env != 'production' && @silence_db_exceptions == false - report_error exception, "Internal database error" + raise exception if !Rails.env.production? && @silence_db_exceptions == false + + report_error exception, 'Internal database error' end def calendar @@ -21,8 +24,7 @@ def calendar # Imports all events from a given calendar # @param calendar_id [int] The ID of the Calendar object to import from # @param from_date [Date] The Date from which to import from - def perform(calendar_id, from_date, force_import, silence_db_exceptions=false) - + def perform(calendar_id, from_date, force_import, silence_db_exceptions = false) Calendar.record_timestamps = false @silence_db_exceptions = silence_db_exceptions @@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ def perform(calendar_id, from_date, force_import, silence_db_exceptions=false) print "Importing events for calendar #{calendar.name} (ID #{calendar.id})" print " for place #{calendar.place.name} (ID #{calendar.place.id})" if calendar.place - print " is forced" if force_import + print ' is forced' if force_import print "\n" # calendar.import_events(from) diff --git a/app/mailers/application_mailer.rb b/app/mailers/application_mailer.rb index 921a4fb86..16de3da18 100644 --- a/app/mailers/application_mailer.rb +++ b/app/mailers/application_mailer.rb @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class ApplicationMailer < ActionMailer::Base default from: 'no-reply@placecal.org' layout 'mailer' end - diff --git a/app/mailers/join_mailer.rb b/app/mailers/join_mailer.rb index 26050a0fb..3d61560ce 100644 --- a/app/mailers/join_mailer.rb +++ b/app/mailers/join_mailer.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class JoinMailer < ApplicationMailer def join_us(join) @join = join diff --git a/app/models/address.rb b/app/models/address.rb index c156973cd..48098bf9c 100644 --- a/app/models/address.rb +++ b/app/models/address.rb @@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ # app/models/address.rb class Address < ApplicationRecord - - POSTCODE_REGEX = /\s*((GIR\s*0AA)|((([A-PR-UWYZ][0-9]{1,2})|(([A-PR-UWYZ][A-HK-Y][0-9]{1,2})|(([A-PR-UWYZ][0-9][A-HJKSTUW])|([A-PR-UWYZ][A-HK-Y][0-9][ABEHMNPRVWXY]))))\s*[0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2}))\s*/i + POSTCODE_REGEX = /\s*((GIR\s*0AA)|((([A-PR-UWYZ][0-9]{1,2})|(([A-PR-UWYZ][A-HK-Y][0-9]{1,2})|(([A-PR-UWYZ][0-9][A-HJKSTUW])|([A-PR-UWYZ][A-HK-Y][0-9][ABEHMNPRVWXY]))))\s*[0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2}))\s*/i.freeze validates :street_address, :postcode, :country_code, presence: true validates :postcode, format: { with: POSTCODE_REGEX, message: 'is invalid' } @@ -40,27 +39,24 @@ def first_address_line # Needed for schema.org outputs as streetAddress def full_street_address - [ street_address, - street_address2, - street_address3 - ].reject(&:blank?).join(', ') + [street_address, + street_address2, + street_address3].compact_blank.join(', ') end def other_address_lines - [ street_address2, - street_address3, - city, - postcode - ].reject(&:blank?) + [street_address2, + street_address3, + city, + postcode].compact_blank end def all_address_lines - [ street_address, - street_address2, - street_address3, - city, - postcode - ].reject(&:blank?) + [street_address, + street_address2, + street_address3, + city, + postcode].compact_blank end def last_line_of_address @@ -125,10 +121,10 @@ def build_from_components(components, postcode) return if components.blank? address = Address.new( - street_address: components[0]&.strip, + street_address: components[0]&.strip, street_address2: components[1]&.strip, street_address3: components[2]&.strip, - postcode: postcode + postcode: postcode ) address if address.save end @@ -139,6 +135,7 @@ def build_from_components(components, postcode) # before the final three characters. def standardised_postcode(pc) return unless pc + pc.gsub(/\s+/, '').strip.upcase.insert(-4, ' ') end end diff --git a/app/models/article.rb b/app/models/article.rb index c208f7d18..97ea58604 100644 --- a/app/models/article.rb +++ b/app/models/article.rb @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ class Article < ApplicationRecord scope :with_partner_tag, lambda { |tag_id| joins('left outer join article_partners on articles.id=article_partners.article_id') - .joins('left outer join partner_tags on article_partners.partner_id = partner_tags.partner_id') - .where('partner_tags.tag_id = ?', tag_id) + .joins('left outer join partner_tags on article_partners.partner_id = partner_tags.partner_id') + .where('partner_tags.tag_id = ?', tag_id) } scope :with_tags, lambda { |tag_ids| @@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ class Article < ApplicationRecord } scope :for_site, lambda { |site| - # this is a bit complicated but necessary # the main problem to overcome is that we want articles by tag OR location # (emphasis on OR). @@ -75,9 +74,9 @@ class Article < ApplicationRecord if site_neighbourhood_ids.any? # TODO: service areas? scope = scope - .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN article_partners ON articles.id=article_partners.article_id') - .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN partners ON article_partners.partner_id = partners.id') - .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN addresses ON partners.address_id = addresses.id') + .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN article_partners ON articles.id=article_partners.article_id') + .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN partners ON article_partners.partner_id = partners.id') + .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN addresses ON partners.address_id = addresses.id') where_fragments << 'addresses.neighbourhood_id IN (?)' where_params << site_neighbourhood_ids end @@ -85,20 +84,20 @@ class Article < ApplicationRecord # articles by tag if site_tag_ids.any? scope = scope - .joins(' LEFT OUTER JOIN article_tags ON articles.id=article_tags.article_id') + .joins(' LEFT OUTER JOIN article_tags ON articles.id=article_tags.article_id') where_fragments << 'article_tags.tag_id IN (?)' where_params << site_tag_ids end # combine conditions with params to extend the scope scope = scope - .where("(#{where_fragments.join(' OR ')})", *where_params) + .where("(#{where_fragments.join(' OR ')})", *where_params) scope.distinct('articles.id') } def update_published_at - self.published_at = self.is_draft ? nil : DateTime.now + self.published_at = is_draft ? nil : DateTime.now end # This retrieves the author's name for use in the GQL output @@ -114,6 +113,6 @@ def highres_image end def slug_candidates - [ %i[title id] ] + [%i[title id]] end end diff --git a/app/models/article_partner.rb b/app/models/article_partner.rb index c7e483fef..48af9be66 100644 --- a/app/models/article_partner.rb +++ b/app/models/article_partner.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class ArticlePartner < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :article belongs_to :partner diff --git a/app/models/article_tag.rb b/app/models/article_tag.rb index f4603e9a5..96ab77757 100644 --- a/app/models/article_tag.rb +++ b/app/models/article_tag.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class ArticleTag < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :article belongs_to :tag diff --git a/app/models/calendar.rb b/app/models/calendar.rb index e9fa7930a..5d7c9e49e 100644 --- a/app/models/calendar.rb +++ b/app/models/calendar.rb @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@ # frozen_string_literal: true + # app/models/calendar.rb class Calendar < ApplicationRecord include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper include Validation extend Enumerize - CALENDAR_REGEX = /\A(?:(?:(https?|webcal)):\/\/)(?:\S+(?::\S*)?@)?(?:(?!10(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!127(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!169\.254(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?!192\.168(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?!172\.(?:1[6-9]|2\d|3[0-1])(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[01]\d|22[0-3])(?:\.(?:1?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\.(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)(?:\.(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)*(?:\.(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff]{2,})))(?::\d{2,5})?(?:\/[^\s]*)?\z/i + CALENDAR_REGEX = %r{\A(?:(?:(https?|webcal))://)(?:\S+(?::\S*)?@)?(?:(?!10(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!127(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!169\.254(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?!192\.168(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?!172\.(?:1[6-9]|2\d|3[0-1])(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[01]\d|22[0-3])(?:\.(?:1?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\.(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)(?:\.(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)*(?:\.(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff]{2,})))(?::\d{2,5})?(?:/[^\s]*)?\z}i.freeze self.inheritance_column = nil @@ -45,7 +46,6 @@ class Calendar < ApplicationRecord scope :where_idle, -> { where(calendar_state: :idle) } scope :where_errored, -> { where(calendar_state: :error) } - # We need a default location for some strategies def requires_default_location? %i[place room_number event_override].include? strategy.to_sym @@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ def requires_default_location? # This uses PaperTrail to get historical records of the Event models, including deletes # It does this to show a "event added" / "event removed" thing def recent_activity - versions = PaperTrail::Version.with_item_keys('Event', self.event_ids).where('created_at >= ?', 2.weeks.ago) + versions = PaperTrail::Version.with_item_keys('Event', event_ids).where('created_at >= ?', 2.weeks.ago) versions = versions.or(PaperTrail::Version.destroys .where("item_type = 'Event' AND object @> ? AND created_at >= ?", - { calendar_id: self.id }.to_json, 2.weeks.ago)) + { calendar_id: id }.to_json, 2.weeks.ago)) versions = versions.order(created_at: :desc).group_by { |version| version.created_at.to_date } end @@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ def events_this_week # Who should be contacted about this calendar? def contact_information if public_contact_email - [ public_contact_email, public_contact_name ] + [public_contact_email, public_contact_name] elsif partner&.public_email - [ partner.public_email, partner.public_name ] + [partner.public_email, partner.public_name] elsif place&.public_email - [ place.public_email, place.public_name ] + [place.public_email, place.public_name] else false end @@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ def source_supported # The calendar importer will raise an exception if the source # URL has a problem CalendarImporter::CalendarImporter.new(self) - rescue CalendarImporter::CalendarImporter::InaccessibleFeed, CalendarImporter::CalendarImporter::UnsupportedFeed => e flag_error_import_job! e.to_s end @@ -122,7 +121,7 @@ def queue_for_import!(force_import, from_date) update! calendar_state: :in_queue - CalendarImporterJob.perform_later self.id, from_date, force_import + CalendarImporterJob.perform_later id, from_date, force_import end end @@ -132,6 +131,7 @@ def queue_for_import!(force_import, from_date) def flag_start_import_job! transaction do return unless calendar_state.in_queue? + update! calendar_state: :in_worker end end diff --git a/app/models/concerns/html_render_cache.rb b/app/models/concerns/html_render_cache.rb index f112c5106..09d5f8041 100644 --- a/app/models/concerns/html_render_cache.rb +++ b/app/models/concerns/html_render_cache.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true module HtmlRenderCache extend ActiveSupport::Concern @@ -27,17 +28,17 @@ def render_html_fields if changed.include?(field_name.to_s) value = changes[field_name.to_s][1] html = Kramdown::Document.new(value).to_html - write_attribute cache_name, html + self[cache_name] = html next end # puts attributes.to_json - if @force_html_generation - value = attributes[field_name.to_s].to_s - html = Kramdown::Document.new(value).to_html - write_attribute cache_name, html - end + next unless @force_html_generation + + value = attributes[field_name.to_s].to_s + html = Kramdown::Document.new(value).to_html + self[cache_name] = html end end end diff --git a/app/models/concerns/validation.rb b/app/models/concerns/validation.rb index e9121faf5..b4b1ebab9 100644 --- a/app/models/concerns/validation.rb +++ b/app/models/concerns/validation.rb @@ -1,11 +1,13 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + module Validation - URL_REGEX = /\A(?:(?:https?):\/\/)(?:\S+(?::\S*)?@)?(?:(?!10(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!127(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!169\.254(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?!192\.168(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?!172\.(?:1[6-9]|2\d|3[0-1])(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[01]\d|22[0-3])(?:\.(?:1?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\.(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)(?:\.(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)*(?:\.(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff]{2,})))(?::\d{2,5})?(?:\/[^\s]*)?\z/i + URL_REGEX = %r{\A(?:(?:https?)://)(?:\S+(?::\S*)?@)?(?:(?!10(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!127(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!169\.254(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?!192\.168(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?!172\.(?:1[6-9]|2\d|3[0-1])(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[01]\d|22[0-3])(?:\.(?:1?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\.(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)(?:\.(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)*(?:\.(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff]{2,})))(?::\d{2,5})?(?:/[^\s]*)?\z}i.freeze - TWITTER_REGEX = /\A@?(\w){1,15}\z/ + TWITTER_REGEX = /\A@?(\w){1,15}\z/.freeze - FACEBOOK_REGEX = /\A(\w){1,50}\z/ + FACEBOOK_REGEX = /\A(\w){1,50}\z/.freeze - UK_NUMBER_REGEX = /\A(?:(?:\(?(?:0(?:0|11)\)?[\s-]?\(?|\+)44\)?[\s-]?(?:\(?0\)?[\s-]?)?)|(?:\(?0))(?:(?:\d{5}\)?[\s-]?\d{4,5})|(?:\d{4}\)?[\s-]?(?:\d{5}|\d{3}[\s-]?\d{3}))|(?:\d{3}\)?[\s-]?\d{3}[\s-]?\d{3,4})|(?:\d{2}\)?[\s-]?\d{4}[\s-]?\d{4}))(?:[\s-]?(?:x|ext\.?|\#)\d{3,4})?\z/ + UK_NUMBER_REGEX = /\A(?:(?:\(?(?:0(?:0|11)\)?[\s-]?\(?|\+)44\)?[\s-]?(?:\(?0\)?[\s-]?)?)|(?:\(?0))(?:(?:\d{5}\)?[\s-]?\d{4,5})|(?:\d{4}\)?[\s-]?(?:\d{5}|\d{3}[\s-]?\d{3}))|(?:\d{3}\)?[\s-]?\d{3}[\s-]?\d{3,4})|(?:\d{2}\)?[\s-]?\d{4}[\s-]?\d{4}))(?:[\s-]?(?:x|ext\.?|\#)\d{3,4})?\z/.freeze - EMAIL_REGEX = /\A([\w+\-].?)+@[a-z\d\-]+(\.[a-z]+)*\.[a-z]+\z/i + EMAIL_REGEX = /\A([\w+\-].?)+@[a-z\d\-]+(\.[a-z]+)*\.[a-z]+\z/i.freeze end diff --git a/app/models/event.rb b/app/models/event.rb index 42ddd2c5b..70201a034 100644 --- a/app/models/event.rb +++ b/app/models/event.rb @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class Event < ApplicationRecord scope :sort_by_summary, -> { order(summary: :asc).order(:dtstart) } scope :sort_by_time, -> { order(dtstart: :asc).order(summary: :asc) } - scope :without_matching_times, ->(start_times, end_times) { + scope :without_matching_times, lambda { |start_times, end_times| where.not(dtstart: start_times).or(where.not(dtend: end_times)) } @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ def sanitize_rrule def time if dtend - dtstart.strftime('%H:%M') + ' – ' + dtend.strftime('%H:%M') + "#{dtstart.strftime('%H:%M')} – #{dtend.strftime('%H:%M')}" else dtstart.strftime('%H:%M') end @@ -166,10 +166,10 @@ def require_location return if %w[event no_location online_only].include?(calendar&.strategy) # If we have an online address we don't need a physical one - return if self.online_address_id.present? + return if online_address_id.present? # If the address exists then the error doesn't apply - return unless self.address_id.blank? + return if address_id.present? errors.add(:base, 'No place or address could be created or found for ' \ "the event location: #{raw_location_from_source}") diff --git a/app/models/join.rb b/app/models/join.rb index ca49e6a88..70186cc27 100644 --- a/app/models/join.rb +++ b/app/models/join.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class Join include ActiveModel::Model @@ -9,10 +11,9 @@ class Join def submit if valid? JoinMailer.join_us(self).deliver - return true + true else - return false + false end end end - diff --git a/app/models/neighbourhood.rb b/app/models/neighbourhood.rb index 9bb88456b..c4a7dd5f3 100644 --- a/app/models/neighbourhood.rb +++ b/app/models/neighbourhood.rb @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ class Neighbourhood < ApplicationRecord has_many :service_areas, dependent: :destroy has_many :service_area_partners, - through: :service_areas, - source: :partner, - class_name: 'Partner' + through: :service_areas, + source: :partner, + class_name: 'Partner' # validates :name, presence: true validates :unit_code_value, @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def shortname elsif name.present? name else - "[not set]" + '[not set]' end end @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ def fullname # == Returns # A string of the name def abbreviated_name - name_abbr.present? ? name_abbr : name + name_abbr.presence || name end # normalize abbreviated names (usually coming from calendar @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def abbreviated_name def name_abbr=(value) value = value.to_s.strip - self['name_abbr'] = value.present? ? value : nil + self['name_abbr'] = value.presence end def to_s diff --git a/app/models/organisation_relationship.rb b/app/models/organisation_relationship.rb index aff6d1a51..a1e34667b 100644 --- a/app/models/organisation_relationship.rb +++ b/app/models/organisation_relationship.rb @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ class OrganisationRelationship < ApplicationRecord self.table_name = 'organisation_relationships' belongs_to :subject, class_name: 'Partner' - extend Enumerize; enumerize :verb, in: %i[manages] + extend Enumerize + enumerize :verb, in: %i[manages] belongs_to :object, class_name: 'Partner' end diff --git a/app/models/partner.rb b/app/models/partner.rb index d61a7f3c7..af99ef814 100644 --- a/app/models/partner.rb +++ b/app/models/partner.rb @@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ class Partner < ApplicationRecord has_many :service_areas, dependent: :destroy has_many :service_area_neighbourhoods, - through: :service_areas, - source: :neighbourhood, - class_name: 'Neighbourhood' + through: :service_areas, + source: :neighbourhood, + class_name: 'Neighbourhood' validates_associated :service_areas @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class Partner < ApplicationRecord } validates :summary, presence: { - if: ->(p) { !p.description.blank? }, + if: ->(p) { p.description.present? }, message: 'cannot have a description without a summary' } validates :url, @@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ class Partner < ApplicationRecord site_tag_ids = site.tags.map(&:id) if site_tag_ids.any? query = query - .left_joins(:partner_tags) - .where("partner_tags.tag_id in (?)", site_tag_ids) + .left_joins(:partner_tags) + .where('partner_tags.tag_id in (?)', site_tag_ids) end # now look for addresses and service areas @@ -141,7 +141,8 @@ class Partner < ApplicationRecord .left_joins(:address, :service_areas) .where( '(service_areas.neighbourhood_id in (:neighbourhood_ids) OR addresses.neighbourhood_id in (:neighbourhood_ids))', - neighbourhood_ids: site_neighbourhood_ids) + neighbourhood_ids: site_neighbourhood_ids + ) .distinct } @@ -149,11 +150,11 @@ class Partner < ApplicationRecord return none if tag.nil? query = Partner - .select('"partners".*, LOWER("partners"."name") as sortable_name') + .select('"partners".*, LOWER("partners"."name") as sortable_name') query = query - .left_joins(:partner_tags) - .where(partner_tags: { tag: tag }) + .left_joins(:partner_tags) + .where(partner_tags: { tag: tag }) # now look for addresses and service areas site_neighbourhood_ids = site.owned_neighbourhoods.map(&:id) @@ -167,7 +168,8 @@ class Partner < ApplicationRecord .left_joins(:address, :service_areas) .where( '(service_areas.neighbourhood_id in (:neighbourhood_ids) OR addresses.neighbourhood_id in (:neighbourhood_ids))', - neighbourhood_ids: site_neighbourhood_ids) + neighbourhood_ids: site_neighbourhood_ids + ) .distinct .order('sortable_name') } @@ -176,15 +178,15 @@ class Partner < ApplicationRecord # # @param tags [Array] A list of tags # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] - scope :with_tags, ->(tag_ids) { + scope :with_tags, lambda { |tag_ids| left_joins(:partner_tags) - .where("partner_tags.tag_id in (?)", tag_ids) + .where('partner_tags.tag_id in (?)', tag_ids) } # only select partners that have addresses - scope :with_address, -> do - where('address_id is not null') - end + scope :with_address, lambda { + where.not(address_id: nil) + } # Get all Partners that have hosted an event in the last month or will host # an event in the future @@ -192,16 +194,16 @@ class Partner < ApplicationRecord # TODO? This might be an incredibly inefficient query. If so, add a column # to the Partner table, e.g. place_latest_dtstart, which can be updated on # import. - scope :event_hosts, -> do + scope :event_hosts, lambda { joins('JOIN events ON events.place_id = partners.id') .where('events.dtstart > ?', Date.today - 30).distinct - end + } # Get all Partners that manage at least one other Partner. - scope :managers, -> do + scope :managers, lambda { joins('JOIN organisation_relationships o_r on o_r.subject_id = partners.id') .where(o_r: { verb: :manages }).distinct - end + } delegate :neighbourhood_id, to: :address, allow_nil: true @@ -211,9 +213,9 @@ def twitter_handle=(handle) def address_attributes=(value) addr = Address - .where('lower(street_address) = ?', value[:street_address]&.downcase&.strip) - .where(postcode: value[:postcode]&.upcase&.strip) - .first + .where('lower(street_address) = ?', value[:street_address]&.downcase&.strip) + .where(postcode: value[:postcode]&.upcase&.strip) + .first if addr.present? self.address = addr @@ -245,7 +247,7 @@ def should_generate_new_friendly_id? end def has_service_areas? - service_areas.count > 0 + service_areas.count.positive? end def permalink @@ -276,7 +278,7 @@ def opening_times_data end def human_readable_opening_times - return [] if !opening_times || opening_times.length == 0 + return [] if !opening_times || opening_times.length.zero? JSON.parse(opening_times).map do |s| d = s['dayOfWeek'].split('/').last @@ -286,7 +288,6 @@ def human_readable_opening_times #{o} – #{c} ).html_safe end - rescue JSON::ParserError [] end @@ -323,7 +324,7 @@ def self.fuzzy_find_by_location(components) def check_ward_access return if accessed_by_user.nil? || accessed_by_user.root? - return unless address.present? + return if address.blank? unless accessed_by_user.assigned_to_postcode?(address&.postcode) errors.add :base, 'Partners cannot have an address outside of your ward.' diff --git a/app/models/service_area.rb b/app/models/service_area.rb index e5d1d8fbd..627e799bd 100644 --- a/app/models/service_area.rb +++ b/app/models/service_area.rb @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class ServiceArea < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :neighbourhood belongs_to :partner - validates_uniqueness_of :partner, scope: :neighbourhood + validates :partner, uniqueness: { scope: :neighbourhood } end diff --git a/app/models/site.rb b/app/models/site.rb index 511e280c5..be9563740 100644 --- a/app/models/site.rb +++ b/app/models/site.rb @@ -10,10 +10,14 @@ class Site < ApplicationRecord friendly_id :name, use: :slugged has_one :sites_neighbourhood, dependent: :destroy - has_one :primary_neighbourhood, -> { where(sites_neighbourhoods: { relation_type: 'Primary' }) }, source: :neighbourhood, through: :sites_neighbourhood + has_one :primary_neighbourhood, lambda { + where(sites_neighbourhoods: { relation_type: 'Primary' }) + }, source: :neighbourhood, through: :sites_neighbourhood has_many :sites_neighbourhoods, dependent: :destroy - has_many :secondary_neighbourhoods, -> { where(sites_neighbourhoods: { relation_type: 'Secondary' }) }, source: :neighbourhood, through: :sites_neighbourhoods + has_many :secondary_neighbourhoods, lambda { + where(sites_neighbourhoods: { relation_type: 'Secondary' }) + }, source: :neighbourhood, through: :sites_neighbourhoods has_many :neighbourhoods, through: :sites_neighbourhoods @@ -25,7 +29,9 @@ class Site < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :site_admin, class_name: 'User', optional: true accepts_nested_attributes_for :sites_neighbourhood - accepts_nested_attributes_for :sites_neighbourhoods, reject_if: ->(c) { c[:neighbourhood_id].blank? }, allow_destroy: true + accepts_nested_attributes_for :sites_neighbourhoods, reject_if: lambda { |c| + c[:neighbourhood_id].blank? + }, allow_destroy: true validates :name, :slug, :domain, presence: true validates :place_name unless :default_site? @@ -68,7 +74,7 @@ def default_site? # ASSUMPTION: All valid sites, other than the default site, are local sites. def local_site? - not default_site? + !default_site? end # Should we show the neighbourhood lozenge out on this site? diff --git a/app/models/sites_supporter.rb b/app/models/sites_supporter.rb index 032ae6cb6..cd6ec2f61 100644 --- a/app/models/sites_supporter.rb +++ b/app/models/sites_supporter.rb @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ class SitesSupporter < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :supporter belongs_to :site - validates_uniqueness_of :supporter_id, - scope: :site_id, - message: 'Supporters can not be assigned more than once to a site' + validates :supporter_id, + uniqueness: { scope: :site_id, + message: 'Supporters can not be assigned more than once to a site' } end diff --git a/app/models/supporter.rb b/app/models/supporter.rb index 53ad63870..e4c3adaef 100644 --- a/app/models/supporter.rb +++ b/app/models/supporter.rb @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ class Supporter < ApplicationRecord has_and_belongs_to_many :sites - validates_presence_of :name + validates :name, presence: true default_scope { order(:weight) } scope :global, -> { where(is_global: true) } diff --git a/app/models/user.rb b/app/models/user.rb index 426eb03e1..4ac3e75c6 100644 --- a/app/models/user.rb +++ b/app/models/user.rb @@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ class User < ApplicationRecord # General use throughout the site def full_name - [first_name, last_name].reject(&:blank?).join(' ') + [first_name, last_name].compact_blank.join(' ') end # Shows in admin interfaces def admin_name - name = [last_name&.upcase, first_name].reject(&:blank?).join(', ') + name = [last_name&.upcase, first_name].compact_blank.join(', ') "#{name} <#{email}>".strip end diff --git a/app/policies/calendar_policy.rb b/app/policies/calendar_policy.rb index bc4dfb227..ef74098ab 100644 --- a/app/policies/calendar_policy.rb +++ b/app/policies/calendar_policy.rb @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ def edit? def update? return true if user.root? return true if user.partner_admin? && user.partner_ids.include?(record.partner_id) + # return true if user.neighbourhood_admin? && user.neighbourhoods.include?(record.address.neighbourhood) index? end @@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ def resolve Calendar.left_outer_joins(partner: :address, place: :address) .where(addresses: { neighbourhood_id: user.owned_neighbourhood_ids }) .or(Calendar.left_outer_joins(partner: :address, place: :address) - .where("partner_id IN (:partner_id) OR place_id IN (:partner_id)", partner_id: user.partner_ids)) + .where('partner_id IN (:partner_id) OR place_id IN (:partner_id)', partner_id: user.partner_ids)) .distinct end end diff --git a/app/policies/partner_policy.rb b/app/policies/partner_policy.rb index d0eb54cc6..08a4bea89 100644 --- a/app/policies/partner_policy.rb +++ b/app/policies/partner_policy.rb @@ -42,15 +42,15 @@ def setup? end def permitted_attributes - attrs = [ :name, :image, :summary, :description, :accessibility_info, - :public_name, :public_email, :public_phone, - :partner_name, :partner_email, :partner_phone, - :address_id, :url, :facebook_link, :twitter_handle, - :opening_times, - calendars_attributes: %i[id name source strategy place_id partner_id _destroy], - address_attributes: %i[id street_address street_address2 street_address3 city postcode], - service_areas_attributes: %i[id neighbourhood_id _destroy], - tag_ids: [] ] + attrs = [:name, :image, :summary, :description, :accessibility_info, + :public_name, :public_email, :public_phone, + :partner_name, :partner_email, :partner_phone, + :address_id, :url, :facebook_link, :twitter_handle, + :opening_times, + { calendars_attributes: %i[id name source strategy place_id partner_id _destroy], + address_attributes: %i[id street_address street_address2 street_address3 city postcode], + service_areas_attributes: %i[id neighbourhood_id _destroy], + tag_ids: [] }] attrs << :slug if user.root? attrs @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def resolve else user_neighbourhood_ids = user.owned_neighbourhood_ids - clause = <<-SQL + clause = <<-SQL.squish partners_users.user_id = ? OR addresses.neighbourhood_id IN (?) OR service_areas.neighbourhood_id IN (?) diff --git a/app/policies/tag_policy.rb b/app/policies/tag_policy.rb index 15a7f9543..3151daa5b 100644 --- a/app/policies/tag_policy.rb +++ b/app/policies/tag_policy.rb @@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ def update? # If the user is a tag admin and has been assigned this tag return true if user.tag_admin? && user.tags.include?(@record) - # NB: We literally can't filter by partners added because otherwise itll wipe existing partners # # If the user is a partner admin and the tag is generally available for use diff --git a/app/uploaders/avatar_uploader.rb b/app/uploaders/avatar_uploader.rb index 8439e61bc..55b272724 100644 --- a/app/uploaders/avatar_uploader.rb +++ b/app/uploaders/avatar_uploader.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AvatarUploader < DefaultUploader # Process files as they are uploaded: process resize_to_fit: [1200, 1200] diff --git a/app/uploaders/default_uploader.rb b/app/uploaders/default_uploader.rb index d4297e34a..753e55875 100644 --- a/app/uploaders/default_uploader.rb +++ b/app/uploaders/default_uploader.rb @@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ def store_dir # remember to change this in nginx.conf.d/increase_upload_size.conf def size_range - 1.byte..10.megabytes + (1.byte)..(10.megabytes) end end diff --git a/bin/setup b/bin/setup index 0cc3e3170..4a59a9d3f 100755 --- a/bin/setup +++ b/bin/setup @@ -19,9 +19,7 @@ FileUtils.chdir APP_ROOT do system! 'bin/yarn install' puts "\n== Copying sample files ==" - unless File.exist?('.env') - FileUtils.cp '.env.example', '.env' - end + FileUtils.cp '.env.example', '.env' unless File.exist?('.env') puts "\n== Preparing database ==" system! 'bin/rails db:prepare' diff --git a/bin/test b/bin/test new file mode 100755 index 000000000..d42ada52e --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/test @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby +require 'fileutils' + +# path to your application root. +APP_ROOT = File.expand_path('..', __dir__) + +@options = {} + +def process_argv(option) + case option + when "-h" + when "--help" + puts "Run the tests." + puts " -u, --unit Run unit tests" + puts " -s, --system Run system tests" + puts " --no-lint Disable linters and formatters" + puts " --no-fix Lint and format without autocorrection" + exit + when "-u" + when "--unit" + @options[:unit_only] = true + when "-s" + when "--system" + @options[:system_only] = true + when "--no-lint" + @options[:without_lint] = true + when "--no-fix" + @options[:without_fix] = true + end +end + +ARGV.each { |option| process_argv(option) } + +def system!(*args) + system(*args) || abort("\n== Command #{args} failed ==") +end + +FileUtils.chdir APP_ROOT do + # This script is a way to run the tests and linters. + # Add necessary test steps to this file. + + puts "\n== Preparing database ==" + system! 'bin/rails db:test:prepare' + + puts "\n== Building assets ==" + system! 'bin/yarn run build' + + if @options[:unit_only] + puts "\n== Running unit tests ==" + system! 'bin/rails test' + elsif @options[:system_only] + puts "\n== Running system tests ==" + system! 'bin/rails test:system' + else + puts "\n== Running all tests ==" + system! 'bin/rails test:all' + end + + unless @options[:without_lint] + if @options[:without_fix] + puts "\n== Running formatters and linters ==" + system! 'bin/yarn run format:check' + system! 'bin/bundle exec rubocop' + else + puts "\n== Running formatters and linters (in autocorrect mode) ==" + system! 'bin/yarn run format' + system! 'bin/bundle exec rubocop --autocorrect' + end + end +end diff --git a/bin/yarn b/bin/yarn index a6eb079f1..948629b57 100755 --- a/bin/yarn +++ b/bin/yarn @@ -1,11 +1,9 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby APP_ROOT = File.expand_path('..', __dir__) Dir.chdir(APP_ROOT) do - begin - exec "yarnpkg", *ARGV - rescue Errno::ENOENT - $stderr.puts "Yarn executable was not detected in the system." - $stderr.puts "Download Yarn at https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install" - exit 1 - end + exec 'yarnpkg', *ARGV +rescue Errno::ENOENT + warn 'Yarn executable was not detected in the system.' + warn 'Download Yarn at https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install' + exit 1 end diff --git a/config/environments/production.rb b/config/environments/production.rb index 8af810221..e15420d01 100644 --- a/config/environments/production.rb +++ b/config/environments/production.rb @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ # require 'syslog/logger' # config.logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(Syslog::Logger.new 'app-name') - if ENV["RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT"].present? + if ENV['RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT'].present? logger = ActiveSupport::Logger.new(STDOUT) logger.formatter = config.log_formatter config.logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(logger) @@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ address: 'smtp.mailersend.net', port: 587, domain: host, - user_name: ENV['MAILERSEND_USERNAME'], - password: ENV['MAILERSEND_PASSWORD'], + user_name: ENV.fetch('MAILERSEND_USERNAME', nil), + password: ENV.fetch('MAILERSEND_PASSWORD', nil), authentication: :login, enable_starttls_auto: true } diff --git a/config/environments/staging.rb b/config/environments/staging.rb index d008bea37..71528db3e 100644 --- a/config/environments/staging.rb +++ b/config/environments/staging.rb @@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ address: 'smtp.mailersend.net', port: 587, domain: host, - user_name: ENV['MAILERSEND_USERNAME'], - password: ENV['MAILERSEND_PASSWORD'], + user_name: ENV.fetch('MAILERSEND_USERNAME', nil), + password: ENV.fetch('MAILERSEND_PASSWORD', nil), authentication: :login, enable_starttls_auto: true } diff --git a/config/environments/test.rb b/config/environments/test.rb index c3d59c5e6..85b4c6da0 100644 --- a/config/environments/test.rb +++ b/config/environments/test.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + # The test environment is used exclusively to run your application's # test suite. You never need to work with it otherwise. Remember that # your test database is "scratch space" for the test suite and is wiped diff --git a/config/initializers/application_controller_renderer.rb b/config/initializers/application_controller_renderer.rb index 89d2efab2..f4556db39 100644 --- a/config/initializers/application_controller_renderer.rb +++ b/config/initializers/application_controller_renderer.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true # Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. # ActiveSupport::Reloader.to_prepare do diff --git a/config/initializers/assets.rb b/config/initializers/assets.rb index 330082e28..6fd0f6b0b 100644 --- a/config/initializers/assets.rb +++ b/config/initializers/assets.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + # Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. # Version of your assets, change this if you want to expire all your assets. diff --git a/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb b/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb index 59385cdf3..d0f0d3b5d 100644 --- a/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb +++ b/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true # Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. # You can add backtrace silencers for libraries that you're using but don't wish to see in your backtraces. diff --git a/config/initializers/content_security_policy.rb b/config/initializers/content_security_policy.rb index 41c43016f..98230c980 100644 --- a/config/initializers/content_security_policy.rb +++ b/config/initializers/content_security_policy.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true # Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. # Define an application-wide content security policy diff --git a/config/initializers/icalendar_overrides.rb b/config/initializers/icalendar_overrides.rb index 81a8960ef..59c25d931 100644 --- a/config/initializers/icalendar_overrides.rb +++ b/config/initializers/icalendar_overrides.rb @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ Icalendar::Recurrence::Schedule.class_eval do def timezone - #Timezone is missing or incorrectly set. - #Check to see if custom properties contains invalid tzid property (ex. Mossley Community Center calendar) - #and verify it matches default timezone (Europe/London) + # Timezone is missing or incorrectly set. + # Check to see if custom properties contains invalid tzid property (ex. Mossley Community Center calendar) + # and verify it matches default timezone (Europe/London) return Time.zone.name if event.tzid.blank? || (event.parent.custom_properties['tzid']&.first == Time.zone.name) ActiveSupport::TimeZone[event.tzid].present? ? event.tzid : Time.zone.name diff --git a/config/initializers/markdown_handler.rb b/config/initializers/markdown_handler.rb index dbb9fcbb4..df7f0f462 100644 --- a/config/initializers/markdown_handler.rb +++ b/config/initializers/markdown_handler.rb @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ def self.erb @erb ||= ActionView::Template.registered_template_handler(:erb) end - def self.call(template, source) + def self.call(template, _source) compiled_source = erb.call(template) "Kramdown::Document.new(begin;#{compiled_source};end, auto_ids: false).to_html.html_safe" end diff --git a/config/initializers/new_framework_defaults_6_0.rb b/config/initializers/new_framework_defaults_6_0.rb index 92240ef5f..a48d4eb00 100644 --- a/config/initializers/new_framework_defaults_6_0.rb +++ b/config/initializers/new_framework_defaults_6_0.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true # Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. # # This file contains migration options to ease your Rails 6.0 upgrade. diff --git a/config/initializers/rollbar.rb b/config/initializers/rollbar.rb index 62b5d97b3..4065c0896 100644 --- a/config/initializers/rollbar.rb +++ b/config/initializers/rollbar.rb @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ # Without configuration, Rollbar is enabled in all environments. # To disable in specific environments, set config.enabled=false. - config.access_token = ENV['ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN'] + config.access_token = ENV.fetch('ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN', nil) # Here we'll disable in 'test': config.enabled = false if Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test? @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ config.exception_level_filters.merge!('ActionController::RoutingError' => lambda do |error| error.message =~ %r{No route matches \[[A-Z]+\] "/(.+)"} case Regexp.last_match(1).split('/').first.to_s.downcase - when *%w[old gate.php wp-includes mifs vendor epa] + when 'old', 'gate.php', 'wp-includes', 'mifs', 'vendor', 'epa' 'ignore' else 'warning' diff --git a/config/initializers/simple_form.rb b/config/initializers/simple_form.rb index 2c5270384..10c83e731 100644 --- a/config/initializers/simple_form.rb +++ b/config/initializers/simple_form.rb @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # frozen_string_literal: true + # # Uncomment this and change the path if necessary to include your own # components. @@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ # stack. The options given below are used to wrap the # whole input. config.wrappers :default, class: :input, - hint_class: :field_with_hint, error_class: :field_with_errors, valid_class: :field_without_errors do |b| + hint_class: :field_with_hint, error_class: :field_with_errors, valid_class: :field_without_errors do |b| ## Extensions enabled by default # Any of these extensions can be disabled for a # given input by passing: `f.input EXTENSION_NAME => false`. diff --git a/config/initializers/simple_form_bootstrap.rb b/config/initializers/simple_form_bootstrap.rb index 0178fd53c..9e79d8116 100644 --- a/config/initializers/simple_form_bootstrap.rb +++ b/config/initializers/simple_form_bootstrap.rb @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ config.boolean_label_class = 'form-check-label' # How the label text should be generated altogether with the required text. - config.label_text = lambda { |label, required, explicit_label| "#{label} #{required}" } + config.label_text = ->(label, required, _explicit_label) { "#{label} #{required}" } # Define the way to render check boxes / radio buttons with labels. config.boolean_style = :inline @@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ config.input_field_error_class = 'is-invalid' config.input_field_valid_class = 'is-valid' - # vertical forms # # vertical default_wrapper - config.wrappers :vertical_form, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :vertical_form, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', + valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.use :placeholder b.optional :maxlength @@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ end # vertical input for boolean - config.wrappers :vertical_boolean, tag: 'fieldset', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :vertical_boolean, tag: 'fieldset', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', + valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.optional :readonly b.wrapper :form_check_wrapper, tag: 'div', class: 'form-check' do |bb| @@ -76,7 +77,8 @@ end # vertical input for radio buttons and check boxes - config.wrappers :vertical_collection, item_wrapper_class: 'form-check', tag: 'fieldset', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :vertical_collection, item_wrapper_class: 'form-check', tag: 'fieldset', class: 'form-group', + error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.optional :readonly b.wrapper :legend_tag, tag: 'legend', class: 'col-form-label pt-0' do |ba| @@ -88,7 +90,8 @@ end # vertical input for inline radio buttons and check boxes - config.wrappers :vertical_collection_inline, item_wrapper_class: 'form-check form-check-inline', tag: 'fieldset', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :vertical_collection_inline, item_wrapper_class: 'form-check form-check-inline', tag: 'fieldset', + class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.optional :readonly b.wrapper :legend_tag, tag: 'legend', class: 'col-form-label pt-0' do |ba| @@ -100,7 +103,8 @@ end # vertical file input - config.wrappers :vertical_file, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :vertical_file, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', + valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.use :placeholder b.optional :maxlength @@ -113,7 +117,8 @@ end # vertical multi select - config.wrappers :vertical_multi_select, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :vertical_multi_select, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', + valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.optional :readonly b.use :label, class: 'form-control-label' @@ -125,7 +130,8 @@ end # vertical range input - config.wrappers :vertical_range, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :vertical_range, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', + valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.use :placeholder b.optional :readonly @@ -136,11 +142,11 @@ b.use :hint, wrap_with: { tag: 'small', class: 'form-text text-muted' } end - # horizontal forms # # horizontal default_wrapper - config.wrappers :horizontal_form, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group row', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :horizontal_form, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group row', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', + valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.use :placeholder b.optional :maxlength @@ -157,7 +163,8 @@ end # horizontal input for boolean - config.wrappers :horizontal_boolean, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group row', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :horizontal_boolean, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group row', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', + valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.optional :readonly b.wrapper tag: 'label', class: 'col-sm-3' do |ba| @@ -174,7 +181,8 @@ end # horizontal input for radio buttons and check boxes - config.wrappers :horizontal_collection, item_wrapper_class: 'form-check', tag: 'div', class: 'form-group row', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :horizontal_collection, item_wrapper_class: 'form-check', tag: 'div', class: 'form-group row', + error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.optional :readonly b.use :label, class: 'col-sm-3 form-control-label' @@ -186,7 +194,8 @@ end # horizontal input for inline radio buttons and check boxes - config.wrappers :horizontal_collection_inline, item_wrapper_class: 'form-check form-check-inline', tag: 'div', class: 'form-group row', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :horizontal_collection_inline, item_wrapper_class: 'form-check form-check-inline', tag: 'div', + class: 'form-group row', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.optional :readonly b.use :label, class: 'col-sm-3 form-control-label' @@ -198,7 +207,8 @@ end # horizontal file input - config.wrappers :horizontal_file, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group row', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :horizontal_file, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group row', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', + valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.use :placeholder b.optional :maxlength @@ -213,7 +223,8 @@ end # horizontal multi select - config.wrappers :horizontal_multi_select, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group row', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :horizontal_multi_select, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group row', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', + valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.optional :readonly b.use :label, class: 'col-sm-3 control-label' @@ -227,7 +238,8 @@ end # horizontal range input - config.wrappers :horizontal_range, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group row', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :horizontal_range, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group row', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', + valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.use :placeholder b.optional :readonly @@ -240,7 +252,6 @@ end end - # inline forms # # inline default_wrapper @@ -260,7 +271,8 @@ end # inline input for boolean - config.wrappers :inline_boolean, tag: 'span', class: 'form-check flex-wrap justify-content-start mr-sm-2', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :inline_boolean, tag: 'span', class: 'form-check flex-wrap justify-content-start mr-sm-2', + error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.optional :readonly b.use :input, class: 'form-check-input', error_class: 'is-invalid', valid_class: 'is-valid' @@ -269,11 +281,11 @@ b.optional :hint, wrap_with: { tag: 'small', class: 'form-text text-muted' } end - # bootstrap custom forms # # custom input for boolean - config.wrappers :custom_boolean, tag: 'fieldset', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :custom_boolean, tag: 'fieldset', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', + valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.optional :readonly b.wrapper :form_check_wrapper, tag: 'div', class: 'custom-control custom-checkbox' do |bb| @@ -284,7 +296,8 @@ end end - config.wrappers :custom_boolean_switch, tag: 'fieldset', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :custom_boolean_switch, tag: 'fieldset', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', + valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.optional :readonly b.wrapper :form_check_wrapper, tag: 'div', class: 'custom-control custom-checkbox-switch' do |bb| @@ -296,7 +309,8 @@ end # custom input for radio buttons and check boxes - config.wrappers :custom_collection, item_wrapper_class: 'custom-control', tag: 'fieldset', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :custom_collection, item_wrapper_class: 'custom-control', tag: 'fieldset', class: 'form-group', + error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.optional :readonly b.wrapper :legend_tag, tag: 'legend', class: 'col-form-label pt-0' do |ba| @@ -308,7 +322,8 @@ end # custom input for inline radio buttons and check boxes - config.wrappers :custom_collection_inline, item_wrapper_class: 'custom-control custom-control-inline', tag: 'fieldset', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :custom_collection_inline, item_wrapper_class: 'custom-control custom-control-inline', + tag: 'fieldset', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.optional :readonly b.wrapper :legend_tag, tag: 'legend', class: 'col-form-label pt-0' do |ba| @@ -320,7 +335,8 @@ end # custom file input - config.wrappers :custom_file, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :custom_file, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', + valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.use :placeholder b.optional :maxlength @@ -336,7 +352,8 @@ end # custom multi select - config.wrappers :custom_multi_select, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :custom_multi_select, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', + valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.optional :readonly b.use :label, class: 'form-control-label' @@ -348,7 +365,8 @@ end # custom range input - config.wrappers :custom_range, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :custom_range, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', + valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.use :placeholder b.optional :readonly @@ -359,7 +377,6 @@ b.use :hint, wrap_with: { tag: 'small', class: 'form-text text-muted' } end - # Input Group - custom component # see example app and config at https://github.com/rafaelfranca/simple_form-bootstrap # config.wrappers :input_group, tag: 'div', class: 'form-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| @@ -380,11 +397,11 @@ # b.use :hint, wrap_with: { tag: 'small', class: 'form-text text-muted' } # end - # Floating Labels form # # floating labels default_wrapper - config.wrappers :floating_labels_form, tag: 'div', class: 'form-label-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :floating_labels_form, tag: 'div', class: 'form-label-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', + valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.use :placeholder b.optional :maxlength @@ -399,7 +416,8 @@ end # custom multi select - config.wrappers :floating_labels_select, tag: 'div', class: 'form-label-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| + config.wrappers :floating_labels_select, tag: 'div', class: 'form-label-group', error_class: 'form-group-invalid', + valid_class: 'form-group-valid' do |b| b.use :html5 b.optional :readonly b.use :input, class: 'custom-select custom-select-lg', error_class: 'is-invalid', valid_class: 'is-valid' @@ -408,21 +426,20 @@ b.use :hint, wrap_with: { tag: 'small', class: 'form-text text-muted' } end - # The default wrapper to be used by the FormBuilder. config.default_wrapper = :vertical_form # Custom wrappers for input types. This should be a hash containing an input # type as key and the wrapper that will be used for all inputs with specified type. config.wrapper_mappings = { - boolean: :vertical_boolean, - check_boxes: :vertical_collection, - date: :vertical_multi_select, - datetime: :vertical_multi_select, - file: :vertical_file, + boolean: :vertical_boolean, + check_boxes: :vertical_collection, + date: :vertical_multi_select, + datetime: :vertical_multi_select, + file: :vertical_file, radio_buttons: :vertical_collection, - range: :vertical_range, - time: :vertical_multi_select + range: :vertical_range, + time: :vertical_multi_select } # enable custom form wrappers diff --git a/config/puma.rb b/config/puma.rb index bca244eff..e338e4623 100644 --- a/config/puma.rb +++ b/config/puma.rb @@ -1,20 +1,22 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + # Puma can serve each request in a thread from an internal thread pool. # The `threads` method setting takes two numbers: a minimum and maximum. # Any libraries that use thread pools should be configured to match # the maximum value specified for Puma. Default is set to 5 threads for minimum # and maximum; this matches the default thread size of Active Record. # -max_threads_count = ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 } -min_threads_count = ENV.fetch("RAILS_MIN_THREADS") { max_threads_count } +max_threads_count = ENV.fetch('RAILS_MAX_THREADS', 5) +min_threads_count = ENV.fetch('RAILS_MIN_THREADS') { max_threads_count } threads min_threads_count, max_threads_count # Specifies the `port` that Puma will listen on to receive requests; default is 3000. # -port ENV.fetch("PORT") { 3000 } +port ENV.fetch('PORT', 3000) # Specifies the `environment` that Puma will run in. # -environment ENV.fetch("RAILS_ENV") { "development" } +environment ENV.fetch('RAILS_ENV', 'development') # Specifies the `pidfile` that Puma will use. # pidfile ENV.fetch("PIDFILE") { "tmp/pids/server.pid" } diff --git a/config/routes.rb b/config/routes.rb index 38da97b78..ada233989 100644 --- a/config/routes.rb +++ b/config/routes.rb @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ resources :neighbourhoods resources :partners do collection do - match :setup, via: [:get, :post] + match :setup, via: %i[get post] end end resources :tags @@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ root 'pages#home' - ymd = { year: /\d{4}/, + ymd = { year: /\d{4}/, month: /\d{1,2}/, - day: /\d{1,2}/ } + day: /\d{1,2}/ } # Events resources :events, only: %i[index show] @@ -99,7 +99,5 @@ post '/api/v1/graphql', to: 'graphql#execute' - if Rails.env.development? - mount GraphiQL::Rails::Engine, at: '/graphiql', graphql_path: "/api/v1/graphql" - end + mount GraphiQL::Rails::Engine, at: '/graphiql', graphql_path: '/api/v1/graphql' if Rails.env.development? end diff --git a/config/spring.rb b/config/spring.rb index db5bf1307..93cd0ff8c 100644 --- a/config/spring.rb +++ b/config/spring.rb @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + Spring.watch( - ".ruby-version", - ".rbenv-vars", - "tmp/restart.txt", - "tmp/caching-dev.txt" + '.ruby-version', + '.rbenv-vars', + 'tmp/restart.txt', + 'tmp/caching-dev.txt' ) diff --git a/db/data/20180530123745_add_manchester_uni_feeds.rb b/db/data/20180530123745_add_manchester_uni_feeds.rb index 8bda45d14..926e6ab8f 100644 --- a/db/data/20180530123745_add_manchester_uni_feeds.rb +++ b/db/data/20180530123745_add_manchester_uni_feeds.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddManchesterUniFeeds < SeedMigration::Migration def up partner = Partner.create!(name: 'Manchester University') @@ -12,79 +14,70 @@ def down def places(partner_id) [ - { - name: 'Manchester Museum', - calendars_attributes: [ - { name: 'Manchester Museum', - source: 'http://events.manchester.ac.uk/f3vf/calendar/tag:manchester_museum/view:list/p:q_details/calml.xml', - strategy: 'place', - type: 'manchesteru', - partner_id: partner_id - } - ], - address_attributes: - { street_address: 'The University of Manchester', - street_address2: 'Oxford Road', - city: 'Manchester', - postcode: 'M13 9PL', - country_code: 'UK' - } - - }, - { - name: 'The Whitworth', - calendars_attributes: [ - { name: 'The Whitworth', - source: 'http://events.manchester.ac.uk/f3vf/calendar/tag:whitworth/view:list/p:q_details/calml.xml', - strategy: 'place', - type: 'manchesteru', - partner_id: partner_id - } - ], - address_attributes: + { + name: 'Manchester Museum', + calendars_attributes: [ + { name: 'Manchester Museum', + source: 'http://events.manchester.ac.uk/f3vf/calendar/tag:manchester_museum/view:list/p:q_details/calml.xml', + strategy: 'place', + type: 'manchesteru', + partner_id: partner_id } + ], + address_attributes: { street_address: 'The University of Manchester', street_address2: 'Oxford Road', city: 'Manchester', - postcode: 'M15 6ER', - country_code: 'UK' - } - }, - { - name: 'Martin Harris Centre', - calendars_attributes: [ - { name: 'Martin Harris Centre', - source: 'http://events.manchester.ac.uk/f3vf/calendar/tag:martin_harris_centre/view:list/p:q_details/calml.xml', - strategy: 'place', - type: 'manchesteru', - partner_id: partner_id - } - ], - address_attributes: - { street_address: 'The University of Manchester', - street_address2: 'Bridgeford Street, off Oxford Road', - city: 'Manchester', postcode: 'M13 9PL', - country_code: 'UK' - } - }, - { - name: 'John Rylands Library', - calendars_attributes: [ - { name: 'John Rylands Library', - source: 'http://events.manchester.ac.uk/f3vf/calendar/tag:john_rylands_library/view:list/p:q_details/calml.xml', - strategy: 'place', - type: 'manchesteru', - partner_id: partner_id - } - ], - address_attributes: - { street_address: '150 Deansgate', - city: 'Manchester', - postcode: 'M3 3EH', - country_code: 'UK' - } - } - ] + country_code: 'UK' } + }, + { + name: 'The Whitworth', + calendars_attributes: [ + { name: 'The Whitworth', + source: 'http://events.manchester.ac.uk/f3vf/calendar/tag:whitworth/view:list/p:q_details/calml.xml', + strategy: 'place', + type: 'manchesteru', + partner_id: partner_id } + ], + address_attributes: + { street_address: 'The University of Manchester', + street_address2: 'Oxford Road', + city: 'Manchester', + postcode: 'M15 6ER', + country_code: 'UK' } + }, + { + name: 'Martin Harris Centre', + calendars_attributes: [ + { name: 'Martin Harris Centre', + source: 'http://events.manchester.ac.uk/f3vf/calendar/tag:martin_harris_centre/view:list/p:q_details/calml.xml', + strategy: 'place', + type: 'manchesteru', + partner_id: partner_id } + ], + address_attributes: + { street_address: 'The University of Manchester', + street_address2: 'Bridgeford Street, off Oxford Road', + city: 'Manchester', + postcode: 'M13 9PL', + country_code: 'UK' } + }, + { + name: 'John Rylands Library', + calendars_attributes: [ + { name: 'John Rylands Library', + source: 'http://events.manchester.ac.uk/f3vf/calendar/tag:john_rylands_library/view:list/p:q_details/calml.xml', + strategy: 'place', + type: 'manchesteru', + partner_id: partner_id } + ], + address_attributes: + { street_address: '150 Deansgate', + city: 'Manchester', + postcode: 'M3 3EH', + country_code: 'UK' } + } + ] end end diff --git a/db/data/20180625163935_add_places_partners.rb b/db/data/20180625163935_add_places_partners.rb index d8c3cc0fd..fa995ff00 100644 --- a/db/data/20180625163935_add_places_partners.rb +++ b/db/data/20180625163935_add_places_partners.rb @@ -1,53 +1,60 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddPlacesPartners < SeedMigration::Migration def up # Hulme Garden Centre hcgc_address = Address.create(street_address: '28 Old Birley Street', city: 'Manchester', postcode: 'M15 5RG') hcgc = Partner.create( - name: "Hulme Community Garden Centre", + name: 'Hulme Community Garden Centre', address: hcgc_address, - public_email: "info@hulmegardencentre.org.uk", - short_description: "A garden centre with a difference that makes a difference! - - Hulme Community Garden Centre is a unique community led inner-city horticultural project and charity. Our mission is to bring the local community together through gardening. - - As a not-for-profit organisation we provide low-cost plants to the local community but we are foremost a volunteer and education hub promoting horticultural and sustainability issues to schools, colleges, the local community and wider public." - ) - hcgc.places << Place.create( - name: 'Hulme Community Garden Centre', - short_description: 'A garden centre with a difference that makes a difference!', - address: hcgc_address - ) - # Zion Centre - blc = Partner.create( - name: "Big Life Centres", - short_description: "Big Life Centres enables people to live their best lives. It does this by developing health and well being centres that deliver holistic services to improve the quality of life for people living in disadvantaged areas. It enables people to make choices for themselves. - - Big Life Centres offer: - - * A place in the community – high quality, welcoming, helpful - * Improving access to health and wellbeing services for all residents - * Supporting people and providing opportunities for them to achieve their goals and aspirations - * Offering tenants a high quality, competitive service with added value linked to our shared values - * Improving health and wellbeing outcomes" - ) - blc.places << Place.create( - name: 'Zion Community Resource Centre', - phone: '0161 226 5412', - url: 'https://www.thebiglifegroup.com/big-life-centres/zion-centre/', - address: Address.create(street_address: '339 Stretford Road', city: 'Manchester', postcode: 'M154ZY') - ) - blc.places << Place.create( - name: 'Kath Locke Centre', - phone: '0161 455 0211', - short_description: "The Kath Locke Centre combines the best in conventional NHS healthcare alongside complementary therapies to offer a complete approach to health and well-being.", - url: 'https://www.thebiglifegroup.com/big-life-centres/kath-locke-centre/', - address: Address.create(street_address: '123 Moss Lane East', city: 'Manchester', postcode: 'M155DD') - ) + public_email: 'info@hulmegardencentre.org.uk', + short_description: <<~DESC + A garden centre with a difference that makes a difference! + + Hulme Community Garden Centre is a unique community led inner-city horticultural project and charity. Our mission is to bring the local community together through gardening. + + As a not-for-profit organisation we provide low-cost plants to the local community but we are foremost a volunteer and education hub promoting horticultural and sustainability issues to schools, colleges, the local community and wider public. + DESC + ) + hcgc.places << Place.create( + name: 'Hulme Community Garden Centre', + short_description: 'A garden centre with a difference that makes a difference!', + address: hcgc_address + ) + # Zion Centre + blc = Partner.create( + name: 'Big Life Centres', + short_description: <<~DESC + Big Life Centres enables people to live their best lives. It does this by developing health and well being centres that deliver holistic services to improve the quality of life for people living in disadvantaged areas. It enables people to make choices for themselves. + + Big Life Centres offer: + + * A place in the community – high quality, welcoming, helpful + * Improving access to health and wellbeing services for all residents + * Supporting people and providing opportunities for them to achieve their goals and aspirations + * Offering tenants a high quality, competitive service with added value linked to our shared values + * Improving health and wellbeing outcomes + DESC + ) + blc.places << Place.create( + name: 'Zion Community Resource Centre', + phone: '0161 226 5412', + url: 'https://www.thebiglifegroup.com/big-life-centres/zion-centre/', + address: Address.create(street_address: '339 Stretford Road', city: 'Manchester', postcode: 'M154ZY') + ) + blc.places << Place.create( + name: 'Kath Locke Centre', + phone: '0161 455 0211', + + short_description: 'The Kath Locke Centre combines the best in conventional NHS healthcare alongside complementary therapies to offer a complete approach to health and well-being.', + + url: 'https://www.thebiglifegroup.com/big-life-centres/kath-locke-centre/', + address: Address.create(street_address: '123 Moss Lane East', city: 'Manchester', postcode: 'M155DD') + ) end def down # Prob don't need this # ["Hulme Community Garden Centre"].each { |p| Partner.where(name: p).destroy_all } end - end diff --git a/db/data/20180625171116_add_root_user.rb b/db/data/20180625171116_add_root_user.rb index 09e936dc3..8e3a8312c 100644 --- a/db/data/20180625171116_add_root_user.rb +++ b/db/data/20180625171116_add_root_user.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddRootUser < SeedMigration::Migration def up User.create( diff --git a/db/data/20180625172033_add_sites.rb b/db/data/20180625172033_add_sites.rb index 43ab3ef3c..715cbcce5 100644 --- a/db/data/20180625172033_add_sites.rb +++ b/db/data/20180625172033_add_sites.rb @@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ def records # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength footer_logo: 'hulme-footer.svg', hero_image: 'hulme-hero.jpg', hero_image_credit: 'Jane Samuels', - supporters: Supporter.where(name: ['Age Friendly Hulme and Moss Side', 'Buzz', 'People First Wellbeing Service']) + supporters: Supporter.where(name: ['Age Friendly Hulme and Moss Side', 'Buzz', + 'People First Wellbeing Service']) }, { name: 'Moss Side', @@ -43,7 +44,8 @@ def records # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength footer_logo: 'hulme-footer.svg', hero_image: 'moss-side-hero.jpg', hero_image_credit: 'Jane Samuels', - supporters: Supporter.where(name: ['Age Friendly Hulme and Moss Side', 'Buzz', 'People First Wellbeing Service']) + supporters: Supporter.where(name: ['Age Friendly Hulme and Moss Side', 'Buzz', + 'People First Wellbeing Service']) }, { name: 'Rusholme', diff --git a/db/migrate/20170916030904_change_relations.rb b/db/migrate/20170916030904_change_relations.rb index 736af585f..637d6afc7 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20170916030904_change_relations.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20170916030904_change_relations.rb @@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ def change t.references :partner, foreign_key: true end - add_column :events, :partner_id, :integer, index: true - add_column :calendars, :address_id, :integer, index: true - add_column :events, :address_id, :integer, index: true + add_column :events, :partner_id, :integer + add_index :events, :partner_id + add_column :calendars, :address_id, :integer + add_index :calendars, :address_id + add_column :events, :address_id, :integer + add_index :events, :address_id add_foreign_key :events, :partners add_foreign_key :calendars, :addresses diff --git a/db/migrate/20171015232730_remove_deleted_at_from_events.rb b/db/migrate/20171015232730_remove_deleted_at_from_events.rb index 7357d9575..bf7edce43 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20171015232730_remove_deleted_at_from_events.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20171015232730_remove_deleted_at_from_events.rb @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ def up end def down - add_column :events, :deleted_at, :datetime, index: true + add_column :events, :deleted_at, :datetime + add_index :events, :deleted_at end end diff --git a/db/migrate/20180518110917_add_user_to_site.rb b/db/migrate/20180518110917_add_user_to_site.rb index c545cf5bf..84cc692de 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180518110917_add_user_to_site.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180518110917_add_user_to_site.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddUserToSite < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change add_reference :sites, :site_admin, foreign_key: { to_table: :users } diff --git a/db/migrate/20180525130733_add_logo_to_sites.rb b/db/migrate/20180525130733_add_logo_to_sites.rb index b803b9da4..ad10aa096 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180525130733_add_logo_to_sites.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180525130733_add_logo_to_sites.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddLogoToSites < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change add_column :sites, :logo, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20180525140208_add_hero_image_to_sites.rb b/db/migrate/20180525140208_add_hero_image_to_sites.rb index 0e5736cb4..8d4b08bd4 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180525140208_add_hero_image_to_sites.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180525140208_add_hero_image_to_sites.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddHeroImageToSites < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change add_column :sites, :hero_image, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20180525144755_add_hero_image_credit_to_site.rb b/db/migrate/20180525144755_add_hero_image_credit_to_site.rb index 3cd8b7e10..fcf548517 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180525144755_add_hero_image_credit_to_site.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180525144755_add_hero_image_credit_to_site.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddHeroImageCreditToSite < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change add_column :sites, :hero_image_credit, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20180525190230_add_footer_logo_to_sites.rb b/db/migrate/20180525190230_add_footer_logo_to_sites.rb index 1a9c0564f..60cec8bb0 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180525190230_add_footer_logo_to_sites.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180525190230_add_footer_logo_to_sites.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddFooterLogoToSites < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change add_column :sites, :footer_logo, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20180528112309_add_internet_access_turf.rb b/db/migrate/20180528112309_add_internet_access_turf.rb index 8b9b43b5b..1530c9b00 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180528112309_add_internet_access_turf.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180528112309_add_internet_access_turf.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddInternetAccessTurf < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change # Turf.create(name: 'Internet Access', diff --git a/db/migrate/20180528161308_add_url_to_partners.rb b/db/migrate/20180528161308_add_url_to_partners.rb index cb2286993..50416c0a8 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180528161308_add_url_to_partners.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180528161308_add_url_to_partners.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddUrlToPartners < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change add_column :partners, :url, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20180528164945_create_supporters.rb b/db/migrate/20180528164945_create_supporters.rb index 9f6ce3daa..105d67b63 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180528164945_create_supporters.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180528164945_create_supporters.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class CreateSupporters < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change create_table :supporters do |t| diff --git a/db/migrate/20180528165204_create_join_table_sites_supporters.rb b/db/migrate/20180528165204_create_join_table_sites_supporters.rb index 4ad850e98..1e513d366 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180528165204_create_join_table_sites_supporters.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180528165204_create_join_table_sites_supporters.rb @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class CreateJoinTableSitesSupporters < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change create_join_table :sites, :supporters do |t| - t.index [:site_id, :supporter_id] - t.index [:supporter_id, :site_id] + t.index %i[site_id supporter_id] + t.index %i[supporter_id site_id] end end end diff --git a/db/migrate/20180530093323_add_global_to_supporters.rb b/db/migrate/20180530093323_add_global_to_supporters.rb index ada190a2b..4adc8a663 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180530093323_add_global_to_supporters.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180530093323_add_global_to_supporters.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddGlobalToSupporters < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change add_column :supporters, :is_global, :boolean, default: false diff --git a/db/migrate/20180530100533_create_data_migrations.seed_migration.rb b/db/migrate/20180530100533_create_data_migrations.seed_migration.rb index 919500c4f..2a34bc7f2 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180530100533_create_data_migrations.seed_migration.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180530100533_create_data_migrations.seed_migration.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + # This migration comes from seed_migration (originally 20140310150145) class CreateDataMigrations < ActiveRecord::Migration[4.2] def up diff --git a/db/migrate/20180625172806_add_supporter_data.rb b/db/migrate/20180625172806_add_supporter_data.rb index fdcfe458d..26654630a 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180625172806_add_supporter_data.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180625172806_add_supporter_data.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddSupporterData < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def up records.each do |r| diff --git a/db/migrate/20180629174727_add_last_checksum_and_footer_to_calendar.rb b/db/migrate/20180629174727_add_last_checksum_and_footer_to_calendar.rb index a010a6431..5d3ada637 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180629174727_add_last_checksum_and_footer_to_calendar.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180629174727_add_last_checksum_and_footer_to_calendar.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddLastChecksumAndFooterToCalendar < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change add_column :calendars, :last_checksum, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20180716040041_remove_type_and_address_from_calendar.rb b/db/migrate/20180716040041_remove_type_and_address_from_calendar.rb index d54154195..863e592dd 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180716040041_remove_type_and_address_from_calendar.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180716040041_remove_type_and_address_from_calendar.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class RemoveTypeAndAddressFromCalendar < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change remove_column :calendars, :type, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20180720112624_add_critical_error_to_calendar.rb b/db/migrate/20180720112624_add_critical_error_to_calendar.rb index 7e06aa956..3a521f257 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180720112624_add_critical_error_to_calendar.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180720112624_add_critical_error_to_calendar.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddCriticalErrorToCalendar < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change add_column :calendars, :critical_error, :text diff --git a/db/migrate/20180801041639_add_access_token_to_users_and_calendars.rb b/db/migrate/20180801041639_add_access_token_to_users_and_calendars.rb index ac990d501..ea149d701 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180801041639_add_access_token_to_users_and_calendars.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180801041639_add_access_token_to_users_and_calendars.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddAccessTokenToUsersAndCalendars < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change add_column :users, :access_token, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20180827120116_add_devise_invitable.rb b/db/migrate/20180827120116_add_devise_invitable.rb index 3343855e9..36795ef68 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180827120116_add_devise_invitable.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180827120116_add_devise_invitable.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddDeviseInvitable < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change add_column :users, :invitation_token, :string @@ -7,11 +9,11 @@ def change add_column :users, :invitation_limit, :integer add_column :users, :invited_by_id, :integer add_column :users, :invited_by_type, :string - add_index :users, :invitation_token, :unique => true + add_index :users, :invitation_token, unique: true # Allow null encrypted_password change_column_null :users, :encrypted_password, :string, true # Allow null password_salt (add it if you are using Devise's encryptable module) - #change_column_null :users, :password_salt, :string, true + # change_column_null :users, :password_salt, :string, true end end diff --git a/db/migrate/20180905123823_add_admin_ward_to_addresses.rb b/db/migrate/20180905123823_add_admin_ward_to_addresses.rb index 82b55ab6d..3c0e9d2cf 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180905123823_add_admin_ward_to_addresses.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180905123823_add_admin_ward_to_addresses.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddAdminWardToAddresses < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change add_column :addresses, :admin_ward, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20180910134410_add_neighbourhood_turf_to_address.rb b/db/migrate/20180910134410_add_neighbourhood_turf_to_address.rb index bc106a898..ca63a9764 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180910134410_add_neighbourhood_turf_to_address.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180910134410_add_neighbourhood_turf_to_address.rb @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddNeighbourhoodTurfToAddress < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change - add_reference :addresses, :neighbourhood_turf, foreign_key: {to_table: :turfs} + add_reference :addresses, :neighbourhood_turf, foreign_key: { to_table: :turfs } end end diff --git a/db/migrate/20180910143528_remove_admin_ward_from_addresses.rb b/db/migrate/20180910143528_remove_admin_ward_from_addresses.rb index 87cac41a1..c7f016fe7 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180910143528_remove_admin_ward_from_addresses.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180910143528_remove_admin_ward_from_addresses.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class RemoveAdminWardFromAddresses < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change remove_column :addresses, :admin_ward, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20180919111400_split_turfs_into_neighbourhoods_and_turfs.rb b/db/migrate/20180919111400_split_turfs_into_neighbourhoods_and_turfs.rb index 877ac85e5..c21369fba 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180919111400_split_turfs_into_neighbourhoods_and_turfs.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180919111400_split_turfs_into_neighbourhoods_and_turfs.rb @@ -1,42 +1,44 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class SplitTurfsIntoNeighbourhoodsAndTurfs < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def up - #1 Create and populate neighbourhoods table + # 1 Create and populate neighbourhoods table create_table :neighbourhoods do |t| t.string :name end execute("insert into neighbourhoods ( id, name ) select id, name from turfs where turfs.turf_type = 'neighbourhood';") - #2 Change addresses to point at neighbourhoods rather than turfs + # 2 Change addresses to point at neighbourhoods rather than turfs remove_foreign_key :addresses, column: :neighbourhood_turf_id rename_column :addresses, :neighbourhood_turf_id, :neighbourhood_id add_foreign_key :addresses, :neighbourhoods, column: :neighbourhood_id - #3 Rename sites_turfs + # 3 Rename sites_turfs rename_table :sites_turfs, :sites_neighbourhoods rename_column :sites_neighbourhoods, :turf_id, :neighbourhood_id - #4 Delete redundant data and structure from turfs + # 4 Delete redundant data and structure from turfs execute("delete from turfs where turf_type = 'neighbourhood';") remove_column :turfs, :turf_type, :string end def down - #4 + # 4 add_column :turfs, :turf_type, :string execute("update turfs set turf_type = 'interest';") - # Note: Does not create slugs for neighbourhood turfs! + # NOTE: Does not create slugs for neighbourhood turfs! execute("insert into turfs ( id, name, turf_type, created_at, updated_at ) select id, name, 'neighbourhood', now(), now() from neighbourhoods;") - #3 + # 3 rename_table :sites_neighbourhoods, :sites_turfs rename_column :sites_turfs, :neighbourhood_id, :turf_id - #2 + # 2 remove_foreign_key :addresses, :neighbourhoods rename_column :addresses, :neighbourhood_id, :neighbourhood_turf_id add_foreign_key :addresses, :turfs, column: :neighbourhood_turf_id - #3 + # 3 drop_table :neighbourhoods end end diff --git a/db/migrate/20180926032437_change_calendar_columns.rb b/db/migrate/20180926032437_change_calendar_columns.rb index c98b545c8..1c0241d11 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20180926032437_change_calendar_columns.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20180926032437_change_calendar_columns.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class ChangeCalendarColumns < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change remove_column :calendars, :footer, :text diff --git a/db/migrate/20181001150453_add_default_site.rb b/db/migrate/20181001150453_add_default_site.rb index e6510f981..719b0a051 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20181001150453_add_default_site.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20181001150453_add_default_site.rb @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddDefaultSite < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def up execute( -%(insert into sites + %(insert into sites (name, domain, slug, created_at, updated_at) values ('Default site (no subdomain)', 'placecal.org', 'default-site', now(), now()) ;) @@ -10,9 +12,9 @@ def up def down execute( -%(delete from sites_neighbourhoods where site_id = + %(delete from sites_neighbourhoods where site_id = (select id from sites where slug = 'default-site');) ) - execute( "delete from sites where slug = 'default-site';" ) + execute("delete from sites where slug = 'default-site';") end end diff --git a/db/migrate/20181005091853_add_avatar_to_users.rb b/db/migrate/20181005091853_add_avatar_to_users.rb index efc120b14..5cc9014a9 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20181005091853_add_avatar_to_users.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20181005091853_add_avatar_to_users.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddAvatarToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change add_column :users, :avatar, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20181009094523_merge_partners_places_tables.rb b/db/migrate/20181009094523_merge_partners_places_tables.rb index d8b5f88db..d2cb02aa7 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20181009094523_merge_partners_places_tables.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20181009094523_merge_partners_places_tables.rb @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -class MergePartnersPlacesTables < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] +# frozen_string_literal: true +class MergePartnersPlacesTables < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] # NOTE: No data deletion happens in this migration. The only destructive edits # are dropping of indexes in order to make other changes possible. def up - # 1) add relevant places columns to partners and rename other where appropriate change_table :partners do |t| t.jsonb :opening_times @@ -59,17 +59,15 @@ def up add_foreign_key :events, :partners, column: :place_id end - def down - - #4) - execute("UPDATE events SET place_id = null;") + # 4) + execute('UPDATE events SET place_id = null;') remove_foreign_key :events, column: :place_id add_foreign_key :events, :places - #3) - execute("UPDATE calendars SET place_id = null;") + # 3) + execute('UPDATE calendars SET place_id = null;') remove_foreign_key :calendars, column: :place_id add_foreign_key :calendars, :places diff --git a/db/migrate/20181009162402_add_organisation_relationships_table.rb b/db/migrate/20181009162402_add_organisation_relationships_table.rb index d9e1d13f3..2544a199b 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20181009162402_add_organisation_relationships_table.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20181009162402_add_organisation_relationships_table.rb @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ -class AddOrganisationRelationshipsTable < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] +# frozen_string_literal: true +class AddOrganisationRelationshipsTable < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change create_table :organisation_relationships add_reference :organisation_relationships, :subject, null: false @@ -7,7 +8,7 @@ def change add_column :organisation_relationships, :verb, :string, null: false add_reference :organisation_relationships, :object, null: false add_foreign_key :organisation_relationships, :partners, column: :object_id - add_index :organisation_relationships, [:subject_id, :verb, :object_id], unique: true, name: :unique_organisation_relationship_row + add_index :organisation_relationships, %i[subject_id verb object_id], unique: true, + name: :unique_organisation_relationship_row end - end diff --git a/db/migrate/20181010165919_add_calendar_contact_columns.rb b/db/migrate/20181010165919_add_calendar_contact_columns.rb index 8eae4e6a4..5d9e08956 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20181010165919_add_calendar_contact_columns.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20181010165919_add_calendar_contact_columns.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddCalendarContactColumns < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change # NOTE: Not copying any data over from partners. Staging server had no @@ -11,5 +13,4 @@ def change t.text :public_contact_phone end end - end diff --git a/db/migrate/20181012041853_add_facebook_app_id_and_facebook_app_secret_to_users.rb b/db/migrate/20181012041853_add_facebook_app_id_and_facebook_app_secret_to_users.rb index 998a5fda7..8d288d464 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20181012041853_add_facebook_app_id_and_facebook_app_secret_to_users.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20181012041853_add_facebook_app_id_and_facebook_app_secret_to_users.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddFacebookAppIdAndFacebookAppSecretToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change add_column :users, :facebook_app_id, :text diff --git a/db/migrate/20181031134053_change_calendar_contact_details_to_type_string.rb b/db/migrate/20181031134053_change_calendar_contact_details_to_type_string.rb index 26dd3bd86..be93d8c71 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20181031134053_change_calendar_contact_details_to_type_string.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20181031134053_change_calendar_contact_details_to_type_string.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class ChangeCalendarContactDetailsToTypeString < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change change_column :calendars, :partnership_contact_name, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20181121122228_rename_events_location_column.rb b/db/migrate/20181121122228_rename_events_location_column.rb index 46aeade05..299230836 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20181121122228_rename_events_location_column.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20181121122228_rename_events_location_column.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class RenameEventsLocationColumn < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change rename_column :events, :location, :raw_location_from_source diff --git a/db/migrate/20181121141327_add_social_media_columns_to_partners.rb b/db/migrate/20181121141327_add_social_media_columns_to_partners.rb index f99f4309c..c6500ccb0 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20181121141327_add_social_media_columns_to_partners.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20181121141327_add_social_media_columns_to_partners.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddSocialMediaColumnsToPartners < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change add_column :partners, :twitter_handle, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20181126174530_add_route_to_collections.rb b/db/migrate/20181126174530_add_route_to_collections.rb index b1d87a1c9..3ef8ffdda 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20181126174530_add_route_to_collections.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20181126174530_add_route_to_collections.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddRouteToCollections < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change add_column :collections, :route, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20181127132710_add_tagline_to_sites.rb b/db/migrate/20181127132710_add_tagline_to_sites.rb index 8f4fac8cf..24893384b 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20181127132710_add_tagline_to_sites.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20181127132710_add_tagline_to_sites.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddTaglineToSites < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change add_column :sites, :tagline, :string, default: 'The Community Calendar' diff --git a/db/migrate/20190605132649_add_placename_to_site.rb b/db/migrate/20190605132649_add_placename_to_site.rb index 3a6e12908..6d1a31b48 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20190605132649_add_placename_to_site.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20190605132649_add_placename_to_site.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddPlacenameToSite < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change add_column :sites, :place_name, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20191031170146_add_foreign_key_constraint_to_active_storage_attachments_for_blob_id.active_storage.rb b/db/migrate/20191031170146_add_foreign_key_constraint_to_active_storage_attachments_for_blob_id.active_storage.rb index ff5d72c7e..7818547c4 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20191031170146_add_foreign_key_constraint_to_active_storage_attachments_for_blob_id.active_storage.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20191031170146_add_foreign_key_constraint_to_active_storage_attachments_for_blob_id.active_storage.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + # This migration comes from active_storage (originally 20180723000244) class AddForeignKeyConstraintToActiveStorageAttachmentsForBlobId < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] def up diff --git a/db/migrate/20191201002011_fix_invalid_partners.rb b/db/migrate/20191201002011_fix_invalid_partners.rb index cca3be9c7..ebda7c12f 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20191201002011_fix_invalid_partners.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20191201002011_fix_invalid_partners.rb @@ -1,25 +1,27 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class FixInvalidPartners < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] def up - invalid_partners= Partner.all.reject(&:valid?) + invalid_partners = Partner.all.reject(&:valid?) invalid_partners.each do |partner| partner.valid? invalid_fields = partner.errors.messages - invalid_fields.each do |field, error| - if field == :partner_phone || field == :public_phone + invalid_fields.each do |field, _error| + if %i[partner_phone public_phone].include?(field) partner.public_phone = partner.public_phone&.strip partner.partner_phone = partner.partner_phone&.strip elsif field == :twitter_handle - partner.twitter_handle = partner.twitter_handle.gsub('@', '').strip + partner.twitter_handle = partner.twitter_handle.delete('@').strip elsif field == :facebook_link - facebook_link = partner.facebook_link.scan(/(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www.)?facebook.com\/(?:pg\/)?(\w*)\/?/) + facebook_link = partner.facebook_link.scan(%r{(?:https?://)?(?:www.)?facebook.com/(?:pg/)?(\w*)/?}) partner.facebook_link = facebook_link.flatten[0]&.strip elsif field == :url - if partner.url.starts_with?('www') - partner.url = ('https://' + partner.url)&.strip - else - partner.url = ('https://www.' + partner.url)&.strip - end + partner.url = if partner.url.starts_with?('www') + "https://#{partner.url}"&.strip + else + "https://www.#{partner.url}"&.strip + end end end diff --git a/db/migrate/20191210165905_create_neighbourhoods_users.rb b/db/migrate/20191210165905_create_neighbourhoods_users.rb index fb4e8e010..b1b903340 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20191210165905_create_neighbourhoods_users.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20191210165905_create_neighbourhoods_users.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class CreateNeighbourhoodsUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] def change create_table :neighbourhoods_users do |t| diff --git a/db/migrate/20191219122747_rename_turfs_to_tags.rb b/db/migrate/20191219122747_rename_turfs_to_tags.rb index 43ec2ac41..b5c32318a 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20191219122747_rename_turfs_to_tags.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20191219122747_rename_turfs_to_tags.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class RenameTurfsToTags < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] def change rename_table :turfs, :tags diff --git a/db/migrate/20200107153812_add_theme_to_sites.rb b/db/migrate/20200107153812_add_theme_to_sites.rb index 1df10b0d5..b4f819ce2 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20200107153812_add_theme_to_sites.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20200107153812_add_theme_to_sites.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddThemeToSites < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] def change add_column :sites, :theme, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20200107165257_update_site_themes.rb b/db/migrate/20200107165257_update_site_themes.rb index e3d0df74f..e65526d4f 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20200107165257_update_site_themes.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20200107165257_update_site_themes.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class UpdateSiteThemes < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] def change set_theme 'hulme', :pink @@ -9,6 +11,6 @@ def change def set_theme(slug, colour) site = Site.find_by(slug: slug) - site.update(theme: colour) if site + site&.update(theme: colour) end end diff --git a/db/migrate/20200107174516_add_more_info_to_neighbourhoods.rb b/db/migrate/20200107174516_add_more_info_to_neighbourhoods.rb index 6d7c44139..2ce5a3a83 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20200107174516_add_more_info_to_neighbourhoods.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20200107174516_add_more_info_to_neighbourhoods.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddMoreInfoToNeighbourhoods < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] def change add_column :neighbourhoods, :name_abbr, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20200312155023_add_publish_to_sites.rb b/db/migrate/20200312155023_add_publish_to_sites.rb index bf86d98df..d86949878 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20200312155023_add_publish_to_sites.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20200312155023_add_publish_to_sites.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddPublishToSites < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] def change add_column :sites, :is_published, :boolean, default: false diff --git a/db/migrate/20211117104415_add_ancestry_to_neighbourhoods.rb b/db/migrate/20211117104415_add_ancestry_to_neighbourhoods.rb index 4543a4732..e880dcb74 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20211117104415_add_ancestry_to_neighbourhoods.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20211117104415_add_ancestry_to_neighbourhoods.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddAncestryToNeighbourhoods < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] def change add_column :neighbourhoods, :ancestry, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20211118145348_add_unit_columns_to_tables.rb b/db/migrate/20211118145348_add_unit_columns_to_tables.rb index 89e8b55a8..4e2131614 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20211118145348_add_unit_columns_to_tables.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20211118145348_add_unit_columns_to_tables.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddUnitColumnsToTables < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] def change change_table(:neighbourhoods, bulk: true) do |n| diff --git a/db/migrate/20211118145604_alter_structure_of_neighbourhoods.rb b/db/migrate/20211118145604_alter_structure_of_neighbourhoods.rb index eecf4dcc7..e76682e78 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20211118145604_alter_structure_of_neighbourhoods.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20211118145604_alter_structure_of_neighbourhoods.rb @@ -1,99 +1,92 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AlterStructureOfNeighbourhoods < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] def up errors = [] Neighbourhood.find_each do |ward| - begin - next if ward.unit != 'ward' + next if ward.unit != 'ward' - puts "Processing ward #{ward.id}, #{ward.name}" + puts "Processing ward #{ward.id}, #{ward.name}" - # Nice variables - # Often we do not actually have name / code data for the county or region nodes. - # The values .ward, .district, .county, .region are all more accurate than that code data - district_name = ward.district - county_name = ward.county - region_name = ward.region + # Nice variables + # Often we do not actually have name / code data for the county or region nodes. + # The values .ward, .district, .county, .region are all more accurate than that code data + district_name = ward.district + county_name = ward.county + region_name = ward.region - # Fill ward with default values - ward.unit_code_value = ward.WD19CD - ward.unit_name = ward.name + # Fill ward with default values + ward.unit_code_value = ward.WD19CD + ward.unit_name = ward.name - # Find/Create district and county neighbourhoods - district_node = Neighbourhood.find_or_create_by!( - { name: district_name, - unit: 'district', - unit_code_key: 'LAD19CD', - unit_code_value: ward.LAD19CD, - unit_name: district_name } - ) - county_node = Neighbourhood.find_or_create_by!( - { name: county_name, - unit: 'county', - unit_code_key: 'CTY19CD', - unit_code_value: ward.CTY19CD, - unit_name: county_name } - ) - region_node = Neighbourhood.find_or_create_by!( - { name: region_name, - unit: 'region', - unit_code_key: 'RGN19CD', - unit_code_value: ward.RGN19CD, - unit_name: region_name } - ) + # Find/Create district and county neighbourhoods + district_node = Neighbourhood.find_or_create_by!( + { name: district_name, + unit: 'district', + unit_code_key: 'LAD19CD', + unit_code_value: ward.LAD19CD, + unit_name: district_name } + ) + county_node = Neighbourhood.find_or_create_by!( + { name: county_name, + unit: 'county', + unit_code_key: 'CTY19CD', + unit_code_value: ward.CTY19CD, + unit_name: county_name } + ) + region_node = Neighbourhood.find_or_create_by!( + { name: region_name, + unit: 'region', + unit_code_key: 'RGN19CD', + unit_code_value: ward.RGN19CD, + unit_name: region_name } + ) - # Make the ward a child of the district - ward.parent = district_node + # Make the ward a child of the district + ward.parent = district_node - # Make the district a child of the county, if it isn't already - district_node.parent = county_node unless - county_node.children.include? district_node + # Make the district a child of the county, if it isn't already + district_node.parent = county_node unless + county_node.children.include? district_node - county_node.parent = region_node unless - region_node.children.include? county_node + county_node.parent = region_node unless + region_node.children.include? county_node - # Save save save!!! - ward.save! - district_node.save! - county_node.save! - region_node.save! - rescue => e - errors << { error: e.message, - trace: e.backtrace_locations, - id: ward.id, - name: ward.name } - next - end + # Save save save!!! + ward.save! + district_node.save! + county_node.save! + region_node.save! + rescue StandardError => e + errors << { error: e.message, + trace: e.backtrace_locations, + id: ward.id, + name: ward.name } + next end return unless errors.any? - File.open('20211118145604_alter_structure_of_neighbourhoods.errors.txt', 'w') do |f| - f.write errors - end + File.write('20211118145604_alter_structure_of_neighbourhoods.errors.txt', errors) end def down puts 'WARNING: Downgrade path has NOT been verified and should be manually verified first.' errors = [] Neighbourhood.find_each do |ward| - begin - next if ward.unit == 'ward' - - puts "Destroying non-ward item of type #{ward.unit} with name #{ward.name}" - ward.destroy! - rescue => e - errors << { error: e.message, - trace: e.backtrace_locations, - id: ward.id, - name: ward.name } - end + next if ward.unit == 'ward' + puts "Destroying non-ward item of type #{ward.unit} with name #{ward.name}" + ward.destroy! + rescue StandardError => e + errors << { error: e.message, + trace: e.backtrace_locations, + id: ward.id, + name: ward.name } end return unless errors.any? - File.open('20211118145604_alter_structure_of_neighbourhoods.errors.txt', 'w') do |f| - f.write errors - end + File.write('20211118145604_alter_structure_of_neighbourhoods.errors.txt', errors) end end diff --git a/db/migrate/20211118162518_remove_old_neighbourhood_properties.rb b/db/migrate/20211118162518_remove_old_neighbourhood_properties.rb index 4dc0bd4b2..8373acf44 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20211118162518_remove_old_neighbourhood_properties.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20211118162518_remove_old_neighbourhood_properties.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class RemoveOldNeighbourhoodProperties < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] def up change_table :neighbourhoods, bulk: true do |t| @@ -35,41 +37,37 @@ def down end Neighbourhood.find_each do |ward| - begin - next if ward.unit != 'ward' + next if ward.unit != 'ward' - puts "Filling ward #{ward.name} with parental information" + puts "Filling ward #{ward.name} with parental information" - ward.ward = ward.name - ward.WD19CD = ward.unit_code_value - ward.WD19NM = ward.unit_name - if ward.parent - ward.district = ward.parent.name if ward.parent - ward.LAD19CD = ward.parent.unit_code_value - ward.LAD19NM = ward.parent.name - end - if ward.parent.parent - ward.county = ward.parent.parent.name if ward.parent.parent - ward.CTY19CD = ward.parent.parent.unit_code_value - ward.CTY19NM = ward.parent.parent.name - end - if ward.parent.parent.parent - ward.region = ward.parent.parent.parent.name if ward.parent.parent.parent - ward.RGN19CD = ward.parent.parent.parent.unit_code_value - ward.RGN19NM = ward.parent.parent.parent.name - end - rescue => e - errors << { error: e.message, - trace: e.backtrace_locations, - id: ward.id, - name: ward.name } + ward.ward = ward.name + ward.WD19CD = ward.unit_code_value + ward.WD19NM = ward.unit_name + if ward.parent + ward.district = ward.parent.name if ward.parent + ward.LAD19CD = ward.parent.unit_code_value + ward.LAD19NM = ward.parent.name + end + if ward.parent.parent + ward.county = ward.parent.parent.name if ward.parent.parent + ward.CTY19CD = ward.parent.parent.unit_code_value + ward.CTY19NM = ward.parent.parent.name end + if ward.parent.parent.parent + ward.region = ward.parent.parent.parent.name if ward.parent.parent.parent + ward.RGN19CD = ward.parent.parent.parent.unit_code_value + ward.RGN19NM = ward.parent.parent.parent.name + end + rescue StandardError => e + errors << { error: e.message, + trace: e.backtrace_locations, + id: ward.id, + name: ward.name } end return unless errors.any? - File.open('20211118162518_remove_old_neighbourhood_properties.errors.txt', 'w') do |f| - f.write errors - end + File.write('20211118162518_remove_old_neighbourhood_properties.errors.txt', errors) end end diff --git a/db/migrate/20211203153422_correct_datamodel_by_importing_neighbourhoods_json.rb b/db/migrate/20211203153422_correct_datamodel_by_importing_neighbourhoods_json.rb index 5a7e8fa27..8f51cd908 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20211203153422_correct_datamodel_by_importing_neighbourhoods_json.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20211203153422_correct_datamodel_by_importing_neighbourhoods_json.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class CorrectDatamodelByImportingNeighbourhoodsJson < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] # This code is hecking UGLY def create_unit(json_unit, parent_neighbourhood, parent_unit) @@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ def up puts "Processing country #{country['properties']['name']}..." create_unit(country, nil, nil) end - rescue => e + rescue StandardError => e errors << { error: e.message, trace: e.backtrace_locations } end @@ -66,8 +68,6 @@ def up # Recover from Errors return unless errors.any? - File.open('20211118145604_alter_structure_of_neighbourhoods.errors.txt', 'w') do |f| - f.write errors - end + File.write('20211118145604_alter_structure_of_neighbourhoods.errors.txt', errors) end end diff --git a/db/migrate/20220105161548_fix_broken_datamodel.rb b/db/migrate/20220105161548_fix_broken_datamodel.rb index 43c91a136..3f40f4474 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220105161548_fix_broken_datamodel.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220105161548_fix_broken_datamodel.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class FixBrokenDatamodel < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] # This code is hecking UGLY def create_unit(json_unit, parent_neighbourhood, parent_unit) @@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ def up # Remove all wards that have ancestry data or are a country (countries lack ancestry data) Neighbourhood.find_each do |ward| next unless !ward.ancestry.nil? || ward.unit == 'country' + ward.destroy! end @@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ def up json_data.each_value do |country| create_unit(country, nil, nil) end - rescue => e + rescue StandardError => e errors << { error: e.message, trace: e.backtrace_locations } end @@ -58,8 +61,6 @@ def up # Recover from Errors return unless errors.any? - File.open('20220105161548_fix_broken_datamodel.errors', 'w') do |f| - f.write errors - end + File.write('20220105161548_fix_broken_datamodel.errors', errors) end end diff --git a/db/migrate/20220106150818_add_summary_description_to_partners.rb b/db/migrate/20220106150818_add_summary_description_to_partners.rb index 95c46f3f6..3bfb81939 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220106150818_add_summary_description_to_partners.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220106150818_add_summary_description_to_partners.rb @@ -1,12 +1,14 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddSummaryDescriptionToPartners < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def up add_column :partners, :summary, :string add_column :partners, :description, :text Partner.find_each do |partner| - next unless !partner.short_description.nil? + next if partner.short_description.nil? - summary, *description = partner.short_description.split(/\r\n\r\n/) + summary, *description = partner.short_description.split("\r\n\r\n") partner.summary = summary partner.description = description.join("\r\n\r\n") partner.save(validate: false) diff --git a/db/migrate/20220124170103_create_service_areas.rb b/db/migrate/20220124170103_create_service_areas.rb index 1b10ac590..0cedfd123 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220124170103_create_service_areas.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220124170103_create_service_areas.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class CreateServiceAreas < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change create_table :service_areas do |t| diff --git a/db/migrate/20220125175817_add_parent_name_field_to_neighbourhoods.rb b/db/migrate/20220125175817_add_parent_name_field_to_neighbourhoods.rb index 5cfbde6f1..1574c0300 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220125175817_add_parent_name_field_to_neighbourhoods.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220125175817_add_parent_name_field_to_neighbourhoods.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddParentNameFieldToNeighbourhoods < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change add_column :neighbourhoods, :parent_name, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20220210165818_add_badge_zoom_level_to_sites.rb b/db/migrate/20220210165818_add_badge_zoom_level_to_sites.rb index 5fef5a0cb..ee58ac7c7 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220210165818_add_badge_zoom_level_to_sites.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220210165818_add_badge_zoom_level_to_sites.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddBadgeZoomLevelToSites < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change add_column :sites, :badge_zoom_level, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20220217050106_add_edit_permission_to_tags.rb b/db/migrate/20220217050106_add_edit_permission_to_tags.rb index 0cd2e9be0..f5972e210 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220217050106_add_edit_permission_to_tags.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220217050106_add_edit_permission_to_tags.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddEditPermissionToTags < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change add_column :tags, :edit_permission, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20220217120103_create_articles.rb b/db/migrate/20220217120103_create_articles.rb index c01ee29b8..6888921cd 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220217120103_create_articles.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220217120103_create_articles.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class CreateArticles < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change create_table :articles do |t| @@ -5,7 +7,7 @@ def change t.text :body t.date :published_at t.boolean :is_draft, default: true - + t.timestamps end end diff --git a/db/migrate/20220218131749_create_article_partners.rb b/db/migrate/20220218131749_create_article_partners.rb index 8a51dd3cd..331593917 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220218131749_create_article_partners.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220218131749_create_article_partners.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class CreateArticlePartners < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change create_table :article_partners do |t| diff --git a/db/migrate/20220221063323_add_id_to_tags_users.rb b/db/migrate/20220221063323_add_id_to_tags_users.rb index ca5540e96..4607efea4 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220221063323_add_id_to_tags_users.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220221063323_add_id_to_tags_users.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddIdToTagsUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change add_column :tags_users, :id, :primary_key diff --git a/db/migrate/20220225162314_add_id_to_partners_tags_and_places_tags.rb b/db/migrate/20220225162314_add_id_to_partners_tags_and_places_tags.rb index f3f6648ff..47dea7c8b 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220225162314_add_id_to_partners_tags_and_places_tags.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220225162314_add_id_to_partners_tags_and_places_tags.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddIdToPartnersTagsAndPlacesTags < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change rename_table :partners_tags, :partner_tags diff --git a/db/migrate/20220310125155_add_sites_tags.rb b/db/migrate/20220310125155_add_sites_tags.rb index 4b788f231..c436566ba 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220310125155_add_sites_tags.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220310125155_add_sites_tags.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddSitesTags < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change create_table :sites_tags do |t| diff --git a/db/migrate/20220329140520_fix_address_and_neighbourhood_fields.rb b/db/migrate/20220329140520_fix_address_and_neighbourhood_fields.rb index c1aced770..7eb2574ea 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220329140520_fix_address_and_neighbourhood_fields.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220329140520_fix_address_and_neighbourhood_fields.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class FixAddressAndNeighbourhoodFields < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change # removed code as this type of fix is better performed elsewhere diff --git a/db/migrate/20220330160817_add_author_to_article.rb b/db/migrate/20220330160817_add_author_to_article.rb index 758abd331..183587a9c 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220330160817_add_author_to_article.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220330160817_add_author_to_article.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddAuthorToArticle < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change add_reference :articles, :author, foreign_key: { to_table: :users } diff --git a/db/migrate/20220405102801_add_article_header_to_articles.rb b/db/migrate/20220405102801_add_article_header_to_articles.rb index 3690705b9..1c5c3e27c 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220405102801_add_article_header_to_articles.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220405102801_add_article_header_to_articles.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddArticleHeaderToArticles < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change add_column :articles, :article_image, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20220406135448_create_article_tags.rb b/db/migrate/20220406135448_create_article_tags.rb index 13b2e7d19..2eee748f5 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220406135448_create_article_tags.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220406135448_create_article_tags.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class CreateArticleTags < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change create_table :article_tags do |t| diff --git a/db/migrate/20220427131452_add_notices_count_to_calendar.rb b/db/migrate/20220427131452_add_notices_count_to_calendar.rb index 32f8035c0..b6874a537 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220427131452_add_notices_count_to_calendar.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220427131452_add_notices_count_to_calendar.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddNoticesCountToCalendar < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change add_column :calendars, :notice_count, :integer diff --git a/db/migrate/20220510134827_add_state_to_calendar.rb b/db/migrate/20220510134827_add_state_to_calendar.rb index 4e68897c3..cecb2bb69 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220510134827_add_state_to_calendar.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220510134827_add_state_to_calendar.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddStateToCalendar < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change add_column :calendars, :calendar_state, :string, default: 'idle' diff --git a/db/migrate/20220512135923_add_publisher_url_to_events.rb b/db/migrate/20220512135923_add_publisher_url_to_events.rb index 24dde4b7e..216135724 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220512135923_add_publisher_url_to_events.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220512135923_add_publisher_url_to_events.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddPublisherUrlToEvents < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change add_column :events, :publisher_url, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20220512144807_create_online_addresses.rb b/db/migrate/20220512144807_create_online_addresses.rb index e213e1a78..1dd7ba991 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220512144807_create_online_addresses.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220512144807_create_online_addresses.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class CreateOnlineAddresses < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change create_table :online_addresses do |t| diff --git a/db/migrate/20220516083725_add_importer_mode_to_calendar.rb b/db/migrate/20220516083725_add_importer_mode_to_calendar.rb index 513659c1a..b6300e275 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220516083725_add_importer_mode_to_calendar.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220516083725_add_importer_mode_to_calendar.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddImporterModeToCalendar < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change add_column :calendars, :importer_mode, :string, default: 'auto' diff --git a/db/migrate/20220524160826_add_link_type_to_online_address.rb b/db/migrate/20220524160826_add_link_type_to_online_address.rb index 11d5aaa10..8eb2ca825 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220524160826_add_link_type_to_online_address.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220524160826_add_link_type_to_online_address.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddLinkTypeToOnlineAddress < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change add_column :online_addresses, :link_type, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20220601153635_add_slug_to_articles.rb b/db/migrate/20220601153635_add_slug_to_articles.rb index e57a47af9..9f0fa67ed 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220601153635_add_slug_to_articles.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220601153635_add_slug_to_articles.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddSlugToArticles < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change add_column :articles, :slug, :string diff --git a/db/migrate/20220607161025_add_system_flag_to_tags.rb b/db/migrate/20220607161025_add_system_flag_to_tags.rb index b1135060f..a2d4465e1 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220607161025_add_system_flag_to_tags.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220607161025_add_system_flag_to_tags.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddSystemFlagToTags < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change add_column :tags, :system_tag, :boolean, default: false diff --git a/db/migrate/20220611154511_add_html_fields_to_models.rb b/db/migrate/20220611154511_add_html_fields_to_models.rb index 3ecccf73a..901b6bac8 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220611154511_add_html_fields_to_models.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220611154511_add_html_fields_to_models.rb @@ -1,11 +1,13 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class AddHtmlFieldsToModels < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change - add_column :articles, :body_html, :string - add_column :events, :description_html, :string - add_column :events, :summary_html, :string - add_column :partners, :description_html, :string - add_column :partners, :summary_html, :string + add_column :articles, :body_html, :string + add_column :events, :description_html, :string + add_column :events, :summary_html, :string + add_column :partners, :description_html, :string + add_column :partners, :summary_html, :string add_column :partners, :accessibility_info_html, :string - add_column :sites, :description_html, :string + add_column :sites, :description_html, :string end end diff --git a/db/migrate/20220711161804_remove_facebook_fields.rb b/db/migrate/20220711161804_remove_facebook_fields.rb index 6468c2114..3ad675680 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220711161804_remove_facebook_fields.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220711161804_remove_facebook_fields.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class RemoveFacebookFields < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change remove_column :users, :facebook_app_id, :text diff --git a/db/migrate/20220720151156_remove_calendar_contact_info_fields.rb b/db/migrate/20220720151156_remove_calendar_contact_info_fields.rb index 2d90a1841..302d05df8 100644 --- a/db/migrate/20220720151156_remove_calendar_contact_info_fields.rb +++ b/db/migrate/20220720151156_remove_calendar_contact_info_fields.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + class RemoveCalendarContactInfoFields < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] def change remove_column :calendars, :partnership_contact_name, :string diff --git a/db/schema.rb b/db/schema.rb index e34188150..cbd9804a3 100644 --- a/db/schema.rb +++ b/db/schema.rb @@ -10,418 +10,419 @@ # # It's strongly recommended that you check this file into your version control system. -ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2022_07_20_151156) do - +ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20_220_720_151_156) do # These are extensions that must be enabled in order to support this database - enable_extension "plpgsql" - - create_table "addresses", id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t| - t.string "street_address" - t.string "street_address2" - t.string "street_address3" - t.string "city" - t.string "postcode" - t.string "country_code", default: "UK" - t.float "latitude" - t.float "longitude" - t.bigint "neighbourhood_id" - t.index ["neighbourhood_id"], name: "index_addresses_on_neighbourhood_id" + enable_extension 'plpgsql' + + create_table 'addresses', id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t| + t.string 'street_address' + t.string 'street_address2' + t.string 'street_address3' + t.string 'city' + t.string 'postcode' + t.string 'country_code', default: 'UK' + t.float 'latitude' + t.float 'longitude' + t.bigint 'neighbourhood_id' + t.index ['neighbourhood_id'], name: 'index_addresses_on_neighbourhood_id' end - create_table "article_partners", force: :cascade do |t| - t.bigint "article_id" - t.bigint "partner_id" - t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false - t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false - t.index ["article_id", "partner_id"], name: "index_article_partners_on_article_id_and_partner_id", unique: true - t.index ["article_id"], name: "index_article_partners_on_article_id" - t.index ["partner_id"], name: "index_article_partners_on_partner_id" + create_table 'article_partners', force: :cascade do |t| + t.bigint 'article_id' + t.bigint 'partner_id' + t.datetime 'created_at', precision: 6, null: false + t.datetime 'updated_at', precision: 6, null: false + t.index %w[article_id partner_id], name: 'index_article_partners_on_article_id_and_partner_id', unique: true + t.index ['article_id'], name: 'index_article_partners_on_article_id' + t.index ['partner_id'], name: 'index_article_partners_on_partner_id' end - create_table "article_tags", force: :cascade do |t| - t.bigint "article_id" - t.bigint "tag_id" - t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false - t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false - t.index ["article_id"], name: "index_article_tags_on_article_id" - t.index ["tag_id"], name: "index_article_tags_on_tag_id" + create_table 'article_tags', force: :cascade do |t| + t.bigint 'article_id' + t.bigint 'tag_id' + t.datetime 'created_at', precision: 6, null: false + t.datetime 'updated_at', precision: 6, null: false + t.index ['article_id'], name: 'index_article_tags_on_article_id' + t.index ['tag_id'], name: 'index_article_tags_on_tag_id' end - create_table "articles", force: :cascade do |t| - t.text "title" - t.text "body" - t.date "published_at" - t.boolean "is_draft", default: true - t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false - t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false - t.bigint "author_id" - t.string "article_image" - t.string "slug" - t.string "body_html" - t.index ["author_id"], name: "index_articles_on_author_id" - t.index ["slug"], name: "index_articles_on_slug", unique: true + create_table 'articles', force: :cascade do |t| + t.text 'title' + t.text 'body' + t.date 'published_at' + t.boolean 'is_draft', default: true + t.datetime 'created_at', precision: 6, null: false + t.datetime 'updated_at', precision: 6, null: false + t.bigint 'author_id' + t.string 'article_image' + t.string 'slug' + t.string 'body_html' + t.index ['author_id'], name: 'index_articles_on_author_id' + t.index ['slug'], name: 'index_articles_on_slug', unique: true end - create_table "calendars", id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t| - t.string "name" - t.string "source" - t.jsonb "notices" - t.datetime "last_import_at" - t.integer "partner_id" - t.integer "place_id" - t.datetime "created_at", null: false - t.datetime "updated_at", null: false - t.string "strategy" - t.string "last_checksum" - t.text "critical_error" - t.string "page_access_token" - t.boolean "is_working", default: true, null: false - t.string "public_contact_name" - t.string "public_contact_email" - t.string "public_contact_phone" - t.integer "notice_count" - t.string "source_type", default: "" - t.string "calendar_state", default: "idle" - t.string "importer_mode", default: "auto" - t.string "importer_used" - t.index ["partner_id"], name: "index_calendars_on_partner_id" - t.index ["place_id"], name: "index_calendars_on_place_id" + create_table 'calendars', id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t| + t.string 'name' + t.string 'source' + t.jsonb 'notices' + t.datetime 'last_import_at' + t.integer 'partner_id' + t.integer 'place_id' + t.datetime 'created_at', null: false + t.datetime 'updated_at', null: false + t.string 'strategy' + t.string 'last_checksum' + t.text 'critical_error' + t.string 'page_access_token' + t.boolean 'is_working', default: true, null: false + t.string 'public_contact_name' + t.string 'public_contact_email' + t.string 'public_contact_phone' + t.integer 'notice_count' + t.string 'source_type', default: '' + t.string 'calendar_state', default: 'idle' + t.string 'importer_mode', default: 'auto' + t.string 'importer_used' + t.index ['partner_id'], name: 'index_calendars_on_partner_id' + t.index ['place_id'], name: 'index_calendars_on_place_id' end - create_table "collections", force: :cascade do |t| - t.string "name" - t.text "description" - t.datetime "created_at", null: false - t.datetime "updated_at", null: false - t.string "image" - t.string "route" + create_table 'collections', force: :cascade do |t| + t.string 'name' + t.text 'description' + t.datetime 'created_at', null: false + t.datetime 'updated_at', null: false + t.string 'image' + t.string 'route' end - create_table "collections_events", id: false, force: :cascade do |t| - t.bigint "collection_id", null: false - t.bigint "event_id", null: false - t.index ["collection_id", "event_id"], name: "index_collections_events_on_collection_id_and_event_id" - t.index ["event_id", "collection_id"], name: "index_collections_events_on_event_id_and_collection_id" + create_table 'collections_events', id: false, force: :cascade do |t| + t.bigint 'collection_id', null: false + t.bigint 'event_id', null: false + t.index %w[collection_id event_id], name: 'index_collections_events_on_collection_id_and_event_id' + t.index %w[event_id collection_id], name: 'index_collections_events_on_event_id_and_collection_id' end - create_table "delayed_jobs", force: :cascade do |t| - t.integer "priority", default: 0, null: false - t.integer "attempts", default: 0, null: false - t.text "handler", null: false - t.text "last_error" - t.datetime "run_at" - t.datetime "locked_at" - t.datetime "failed_at" - t.string "locked_by" - t.string "queue" - t.datetime "created_at" - t.datetime "updated_at" - t.index ["priority", "run_at"], name: "delayed_jobs_priority" + create_table 'delayed_jobs', force: :cascade do |t| + t.integer 'priority', default: 0, null: false + t.integer 'attempts', default: 0, null: false + t.text 'handler', null: false + t.text 'last_error' + t.datetime 'run_at' + t.datetime 'locked_at' + t.datetime 'failed_at' + t.string 'locked_by' + t.string 'queue' + t.datetime 'created_at' + t.datetime 'updated_at' + t.index %w[priority run_at], name: 'delayed_jobs_priority' end - create_table "events", id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t| - t.integer "place_id" - t.integer "calendar_id" - t.string "uid" - t.text "summary" - t.text "description" - t.text "raw_location_from_source" - t.jsonb "rrule" - t.jsonb "notices" - t.boolean "is_active", default: true, null: false - t.datetime "dtstart" - t.datetime "dtend" - t.datetime "created_at", null: false - t.datetime "updated_at", null: false - t.integer "partner_id" - t.integer "address_id" - t.string "are_spaces_available" - t.text "footer" - t.string "publisher_url" - t.bigint "online_address_id" - t.string "description_html" - t.string "summary_html" - t.index ["calendar_id"], name: "index_events_on_calendar_id" - t.index ["online_address_id"], name: "index_events_on_online_address_id" - t.index ["place_id"], name: "index_events_on_place_id" + create_table 'events', id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t| + t.integer 'place_id' + t.integer 'calendar_id' + t.string 'uid' + t.text 'summary' + t.text 'description' + t.text 'raw_location_from_source' + t.jsonb 'rrule' + t.jsonb 'notices' + t.boolean 'is_active', default: true, null: false + t.datetime 'dtstart' + t.datetime 'dtend' + t.datetime 'created_at', null: false + t.datetime 'updated_at', null: false + t.integer 'partner_id' + t.integer 'address_id' + t.string 'are_spaces_available' + t.text 'footer' + t.string 'publisher_url' + t.bigint 'online_address_id' + t.string 'description_html' + t.string 'summary_html' + t.index ['calendar_id'], name: 'index_events_on_calendar_id' + t.index ['online_address_id'], name: 'index_events_on_online_address_id' + t.index ['place_id'], name: 'index_events_on_place_id' end - create_table "friendly_id_slugs", force: :cascade do |t| - t.string "slug", null: false - t.integer "sluggable_id", null: false - t.string "sluggable_type", limit: 50 - t.string "scope" - t.datetime "created_at" - t.index ["slug", "sluggable_type", "scope"], name: "index_friendly_id_slugs_on_slug_and_sluggable_type_and_scope", unique: true - t.index ["slug", "sluggable_type"], name: "index_friendly_id_slugs_on_slug_and_sluggable_type" - t.index ["sluggable_id"], name: "index_friendly_id_slugs_on_sluggable_id" - t.index ["sluggable_type"], name: "index_friendly_id_slugs_on_sluggable_type" + create_table 'friendly_id_slugs', force: :cascade do |t| + t.string 'slug', null: false + t.integer 'sluggable_id', null: false + t.string 'sluggable_type', limit: 50 + t.string 'scope' + t.datetime 'created_at' + t.index %w[slug sluggable_type scope], name: 'index_friendly_id_slugs_on_slug_and_sluggable_type_and_scope', + unique: true + t.index %w[slug sluggable_type], name: 'index_friendly_id_slugs_on_slug_and_sluggable_type' + t.index ['sluggable_id'], name: 'index_friendly_id_slugs_on_sluggable_id' + t.index ['sluggable_type'], name: 'index_friendly_id_slugs_on_sluggable_type' end - create_table "neighbourhoods", force: :cascade do |t| - t.string "name" - t.string "name_abbr" - t.string "ancestry" - t.string "unit", default: "ward" - t.string "unit_code_key", default: "WD19CD" - t.string "unit_code_value" - t.string "unit_name" - t.string "parent_name" - t.index ["ancestry"], name: "index_neighbourhoods_on_ancestry" + create_table 'neighbourhoods', force: :cascade do |t| + t.string 'name' + t.string 'name_abbr' + t.string 'ancestry' + t.string 'unit', default: 'ward' + t.string 'unit_code_key', default: 'WD19CD' + t.string 'unit_code_value' + t.string 'unit_name' + t.string 'parent_name' + t.index ['ancestry'], name: 'index_neighbourhoods_on_ancestry' end - create_table "neighbourhoods_users", force: :cascade do |t| - t.bigint "neighbourhood_id" - t.bigint "user_id" - t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false - t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false - t.index ["neighbourhood_id"], name: "index_neighbourhoods_users_on_neighbourhood_id" - t.index ["user_id"], name: "index_neighbourhoods_users_on_user_id" + create_table 'neighbourhoods_users', force: :cascade do |t| + t.bigint 'neighbourhood_id' + t.bigint 'user_id' + t.datetime 'created_at', precision: 6, null: false + t.datetime 'updated_at', precision: 6, null: false + t.index ['neighbourhood_id'], name: 'index_neighbourhoods_users_on_neighbourhood_id' + t.index ['user_id'], name: 'index_neighbourhoods_users_on_user_id' end - create_table "online_addresses", force: :cascade do |t| - t.string "url" - t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false - t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false - t.string "link_type" + create_table 'online_addresses', force: :cascade do |t| + t.string 'url' + t.datetime 'created_at', precision: 6, null: false + t.datetime 'updated_at', precision: 6, null: false + t.string 'link_type' end - create_table "organisation_relationships", force: :cascade do |t| - t.bigint "subject_id", null: false - t.string "verb", null: false - t.bigint "object_id", null: false - t.index ["object_id"], name: "index_organisation_relationships_on_object_id" - t.index ["subject_id", "verb", "object_id"], name: "unique_organisation_relationship_row", unique: true - t.index ["subject_id"], name: "index_organisation_relationships_on_subject_id" + create_table 'organisation_relationships', force: :cascade do |t| + t.bigint 'subject_id', null: false + t.string 'verb', null: false + t.bigint 'object_id', null: false + t.index ['object_id'], name: 'index_organisation_relationships_on_object_id' + t.index %w[subject_id verb object_id], name: 'unique_organisation_relationship_row', unique: true + t.index ['subject_id'], name: 'index_organisation_relationships_on_subject_id' end - create_table "partner_tags", force: :cascade do |t| - t.bigint "partner_id", null: false - t.bigint "tag_id", null: false - t.index ["partner_id", "tag_id"], name: "index_partner_tags_on_partner_id_and_tag_id" - t.index ["tag_id", "partner_id"], name: "index_partner_tags_on_tag_id_and_partner_id" + create_table 'partner_tags', force: :cascade do |t| + t.bigint 'partner_id', null: false + t.bigint 'tag_id', null: false + t.index %w[partner_id tag_id], name: 'index_partner_tags_on_partner_id_and_tag_id' + t.index %w[tag_id partner_id], name: 'index_partner_tags_on_tag_id_and_partner_id' end - create_table "partners", id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t| - t.string "name" - t.string "image" - t.string "public_phone" - t.string "public_email" - t.string "admin_name" - t.string "admin_email" - t.integer "address_id" - t.datetime "created_at", null: false - t.datetime "updated_at", null: false - t.boolean "is_a_place" - t.string "slug" - t.string "partner_email" - t.string "partner_name" - t.string "partner_phone" - t.string "calendar_email" - t.string "calendar_phone" - t.string "calendar_name" - t.string "public_name" - t.string "url" - t.jsonb "opening_times" - t.text "booking_info" - t.text "accessibility_info" - t.string "twitter_handle" - t.string "summary" - t.text "description" - t.string "facebook_link" - t.string "description_html" - t.string "summary_html" - t.string "accessibility_info_html" - t.index ["address_id"], name: "index_partners_on_address_id" - t.index ["slug"], name: "index_partners_on_slug", unique: true + create_table 'partners', id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t| + t.string 'name' + t.string 'image' + t.string 'public_phone' + t.string 'public_email' + t.string 'admin_name' + t.string 'admin_email' + t.integer 'address_id' + t.datetime 'created_at', null: false + t.datetime 'updated_at', null: false + t.boolean 'is_a_place' + t.string 'slug' + t.string 'partner_email' + t.string 'partner_name' + t.string 'partner_phone' + t.string 'calendar_email' + t.string 'calendar_phone' + t.string 'calendar_name' + t.string 'public_name' + t.string 'url' + t.jsonb 'opening_times' + t.text 'booking_info' + t.text 'accessibility_info' + t.string 'twitter_handle' + t.string 'summary' + t.text 'description' + t.string 'facebook_link' + t.string 'description_html' + t.string 'summary_html' + t.string 'accessibility_info_html' + t.index ['address_id'], name: 'index_partners_on_address_id' + t.index ['slug'], name: 'index_partners_on_slug', unique: true end - create_table "partners_places", id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t| - t.integer "partner_id" - t.integer "place_id" - t.index ["partner_id"], name: "index_partners_places_on_partner_id" - t.index ["place_id"], name: "index_partners_places_on_place_id" + create_table 'partners_places', id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t| + t.integer 'partner_id' + t.integer 'place_id' + t.index ['partner_id'], name: 'index_partners_places_on_partner_id' + t.index ['place_id'], name: 'index_partners_places_on_place_id' end - create_table "partners_users", id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t| - t.integer "partner_id" - t.integer "user_id" - t.index ["partner_id"], name: "index_partners_users_on_partner_id" - t.index ["user_id"], name: "index_partners_users_on_user_id" + create_table 'partners_users', id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t| + t.integer 'partner_id' + t.integer 'user_id' + t.index ['partner_id'], name: 'index_partners_users_on_partner_id' + t.index ['user_id'], name: 'index_partners_users_on_user_id' end - create_table "places", id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t| - t.string "name" - t.string "status" - t.string "logo" - t.string "phone" - t.jsonb "opening_times" - t.text "short_description" - t.text "booking_info" - t.text "accessibility_info" - t.integer "address_id" - t.datetime "created_at", null: false - t.datetime "updated_at", null: false - t.string "email" - t.string "url" - t.string "slug" - t.index ["address_id"], name: "index_places_on_address_id" - t.index ["slug"], name: "index_places_on_slug", unique: true + create_table 'places', id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t| + t.string 'name' + t.string 'status' + t.string 'logo' + t.string 'phone' + t.jsonb 'opening_times' + t.text 'short_description' + t.text 'booking_info' + t.text 'accessibility_info' + t.integer 'address_id' + t.datetime 'created_at', null: false + t.datetime 'updated_at', null: false + t.string 'email' + t.string 'url' + t.string 'slug' + t.index ['address_id'], name: 'index_places_on_address_id' + t.index ['slug'], name: 'index_places_on_slug', unique: true end - create_table "seed_migration_data_migrations", id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t| - t.string "version" - t.integer "runtime" - t.datetime "migrated_on" + create_table 'seed_migration_data_migrations', id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t| + t.string 'version' + t.integer 'runtime' + t.datetime 'migrated_on' end - create_table "service_areas", force: :cascade do |t| - t.bigint "neighbourhood_id" - t.bigint "partner_id" - t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false - t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false - t.index ["neighbourhood_id", "partner_id"], name: "index_service_areas_on_neighbourhood_id_and_partner_id", unique: true - t.index ["neighbourhood_id"], name: "index_service_areas_on_neighbourhood_id" - t.index ["partner_id"], name: "index_service_areas_on_partner_id" + create_table 'service_areas', force: :cascade do |t| + t.bigint 'neighbourhood_id' + t.bigint 'partner_id' + t.datetime 'created_at', precision: 6, null: false + t.datetime 'updated_at', precision: 6, null: false + t.index %w[neighbourhood_id partner_id], name: 'index_service_areas_on_neighbourhood_id_and_partner_id', + unique: true + t.index ['neighbourhood_id'], name: 'index_service_areas_on_neighbourhood_id' + t.index ['partner_id'], name: 'index_service_areas_on_partner_id' end - create_table "sites", force: :cascade do |t| - t.string "name" - t.string "slug" - t.string "domain" - t.text "description" - t.datetime "created_at", null: false - t.datetime "updated_at", null: false - t.bigint "site_admin_id" - t.string "logo" - t.string "hero_image" - t.string "hero_image_credit" - t.string "footer_logo" - t.string "tagline", default: "The Community Calendar" - t.string "place_name" - t.string "theme" - t.boolean "is_published", default: false - t.string "badge_zoom_level" - t.string "description_html" - t.index ["site_admin_id"], name: "index_sites_on_site_admin_id" + create_table 'sites', force: :cascade do |t| + t.string 'name' + t.string 'slug' + t.string 'domain' + t.text 'description' + t.datetime 'created_at', null: false + t.datetime 'updated_at', null: false + t.bigint 'site_admin_id' + t.string 'logo' + t.string 'hero_image' + t.string 'hero_image_credit' + t.string 'footer_logo' + t.string 'tagline', default: 'The Community Calendar' + t.string 'place_name' + t.string 'theme' + t.boolean 'is_published', default: false + t.string 'badge_zoom_level' + t.string 'description_html' + t.index ['site_admin_id'], name: 'index_sites_on_site_admin_id' end - create_table "sites_neighbourhoods", force: :cascade do |t| - t.integer "neighbourhood_id" - t.integer "site_id" - t.string "relation_type" - t.datetime "created_at", null: false - t.datetime "updated_at", null: false + create_table 'sites_neighbourhoods', force: :cascade do |t| + t.integer 'neighbourhood_id' + t.integer 'site_id' + t.string 'relation_type' + t.datetime 'created_at', null: false + t.datetime 'updated_at', null: false end - create_table "sites_supporters", id: false, force: :cascade do |t| - t.bigint "site_id", null: false - t.bigint "supporter_id", null: false - t.index ["site_id", "supporter_id"], name: "index_sites_supporters_on_site_id_and_supporter_id" - t.index ["supporter_id", "site_id"], name: "index_sites_supporters_on_supporter_id_and_site_id" + create_table 'sites_supporters', id: false, force: :cascade do |t| + t.bigint 'site_id', null: false + t.bigint 'supporter_id', null: false + t.index %w[site_id supporter_id], name: 'index_sites_supporters_on_site_id_and_supporter_id' + t.index %w[supporter_id site_id], name: 'index_sites_supporters_on_supporter_id_and_site_id' end - create_table "sites_tags", force: :cascade do |t| - t.bigint "site_id" - t.bigint "tag_id" - t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false - t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false - t.index ["site_id", "tag_id"], name: "index_sites_tags_on_site_id_and_tag_id", unique: true - t.index ["site_id"], name: "index_sites_tags_on_site_id" - t.index ["tag_id"], name: "index_sites_tags_on_tag_id" + create_table 'sites_tags', force: :cascade do |t| + t.bigint 'site_id' + t.bigint 'tag_id' + t.datetime 'created_at', precision: 6, null: false + t.datetime 'updated_at', precision: 6, null: false + t.index %w[site_id tag_id], name: 'index_sites_tags_on_site_id_and_tag_id', unique: true + t.index ['site_id'], name: 'index_sites_tags_on_site_id' + t.index ['tag_id'], name: 'index_sites_tags_on_tag_id' end - create_table "supporters", force: :cascade do |t| - t.string "name" - t.string "url" - t.string "logo" - t.string "description" - t.integer "weight" - t.datetime "created_at", null: false - t.datetime "updated_at", null: false - t.boolean "is_global", default: false + create_table 'supporters', force: :cascade do |t| + t.string 'name' + t.string 'url' + t.string 'logo' + t.string 'description' + t.integer 'weight' + t.datetime 'created_at', null: false + t.datetime 'updated_at', null: false + t.boolean 'is_global', default: false end - create_table "tags", force: :cascade do |t| - t.string "name" - t.string "slug" - t.text "description" - t.datetime "created_at", null: false - t.datetime "updated_at", null: false - t.string "edit_permission" - t.boolean "system_tag", default: false + create_table 'tags', force: :cascade do |t| + t.string 'name' + t.string 'slug' + t.text 'description' + t.datetime 'created_at', null: false + t.datetime 'updated_at', null: false + t.string 'edit_permission' + t.boolean 'system_tag', default: false end - create_table "tags_users", force: :cascade do |t| - t.bigint "tag_id", null: false - t.bigint "user_id", null: false - t.index ["tag_id", "user_id"], name: "index_tags_users_on_tag_id_and_user_id" - t.index ["user_id", "tag_id"], name: "index_tags_users_on_user_id_and_tag_id" + create_table 'tags_users', force: :cascade do |t| + t.bigint 'tag_id', null: false + t.bigint 'user_id', null: false + t.index %w[tag_id user_id], name: 'index_tags_users_on_tag_id_and_user_id' + t.index %w[user_id tag_id], name: 'index_tags_users_on_user_id_and_tag_id' end - create_table "users", id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t| - t.string "first_name" - t.string "last_name" - t.string "role" - t.string "phone" - t.string "email", default: "", null: false - t.string "encrypted_password", default: "" - t.string "reset_password_token" - t.datetime "reset_password_sent_at" - t.datetime "remember_created_at" - t.integer "sign_in_count", default: 0, null: false - t.datetime "current_sign_in_at" - t.datetime "last_sign_in_at" - t.inet "current_sign_in_ip" - t.inet "last_sign_in_ip" - t.datetime "created_at", null: false - t.datetime "updated_at", null: false - t.string "access_token" - t.string "access_token_expires_at" - t.string "invitation_token" - t.datetime "invitation_created_at" - t.datetime "invitation_sent_at" - t.datetime "invitation_accepted_at" - t.integer "invitation_limit" - t.integer "invited_by_id" - t.string "invited_by_type" - t.string "avatar" - t.index ["email"], name: "index_users_on_email", unique: true - t.index ["invitation_token"], name: "index_users_on_invitation_token", unique: true - t.index ["reset_password_token"], name: "index_users_on_reset_password_token", unique: true + create_table 'users', id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t| + t.string 'first_name' + t.string 'last_name' + t.string 'role' + t.string 'phone' + t.string 'email', default: '', null: false + t.string 'encrypted_password', default: '' + t.string 'reset_password_token' + t.datetime 'reset_password_sent_at' + t.datetime 'remember_created_at' + t.integer 'sign_in_count', default: 0, null: false + t.datetime 'current_sign_in_at' + t.datetime 'last_sign_in_at' + t.inet 'current_sign_in_ip' + t.inet 'last_sign_in_ip' + t.datetime 'created_at', null: false + t.datetime 'updated_at', null: false + t.string 'access_token' + t.string 'access_token_expires_at' + t.string 'invitation_token' + t.datetime 'invitation_created_at' + t.datetime 'invitation_sent_at' + t.datetime 'invitation_accepted_at' + t.integer 'invitation_limit' + t.integer 'invited_by_id' + t.string 'invited_by_type' + t.string 'avatar' + t.index ['email'], name: 'index_users_on_email', unique: true + t.index ['invitation_token'], name: 'index_users_on_invitation_token', unique: true + t.index ['reset_password_token'], name: 'index_users_on_reset_password_token', unique: true end - create_table "versions", force: :cascade do |t| - t.string "item_type", null: false - t.integer "item_id", null: false - t.string "event", null: false - t.string "whodunnit" - t.jsonb "object" - t.jsonb "object_changes" - t.datetime "created_at" - t.index ["item_type", "item_id"], name: "index_versions_on_item_type_and_item_id" + create_table 'versions', force: :cascade do |t| + t.string 'item_type', null: false + t.integer 'item_id', null: false + t.string 'event', null: false + t.string 'whodunnit' + t.jsonb 'object' + t.jsonb 'object_changes' + t.datetime 'created_at' + t.index %w[item_type item_id], name: 'index_versions_on_item_type_and_item_id' end - add_foreign_key "addresses", "neighbourhoods" - add_foreign_key "articles", "users", column: "author_id" - add_foreign_key "calendars", "partners" - add_foreign_key "calendars", "partners", column: "place_id" - add_foreign_key "events", "addresses" - add_foreign_key "events", "calendars" - add_foreign_key "events", "online_addresses" - add_foreign_key "events", "partners" - add_foreign_key "events", "partners", column: "place_id" - add_foreign_key "organisation_relationships", "partners", column: "object_id" - add_foreign_key "organisation_relationships", "partners", column: "subject_id" - add_foreign_key "partners", "addresses" - add_foreign_key "partners_places", "partners" - add_foreign_key "partners_places", "places" - add_foreign_key "partners_users", "partners" - add_foreign_key "partners_users", "users" - add_foreign_key "places", "addresses" - add_foreign_key "service_areas", "neighbourhoods" - add_foreign_key "service_areas", "partners" - add_foreign_key "sites", "users", column: "site_admin_id" - add_foreign_key "sites_tags", "sites" - add_foreign_key "sites_tags", "tags" + add_foreign_key 'addresses', 'neighbourhoods' + add_foreign_key 'articles', 'users', column: 'author_id' + add_foreign_key 'calendars', 'partners' + add_foreign_key 'calendars', 'partners', column: 'place_id' + add_foreign_key 'events', 'addresses' + add_foreign_key 'events', 'calendars' + add_foreign_key 'events', 'online_addresses' + add_foreign_key 'events', 'partners' + add_foreign_key 'events', 'partners', column: 'place_id' + add_foreign_key 'organisation_relationships', 'partners', column: 'object_id' + add_foreign_key 'organisation_relationships', 'partners', column: 'subject_id' + add_foreign_key 'partners', 'addresses' + add_foreign_key 'partners_places', 'partners' + add_foreign_key 'partners_places', 'places' + add_foreign_key 'partners_users', 'partners' + add_foreign_key 'partners_users', 'users' + add_foreign_key 'places', 'addresses' + add_foreign_key 'service_areas', 'neighbourhoods' + add_foreign_key 'service_areas', 'partners' + add_foreign_key 'sites', 'users', column: 'site_admin_id' + add_foreign_key 'sites_tags', 'sites' + add_foreign_key 'sites_tags', 'tags' end diff --git a/db/seeds.rb b/db/seeds.rb index 23e447b91..e2e1822f8 100644 --- a/db/seeds.rb +++ b/db/seeds.rb @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -# encoding: UTF-8 +# frozen_string_literal: true + # This file is auto-generated from the current content of the database. Instead # of editing this file, please use the migrations feature of Seed Migration to # incrementally modify your database, and then regenerate this seed file. @@ -13,4 +14,4 @@ ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do end -SeedMigration::Migrator.bootstrap(20180625172033) +SeedMigration::Migrator.bootstrap(20_180_625_172_033) diff --git a/db/seeds_to_migrate.rb b/db/seeds_to_migrate.rb index 05d6f9f9e..636842ce1 100644 --- a/db/seeds_to_migrate.rb +++ b/db/seeds_to_migrate.rb @@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ # Hulme & Moss Side Age Friendly Events hulme_moss = Partner.create(name: 'Hulme & Moss Side Age Friendly Events') - Turf.where(name: 'Hulme', slug: 'hulme', turf_type: 'neighbourhood', diff --git a/lib/tasks/addresses.rake b/lib/tasks/addresses.rake index e275af130..ce972bccc 100644 --- a/lib/tasks/addresses.rake +++ b/lib/tasks/addresses.rake @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ -namespace :addresses do +# frozen_string_literal: true +namespace :addresses do # TODO: Refactor these two tasks to use a lower level task - desc "Geocode all addresses in order to identify neighbourhood tags" + desc 'Geocode all addresses in order to identify neighbourhood tags' task update_all_neighbourhood_tags: :environment do $stdout.puts "Regeocoding #{Address.count} Addresses:" num = 1 @@ -9,35 +10,35 @@ namespace :addresses do $stdout.puts "#{num}: #{a.street_address}, #{a.postcode}" a.geocode_with_ward a.save - num+=1 + num += 1 end end - desc "Geocode addresses that do not have a neighbourhood tag" + desc 'Geocode addresses that do not have a neighbourhood tag' task set_missing_neighbourhood_tags: :environment do - $stdout.puts "Geocoding #{Address.where( neighbourhood_tag: nil ).count} Addresses:" + $stdout.puts "Geocoding #{Address.where(neighbourhood_tag: nil).count} Addresses:" num = 1 - Address.where( neighbourhood_tag: nil ).each do |a| + Address.where(neighbourhood_tag: nil).each do |a| $stdout.puts "#{num}: #{a.street_address}, #{a.postcode}" a.geocode_with_ward a.save - num+=1 + num += 1 end end end # TODO? Move this to events.rake ? events.rake contains namespace :import namespace :events do - desc "Set Event#address from Event#place.address for Events that do not have an Address" + desc 'Set Event#address from Event#place.address for Events that do not have an Address' task set_missing_addresses_from_place: :environment do - events = Event.where( address_id: nil ).where.not( place_id: nil ) + events = Event.where(address_id: nil).where.not(place_id: nil) $stdout.puts "Updating #{events.count} Events:" num = 1 events.each do |e| $stdout.puts "#{num}: #{e.summary}, #{e.place.name}" e.place = e.place e.save - num+=1 + num += 1 end end end diff --git a/lib/tasks/auto_generate_diagram.rake b/lib/tasks/auto_generate_diagram.rake index 1df069625..48df78352 100644 --- a/lib/tasks/auto_generate_diagram.rake +++ b/lib/tasks/auto_generate_diagram.rake @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + # NOTE: only doing this in development as some production environments (Heroku) # NOTE: are sensitive to local FS writes, and besides -- it's just not proper # NOTE: to have a dev-mode tool do its thing in production. -if Rails.env.development? - RailsERD.load_tasks -end +RailsERD.load_tasks if Rails.env.development? diff --git a/lib/tasks/data.rake b/lib/tasks/data.rake index c41684675..eb0ef7e41 100644 --- a/lib/tasks/data.rake +++ b/lib/tasks/data.rake @@ -1,10 +1,8 @@ # frozen_string_literal: true namespace :data do - desc 'Fix fields that need to be rendered to HTML' - task :render_html_fields => :environment do - + task render_html_fields: :environment do PaperTrail.enabled = false @bad_count = 0 @@ -16,9 +14,8 @@ namespace :data do fix_model Site fix_model Partner - fix_model Event do |event| - next if event.description_html.to_s.length > 0 + next if event.description_html.to_s.length.positive? description_text = Kramdown::Document.new(event.description.to_s, input: 'html').to_kramdown.strip event.description = description_text @@ -46,10 +43,8 @@ namespace :data do saved = record.save end - @bad_count += 1 if !saved + @bad_count += 1 unless saved end end end - end - diff --git a/lib/tasks/db.rake b/lib/tasks/db.rake index c1667f26c..d1f7b6cf6 100644 --- a/lib/tasks/db.rake +++ b/lib/tasks/db.rake @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + # Original source: https://gist.github.com/hopsoft/56ba6f55fe48ad7f8b90 # Merged with: https://gist.github.com/kofronpi/37130f5ed670465b1fe2d170f754f8c6 # @@ -29,16 +31,17 @@ # # Original source: https://gist.github.com/hopsoft/56ba6f55fe48ad7f8b90 # Merged with: https://gist.github.com/kofronpi/37130f5ed670465b1fe2d170f754f8c6 +require 'English' namespace :db do desc 'Dumps the database to backups' task dump: :environment do - dump_fmt = ensure_format(ENV['format']) + dump_fmt = ensure_format(ENV.fetch('format', nil)) dump_sfx = suffix_for_format(dump_fmt) backup_dir = backup_directory(Rails.env, create: true) full_path = nil cmd = nil - with_config do |app, host, db, user| + with_config do |_app, host, db, user| full_path = "#{backup_dir}/#{Time.now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}_#{db}.#{dump_sfx}" cmd = "pg_dump -F #{dump_fmt} -v -O -o -U '#{user}' -h '#{host}' -d '#{db}' -f '#{full_path}'" end @@ -53,16 +56,16 @@ namespace :db do namespace :dump do desc 'Dumps a specific table to backups' task table: :environment do - table_name = ENV['table'] + table_name = ENV.fetch('table', nil) if table_name.present? - dump_fmt = ensure_format(ENV['format']) + dump_fmt = ensure_format(ENV.fetch('format', nil)) dump_sfx = suffix_for_format(dump_fmt) backup_dir = backup_directory(Rails.env, create: true) full_path = nil cmd = nil - with_config do |app, host, db, user| + with_config do |_app, host, db, user| full_path = "#{backup_dir}/#{Time.now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}_#{db}.#{table_name.parameterize.underscore}.#{dump_sfx}" cmd = "pg_dump -F #{dump_fmt} -v -O -o -U '#{user}' -h '#{host}' -d '#{db}' -t '#{table_name}' -f '#{full_path}'" end @@ -81,19 +84,19 @@ namespace :db do desc 'Show the existing database backups' task dumps: :environment do backup_dir = backup_directory - puts "#{backup_dir}" + puts backup_dir.to_s system "/bin/ls -ltR #{backup_dir}" end desc 'Restores the database from a backup using PATTERN' task restore: :environment do - pattern = ENV['pattern'] + pattern = ENV.fetch('pattern', nil) if pattern.present? file = nil cmd = nil - with_config do |app, host, db, user| + with_config do |_app, host, db, user| backup_dir = backup_directory files = Dir.glob("#{backup_dir}/**/*#{pattern}*") @@ -114,15 +117,15 @@ namespace :db do end else puts "Too many files match the pattern '#{pattern}':" - puts ' ' + files.join("\n ") + puts " #{files.join("\n ")}" puts '' - puts "Try a more specific pattern" + puts 'Try a more specific pattern' puts '' end end unless cmd.nil? - Rake::Task["db:drop"].invoke - Rake::Task["db:create"].invoke + Rake::Task['db:drop'].invoke + Rake::Task['db:create'].invoke puts cmd system cmd puts '' @@ -141,95 +144,73 @@ namespace :db do DB_DUMP_SSH_URL = 'DB_DUMP_SSH_URL' DB_DUMP_STAGING_SSH_URL = 'DB_DUMP_STAGING_SSH_URL' - desc "Synchronize staging with the production database in one fell swoop" + desc 'Synchronize staging with the production database in one fell swoop' task sync_prod_staging: :environment do + prod_ssh_url = ENV.fetch(DB_DUMP_SSH_URL, 'root@placecal.org -p 666') - prod_ssh_url = if ENV[DB_DUMP_SSH_URL] - ENV[DB_DUMP_SSH_URL] - else - 'root@placecal.org -p 666' - end + ssh_url = ENV.fetch(DB_DUMP_STAGING_SSH_URL, 'root@placecal-staging.org -p 666') - ssh_url = if ENV[DB_DUMP_STAGING_SSH_URL] - ENV[DB_DUMP_STAGING_SSH_URL] - else - 'root@placecal-staging.org -p 666' - end - - $stdout.puts "Backing up staging db (May take a while.) ..." + $stdout.puts 'Backing up staging db (May take a while.) ...' puts `ssh #{ssh_url} dokku postgres:export placecal-db > $(date -Im)_placecal-staging.sql` - $stdout.puts "Replicating production db to staging db (May take a while.) ..." + $stdout.puts 'Replicating production db to staging db (May take a while.) ...' puts `ssh #{prod_ssh_url} dokku postgres:export placecal-db2 | ssh #{ssh_url} dokku postgres:import placecal-db` - if $?.success? - $stdout.puts "Replicated production to staging (you might have to run rails db:migrate in dokku?)" + if $CHILD_STATUS.success? + $stdout.puts 'Replicated production to staging (you might have to run rails db:migrate in dokku?)' else - $stderr.puts "Failed to replicate production to staging!" + warn 'Failed to replicate production to staging!' end end - desc "Download production DB dump" + desc 'Download production DB dump' task dump_production: :environment do + filename = ENV.fetch(DB_DUMP_ENV_KEY) { "#{Rails.root}/dump/production_#{Time.now.to_i}.sql" } - filename = if ENV[DB_DUMP_ENV_KEY] - ENV[DB_DUMP_ENV_KEY] - else - "#{Rails.root}/dump/production_#{Time.now.to_i}.sql" - end - - ssh_url = if ENV[DB_DUMP_SSH_URL] - ENV[DB_DUMP_SSH_URL] - else - "root@placecal.org -p 666" - end + ssh_url = ENV.fetch(DB_DUMP_SSH_URL, 'root@placecal.org -p 666') $stdout.puts "Downloading production db to #{filename} (May take a while.) ..." puts `ssh #{ssh_url} dokku postgres:export placecal-db2 > #{filename}` - if $?.success? + if $CHILD_STATUS.success? $stdout.puts "Downloaded production db to #{filename}" ENV[DB_DUMP_ENV_KEY] = filename else - $stderr.puts "Failed to download DB dump!" + warn 'Failed to download DB dump!' end end desc "Restore db dump file #{DB_DUMP_ENV_KEY}= to local dev DB" task restore_local: :environment do - filename = ENV[DB_DUMP_ENV_KEY] - raise "Could not find #{filename} file!" if ! File.exist? filename + filename = ENV.fetch(DB_DUMP_ENV_KEY, nil) + raise "Could not find #{filename} file!" unless File.exist? filename $stdout.puts "Restoring DB dump file #{filename} to local dev DB. (May take a while.) ..." puts `dropdb placecal_dev && createdb placecal_dev && pg_restore -d placecal_dev #{filename}` - if $?.success? - $stdout.puts "... done." + if $CHILD_STATUS.success? + $stdout.puts '... done.' else - $stderr.puts "Failed to restore DB dump to local dev DB!" - $stderr.puts "Please manually check to see whether local DB dev still exists." + warn 'Failed to restore DB dump to local dev DB!' + warn 'Please manually check to see whether local DB dev still exists.' exit end end desc "Restore db dump file #{DB_DUMP_ENV_KEY}= to staging server DB" task restore_staging: :environment do - filename = ENV[DB_DUMP_ENV_KEY] - ssh_url = if ENV[DB_DUMP_STAGING_SSH_URL] - ENV[DB_DUMP_STAGING_SSH_URL] - else - "root@placecal-staging.org -p 666" - end - raise "Could not find #{filename} file!" if ! File.exist? filename + filename = ENV.fetch(DB_DUMP_ENV_KEY, nil) + ssh_url = ENV.fetch(DB_DUMP_STAGING_SSH_URL, 'root@placecal-staging.org -p 666') + raise "Could not find #{filename} file!" unless File.exist? filename $stdout.puts "Restoring DB dump file #{filename} to staging server DB. (May take a while.) ..." puts `< #{filename} ssh #{ssh_url} dokku postgres:import placecal-staging-db` - if $?.success? - $stdout.puts "... done." + if $CHILD_STATUS.success? + $stdout.puts '... done.' else - $stderr.puts "Failed to restore DB dump to staging server DB!" - $stderr.puts "Please manually check to see whether staging server DB still exists." + warn 'Failed to restore DB dump to staging server DB!' + warn 'Please manually check to see whether staging server DB still exists.' exit end end - desc "Download production DB dump and optionally use it to restore_on_local=1 and/or restore_on_staging=1" + desc 'Download production DB dump and optionally use it to restore_on_local=1 and/or restore_on_staging=1' task dump_production_and_restore_other: :dump_production do $stdout.puts "restore_on_local = #{ENV['restore_on_local']}" if ENV['restore_on_local'] $stdout.puts "restore_on_staging = #{ENV['restore_on_staging']}" if ENV['restore_on_staging'] @@ -237,11 +218,11 @@ namespace :db do Rake::Task['db:restore_staging'].execute if ENV['restore_on_staging'] end - desc "SCP uploads from production to local server" + desc 'SCP uploads from production to local server' task get_files: :environment do - $stdout.puts "Getting files..." + $stdout.puts 'Getting files...' `scp -r root@placecal.org:/var/lib/dokku/data/storage/placecal/public/ ./` - $stdout.puts "... done." + $stdout.puts '... done.' end private @@ -264,7 +245,6 @@ namespace :db do when 'p' then 'sql' when 't' then 'tar' when 'd' then 'dir' - else nil end end @@ -274,14 +254,13 @@ namespace :db do when /\.sql$/ then 'p' when /\.dir$/ then 'd' when /\.tar$/ then 't' - else nil end end def backup_directory(suffix = nil, create: false) backup_dir = File.join(*[Rails.root, 'db/backups', suffix].compact) - if create and not Dir.exists?(backup_dir) + if create && !Dir.exist?(backup_dir) puts "Creating #{backup_dir} .." FileUtils.mkdir_p(backup_dir) end diff --git a/lib/tasks/events.rake b/lib/tasks/events.rake index 29a7a2717..caa58be9a 100644 --- a/lib/tasks/events.rake +++ b/lib/tasks/events.rake @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ namespace :import do desc 'scan for calendars to send to the importer worker' task :scan_for_calendars_needing_import, %i[force_import from] => [:environment] do |_t, args| - force_import = to_boolean(args[:force_import]) from = to_date(args[:from]) @@ -46,11 +45,11 @@ namespace :import do calendar.update calendar_state: :in_queue CalendarImporterJob.perform_now calendar.id, from, force_import, silence_db_exceptions - #rescue StandardError => e - # puts "\n" - # puts "#{e.class}: bad thing: #{e}" - # puts e.backtrace - # puts '-' * 20 + # rescue StandardError => e + # puts "\n" + # puts "#{e.class}: bad thing: #{e}" + # puts e.backtrace + # puts '-' * 20 end end @@ -91,7 +90,10 @@ namespace :import do task refresh_online_addresses: :environment do # Clean out all OnlineAddress entities - Event.where.not(online_address_id: nil).map { |e| e.online_address_id = nil; e.save! } + Event.where.not(online_address_id: nil).map do |e| + e.online_address_id = nil + e.save! + end OnlineAddress.delete_all # TODO: For all ICS calendars, check their events and refresh their online event data @@ -106,6 +108,7 @@ namespace :import do def to_date(value) return Date.current.beginning_of_day if value.blank? + Date.parse value end end diff --git a/lib/tasks/neighbourhoods.rake b/lib/tasks/neighbourhoods.rake index 2093135dd..60b237513 100644 --- a/lib/tasks/neighbourhoods.rake +++ b/lib/tasks/neighbourhoods.rake @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + # This rake task creates the database migration needed to add ward info # Data: https://geoportal.statistics.gov.uk/datasets/ward-to-local-authority-district-to-county-to-region-to-country-december-2018-lookup-in-united-kingdom- diff --git a/lib/tasks/recreate_images.rake b/lib/tasks/recreate_images.rake index a2c685923..bf891af7e 100644 --- a/lib/tasks/recreate_images.rake +++ b/lib/tasks/recreate_images.rake @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ -namespace :recreate_images do +# frozen_string_literal: true +namespace :recreate_images do desc 'Recreate Site hero image' task site: :environment do Site.find_each { |s| s.hero_image.recreate_versions! } diff --git a/lib/tasks/yard.rake b/lib/tasks/yard.rake index 49ce19b96..da3c6a59a 100644 --- a/lib/tasks/yard.rake +++ b/lib/tasks/yard.rake @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ # lib/tasks/yard.rake desc 'Generate code documentation with YARD' -task yard: [] do +task :yard do # rubocop:disable Rails/RakeEnvironment YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new do |t| t.files = %w[lib/**/*.rb app/**/*.rb - doc/adr/*.md INSTALL.md README.md] # t.options = %w[-r] diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index e1d70d35d..08b49b132 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ "build": "node esbuild.config.js", "build:css": "sass ./app/assets/stylesheets/application.sass ./app/assets/builds/application.css --no-source-map --load-path=node_modules", "format": "prettier --write .", + "format:check": "prettier --check .", "prepare": "husky install" }, "lint-staged": { diff --git a/test/controllers/admin/calendars_controller_test.rb b/test/controllers/admin/calendars_controller_test.rb index ab5826915..4b33a6091 100644 --- a/test/controllers/admin/calendars_controller_test.rb +++ b/test/controllers/admin/calendars_controller_test.rb @@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ class Admin::CalendarControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest partner = create(:partner) assert_difference('Calendar.count') do post admin_calendars_url, - params: { calendar: attributes_for(:calendar, - place_id: place.id, - partner_id: partner.id) } + params: { calendar: attributes_for(:calendar, + place_id: place.id, + partner_id: partner.id) } end assert_redirected_to edit_admin_calendar_path(assigns[:calendar]) assert_not flash.empty? diff --git a/test/controllers/admin/partner_update_postcode_test.rb b/test/controllers/admin/partner_update_postcode_test.rb index cd11a9f39..e5ef42c0b 100644 --- a/test/controllers/admin/partner_update_postcode_test.rb +++ b/test/controllers/admin/partner_update_postcode_test.rb @@ -3,15 +3,13 @@ require 'test_helper' class PartnerUpdatePostcodeTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest - setup do Neighbourhood.destroy_all - + @neighbourhood_admin = create(:user) end test 'can change postcode of partner' do - neighbourhood_1 = Neighbourhood.create!( # 'M15 5DD' name: 'Neighbourhood 1', name_abbr: '', @@ -30,11 +28,9 @@ class PartnerUpdatePostcodeTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest unit_name: 'Ashton Hurst' ) - @neighbourhood_admin.neighbourhoods << neighbourhood_1 @neighbourhood_admin.neighbourhoods << neighbourhood_2 - @partner = Partner.new(name: 'A new partner') @partner.address = Address.create!( street_address: '123 Street', @@ -46,19 +42,19 @@ class PartnerUpdatePostcodeTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest sign_in @neighbourhood_admin update_args = { - partner: { + partner: { name: @partner.name, address_attributes: { street_address: @partner.address.street_address, postcode: 'OL6 8BH' - } - } + } + } } patch admin_partner_url(@partner), params: update_args assert_redirected_to edit_admin_partner_url(@partner) @partner.reload - assert @partner.address.postcode == 'OL6 8BH' + assert_equal('OL6 8BH', @partner.address.postcode) end end diff --git a/test/controllers/admin/tags_controller_test.rb b/test/controllers/admin/tags_controller_test.rb index cc3b5c0ba..353c99d02 100644 --- a/test/controllers/admin/tags_controller_test.rb +++ b/test/controllers/admin/tags_controller_test.rb @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ def test_update_partner_admin def test_update_tag_admin # Tag admins # can only edit tags that are public, or they have had assigned to them - assert @tag_admin.tags.include?(@assigned_root_tag) # For prosperity + assert_includes @tag_admin.tags, @assigned_root_tag # For prosperity assert allows_access(@tag_admin, @public_tag, :update) assert allows_access(@tag_admin, @assigned_root_tag, :update) # They may not edit unassigned tags >:( diff --git a/test/controllers/admin/users_controller_test.rb b/test/controllers/admin/users_controller_test.rb index 65a5cfcda..c27444116 100644 --- a/test/controllers/admin/users_controller_test.rb +++ b/test/controllers/admin/users_controller_test.rb @@ -15,21 +15,21 @@ class Admin::UsersControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest end # Profile - test "root: can access profile" do + test 'root: can access profile' do sign_in @root get admin_profile_path assert_response :success end - test "neighbourhood_admin: can access profile" do + test 'neighbourhood_admin: can access profile' do sign_in @neighbourhood_admin get admin_profile_path assert_response :success end - test "citizen: can access profile" do + test 'citizen: can access profile' do sign_in @citizen get admin_profile_path @@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ class Admin::UsersControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest end # Update Profile - test "user can update their profile" do + test 'user can update their profile' do sign_in @root patch update_profile_admin_user_path(@root), - params: { user: { first_name: 'Bob' }} + params: { user: { first_name: 'Bob' } } assert_redirected_to admin_profile_url assert_equal 'Bob', @root.reload.first_name @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class Admin::UsersControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest sign_in @root patch update_profile_admin_user_path(user), - params: { user: { first_name: 'Name' }} + params: { user: { first_name: 'Name' } } assert_redirected_to admin_profile_url assert_equal 'Test', user.reload.first_name @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ class Admin::UsersControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert_not_equal 'Bob', @citizen.first_name assert_not_equal 'Smith', @citizen.last_name assert_equal [@partner.id], @citizen.partner_ids - assert_equal [], @citizen.neighbourhood_ids + assert_empty @citizen.neighbourhood_ids end # Delete User diff --git a/test/controllers/concerns/map_markers_concern_test.rb b/test/controllers/concerns/map_markers_concern_test.rb index d9d86c9df..dfe88ab7e 100644 --- a/test/controllers/concerns/map_markers_concern_test.rb +++ b/test/controllers/concerns/map_markers_concern_test.rb @@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ require 'test_helper' class ActiveSupport::TestCase - - def self.context(description) + def self.context(_description) yield end end @@ -18,13 +17,13 @@ def controller @controller ||= FakeController.new end - context "get_map_markers" do - test "returns empty array if empty input" do + context 'get_map_markers' do + test 'returns empty array if empty input' do markers = controller.get_map_markers([]) assert_empty markers end - test "returns payload for partners" do + test 'returns payload for partners' do partners = create_list(:partner, 10) output = controller.get_map_markers(partners) assert_equal 10, output.length @@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ def controller assert_field entry, :id end - test "returns payload for addresses" do + test 'returns payload for addresses' do addresses = create_list(:address, 10) output = controller.get_map_markers(addresses) assert_equal 10, output.length @@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ def controller assert_field entry, :lon end - test "skips partners with no service areas when flagged" do + test 'skips partners with no service areas when flagged' do neighbourhood = neighbourhoods(:one) # no service areas @@ -64,13 +63,10 @@ def controller assert_equal 5, output.length end - test "cam turn events into markers" do + test 'cam turn events into markers' do events = create_list(:event, 10) output = controller.get_map_markers(events) assert_equal 10, output.length - end - end - end diff --git a/test/controllers/events_controller_test.rb b/test/controllers/events_controller_test.rb index 2b160726a..84c0477da 100644 --- a/test/controllers/events_controller_test.rb +++ b/test/controllers/events_controller_test.rb @@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ class EventsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest get from_site_slug(@site, events_path) assert_response :success - assert_select "ol.events li", 2 + assert_select 'ol.events li', 2 end test 'should get index with invalid subdomain' do - get url_for controller: :events, subdomain: "notaknownsubdomain" + get url_for controller: :events, subdomain: 'notaknownsubdomain' assert_response :redirect end @@ -87,6 +87,6 @@ class EventsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert_response :success events = assigns(:events).values.first - assert events.length == 5 + assert_equal(5, events.length) end end diff --git a/test/controllers/news_controller_test.rb b/test/controllers/news_controller_test.rb index a1379c70e..1307c9232 100644 --- a/test/controllers/news_controller_test.rb +++ b/test/controllers/news_controller_test.rb @@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ class NewsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest @partner = create(:partner, address: create(:address, neighbourhood: @neighbourhood)) @articles = (0...5).map do |n| @partner.articles.create!( - title: "#{n} Article", - is_draft: false, - body: 'Some text about this news piece', - author: @author) + title: "#{n} Article", + is_draft: false, + body: 'Some text about this news piece', + author: @author + ) end @site = create(:site) @@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ class NewsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest test 'should get index subdomain' do get news_index_url(subdomain: @site.domain) assert_response :success - assert_select ".articles__article-card", 5 + assert_select '.articles__article-card', 5 # counts # assert_select 'p', { text: 'Found 5 articles.' } @@ -39,7 +40,8 @@ class NewsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest title: "#{n} Article, again", is_draft: false, body: 'Some text about this news piece', - author: @author) + author: @author + ) end @epoch = Date.new(2000, 1, 31) @@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ class NewsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert_response :success # this is capped - assert_select ".articles__article-card", NewsController::ARTICLES_PER_PAGE + assert_select '.articles__article-card', NewsController::ARTICLES_PER_PAGE # counts # assert_select 'p', { text: 'Found 30 articles.' } @@ -62,22 +64,21 @@ class NewsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest get news_index_url(subdomain: @site.domain, offset: 20) - assert_select ".articles__article-card", 10 # only ten left + assert_select '.articles__article-card', 10 # only ten left # pagination # assert_select 'p', { text: 'No more news items' } assert_select 'p', { count: 0, text: 'Older news items' } end - - #test 'should get index with configured subdomain' do + # test 'should get index with configured subdomain' do # get url_for controller: :news, subdomain: @site.slug # assert_response :success # assert_select "ol.events li", 5 - #end + # end test 'should get index with invalid subdomain' do - get url_for controller: :news, subdomain: "notaknownsubdomain" + get url_for controller: :news, subdomain: 'notaknownsubdomain' assert_response :redirect end diff --git a/test/controllers/partners_controller_test.rb b/test/controllers/partners_controller_test.rb index c65f07460..a507b9876 100644 --- a/test/controllers/partners_controller_test.rb +++ b/test/controllers/partners_controller_test.rb @@ -25,8 +25,14 @@ class PartnersControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest # NOTE: Uhhh, what does this do? - Alexandria, 2022-05-31 @partners.each do |for_nbd| o_r = OrganisationRelationship.new - o_r.subject = for_nbd[0]; o_r.verb = :manages; o_r.object = for_nbd[1]; o_r.save - e = build(:event); e.dtstart = Date.today; e.place = for_nbd[2]; e.save + o_r.subject = for_nbd[0] + o_r.verb = :manages + o_r.object = for_nbd[1] + o_r.save + e = build(:event) + e.dtstart = Date.today + e.place = for_nbd[2] + e.save for_nbd end @@ -42,7 +48,7 @@ class PartnersControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest end test 'should get index without subdomain' do - get url_for controller: "partners", subdomain: false + get url_for controller: 'partners', subdomain: false assert_response :redirect end @@ -56,7 +62,7 @@ class PartnersControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest get from_site_slug(@site, partners_path) assert_response :success - assert_select "ul.partners li", 3 + assert_select 'ul.partners li', 3 end # test 'should get places_index with configured subdomain' do @@ -66,7 +72,7 @@ class PartnersControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest # end test 'should redirect from index with unknown subdomain' do - get url_for controller: "partners", subdomain: "notaknownsubdomain" + get url_for controller: 'partners', subdomain: 'notaknownsubdomain' assert_response :redirect end @@ -101,6 +107,6 @@ class PartnersControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest get from_site_slug(@site, partner_path(partner)) events = assigns(:events).values.first - assert events.length == 3 + assert_equal(3, events.length) end end diff --git a/test/factories/article_partners.rb b/test/factories/article_partners.rb index 073cd8a16..491b33d13 100644 --- a/test/factories/article_partners.rb +++ b/test/factories/article_partners.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + FactoryBot.define do factory :article_partner do article diff --git a/test/factories/articles.rb b/test/factories/articles.rb index c76cfc468..40c6357fa 100644 --- a/test/factories/articles.rb +++ b/test/factories/articles.rb @@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ FactoryBot.define do factory :article do title { 'No D&D session this week!' } - body { "We regret to inform you that this week's D&D session has been cancelled, the DM's dog has eaten a key NPC's character sheet, bad Fido! We'll be back in a fortnight!" } + body do + "We regret to inform you that this week's D&D session has been cancelled, the DM's dog has eaten a key NPC's character sheet, bad Fido! We'll be back in a fortnight!" + end published_at { '2022-02-16' } is_draft { false } diff --git a/test/factories/calendar.rb b/test/factories/calendar.rb index a569bdd7b..d0c8af01f 100644 --- a/test/factories/calendar.rb +++ b/test/factories/calendar.rb @@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ "Zion Centre #{n}" end sequence :source do |n| - "https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/#{n}/calendar.ics" - end + "https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/#{n}/calendar.ics" + end public_contact_name { 'Public Calendar Name' } - public_contact_email { 'public@communitygroup.com'} + public_contact_email { 'public@communitygroup.com' } public_contact_phone { '0161 0000000' } partner diff --git a/test/factories/online_addresses.rb b/test/factories/online_addresses.rb index aabf7de1a..02608b8d7 100644 --- a/test/factories/online_addresses.rb +++ b/test/factories/online_addresses.rb @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + FactoryBot.define do factory :online_address do - url { "MyString" } + url { 'MyString' } end end diff --git a/test/factories/partner.rb b/test/factories/partner.rb index d29754122..ef2ed46c4 100644 --- a/test/factories/partner.rb +++ b/test/factories/partner.rb @@ -47,39 +47,39 @@ end end - opening_times { + opening_times do '[ { "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification",'\ - ' "closes": "20:00:00",'\ - ' "dayOfWeek": "http://schema.org/Monday",'\ - ' "opens": "09:00:00"'\ - ' },'\ - ' { "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification",'\ - ' "closes": "17:00:00",'\ - ' "dayOfWeek": "http://schema.org/Tuesday",'\ - ' "opens": "09:00:00"'\ - ' },'\ - ' { "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification",'\ - ' "closes": "17:00:00",'\ - ' "dayOfWeek": "http://schema.org/Wednesday",'\ - ' "opens": "09:00:00"'\ - ' },'\ - ' { "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification",'\ - ' "closes": "17:00:00",'\ - ' "dayOfWeek": "http://schema.org/Thursday",'\ - ' "opens": "09:00:00"'\ - ' },'\ - ' { "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification",'\ - ' "closes": "17:00:00",'\ - ' "dayOfWeek": "http://schema.org/Friday",'\ - ' "opens": "09:00:00"'\ - ' },'\ - ' { "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification",'\ - ' "closes": "13:00:00",'\ - ' "dayOfWeek": "http://schema.org/Saturday",'\ - ' "opens": "09:00:00"'\ - ' }'\ - ']' - } + ' "closes": "20:00:00",'\ + ' "dayOfWeek": "http://schema.org/Monday",'\ + ' "opens": "09:00:00"'\ + ' },'\ + ' { "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification",'\ + ' "closes": "17:00:00",'\ + ' "dayOfWeek": "http://schema.org/Tuesday",'\ + ' "opens": "09:00:00"'\ + ' },'\ + ' { "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification",'\ + ' "closes": "17:00:00",'\ + ' "dayOfWeek": "http://schema.org/Wednesday",'\ + ' "opens": "09:00:00"'\ + ' },'\ + ' { "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification",'\ + ' "closes": "17:00:00",'\ + ' "dayOfWeek": "http://schema.org/Thursday",'\ + ' "opens": "09:00:00"'\ + ' },'\ + ' { "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification",'\ + ' "closes": "17:00:00",'\ + ' "dayOfWeek": "http://schema.org/Friday",'\ + ' "opens": "09:00:00"'\ + ' },'\ + ' { "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification",'\ + ' "closes": "13:00:00",'\ + ' "dayOfWeek": "http://schema.org/Saturday",'\ + ' "opens": "09:00:00"'\ + ' }'\ + ']' + end factory :place do sequence(:name) do |n| @@ -90,5 +90,4 @@ public_email { 'contact@venue.org' } end end - end diff --git a/test/factories/service_areas.rb b/test/factories/service_areas.rb index 6a858c56e..e3cc4cfdc 100644 --- a/test/factories/service_areas.rb +++ b/test/factories/service_areas.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + FactoryBot.define do factory :ashton_service_area, class: 'ServiceArea' do association :neighbourhood, factory: :ashton_neighbourhood diff --git a/test/factories/tag.rb b/test/factories/tag.rb index bd5fba204..2dcf98dac 100644 --- a/test/factories/tag.rb +++ b/test/factories/tag.rb @@ -17,6 +17,5 @@ factory :system_tag do system_tag { true } end - end end diff --git a/test/helpers/calendars_helper_test.rb b/test/helpers/calendars_helper_test.rb index 3fec11f2e..aba36d788 100644 --- a/test/helpers/calendars_helper_test.rb +++ b/test/helpers/calendars_helper_test.rb @@ -14,21 +14,20 @@ class CalendarsHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase @partner_3 = create(:partner) end - test "options_for_location only shows partners with addresses" do + test 'options_for_location only shows partners with addresses' do # FIXME: there is a bug in ActionView where it gets itself into an # infinite call loop and StackOverflows - #sign_in @root + # sign_in @root - #begin + # begin # locations = options_for_location - #rescue SystemStackError => e + # rescue SystemStackError => e # puts e.backtrace # raise e - #end + # end # assert_equal 4, locations.length, "Should see 4 options" end - end diff --git a/test/helpers/partners_helper_test.rb b/test/helpers/partners_helper_test.rb index 18f243845..b3c6158af 100644 --- a/test/helpers/partners_helper_test.rb +++ b/test/helpers/partners_helper_test.rb @@ -14,30 +14,30 @@ class PartnersHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase # testing partner_service_area_text - test "shows only one text correctly" do + test 'shows only one text correctly' do @partner.service_areas.create neighbourhood: @hoods[0] output = partner_service_area_text(@partner) - assert output == 'alpha' + assert_equal('alpha', output) end - test "shows two texts correctly" do + test 'shows two texts correctly' do @partner.service_areas.create neighbourhood: @hoods[0] @partner.service_areas.create neighbourhood: @hoods[1] output = partner_service_area_text(@partner) - assert output == 'alpha and beta' + assert_equal('alpha and beta', output) end - test "shows N texts correctly" do + test 'shows N texts correctly' do @partner.service_areas.create neighbourhood: @hoods[0] @partner.service_areas.create neighbourhood: @hoods[1] @partner.service_areas.create neighbourhood: @hoods[2] output = partner_service_area_text(@partner) - assert output == 'alpha, beta and cappa' + assert_equal('alpha, beta and cappa', output) end end diff --git a/test/integration/admin/articles_integration_test.rb b/test/integration/admin/articles_integration_test.rb index 82d6a2d7b..550cb6f11 100644 --- a/test/integration/admin/articles_integration_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/admin/articles_integration_test.rb @@ -63,20 +63,20 @@ class Admin::ArticlesTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest title: 'a new article', body: 'alpha beta cappa delta epsilon foxtrot etc', author_id: @root.id, - article_image: fixture_file_upload("bad-cat-picture.bmp") + article_image: fixture_file_upload('bad-cat-picture.bmp') } post admin_articles_path, params: { article: new_article_params } assert_not response.redirect? - assert_select "h6", text: "1 error prohibited this Article from being saved" + assert_select 'h6', text: '1 error prohibited this Article from being saved' # top of page form error box assert_select '#form-errors li', - text: "Article image You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: svg, jpg, jpeg, png" + text: 'Article image You are not allowed to upload "bmp" files, allowed types: svg, jpg, jpeg, png' assert_select 'form .article_article_image .invalid-feedback', - text: "Article image You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: svg, jpg, jpeg, png" + text: 'Article image You are not allowed to upload "bmp" files, allowed types: svg, jpg, jpeg, png' end test 'update article image upload problem feedback' do @@ -88,20 +88,19 @@ class Admin::ArticlesTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest title: article.title, body: article.body, author_id: article.author_id, - article_image: fixture_file_upload("bad-cat-picture.bmp") + article_image: fixture_file_upload('bad-cat-picture.bmp') } put admin_article_path(article), params: { article: article_params } assert_not response.successful? - assert_select "h6", text: "1 error prohibited this Article from being saved" + assert_select 'h6', text: '1 error prohibited this Article from being saved' # top of page form error box assert_select '#form-errors li', - text: "Article image You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: svg, jpg, jpeg, png" + text: 'Article image You are not allowed to upload "bmp" files, allowed types: svg, jpg, jpeg, png' assert_select 'form .article_article_image .invalid-feedback', - text: "Article image You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: svg, jpg, jpeg, png" + text: 'Article image You are not allowed to upload "bmp" files, allowed types: svg, jpg, jpeg, png' end - end diff --git a/test/integration/admin/calendars_integration_test.rb b/test/integration/admin/calendars_integration_test.rb index 5570b1b8b..a497e17fd 100644 --- a/test/integration/admin/calendars_integration_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/admin/calendars_integration_test.rb @@ -17,26 +17,26 @@ class Admin::CalendarsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest host! 'admin.lvh.me' end - test "root user : can get index" do + test 'root user : can get index' do sign_in @root get admin_calendars_path - assert_select 'title', text: "Calendars | PlaceCal Admin" + assert_select 'title', text: 'Calendars | PlaceCal Admin' assert_select 'tbody tr', count: 1 end - test "neighbourhood admin : can get index" do + test 'neighbourhood admin : can get index' do sign_in @root get admin_calendars_path assert_select 'tbody tr', count: 1 end # GET new - test "root : can get new" do + test 'root : can get new' do sign_in @root get new_admin_calendar_path - assert_select 'title', text: "New Calendar | PlaceCal Admin" + assert_select 'title', text: 'New Calendar | PlaceCal Admin' assert_select 'select#calendar_partner_id' do assert_select 'option', count: 3 @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class Admin::CalendarsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest end # GET new - test "root : can get new with preselected partner" do + test 'root : can get new with preselected partner' do @root.partners << @partner sign_in @root @@ -57,12 +57,11 @@ class Admin::CalendarsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert_select 'option[selected="selected"]', @partner.name end - test "neighbourhood_admin : can get new" do + test 'neighbourhood_admin : can get new' do sign_in @neighbourhood_admin get new_admin_calendar_path - assert_select 'select#calendar_partner_id' do assert_select 'option', count: 2 end @@ -70,7 +69,7 @@ class Admin::CalendarsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert_select 'option', @partner.name, count: 1 end - test "partner_admin : can get new" do + test 'partner_admin : can get new' do sign_in @partner_admin get new_admin_calendar_path @@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ class Admin::CalendarsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest end # GET edit - test "root : can get edit" do + test 'root : can get edit' do sign_in @root get edit_admin_calendar_path(@calendar) @@ -96,7 +95,7 @@ class Admin::CalendarsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert_select 'option', @partner_two.name, count: 1 end - test "neighbourhood_admin : can get edit" do + test 'neighbourhood_admin : can get edit' do sign_in @neighbourhood_admin get edit_admin_calendar_path(@calendar) @@ -108,7 +107,7 @@ class Admin::CalendarsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert_select 'option', @partner.name, count: 1 end - test "partner_admin : can get edit" do + test 'partner_admin : can get edit' do sign_in @partner_admin get edit_admin_calendar_path(@calendar) @@ -120,7 +119,7 @@ class Admin::CalendarsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert_select 'option', @partner.name, count: 1 end - test "partner : can see which importer is selected" do + test 'partner : can see which importer is selected' do @calendar.update! importer_mode: 'ical' sign_in @partner_admin @@ -129,7 +128,7 @@ class Admin::CalendarsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert_select 'option[value="ical"][selected="selected"]', nil, count: 1 end - test "partner : can change importer" do + test 'partner : can change importer' do sign_in @partner_admin params = { calendar: @calendar.attributes } @@ -140,5 +139,4 @@ class Admin::CalendarsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest @calendar.reload assert_equal 'eventbrite', @calendar.importer_mode end - end diff --git a/test/integration/admin/home_integration_test.rb b/test/integration/admin/home_integration_test.rb index 469bccc48..19b33aec0 100644 --- a/test/integration/admin/home_integration_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/admin/home_integration_test.rb @@ -12,25 +12,24 @@ class AdminHomeIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest test "Admin home page can't be accessed without a login" do @default_site = create_default_site - get "http://admin.lvh.me" - assert_redirected_to "http://admin.lvh.me/users/sign_in" + get 'http://admin.lvh.me' + assert_redirected_to 'http://admin.lvh.me/users/sign_in' end - test "Admin can access page when logged in" do + test 'Admin can access page when logged in' do sign_in @admin - get "http://admin.lvh.me" + get 'http://admin.lvh.me' assert_response :success - assert_select 'title', text: "Dashboard | PlaceCal Admin" + assert_select 'title', text: 'Dashboard | PlaceCal Admin' end test "Blank citizen gets a 'no content' warning" do sign_in @citizen - get "http://admin.lvh.me" + get 'http://admin.lvh.me' assert_response :success - assert_select 'title', text: "Dashboard | PlaceCal Admin" - assert_select 'h1', text: "Missing Permissions" + assert_select 'title', text: 'Dashboard | PlaceCal Admin' + assert_select 'h1', text: 'Missing Permissions' end - end diff --git a/test/integration/admin/neighbourhood_integration_test.rb b/test/integration/admin/neighbourhood_integration_test.rb index 76c496b5a..7ac67f54f 100644 --- a/test/integration/admin/neighbourhood_integration_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/admin/neighbourhood_integration_test.rb @@ -19,26 +19,26 @@ class AdminNeighbourhoodIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest @number_of_neighbourhoods = 15 @neighbourhoods << @neighbourhood - get "http://admin.lvh.me" + get 'http://admin.lvh.me' end - test "Index shows correct neighbourhoods for root" do + test 'Index shows correct neighbourhoods for root' do sign_in(@root) get admin_neighbourhoods_path # See all neighbourhoods - assert_select 'title', text: "Neighbourhoods | PlaceCal Admin" + assert_select 'title', text: 'Neighbourhoods | PlaceCal Admin' assert_select 'tbody tr', count: @number_of_neighbourhoods end - test "Index shows correct neighbourhoods for neighbourhood admin" do + test 'Index shows correct neighbourhoods for neighbourhood admin' do sign_in(@neighbourhood_admin) get admin_neighbourhoods_path # See just the neighbourhood they admin assert_select 'tbody tr', count: 1 end - test "Edit form has correct fields for root" do + test 'Edit form has correct fields for root' do sign_in @root get edit_admin_neighbourhood_path(@neighbourhood) assert_response :success @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class AdminNeighbourhoodIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert_select 'a', 'Destroy' end - test "Edit form has correct fields for neighbourhood admin" do + test 'Edit form has correct fields for neighbourhood admin' do sign_in @neighbourhood_admin get edit_admin_neighbourhood_path(@neighbourhood) assert_response :success diff --git a/test/integration/admin/partner_integration_test.rb b/test/integration/admin/partner_integration_test.rb index 6b7c87fe9..3e93d1ba9 100644 --- a/test/integration/admin/partner_integration_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/admin/partner_integration_test.rb @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class PartnerIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest street_address: @partner.address.street_address, postcode: @partner.address.postcode }, - image: fixture_file_upload("bad-cat-picture.bmp") + image: fixture_file_upload('bad-cat-picture.bmp') } sign_in @admin @@ -131,9 +131,11 @@ class PartnerIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert_not response.redirect? - assert_select "h6", text: "1 error prohibited this Partner from being saved" - assert_select '#form-errors li', text: "Image You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png" - assert_select 'form .partner_image .invalid-feedback', text: "Image You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png" + assert_select 'h6', text: '1 error prohibited this Partner from being saved' + assert_select '#form-errors li', + text: 'Image You are not allowed to upload "bmp" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png' + assert_select 'form .partner_image .invalid-feedback', + text: 'Image You are not allowed to upload "bmp" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png' end test 'Partner update form gives feedback on bad image selection' do @@ -143,7 +145,7 @@ class PartnerIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest street_address: @partner.address.street_address, postcode: @partner.address.postcode }, - image: fixture_file_upload("bad-cat-picture.bmp") + image: fixture_file_upload('bad-cat-picture.bmp') } sign_in @admin @@ -151,53 +153,52 @@ class PartnerIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert_not response.redirect? - assert_select "h6", text: "1 error prohibited this Partner from being saved" - assert_select '#form-errors li', text: "Image You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png" - assert_select 'form .partner_image .invalid-feedback', text: "Image You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png" + assert_select 'h6', text: '1 error prohibited this Partner from being saved' + assert_select '#form-errors li', + text: 'Image You are not allowed to upload "bmp" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png' + assert_select 'form .partner_image .invalid-feedback', + text: 'Image You are not allowed to upload "bmp" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png' end - end # Capybara feature test that doesn't work and i have no time to fix -=begin -class PartnerAddressUpdatesTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest # Capybara::Rails::TestCase - - include Devise::Test::IntegrationHelpers - include Capybara::DSL - include Capybara::Minitest::Assertions - - setup do - @admin = create(:root) - @site = FactoryBot.create(:site, slug: 'default-site') - @partner = create(:partner) - # @admin = create(:root) - host! 'admin.lvh.me' - end - - test 'can change postcode of partner' do - sign_in @admin - - visit '/' - - click_link 'Partners' - click_link @partner.title - - fill_in 'Postcode', with: 'OL6 8BH' - - - #update_args = @partner_two.as_json - #update_args['partner']['address']['postcode'] = - #patch admin_partner_url(@partner_two), params: update_args - click_button 'Update' - assert_redirected_to admin_partners_url - - click @partner.title - - puts 'is this runing?' - assert_have_selector 'input[name="partner_postcode"]' - - #@partner_two.reload - #assert @partner_two.address.postcode == 'OL6 8BH' - end -end -=end +# class PartnerAddressUpdatesTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest # Capybara::Rails::TestCase +# +# include Devise::Test::IntegrationHelpers +# include Capybara::DSL +# include Capybara::Minitest::Assertions +# +# setup do +# @admin = create(:root) +# @site = FactoryBot.create(:site, slug: 'default-site') +# @partner = create(:partner) +# # @admin = create(:root) +# host! 'admin.lvh.me' +# end +# +# test 'can change postcode of partner' do +# sign_in @admin +# +# visit '/' +# +# click_link 'Partners' +# click_link @partner.title +# +# fill_in 'Postcode', with: 'OL6 8BH' +# +# +# #update_args = @partner_two.as_json +# #update_args['partner']['address']['postcode'] = +# #patch admin_partner_url(@partner_two), params: update_args +# click_button 'Update' +# assert_redirected_to admin_partners_url +# +# click @partner.title +# +# puts 'is this runing?' +# assert_have_selector 'input[name="partner_postcode"]' +# +# #@partner_two.reload +# #assert @partner_two.address.postcode == 'OL6 8BH' +# end +# end diff --git a/test/integration/admin/sites_integration_test.rb b/test/integration/admin/sites_integration_test.rb index 2eb9f938e..2bd987243 100644 --- a/test/integration/admin/sites_integration_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/admin/sites_integration_test.rb @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class AdminSitesIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest cocoon_select_template = assert_select('.add_fields').first['data-association-insertion-template'] neighbourhoods_shown = cocoon_select_template.scan(/(option value=)/).size - assert neighbourhoods_shown == @number_of_neighbourhoods + assert_equal neighbourhoods_shown, @number_of_neighbourhoods end test 'site admin users see appropriate fields' do @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class AdminSitesIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest # See just neighbourhoods they admin cocoon_select_template = assert_select('.add_fields').first['data-association-insertion-template'] neighbourhoods_shown = cocoon_select_template.scan(/(option value=)/).size - assert neighbourhoods_shown == 2 + assert_equal(2, neighbourhoods_shown) end test 'site tags show up' do @@ -118,24 +118,29 @@ class AdminSitesIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest name: 'a new site', domain: 'a-domain', slug: 'a-slug', - logo: fixture_file_upload("bad-cat-picture.bmp"), - footer_logo: fixture_file_upload("bad-cat-picture.bmp"), - hero_image: fixture_file_upload("bad-cat-picture.bmp"), + logo: fixture_file_upload('bad-cat-picture.bmp'), + footer_logo: fixture_file_upload('bad-cat-picture.bmp'), + hero_image: fixture_file_upload('bad-cat-picture.bmp') } post admin_sites_path, params: { site: new_site_params } assert_not response.successful? - assert_select "h6", text: "3 errors prohibited this Site from being saved" + assert_select 'h6', text: '3 errors prohibited this Site from being saved' # top of page form error box - assert_select '#form-errors li', text: "Logo You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: svg, png" - assert_select '#form-errors li', text: "Footer logo You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: svg, png" - assert_select '#form-errors li', text: "Hero image You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png" - - assert_select 'form .site_logo .invalid-feedback', text: "Logo You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: svg, png" - assert_select 'form .site_footer_logo .invalid-feedback', text: "Footer logo You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: svg, png" - assert_select 'form .site_hero_image .invalid-feedback', text: "Hero image You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png" + assert_select '#form-errors li', text: 'Logo You are not allowed to upload "bmp" files, allowed types: svg, png' + assert_select '#form-errors li', + text: 'Footer logo You are not allowed to upload "bmp" files, allowed types: svg, png' + assert_select '#form-errors li', + text: 'Hero image You are not allowed to upload "bmp" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png' + + assert_select 'form .site_logo .invalid-feedback', + text: 'Logo You are not allowed to upload "bmp" files, allowed types: svg, png' + assert_select 'form .site_footer_logo .invalid-feedback', + text: 'Footer logo You are not allowed to upload "bmp" files, allowed types: svg, png' + assert_select 'form .site_hero_image .invalid-feedback', + text: 'Hero image You are not allowed to upload "bmp" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png' end test 'update site image upload problem feedback' do @@ -145,23 +150,28 @@ class AdminSitesIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest name: 'a new site', domain: 'a-domain', slug: 'a-slug', - logo: fixture_file_upload("bad-cat-picture.bmp"), - footer_logo: fixture_file_upload("bad-cat-picture.bmp"), - hero_image: fixture_file_upload("bad-cat-picture.bmp"), + logo: fixture_file_upload('bad-cat-picture.bmp'), + footer_logo: fixture_file_upload('bad-cat-picture.bmp'), + hero_image: fixture_file_upload('bad-cat-picture.bmp') } put admin_site_path(@site), params: { site: site_params } assert_not response.successful? - assert_select "h6", text: "3 errors prohibited this Site from being saved" + assert_select 'h6', text: '3 errors prohibited this Site from being saved' # top of page form error box - assert_select '#form-errors li', text: "Logo You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: svg, png" - assert_select '#form-errors li', text: "Footer logo You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: svg, png" - assert_select '#form-errors li', text: "Hero image You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png" - - assert_select 'form .site_logo .invalid-feedback', text: "Logo You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: svg, png" - assert_select 'form .site_footer_logo .invalid-feedback', text: "Footer logo You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: svg, png" - assert_select 'form .site_hero_image .invalid-feedback', text: "Hero image You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png" + assert_select '#form-errors li', text: 'Logo You are not allowed to upload "bmp" files, allowed types: svg, png' + assert_select '#form-errors li', + text: 'Footer logo You are not allowed to upload "bmp" files, allowed types: svg, png' + assert_select '#form-errors li', + text: 'Hero image You are not allowed to upload "bmp" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png' + + assert_select 'form .site_logo .invalid-feedback', + text: 'Logo You are not allowed to upload "bmp" files, allowed types: svg, png' + assert_select 'form .site_footer_logo .invalid-feedback', + text: 'Footer logo You are not allowed to upload "bmp" files, allowed types: svg, png' + assert_select 'form .site_hero_image .invalid-feedback', + text: 'Hero image You are not allowed to upload "bmp" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png' end end diff --git a/test/integration/admin/tags_integration_test.rb b/test/integration/admin/tags_integration_test.rb index 7242d554e..530f4d87a 100644 --- a/test/integration/admin/tags_integration_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/admin/tags_integration_test.rb @@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ class Admin::TagsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest test 'root users can make a tag a system tag' do log_in_with @root.email - # toggle on visit edit_admin_tag_url(@tag) check 'System tag' @@ -85,7 +84,7 @@ def assert_has_flash(type, message) assert_css ".flashes .alert-#{type}", text: message end - def log_in_with(email, password='password') + def log_in_with(email, password = 'password') # NOTE: make sure you have a default site set up in DB visit 'http://lvh.me/users/sign_in' fill_in 'Email', with: email diff --git a/test/integration/admin/user_integration_test.rb b/test/integration/admin/user_integration_test.rb index 1f8eb5029..da48d77f7 100644 --- a/test/integration/admin/user_integration_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/admin/user_integration_test.rb @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ class AdminUserIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert_select 'h1', text: "Users" end - test "root : can get new user" do sign_in @root @@ -128,7 +127,6 @@ class AdminUserIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert_select 'h3', 'Role', count: 0 end - test "Edit form has correct fields for root" do sign_in @root get edit_admin_user_path(@citizen) @@ -167,7 +165,7 @@ class AdminUserIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest test "shows partner select list" do sign_in @root - 5.times do |i| + 5.times do |_i| FactoryBot.create(:partner, users: [@root]) end @@ -179,7 +177,7 @@ class AdminUserIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest test "new user has preselected partner when ID provided" do sign_in @root - 5.times do |i| + 5.times do |_i| FactoryBot.create(:partner, users: [@root]) end @@ -243,7 +241,7 @@ class AdminUserIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest new_user_params = { email: 'user@example.com', role: 'root', - avatar: fixture_file_upload("bad-cat-picture.bmp"), + avatar: fixture_file_upload("bad-cat-picture.bmp") } post admin_users_path, params: { user: new_user_params } @@ -252,9 +250,11 @@ class AdminUserIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert_select "h6", text: "1 error prohibited this User from being saved" # top of page form error box - assert_select '#form-errors li', text: "Avatar You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png" + assert_select '#form-errors li', + text: "Avatar You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png" - assert_select 'form .user_avatar .invalid-feedback', text: "Avatar You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png" + assert_select 'form .user_avatar .invalid-feedback', + text: "Avatar You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png" end test 'update user avatar upload problem feedback' do @@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ class AdminUserIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest user_params = { email: @root.email, role: @root.role, - avatar: fixture_file_upload("bad-cat-picture.bmp"), + avatar: fixture_file_upload("bad-cat-picture.bmp") } put admin_user_path(@root), params: { user: user_params } @@ -272,9 +272,11 @@ class AdminUserIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert_select "h6", text: "1 error prohibited this User from being saved" # top of page form error box - assert_select '#form-errors li', text: "Avatar You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png" + assert_select '#form-errors li', + text: "Avatar You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png" - assert_select 'form .user_avatar .invalid-feedback', text: "Avatar You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png" + assert_select 'form .user_avatar .invalid-feedback', + text: "Avatar You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png" end test 'update profile avatar upload problem feedback' do @@ -282,7 +284,7 @@ class AdminUserIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest user_params = { email: @root.email, - avatar: fixture_file_upload("bad-cat-picture.bmp"), + avatar: fixture_file_upload("bad-cat-picture.bmp") } patch update_profile_admin_user_path(@root), params: { user: user_params } @@ -291,9 +293,10 @@ class AdminUserIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert_select "h6", text: "1 error prohibited this User from being saved" # top of page form error box - assert_select '#form-errors li', text: "Avatar You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png" + assert_select '#form-errors li', + text: "Avatar You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png" - assert_select 'form .user_avatar .invalid-feedback', text: "Avatar You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png" + assert_select 'form .user_avatar .invalid-feedback', + text: "Avatar You are not allowed to upload \"bmp\" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png" end - end diff --git a/test/integration/devise_redirection_test.rb b/test/integration/devise_redirection_test.rb index 8818cfd49..fb50e7e9c 100644 --- a/test/integration/devise_redirection_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/devise_redirection_test.rb @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + require 'test_helper' class DeviseRedirectTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest - include Capybara::DSL include Capybara::Minitest::Assertions include EmailHelper @@ -30,8 +31,9 @@ class DeviseRedirectTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest click_button 'Send me reset password instructions' # has redirected to log in page with flash - assert_selector '.alert-success', text: 'You will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password in a few minutes.' - assert_equal 'http://lvh.me/users/sign_in', current_url + assert_selector '.alert-success', + text: 'You will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password in a few minutes.' + assert_equal 'http://lvh.me/users/sign_in', current_url # now pick up the reset email and extract the link email = last_email_delivered @@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ class DeviseRedirectTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest # we are now logged in assert_selector '.alert-success', text: 'Your password has been changed successfully. You are now signed in.' - assert_equal 'http://admin.lvh.me:3000/', current_url + assert_equal 'http://admin.lvh.me:3000/', current_url end test 'invitation to set password' do @@ -90,8 +92,7 @@ class DeviseRedirectTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest click_button 'Set password' # user should be logged in - assert_equal 'http://admin.lvh.me:3000/', current_url + assert_equal 'http://admin.lvh.me:3000/', current_url assert_selector '.alert-success', text: 'Your password was set successfully. You are now signed in' end end - diff --git a/test/integration/event_integration_test.rb b/test/integration/event_integration_test.rb index aaf85de2d..b12da130a 100644 --- a/test/integration/event_integration_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/event_integration_test.rb @@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ class EventIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest get from_site_slug(@neighbourhood_site, event_path(@event)) get "http://#{@neighbourhood_site.slug}.lvh.me/events/#{@event.id}" assert_response :success - assert_select 'title', count: 1, text: "#{@event.summary}, #{@event.date}, #{@event.time} | #{@neighbourhood_site.name}" + assert_select 'title', count: 1, + text: "#{@event.summary}, #{@event.date}, #{@event.time} | #{@neighbourhood_site.name}" assert_select 'div.hero h4', text: "Neighbourhood's Community Calendar" assert_select 'div.hero h1', text: @event.summary assert_select 'div.event__detail', count: 4 diff --git a/test/integration/event_site_integration_test.rb b/test/integration/event_site_integration_test.rb index ae60fb67d..409bbf2e4 100644 --- a/test/integration/event_site_integration_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/event_site_integration_test.rb @@ -29,23 +29,23 @@ class EventForSiteScopeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase ) end - test "returns a regular set of events" do + test 'returns a regular set of events' do found = Event.for_site(@site) count = found.count - assert count == 2 + assert_equal(2, count) end - test "does not return events outside of address or service area" do + test 'does not return events outside of address or service area' do other_site_neighbourhood = neighbourhoods(:two) other_site = create(:site) other_site.neighbourhoods << other_site_neighbourhood found = Event.for_site(other_site) count = found.count - assert count == 0 + assert_equal(0, count) end - test "also returns events with partners that have service areas in the site scope" do + test 'also returns events with partners that have service areas in the site scope' do other_site_neighbourhood = neighbourhoods(:two) other_site = create(:site) other_site.neighbourhoods << other_site_neighbourhood @@ -54,13 +54,11 @@ class EventForSiteScopeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase found = Event.for_site(other_site) count = found.count - assert count == 2 + assert_equal(2, count) end - end -class EventsBySiteTagTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest - +class EventsBySiteTagTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest test 'filtering events by partner tag' do Neighbourhood.destroy_all @@ -76,7 +74,7 @@ class EventsBySiteTagTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest tag = Tag.create!( name: 'Tag', slug: 'tag', - description: 'A tag about a thing', + description: 'A tag about a thing' ) tag_site = Site.create!( @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ class EventsBySiteTagTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest street_address: '123 Street', postcode: 'M15 5DD' ) - assert address.neighbourhood == neighbourhood + assert_equal address.neighbourhood, neighbourhood partner_with_tag = Partner.create!( name: 'Partner with tag', @@ -113,7 +111,7 @@ class EventsBySiteTagTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest Event.create!( partner: partner_with_tag, summary: "Event with tagged partner #{n}", - dtstart: DateTime.now + 1.hours, + dtstart: DateTime.now + 1.hour, dtend: DateTime.now + 2.hours, address: address ) @@ -124,7 +122,7 @@ class EventsBySiteTagTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest Event.create!( partner: partner_without_tag, summary: "Event without tagged partner #{n}", - dtstart: DateTime.now + 1.hours, + dtstart: DateTime.now + 1.hour, dtend: DateTime.now + 2.hours, address: address ) @@ -136,4 +134,3 @@ class EventsBySiteTagTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert_select 'ol.events li .event', count: 2 end end - diff --git a/test/integration/events_integration_test.rb b/test/integration/events_integration_test.rb index 4673385d6..4f695ad22 100644 --- a/test/integration/events_integration_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/events_integration_test.rb @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ class EventsIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest end @neighbourhood_site.neighbourhoods << @neighbourhood2 - # Make a ward, add events to that ward @ward = create(:neighbourhood) @regional_ward_events = create_list :event, 5, dtstart: date + 1.hour diff --git a/test/integration/graphql/article_by_tag_query_test.rb b/test/integration/graphql/article_by_tag_query_test.rb index d57ebce0d..4ad8de6ef 100644 --- a/test/integration/graphql/article_by_tag_query_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/graphql/article_by_tag_query_test.rb @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ class ArticlesByTagTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest user = create(:user) not_published_article = Article.create!( - title: "Not published article", + title: 'Not published article', body: 'article body text', author: user ) @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class ArticlesByTagTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest epoch = DateTime.now.beginning_of_day not_tagged_article = Article.create!( - title: "Not tagged article", + title: 'Not tagged article', body: 'article body text', author: user, is_draft: false, @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ class ArticlesByTagTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest body: 'article body text', author: user, is_draft: false - ) article.update! published_at: epoch + (n + 1).days @@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ class ArticlesByTagTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest GRAPHQL result = PlaceCalSchema.execute(query_string) - refute result.key?('errors'), 'errors are present' + assert_not result.key?('errors'), 'errors are present' data = result['data'] assert data.key?('articlesByTag') @@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ class ArticlesByTagTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert_equal 3, articles.length, 'expected to only find articles that are published and tagged correctly' # newest to oldest - expected_titles = [ 2, 1, 0 ].map { |index| live_tagged_articles[index].title } + expected_titles = [2, 1, 0].map { |index| live_tagged_articles[index].title } found_titles = articles.map { |article| article['name'] } assert_equal expected_titles, found_titles end diff --git a/test/integration/graphql/article_query_type_test.rb b/test/integration/graphql/article_query_type_test.rb index e7c03d645..5b28ef414 100644 --- a/test/integration/graphql/article_query_type_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/graphql/article_query_type_test.rb @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class ArticleIndexTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest author: @user, is_draft: false, published_at: DateTime.now, - partners: @partners, + partners: @partners ) end @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class ArticleIndexTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert data.key?('articleConnection'), 'result is missing key `allArticles`' edges = data['articleConnection']['edges'] - assert_equal edges.length, 5 + assert_equal(5, edges.length) # Strip the 'node' object container off so we don't have to deal with that nodes = edges.map { |edge| edge['node'] } @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class ArticleIndexTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest nodes.each do |gql_article| assert_field gql_article, 'name', 'Article title is nil?' - refute_nil article = Article.find_by(title: gql_article['name']), 'Returned article that doesn\'t exist?' + assert_not_nil article = Article.find_by(title: gql_article['name']), 'Returned article that doesn\'t exist?' assert_field_equals gql_article, 'headline', value: article.title assert_field_equals gql_article, 'author', value: article.author_name diff --git a/test/integration/graphql/articles_by_partner_tag_test.rb b/test/integration/graphql/articles_by_partner_tag_test.rb index d365f23d5..bbee1825c 100644 --- a/test/integration/graphql/articles_by_partner_tag_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/graphql/articles_by_partner_tag_test.rb @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ class ArticlesByPartnerTagTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest user = create(:user) not_published_article = Article.create!( - title: "Not published article", + title: 'Not published article', body: 'article body text', author: user ) @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class ArticlesByPartnerTagTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest epoch = DateTime.now.beginning_of_day not_tagged_article = Article.create!( - title: "Not tagged article", + title: 'Not tagged article', body: 'article body text', author: user, is_draft: false, @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ class ArticlesByPartnerTagTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest body: 'article body text', author: user, is_draft: false - ) article.update! published_at: epoch + (n + 1).days @@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ class ArticlesByPartnerTagTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest GRAPHQL result = PlaceCalSchema.execute(query_string) - refute result.key?('errors'), 'errors are present' + assert_not result.key?('errors'), 'errors are present' data = result['data'] assert data.key?('articlesByPartnerTag') @@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ class ArticlesByPartnerTagTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert_equal 5, articles.length, 'expected to only find articles that are published and tagged correctly' # newest to oldest - expected_titles = [ 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 ].map { |index| live_tagged_articles[index].title } + expected_titles = [4, 3, 2, 1, 0].map { |index| live_tagged_articles[index].title } found_titles = articles.map { |article| article['name'] } assert_equal expected_titles, found_titles end diff --git a/test/integration/graphql/event_integration_test.rb b/test/integration/graphql/event_integration_test.rb index 6264ea805..b63e4673a 100644 --- a/test/integration/graphql/event_integration_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/graphql/event_integration_test.rb @@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ class GraphQLEventTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest connection = assert_field data, 'eventConnection' edges = assert_field connection, 'edges' - assert_equal edges.length, 5 + assert_equal(5, edges.length) # TODO: Actually test that the events we are getting back are the ones we want end test 'can show specific event' do event = @partner.events.create!( dtstart: Time.now, - summary: "An event summary", + summary: 'An event summary', description: 'Longer text covering the event in more detail', address: @address ) @@ -112,11 +112,11 @@ def build_time_events(now_time) description: 'Longer text covering the event in more detail', address: @address ) - time += 1.days + time += 1.day end # events in the near future - time = now_time + 1.days + time = now_time + 1.day 5.times do @partner.events.create!( dtstart: time, @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ def build_time_events(now_time) description: 'Longer text covering the event in more detail', address: @address ) - time += 1.days + time += 1.day end # events in the far future @@ -132,11 +132,11 @@ def build_time_events(now_time) 5.times do @partner.events.create!( dtstart: time, - summary: "future: An event summary", + summary: 'future: An event summary', description: 'Longer text covering the event in more detail', address: @address ) - time += 1.days + time += 1.day end end @@ -159,10 +159,10 @@ def build_time_events(now_time) refute_field result, 'errors' data = result['data'] - assert data.has_key?('eventsByFilter'), 'Data structure does not contain event key' + assert data.key?('eventsByFilter'), 'Data structure does not contain event key' events = data['eventsByFilter'] - assert_equal events.length, 10, 'was expecting only events in the future' + assert_equal(10, events.length, 'was expecting only events in the future') # TODO: Actually test that the events we are getting back are the ones we want end end @@ -186,10 +186,10 @@ def build_time_events(now_time) refute_field result, 'errors' data = result['data'] - assert data.has_key?('eventsByFilter'), 'Data structure does not contain event key' + assert data.key?('eventsByFilter'), 'Data structure does not contain event key' events = data['eventsByFilter'] - assert_equal events.length, 15, 'was expecting to see all events' + assert_equal(15, events.length, 'was expecting to see all events') # TODO: Actually test that the events we are getting back are the ones we want end end @@ -213,10 +213,10 @@ def build_time_events(now_time) refute_field result, 'errors' data = result['data'] - assert data.has_key?('eventsByFilter'), 'Data structure does not contain event key' + assert data.key?('eventsByFilter'), 'Data structure does not contain event key' events = data['eventsByFilter'] - assert_equal events.length, 5, 'was expecting to see only some future events' + assert_equal(5, events.length, 'was expecting to see only some future events') # TODO: Actually test that the events we are getting back are the ones we want end end @@ -226,8 +226,8 @@ def build_time_events(now_time) test 'can scope to neighbourhood (via partner address)' do 3.times do @partner.events.create!( - dtstart: DateTime.now + 1.hours, - summary: "partner 1: An event summary", + dtstart: DateTime.now + 1.hour, + summary: 'partner 1: An event summary', description: 'Longer text covering the event in more detail', address: @address ) @@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ def build_time_events(now_time) 5.times do other_partner.events.create!( - dtstart: DateTime.now + 1.hours, - summary: "partner 2: An event summary", + dtstart: DateTime.now + 1.hour, + summary: 'partner 2: An event summary', description: 'Longer text covering the event in more detail', address: other_address ) @@ -258,10 +258,10 @@ def build_time_events(now_time) refute_field result, 'errors' data = result['data'] - assert data.has_key?('eventsByFilter'), 'Data structure does not contain event key' + assert data.key?('eventsByFilter'), 'Data structure does not contain event key' events = data['eventsByFilter'] - assert_equal events.length, 5, 'was expecting to see only events from other_partner' + assert_equal(5, events.length, 'was expecting to see only events from other_partner') # TODO: Actually test that the events we are getting back are the ones we want end @@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ def build_time_events(now_time) 5.times do @partner.events.create!( - dtstart: DateTime.now + 1.hours, - summary: "partner in good neighbourhood: An event summary", + dtstart: DateTime.now + 1.hour, + summary: 'partner in good neighbourhood: An event summary', description: 'Longer text covering the event in more detail', address: @address ) @@ -287,8 +287,8 @@ def build_time_events(now_time) 3.times do other_partner.events.create!( - dtstart: DateTime.now + 1.hours, - summary: "partner in bad neighbourhood: An event summary", + dtstart: DateTime.now + 1.hour, + summary: 'partner in bad neighbourhood: An event summary', description: 'Longer text covering the event in more detail', address: create(:bare_address_2) ) @@ -307,23 +307,23 @@ def build_time_events(now_time) refute_field result, 'errors' data = result['data'] - assert data.has_key?('eventsByFilter'), 'Data structure does not contain event key' + assert data.key?('eventsByFilter'), 'Data structure does not contain event key' events = data['eventsByFilter'] - assert_equal events.length, 5, 'was expecting to see only events within neighbourhood_good service area' + assert_equal(5, events.length, 'was expecting to see only events within neighbourhood_good service area') # TODO: Actually test that the events we are getting back are the ones we want end # in cases where we have eventConnection { edges { node { ... } } } def map_edges_to_ids(edges) # [{ 'node': { 'id': 23, etc } }, ...] => { '23': { 'id': 23, etc }, ... } - edges.map { |edge| [edge['node']['id'].to_i, edge['node']] }.to_h + edges.to_h { |edge| [edge['node']['id'].to_i, edge['node']] } end # in cases where we have eventsByFilter { ... } def map_results_to_ids(events) # [{ 'id': 23, etc }, ...] => { '23': { 'id': 23, etc }, ... } - events.map { |event| [event['id'].to_i, event] }.to_h + events.index_by { |event| event['id'].to_i } end # this should mainly be tested elsewhere @@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ def map_results_to_ids(events) connection = assert_field data, 'eventConnection' edges = assert_field connection, 'edges' - assert_equal edges.length, 1 + assert_equal(1, edges.length) data_event = assert_field edges.first, 'node' assert_field_equals data_event, 'id', value: event.id.to_s @@ -418,7 +418,10 @@ def map_results_to_ids(events) # splice the lists so we get a reasonable number of events, this also replaces? the `events` list :) # stuff off rubocop this is perfectly fine - events.zip(online_addresses).each { |event, oa| event.online_address = oa; event.save! } + events.zip(online_addresses).each do |event, oa| + event.online_address = oa + event.save! + end query_string = <<-GRAPHQL query { diff --git a/test/integration/graphql/partners_integration_test.rb b/test/integration/graphql/partners_integration_test.rb index ea3d44816..a0d19d63f 100644 --- a/test/integration/graphql/partners_integration_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/graphql/partners_integration_test.rb @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class GraphQLPartnerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest connection = assert_field data, 'partnerConnection' edges = assert_field connection, 'edges' - assert_equal edges.length, 5 + assert_equal(5, edges.length) # Validate that we are in-fact returning the partner's data, too edges.lazy.zip(partner_list).each do |edge, partner| @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ def check_opening_hours(data, opening_hours) expected_day = opening_hours.first assert_kind_of Array, data, 'openingHours should be an array' - assert data.length == 6 # from factory + assert_equal(6, data.length) # from factory first_day = data.first expected_day_of_week = expected_day['dayOfWeek'] =~ %r{/([^/]*)$} && Regexp.last_match(1) @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ def check_opening_hours(data, opening_hours) def check_areas_served(data, service_areas) assert_kind_of Array, data, 'areasServed should be an array' - assert data.length == service_areas.count + assert_equal data.length, service_areas.count wanted_area = service_areas.first service_area = data.first @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ def check_basic_fields(data, partner) partner_data = data['partner'] article_data = partner_data['articles'] - assert article_data.length == 1, 'Should only see the one article published by this partenr' + assert_equal(1, article_data.length, 'Should only see the one article published by this partenr') end test 'finding partners by tag' do @@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ def check_basic_fields(data, partner) data = result['data'] partner_data = data['partnersByTag'] - assert partner_data.length == 1, 'expecting to see a tag on this partner' + assert_equal(1, partner_data.length, 'expecting to see a tag on this partner') end test 'returns null properly if openning times are missing' do @@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ def check_basic_fields(data, partner) connection = assert_field data, 'partnerConnection' edges = assert_field connection, 'edges' - assert_equal edges.length, 1 + assert_equal(1, edges.length) data_partner = assert_field edges.first, 'node' assert_field_equals data_partner, 'id', value: partner.id.to_s diff --git a/test/integration/graphql/ping_integration_test.rb b/test/integration/graphql/ping_integration_test.rb index 1c39858fe..dc1a44abc 100644 --- a/test/integration/graphql/ping_integration_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/graphql/ping_integration_test.rb @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class GraphQLPingTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest result = PlaceCalSchema.execute(query_string) data = result['data'] - assert data.has_key?('ping') + assert data.key?('ping') assert data['ping'] =~ /^Hello World! The time is \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}/ end diff --git a/test/integration/graphql/site_integration_test.rb b/test/integration/graphql/site_integration_test.rb index cb24de7ba..8e7030cea 100644 --- a/test/integration/graphql/site_integration_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/graphql/site_integration_test.rb @@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ class GraphQLSitesTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest result = PlaceCalSchema.execute(query_string) data = result['data'] - assert data.has_key?('siteConnection'), 'result is missing key `siteConnection`' + assert data.key?('siteConnection'), 'result is missing key `siteConnection`' connection = data['siteConnection'] - assert connection.has_key?('edges') + assert connection.key?('edges') edges = connection['edges'] - assert edges.length == 5 + assert_equal(5, edges.length) end test 'can show specific site' do @@ -48,10 +48,9 @@ class GraphQLSitesTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest result = PlaceCalSchema.execute(query_string) data = result['data'] - assert data.has_key?('site') + assert data.key?('site') data_site = data['site'] - assert data_site['name'] == site.name - + assert_equal data_site['name'], site.name end end diff --git a/test/integration/home_integration_test.rb b/test/integration/home_integration_test.rb index 2f325518a..dd3257c12 100644 --- a/test/integration/home_integration_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/home_integration_test.rb @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ class HomeIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest test 'home page for default site has correct title' do @default_site = create_default_site - get "http://lvh.me" + get 'http://lvh.me' assert_response :success assert_select 'title', count: 1, text: 'PlaceCal | The Community Calendar' assert_select 'h1', count: 1, text: 'The Community Calendar' @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ class HomeIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest @neighbourhood_site = create(:site_local) get "http://#{@neighbourhood_site.slug}.lvh.me" assert_response :success - assert_select 'title', count: 1, text: "#{@neighbourhood_site.name}" - assert_select 'h1', count: 1, text: 'PlaceCal is a community events calendar where you can find everything near you, all in one place.' + assert_select 'title', count: 1, text: @neighbourhood_site.name.to_s + assert_select 'h1', count: 1, + text: 'PlaceCal is a community events calendar where you can find everything near you, all in one place.' end end diff --git a/test/integration/news_integration_test.rb b/test/integration/news_integration_test.rb index 2200abd21..10cce494f 100644 --- a/test/integration/news_integration_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/news_integration_test.rb @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class NewsIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest partner = create(:partner, address: @address) article = Article.create!( - title: "Article from Partner", + title: 'Article from Partner', is_draft: false, body: 'lorem ipsum dorem ditsum', author: @author @@ -91,4 +91,3 @@ class NewsIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest assert_select '.article__author', count: 0 end end - diff --git a/test/integration/partner_integration_test.rb b/test/integration/partner_integration_test.rb index c63f5bc3b..cf13ba5df 100644 --- a/test/integration/partner_integration_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/partner_integration_test.rb @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class PartnerIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest end test 'has accessibility text' do - @partner.accessibility_info = "This is some accessibility informtation" + @partner.accessibility_info = 'This is some accessibility informtation' @partner.save! get from_site_slug(@default_site, partner_path(@partner)) diff --git a/test/integration/sites_integration_test.rb b/test/integration/sites_integration_test.rb index e62f76199..42df494fa 100644 --- a/test/integration/sites_integration_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/sites_integration_test.rb @@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ class SitesIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest test 'basic page content shows up' do get 'http://hulme.lvh.me' - assert_select 'h1', 'PlaceCal is a community events calendar where you can find everything near you, all in one place.' + assert_select 'h1', + 'PlaceCal is a community events calendar where you can find everything near you, all in one place.' assert_select 'h2', "PlaceCal is working to make #{@site.place_name} a better connected neighbourhood." assert_select 'p', @site.description assert_select 'strong', @site_admin.full_name diff --git a/test/integration/users_log_in_go_to_admin_site_test.rb b/test/integration/users_log_in_go_to_admin_site_test.rb index d83872741..3223c5eb7 100644 --- a/test/integration/users_log_in_go_to_admin_site_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/users_log_in_go_to_admin_site_test.rb @@ -3,5 +3,4 @@ require 'test_helper' class UsersLogInGoToAdminSiteTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest - end diff --git a/test/integration/users_login_on_site_test.rb b/test/integration/users_login_on_site_test.rb index e717b4655..d739be322 100644 --- a/test/integration/users_login_on_site_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/users_login_on_site_test.rb @@ -1,10 +1,8 @@ - # frozen_string_literal: true require 'test_helper' class UsersLoginOnSiteTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest - setup do create_default_site end diff --git a/test/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer_task_test.rb b/test/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer_task_test.rb index bcdf99a36..21c63f1b5 100644 --- a/test/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer_task_test.rb +++ b/test/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer_task_test.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + require 'test_helper' class CalendarImporterTaskTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase @@ -21,14 +23,13 @@ class CalendarImporterTaskTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase end test 'rejects unknown sources by default' do - VCR.use_cassette('Uknown Teamup Feed', allow_playback_repeats: true) do # set up the calendar with faulty data that we know will trip up # the validations. we are testing the importer, not the model calendar = create( :calendar, name: 'Unknown source calendar', - source: 'https://not-a-real-calendar-provider.com/feed/ksq8ayp7mw5mhb193x/5941140.ics', + source: 'https://not-a-real-calendar-provider.com/feed/ksq8ayp7mw5mhb193x/5941140.ics' ) calendar.update calendar_state: 'in_worker' @@ -63,5 +64,4 @@ class CalendarImporterTaskTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase assert_equal 'ical', calendar.importer_used end end - end diff --git a/test/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer_test.rb b/test/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer_test.rb index 7527d943d..5bd606b00 100644 --- a/test/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer_test.rb +++ b/test/jobs/calendar_importer/calendar_importer_test.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + require 'test_helper' # TODO: Assertations are wrong way around - should be (expected, actual) @@ -15,9 +17,9 @@ class CalendarImporter::CalendarImporterTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase first_event = events.first last_event = events.last - assert_equal events.count, 2 - assert_equal first_event.summary, 'Age Friendly Community Soup' - assert_equal last_event.summary, 'YellowBird Age Friendly Drop-in' + assert_equal(2, events.count) + assert_equal('Age Friendly Community Soup', first_event.summary) + assert_equal('YellowBird Age Friendly Drop-in', last_event.summary) end end @@ -88,9 +90,9 @@ class CalendarImporter::CalendarImporterTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase first_event = events.first last_event = events.last - assert_equal events.count, 3 - assert_equal first_event.summary, 'Technical tours of the Martin Harris Centre for Music and Drama' - assert_equal last_event.summary, 'KIDNAP@20: The Art of Incarceration' + assert_equal(3, events.count) + assert_equal('Technical tours of the Martin Harris Centre for Music and Drama', first_event.summary) + assert_equal('KIDNAP@20: The Art of Incarceration', last_event.summary) end end @@ -106,9 +108,9 @@ class CalendarImporter::CalendarImporterTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase first_event = events.first last_event = events.last - assert_equal events.count, 38 - assert_equal first_event.summary, 'Inuk' - assert_equal last_event.summary, 'ZYP: Unusual Theatre in Unusual Spaces' + assert_equal(38, events.count) + assert_equal('Inuk', first_event.summary) + assert_equal('ZYP: Unusual Theatre in Unusual Spaces', last_event.summary) end end @@ -152,7 +154,6 @@ class CalendarImporter::CalendarImporterTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase url = 'https://z-arts.ticketsolve.com/shows.xml' checksum = 'd1a94a9869af91d0548a1faf0ded91d7' - VCR.use_cassette('Z-Arts Calendar', allow_playback_repeats: true) do calendar = create(:calendar, name: 'Z-Arts', last_checksum: checksum, source: url) diff --git a/test/jobs/calendar_importer/event_base_html_sanitize_test.rb b/test/jobs/calendar_importer/event_base_html_sanitize_test.rb index b42c17f7b..1bf18de6d 100644 --- a/test/jobs/calendar_importer/event_base_html_sanitize_test.rb +++ b/test/jobs/calendar_importer/event_base_html_sanitize_test.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + require 'test_helper' class EventBaseHtmlSanitizeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase @@ -34,16 +36,16 @@ class EventBaseHtmlSanitizeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase event = EventBase.new(nil) output = event.html_sanitize(input) - expected_output = <<-MARKDOWN -### A title! + expected_output = <<~MARKDOWN + ### A title! -This is input + This is input -Another Paragraph + Another Paragraph -* One -* Two -* Three + * One + * Two + * Three MARKDOWN assert_equal expected_output.strip, output @@ -72,45 +74,40 @@ class EventBaseHtmlSanitizeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase '', 'Another Paragraph', '', - 'Things', + 'Things' ].join("\n") assert_equal expected_output.strip, output end test 'given markdown input nothing is changed on output' do - input = <<-MARKDOWN -### A title! + input = <<~MARKDOWN.strip + ### A title! -This is input + This is input -Another Paragraph + Another Paragraph -* One -* Two -* Three + * One + * Two + * Three MARKDOWN - input.strip! - event = EventBase.new(nil) output = event.html_sanitize(input) assert_equal input, output end - -# test 'cleans out non utf-8 input' do -# # pulled from https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/examples/UTF-8-test.txt -# input = '��This is a �����bad string�����' -# -# event = EventBase.new(nil) -# output = event.html_sanitize(input) -# -# expected_output = 'This is a bad string' -# -# assert_equal expected_output, output -# end - + # test 'cleans out non utf-8 input' do + # # pulled from https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/examples/UTF-8-test.txt + # input = '��This is a �����bad string�����' + # + # event = EventBase.new(nil) + # output = event.html_sanitize(input) + # + # expected_output = 'This is a bad string' + # + # assert_equal expected_output, output + # end end - diff --git a/test/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver_strategy_test.rb b/test/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver_strategy_test.rb index cfbce150e..52703111b 100644 --- a/test/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver_strategy_test.rb +++ b/test/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver_strategy_test.rb @@ -1,36 +1,36 @@ -require 'test_helper' - -=begin - -- If event location is set and calendar strategy is 'event' or 'override', that location should be used instead of the partner's place -- if event strategy is place, then it continues to work correctly -- if event strategy is override and location is not set, it continues to work correctly - -1. - event strategy - overide strategy - event source location is present - address = source.location - -2. - place strategy - address = source.location +# frozen_string_literal: true -3. - override strategy - address = partner.location - -note: - -event locations can either - be addresses like '123 Street, place, city, postcode' - or places like 'The Science Museum' - or hybrids like 'Goldsmiths university, 123 street, place, etc' - or rooms like 'Room 250, Goldsmiths university, 123 street, place, etc' - (or URLs like 'https://zoom.com/igfjgjybviutkhy') - or missing +require 'test_helper' -=end +# +# - If event location is set and calendar strategy is 'event' or 'override', that location should be used instead of the partner's place +# - if event strategy is place, then it continues to work correctly +# - if event strategy is override and location is not set, it continues to work correctly +# +# 1. +# event strategy +# overide strategy +# event source location is present +# address = source.location +# +# 2. +# place strategy +# address = source.location +# +# 3. +# override strategy +# address = partner.location +# +# note: +# +# event locations can either +# be addresses like '123 Street, place, city, postcode' +# or places like 'The Science Museum' +# or hybrids like 'Goldsmiths university, 123 street, place, etc' +# or rooms like 'Room 250, Goldsmiths university, 123 street, place, etc' +# (or URLs like 'https://zoom.com/igfjgjybviutkhy') +# or missing +# class EventResolverStrategyTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase FakeEvent = Struct.new( @@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ def setup @end_date = Date.new(1990, 1, 2) @address = create(:address, street_address: '123 alpha', neighbourhood: @neighbourhood, postcode: 'M15 5DD') - @other_address = create(:address, street_address: '456 beta', neighbourhood: @other_neighbourhood, postcode: 'OL6 8BH') + @other_address = create(:address, street_address: '456 beta', neighbourhood: @other_neighbourhood, + postcode: 'OL6 8BH') @address_partner = create(:partner, name: 'Address Partner', address: @address) @other_address_partner = create(:partner, name: 'Other Address Partner', address: @other_address) @@ -158,14 +159,13 @@ def test_override_strategy_works_with_no_data_location place, address = resolver.event_override_strategy(calendar.place) end - #puts "address_partner=#{@address_partner.to_json}" - #puts "place=#{place.to_json}" - #puts "address=#{address.to_json}" + # puts "address_partner=#{@address_partner.to_json}" + # puts "place=#{place.to_json}" + # puts "address=#{address.to_json}" # FIXME # these come from the calendar - #assert_equal place, @address_partner - #assert_equal address, @address_partner.address + # assert_equal place, @address_partner + # assert_equal address, @address_partner.address end end - diff --git a/test/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver_test.rb b/test/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver_test.rb index 086728a81..659c7966a 100644 --- a/test/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver_test.rb +++ b/test/jobs/calendar_importer/event_resolver_test.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + require 'test_helper' class EventsResolverTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase @@ -57,18 +59,18 @@ class EventsResolverTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase @fake_eventbrite_event = FakeEventbriteEvent.new( id: '111111111111', - name: { 'text': 'A summary' }, - description: { 'text': 'A description' }, + name: { text: 'A summary' }, + description: { text: 'A description' }, venue: nil, - start: { 'local': @start_date.iso8601 }, - 'end': { 'local': @end_date.iso8601 }, + start: { local: @start_date.iso8601 }, + end: { local: @end_date.iso8601 }, online_event: true ) @fake_meetup_event = FakeMeetupEvent.new( id: '111111111', - name: { 'text': 'A summary' }, - description: { 'text': '

This is a meetup description!

' }, + name: { text: 'A summary' }, + description: { text: '

This is a meetup description!

' }, venue: nil, time: @start_date.to_i, utc_offset: (@end_date.to_i - @start_date.to_i), @@ -120,7 +122,7 @@ class EventsResolverTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase resolver = CalendarImporter::EventResolver.new(ics_event_data, calendar, [], @start_date) resolver.determine_online_location - assert resolver.data.online_address_id.present? + assert_predicate resolver.data.online_address_id, :present? online_address = OnlineAddress.find(resolver.data.online_address_id) assert_equal online_address.url, @fake_ics_event['custom_properties']['x_google_conference'].first @@ -136,7 +138,7 @@ class EventsResolverTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase resolver = CalendarImporter::EventResolver.new(ics_event_data, calendar, [], @start_date) resolver.determine_online_location - assert resolver.data.online_address_id.present? + assert_predicate resolver.data.online_address_id, :present? online_address = OnlineAddress.find(resolver.data.online_address_id) assert_equal online_address.url, jitsi_link @@ -152,7 +154,7 @@ class EventsResolverTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase resolver = CalendarImporter::EventResolver.new(ics_event_data, calendar, [], @start_date) resolver.determine_online_location - assert resolver.data.online_address_id.present? + assert_predicate resolver.data.online_address_id, :present? online_address = OnlineAddress.find(resolver.data.online_address_id) assert_equal online_address.url, meet_link @@ -168,7 +170,7 @@ class EventsResolverTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase resolver = CalendarImporter::EventResolver.new(ics_event_data, calendar, [], @start_date) resolver.determine_online_location - assert resolver.data.online_address_id.present? + assert_predicate resolver.data.online_address_id, :present? online_address = OnlineAddress.find(resolver.data.online_address_id) assert_equal online_address.url, zoom_link @@ -184,7 +186,7 @@ class EventsResolverTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase resolver = CalendarImporter::EventResolver.new(event_data, calendar, [], @start_date) resolver.determine_online_location - assert resolver.data.online_address_id.present? + assert_predicate resolver.data.online_address_id, :present? online_address = OnlineAddress.find(resolver.data.online_address_id) assert_equal online_address.url, eventbrite_link @@ -200,7 +202,7 @@ class EventsResolverTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase resolver = CalendarImporter::EventResolver.new(event_data, calendar, [], @start_date) resolver.determine_online_location - assert resolver.data.online_address_id.present? + assert_predicate resolver.data.online_address_id, :present? online_address = OnlineAddress.find(resolver.data.online_address_id) assert_equal online_address.url, meetup_link diff --git a/test/jobs/calendar_importer/events_import_test.rb b/test/jobs/calendar_importer/events_import_test.rb index cde42b6a9..9bc1a8b58 100644 --- a/test/jobs/calendar_importer/events_import_test.rb +++ b/test/jobs/calendar_importer/events_import_test.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + require 'test_helper' class EventsImportTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase diff --git a/test/mailers/join_mailer_test.rb b/test/mailers/join_mailer_test.rb index e440fbece..e6c084003 100644 --- a/test/mailers/join_mailer_test.rb +++ b/test/mailers/join_mailer_test.rb @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ -require "test_helper" +# frozen_string_literal: true + +require 'test_helper' describe JoinMailer do # it "does a thing" do diff --git a/test/mailers/previews/join_mailer_preview.rb b/test/mailers/previews/join_mailer_preview.rb index 50640ffe2..4426934c5 100644 --- a/test/mailers/previews/join_mailer_preview.rb +++ b/test/mailers/previews/join_mailer_preview.rb @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + # Preview all emails at http://localhost:3000/rails/mailers/contact_mailer class JoinMailerPreview < ActionMailer::Preview - end diff --git a/test/models/address_test.rb b/test/models/address_test.rb index d3a67f14f..fcf560e26 100644 --- a/test/models/address_test.rb +++ b/test/models/address_test.rb @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class AddressTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase ) address.save! - assert address.postcode == expected_output + assert_equal address.postcode, expected_output end end end diff --git a/test/models/article_partner_test.rb b/test/models/article_partner_test.rb index b42ae5cac..0f750c65c 100644 --- a/test/models/article_partner_test.rb +++ b/test/models/article_partner_test.rb @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ -require "test_helper" +# frozen_string_literal: true + +require 'test_helper' class ArticlePartnerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase setup do @@ -8,6 +10,6 @@ class ArticlePartnerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test 'create article for partner' do @partner.articles << @article - assert_equal @partner.articles.count, 1 + assert_equal(1, @partner.articles.count) end -end \ No newline at end of file +end diff --git a/test/models/article_test.rb b/test/models/article_test.rb index 48150066a..7fd5a3b79 100644 --- a/test/models/article_test.rb +++ b/test/models/article_test.rb @@ -10,21 +10,21 @@ class ArticleTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase end test 'article should be valid' do - assert @article.valid? + assert_predicate @article, :valid? end test 'title should be present' do @article.title = '' - refute @article.valid? + assert_not_predicate @article, :valid? end test 'body should be present' do @article.body = '' - refute @article.valid? + assert_not_predicate @article, :valid? end test 'published_at updates correctly when is_draft is set' do - assert @article_draft.published_at.nil? + assert_nil @article_draft.published_at @article_draft.is_draft = false assert @article_draft.save! @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class ArticleTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase 4.times do |n| Article.create!( title: "Article title no. #{n}", - body: "lorem ipsum ...", + body: 'lorem ipsum ...', author: user ) end @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class ArticleTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase 2.times do |n| article = Article.create!( title: "Article title no. #{n}", - body: "lorem ipsum ...", + body: 'lorem ipsum ...', author: user ) article.tags << tag @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class ArticleTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase 3.times do |n| Article.create!( title: "Article title no. #{n}", - body: "lorem ipsum ...", + body: 'lorem ipsum ...', author: user ) end @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class ArticleTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase 5.times do |n| article = Article.create!( title: "Article title no. #{n}", - body: "lorem ipsum ...", + body: 'lorem ipsum ...', author: user ) article.partners << partner @@ -203,6 +203,6 @@ class ArticleTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase art = create(:article) art.body = 'A body of text about something' art.save! - assert art.body_html.present? + assert_predicate art.body_html, :present? end end diff --git a/test/models/calendar_state_test.rb b/test/models/calendar_state_test.rb index f27ae4519..c449626f3 100644 --- a/test/models/calendar_state_test.rb +++ b/test/models/calendar_state_test.rb @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class CalendarStateTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # idle test 'is idle by default' do - assert Calendar.new.calendar_state.idle? + assert_predicate Calendar.new.calendar_state, :idle? end # queueing @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class CalendarStateTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase assert_enqueued_jobs 0 calendar = create(:calendar) calendar.queue_for_import! false, Date.new(2000, 1, 1) - assert calendar.calendar_state.in_queue? + assert_predicate calendar.calendar_state, :in_queue? assert_enqueued_jobs 1 end @@ -27,38 +27,38 @@ class CalendarStateTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase calendar.queue_for_import! false, Date.new(2000, 1, 1) # this has not changed - assert calendar.calendar_state.in_queue? + assert_predicate calendar.calendar_state, :in_queue? # not in queue assert_enqueued_jobs 0 end - test "can move into working state" do + test 'can move into working state' do VCR.use_cassette(:import_test_calendar) do calendar = create(:calendar, calendar_state: :in_queue, source: SOURCE_URL) calendar.flag_start_import_job! - assert calendar.calendar_state.in_worker? + assert_predicate calendar.calendar_state, :in_worker? end end # in worker - test "can move into idle state" do + test 'can move into idle state' do VCR.use_cassette(:import_test_calendar) do calendar = create(:calendar, calendar_state: :in_worker, source: SOURCE_URL) calendar.flag_complete_import_job! [], 0, 'ical' - assert calendar.calendar_state.idle? + assert_predicate calendar.calendar_state, :idle? # are we close enough? # deal with weird database encoding serialisations assert_in_delta Time.now.to_i, calendar.last_import_at.to_i, 24.hours end end - test "can move into error state" do + test 'can move into error state' do VCR.use_cassette(:import_test_calendar) do bad_message = 'A description of the error' calendar = create(:calendar, calendar_state: :in_worker, source: SOURCE_URL) calendar.flag_error_import_job! bad_message - assert calendar.calendar_state.error? + assert_predicate calendar.calendar_state, :error? assert_equal bad_message, calendar.critical_error end end @@ -80,25 +80,25 @@ class CalendarStateTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # set some invalid state calendar.name = nil - assert (calendar.valid? == false), 'Calendar should be invalid' + assert_predicate calendar, :invalid?, 'Calendar should be invalid' + # assert_equal (calendar.valid?, false), 'Calendar should be invalid' # flag bad thing calendar.flag_error_import_job! bad_message # check the calendar is back to how it was assert_equal name, calendar.name - assert calendar.valid?, 'Calendar should be valid now' + assert_predicate calendar, :valid?, 'Calendar should be valid now' # check the error was saved to calendar - assert calendar.calendar_state.error? + assert_predicate calendar.calendar_state, :error? assert_equal bad_message, calendar.critical_error end end # error'd - test "can be tested for" do + test 'can be tested for' do calendar = create(:calendar, calendar_state: :error) - assert calendar.calendar_state.error? + assert_predicate calendar.calendar_state, :error? end - end diff --git a/test/models/calendar_test.rb b/test/models/calendar_test.rb index ee40e215d..8a4785628 100644 --- a/test/models/calendar_test.rb +++ b/test/models/calendar_test.rb @@ -10,50 +10,47 @@ class CalendarTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test 'has required fields' do # Must have a name and source URL - refute @calendar.valid? - @calendar.name = "A name for the calendar" - refute @calendar.valid? - @calendar.source = "https://my-calendar.com" - refute @calendar.valid? + assert_not_predicate @calendar, :valid? + @calendar.name = 'A name for the calendar' + assert_not_predicate @calendar, :valid? + @calendar.source = 'https://my-calendar.com' + assert_not_predicate @calendar, :valid? @calendar.partner = create(:partner) - refute @calendar.valid? + assert_not_predicate @calendar, :valid? @calendar.place = create(:partner) - assert @calendar.valid? + assert_predicate @calendar, :valid? @calendar.save # Sources must be unique @existing_calendar = create(:calendar) - @existing_calendar.update(source: "https://my-calendar.com") - refute @existing_calendar.valid? - assert_equal ["calendar source already in use"], @existing_calendar.errors[:source] + @existing_calendar.update(source: 'https://my-calendar.com') + assert_not_predicate @existing_calendar, :valid? + assert_equal ['calendar source already in use'], @existing_calendar.errors[:source] end test 'gets a contact for each calendar' do @calendar = create(:calendar) - assert @calendar.valid? + assert_predicate @calendar, :valid? # If calendar contact listed, show that - assert_equal [ @calendar.public_contact_email, - @calendar.public_contact_name - ], @calendar.contact_information + assert_equal [@calendar.public_contact_email, + @calendar.public_contact_name], @calendar.contact_information # Otherwise, show the partner public contact if possible @calendar.update(public_contact_email: nil) - assert_equal [ @calendar.partner.public_email, - @calendar.partner.public_name - ], @calendar.contact_information + assert_equal [@calendar.partner.public_email, + @calendar.partner.public_name], @calendar.contact_information # Otherwise, show the default location contact if possible @calendar.partner.update(public_email: nil) - assert_equal [ @calendar.place.public_email, - @calendar.place.public_name - ], @calendar.contact_information + assert_equal [@calendar.place.public_email, + @calendar.place.public_name], @calendar.contact_information # Otherwise, return false @calendar.place.update(public_email: nil) - assert_equal false, @calendar.contact_information + assert_not @calendar.contact_information end - test "notices get counted when saved" do - messages = [ - "alpha", - "beta", - "cappa" + test 'notices get counted when saved' do + messages = %w[ + alpha + beta + cappa ] calendar = build(:calendar) @@ -61,14 +58,13 @@ class CalendarTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase calendar.save! assert_equal 3, calendar.notice_count - end - test "notices are not counted if notices have not changed value" do - messages = [ - "alpha", - "beta", - "cappa" + test 'notices are not counted if notices have not changed value' do + messages = %w[ + alpha + beta + cappa ] calendar = create(:calendar, notices: messages) diff --git a/test/models/events_test.rb b/test/models/events_test.rb index 8d410fc04..4db31e85c 100644 --- a/test/models/events_test.rb +++ b/test/models/events_test.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class EventTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase **@event_data } assert Event.new(event_hash).save - refute Event.new(event_hash).valid? + assert_not_predicate Event.new(event_hash), :valid? assert_raises ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid do Event.new(event_hash).save! @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class EventTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase assert a.save b = Event.new(summary: 'foonlys get together :,)', **event_hash) - assert b.valid? + assert_predicate b, :valid? end test 'can create two events with the same summary and calendar but diff start' do @@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ class EventTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase a = Event.new(dtstart: DateTime.now - 1.hour, **event_hash) assert a.save - b = Event.new(dtstart: DateTime.now - 3.hour, **event_hash) - assert b.valid? + b = Event.new(dtstart: DateTime.now - 3.hours, **event_hash) + assert_predicate b, :valid? end test 'can create two events with the same summary and dtstart but diff calendar' do @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class EventTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase assert a.save b = Event.new(calendar: create(:calendar), **event_hash) - assert b.valid? + assert_predicate b, :valid? end test 'has blank location with no addresses at all' do @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class EventTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase events = Event.all.find_by_day(Date.today) - assert_equal events.length, 1 + assert_equal(1, events.length) assert_equal events.first.dtstart, todays_event.dtstart end @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class EventTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase events = Event.all.find_by_day(Date.today) - assert_equal events.length, 1 + assert_equal(1, events.length) assert_equal events.first.dtstart, todays_event.dtstart end @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class EventTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase events = Event.all.find_by_day(Date.today) - assert_equal events.length, 1 + assert_equal(1, events.length) assert_equal events.first.dtstart, tomorrows_event.dtstart end end diff --git a/test/models/neighbourhoods_test.rb b/test/models/neighbourhoods_test.rb index dbb9116a9..15ac6e567 100644 --- a/test/models/neighbourhoods_test.rb +++ b/test/models/neighbourhoods_test.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + require 'test_helper' class NeighbourhoodsAncestryTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase @@ -13,35 +15,34 @@ class NeighbourhoodsAncestryTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase assert @neighbourhood.district assert @neighbourhood.country - assert @ashton_neighbourhood.district.name == 'Tameside' - assert @ashton_neighbourhood.district.unit == 'district' + assert_equal('Tameside', @ashton_neighbourhood.district.name) + assert_equal('district', @ashton_neighbourhood.district.unit) - assert @ashton_neighbourhood.county.name == 'Greater Manchester' - assert @ashton_neighbourhood.county.unit == 'county' + assert_equal('Greater Manchester', @ashton_neighbourhood.county.name) + assert_equal('county', @ashton_neighbourhood.county.unit) - assert @ashton_neighbourhood.region.name == 'North West' - assert @ashton_neighbourhood.region.unit == 'region' + assert_equal('North West', @ashton_neighbourhood.region.name) + assert_equal('region', @ashton_neighbourhood.region.unit) - assert @ashton_neighbourhood.country.name == 'England' - assert @ashton_neighbourhood.country.unit == 'country' + assert_equal('England', @ashton_neighbourhood.country.name) + assert_equal('country', @ashton_neighbourhood.country.unit) end test 'uses name if name_abbr is missing' do # missing altogether hood = Neighbourhood.new(name: 'neighbourhood') - assert hood.abbreviated_name == 'neighbourhood' + assert_equal('neighbourhood', hood.abbreviated_name) # is empty string hood = Neighbourhood.new(name: 'neighbourhood', name_abbr: '') - assert hood.abbreviated_name == 'neighbourhood' + assert_equal('neighbourhood', hood.abbreviated_name) # is a blank string hood = Neighbourhood.new(name: 'neighbourhood', name_abbr: ' ') - assert hood.abbreviated_name == 'neighbourhood' + assert_equal('neighbourhood', hood.abbreviated_name) # is fine with a value hood = Neighbourhood.new(name: 'neighbourhood', name_abbr: 'hood') - assert hood.abbreviated_name == 'hood' + assert_equal('hood', hood.abbreviated_name) end - end diff --git a/test/models/partner_address_or_service_area_permission_test.rb b/test/models/partner_address_or_service_area_permission_test.rb index b47010a4a..a90c944ee 100644 --- a/test/models/partner_address_or_service_area_permission_test.rb +++ b/test/models/partner_address_or_service_area_permission_test.rb @@ -5,32 +5,32 @@ class PartnerAddressOrServiceAreaPermissionsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase setup do @user = create(:user) - @user_neighbourhood = neighbourhoods(:one) - + @user_neighbourhood = neighbourhoods(:one) + @user.neighbourhoods << @user_neighbourhood @new_partner = build( - :partner, + :partner, address: nil, accessed_by_user: @user ) end - test "valid if address is in user ward" do + test 'valid if address is in user ward' do @new_partner.address = create(:address, neighbourhood: @user_neighbourhood) @new_partner.save! - assert @new_partner.valid? + assert_predicate @new_partner, :valid? end - test "verify: with service area in user neighbourhoods" do + test 'verify: with service area in user neighbourhoods' do @new_partner.service_area_neighbourhoods << @user_neighbourhood @new_partner.save! - assert @new_partner.valid? + assert_predicate @new_partner, :valid? end - test "verify: with service area contained within users neighbourhood subtrees" do + test 'verify: with service area contained within users neighbourhood subtrees' do child_neighbourhood = create(:neighbourhood) parent_neighbourhood = child_neighbourhood.parent @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class PartnerAddressOrServiceAreaPermissionsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase @new_partner.service_area_neighbourhoods << child_neighbourhood @new_partner.save! - assert @new_partner.valid? + assert_predicate @new_partner, :valid? end test "with a service area not in user's ward set" do @@ -48,6 +48,6 @@ class PartnerAddressOrServiceAreaPermissionsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase @new_partner.service_area_neighbourhoods << @user_neighbourhood @new_partner.service_area_neighbourhoods << other_neighbourhood - assert @new_partner.valid? == false, 'Users cannot create service areas outside of their neighbourhoods' + assert_not_predicate(@new_partner, :valid?, 'Users cannot create service areas outside of their neighbourhoods') end end diff --git a/test/models/partner_address_or_service_area_presence_test.rb b/test/models/partner_address_or_service_area_presence_test.rb index 6df034d26..73dd7c854 100644 --- a/test/models/partner_address_or_service_area_presence_test.rb +++ b/test/models/partner_address_or_service_area_presence_test.rb @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ require 'test_helper' class PartnerAddressOrServiceAreaPresenceTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase - setup do @user = create(:root) @neighbourhood = neighbourhoods(:one) @@ -16,21 +15,20 @@ class PartnerAddressOrServiceAreaPresenceTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase ) end - test "is invalid if both service area and address not present" do - + test 'is invalid if both service area and address not present' do @new_partner.validate - assert @new_partner.valid? == false, 'Partner should be invalid' - + assert_not_predicate(@new_partner, :valid?, 'Partner should be invalid') + base_errors = @new_partner.errors[:base] - assert base_errors.length > 0 + assert_predicate base_errors.length, :positive? end test 'is valid with service_area set' do @new_partner.service_areas.build neighbourhood: @neighbourhood @new_partner.validate - assert @new_partner.valid? == true, 'Partner should be valid' + assert_predicate(@new_partner, :valid?, 'Partner should be valid') end test 'is valid with address set' do @@ -39,7 +37,7 @@ class PartnerAddressOrServiceAreaPresenceTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase @new_partner.address = address @new_partner.save! - assert @new_partner.valid? == true, 'Partner should be valid' + assert_predicate(@new_partner, :valid?, 'Partner should be valid') end test 'is valid with both service_area and address set' do @@ -49,6 +47,6 @@ class PartnerAddressOrServiceAreaPresenceTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase @new_partner.service_areas.build neighbourhood: @neighbourhood @new_partner.validate - assert @new_partner.valid? == true, 'Partner should valid' + assert_predicate(@new_partner, :valid?, 'Partner should valid') end end diff --git a/test/models/partner_service_area_test.rb b/test/models/partner_service_area_test.rb index 819b4d86b..48846b4bd 100644 --- a/test/models/partner_service_area_test.rb +++ b/test/models/partner_service_area_test.rb @@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ class PartnerServiceAreaTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase @partner.address = create(:address, neighbourhood: @neighbourhood) @partner.save! - assert @partner.valid?, 'Partner (without service_area) is not valid' + assert_predicate @partner, :valid?, 'Partner (without service_area) is not valid' end test 'is valid when set, can be accessed' do model = build(:ashton_service_area_partner) model.save! - assert model.valid? + assert_predicate model, :valid? service_areas = model.service_areas assert_equal 1, service_areas.count @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class PartnerServiceAreaTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase @partner.service_area_neighbourhoods << @neighbourhood @partner.save! - assert @partner.valid?, 'Partner (with service_area) is not valid' + assert_predicate @partner, :valid?, 'Partner (with service_area) is not valid' neighbourhood_count = @partner.service_area_neighbourhoods.count assert_equal 1, neighbourhood_count, 'count neighbourhoods' @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class PartnerServiceAreaTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase @partner.address = create(:address, neighbourhood: @neighbourhood) @partner.save! - assert_raises ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid do + assert_raises ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid do @partner.service_areas.create!(neighbourhood: @neighbourhood) @partner.service_areas.create!(neighbourhood: @neighbourhood) end @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class PartnerServiceAreaTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase @partner.service_areas.create! neighbourhood: other_neighbourhood neighbourhoods = @partner.service_area_neighbourhoods.order('neighbourhoods.name').all - assert neighbourhoods.count == 2, 'Failed to count neighbourhoods' + assert_equal(2, neighbourhoods.count, 'Failed to count neighbourhoods') n1 = neighbourhoods[0] assert_equal 'Ashton Hurst', n1.name @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class PartnerServiceAreaTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase @partner.service_areas.build neighbourhood: create(:moss_side_neighbourhood) @partner.validate - assert @partner.valid? == false, 'Partner should not be valid' + assert_not_predicate(@partner, :valid?, 'Partner should not be valid') end test 'can be set by root users' do @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class PartnerServiceAreaTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase @partner.service_area_neighbourhoods << other_neighbourhood @partner.save! - assert @partner.valid?, 'Partner (with service_area) should be valid' + assert_predicate @partner, :valid?, 'Partner (with service_area) should be valid' neighbourhood_count = @partner.service_area_neighbourhoods.count assert_equal 1, neighbourhood_count, 'count neighbourhoods' diff --git a/test/models/partner_site_scope_test.rb b/test/models/partner_site_scope_test.rb index 20c489121..239aa49bd 100644 --- a/test/models/partner_site_scope_test.rb +++ b/test/models/partner_site_scope_test.rb @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ require 'test_helper' class PartnerSiteScopeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase - # this verifies that partner#for_site is behaving # NOTE: these MUST match up with the geocoder response @@ -39,12 +38,12 @@ def address_one Neighbourhood.destroy_all end - test "empty site returns nothing" do + test 'empty site returns nothing' do output = Partner.for_site(site) - assert output.empty?, 'site should be empty' + assert_empty output, 'site should be empty' end - test "can find partners in site with address" do + test 'can find partners in site with address' do neighbourhood = geocodable_neighbourhood_one site.neighbourhoods << neighbourhood @@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ def address_one assert_equal 5, output.count # number of partners with addresses in site end - test "can find partners in site with service areas (without duplicates)" do + test 'can find partners in site with service areas (without duplicates)' do neighbourhood_a = create(:bare_neighbourhood) site.neighbourhoods << neighbourhood_a @@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ def address_one assert_equal 5, output.count end - test "can find partners by address and service_area" do + test 'can find partners by address and service_area' do neighbourhood_a = create(:bare_neighbourhood) site.neighbourhoods << neighbourhood_a @@ -92,7 +91,7 @@ def address_one assert_equal 2, output.count end - test "ignores partners on other sites" do + test 'ignores partners on other sites' do neighbourhood_a = create(:bare_neighbourhood) site.neighbourhoods << neighbourhood_a @@ -135,7 +134,7 @@ def address_one assert_equal 10, output.count end - test "only finds partners with tags if site has tags" do + test 'only finds partners with tags if site has tags' do neighbourhood = geocodable_neighbourhood_one tag = create(:tag) other_tag = create(:tag) diff --git a/test/models/partner_site_with_tag_scope_test.rb b/test/models/partner_site_with_tag_scope_test.rb index a8e25f04d..3a8959225 100644 --- a/test/models/partner_site_with_tag_scope_test.rb +++ b/test/models/partner_site_with_tag_scope_test.rb @@ -1,10 +1,8 @@ - # frozen_string_literal: true require 'test_helper' class PartnerSiteWithTagScopeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase - # this verifies that partner#for_site is behaving # NOTE: these MUST match up with the geocoder response @@ -40,13 +38,13 @@ def address_one Neighbourhood.destroy_all end - test "empty site/tag returns nothing" do + test 'empty site/tag returns nothing' do tag = nil output = Partner.for_site_with_tag(site, tag) - assert output.empty?, 'site should be empty' + assert_empty output, 'site should be empty' end - test "finds partners with tag" do + test 'finds partners with tag' do tag = create(:tag) other_tag = create(:tag) @@ -72,5 +70,4 @@ def address_one output = Partner.for_site_with_tag(site, tag) assert_equal 4, output.all.length end - end diff --git a/test/models/partner_test.rb b/test/models/partner_test.rb index 366aeab5b..8b617c440 100644 --- a/test/models/partner_test.rb +++ b/test/models/partner_test.rb @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class PartnerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test 'updates user roles when saved' do @new_partner.users << @user @new_partner.save - assert @user.partner_admin? + assert_predicate @user, :partner_admin? end test 'can change postcode of partner' do @@ -21,15 +21,15 @@ class PartnerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase new_postcode = 'OL6 8BH' new_params = { address_attributes: { - 'street_address': @new_address.street_address, - 'postcode': new_postcode + street_address: @new_address.street_address, + postcode: new_postcode } } @new_partner.update! new_params @new_partner.reload - assert @new_partner.address.postcode == new_postcode + assert_equal @new_partner.address.postcode, new_postcode end test 'it recycles addresses if it can' do @@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ class PartnerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase other_partner = build(:partner, address: nil, accessed_by_user: @user) other_params = { address_attributes: { - 'street_address': @new_address.street_address, - 'postcode': @new_address.postcode + street_address: @new_address.street_address, + postcode: @new_address.postcode } } other_partner.update! other_params other_partner.reload - assert @new_partner.address_id == other_partner.address_id, 'should have same address ID' + assert_equal @new_partner.address_id, other_partner.address_id, 'should have same address ID' end test 'validate name length' do @@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ class PartnerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test 'validate no summary or description' do @new_partner.update(name: 'Test Partner', summary: '', description: '') - assert @new_partner.errors.empty? + assert_empty @new_partner.errors end test 'validate summary without description' do @new_partner.update(name: 'Test Partner', summary: 'This is a test partner used for testing :)', description: '') - assert @new_partner.errors.empty?, 'Should be able to submit a summary' + assert_empty @new_partner.errors, 'Should be able to submit a summary' end test 'validate description without summary' do @@ -86,17 +86,16 @@ class PartnerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase end test 'validate description and summary' do - @new_partner.update(name: 'Test Partner', - summary: 'This is a test summary wheee :)', - description: 'This is a test new_partner used for testing :)') - assert @new_partner.errors.empty?, 'Should be able to submit a summary and description' + summary: 'This is a test summary wheee :)', + description: 'This is a test new_partner used for testing :)') + assert_empty @new_partner.errors, 'Should be able to submit a summary and description' end test 'validate summary length' do # We can submit a 200 character summary @new_partner.update(name: 'Test Partner', summary: ''.ljust(200, 'a')) - assert @new_partner.errors.empty?, '200 character summary should be valid' + assert_empty @new_partner.errors, '200 character summary should be valid' # But not a 201 character summary @new_partner.update(name: 'Test Partner', summary: ''.ljust(201, 'a')) @@ -108,15 +107,15 @@ class PartnerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase @new_partner.update(url: 'htp://bad-domain.co') assert_equal ['is invalid'], @new_partner.errors[:url], 'Partner must have a valid url' @new_partner.update(url: 'https://good-domain.com') - refute @new_partner.errors.key?(:url), 'Valid URL not saved' + assert_not @new_partner.errors.key?(:url), 'Valid URL not saved' end test 'validate twitter' do # Twitter must be valid @new_partner.update(twitter_handle: '@asdf') - refute @new_partner.errors.key?(:twitter_handle), 'Valid twitter not saved' + assert_not @new_partner.errors.key?(:twitter_handle), 'Valid twitter not saved' @new_partner.update(twitter_handle: 'asdf') - refute @new_partner.errors.key?(:twitter_handle), 'Valid twitter not saved' + assert_not @new_partner.errors.key?(:twitter_handle), 'Valid twitter not saved' @new_partner.update(twitter_handle: 'https://twitter.com/asdf') assert @new_partner.errors.key?(:twitter_handle), 'Should be account name not full URL' @new_partner.update(twitter_handle: 'asd£$%dsa') @@ -130,14 +129,14 @@ class PartnerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase @new_partner.update(facebook_link: 'Group-Name') assert @new_partner.errors.key?(:facebook_link), 'invalid Facebook page name saved' @new_partner.update(facebook_link: 'GroupName') - refute @new_partner.errors.key?(:facebook_link), 'Valid page name not saved' + assert_not @new_partner.errors.key?(:facebook_link), 'Valid page name not saved' end test 'deals with badly formatted opening times' do partner = build(:partner) partner.opening_times = '{{ $data.openingHoursSpecifications }}' - assert_equal [], partner.human_readable_opening_times + assert_empty partner.human_readable_opening_times end test 'opening_times can be unset' do @@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ class PartnerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase opening_times_payload = [ { opens: '', closes: '' }, { opens: '', closes: '' }, - { opens: '', closes: '' }, + { opens: '', closes: '' } ].to_json p = Partner.new(opening_times: opening_times_payload) diff --git a/test/models/service_area_test.rb b/test/models/service_area_test.rb index a54724c55..ae8c9748b 100644 --- a/test/models/service_area_test.rb +++ b/test/models/service_area_test.rb @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ -require "test_helper" +# frozen_string_literal: true + +require 'test_helper' describe ServiceArea do # it "does a thing" do diff --git a/test/models/site_test.rb b/test/models/site_test.rb index 4e676bd10..7f8b26fb9 100644 --- a/test/models/site_test.rb +++ b/test/models/site_test.rb @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ class SiteTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase @site = create(:site) end - test "gets correct stylesheet link" do + test 'gets correct stylesheet link' do assert_equal 'themes/pink', @site.stylesheet_link @site.theme = :custom @site.slug = 'my-town' @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ class SiteTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase end class SitePartnerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase - test 'can find sites by partner' do address_neighbourhood = FactoryBot.create(:neighbourhood) service_area_neighbourhood = FactoryBot.create(:rusholme_neighbourhood) @@ -44,7 +43,6 @@ class SitePartnerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase found = Site.sites_that_contain_partner(partner).order(:id) - assert found == [address_site, service_area_site, tag_site] + assert_equal found, [address_site, service_area_site, tag_site] end end - diff --git a/test/models/supporter_test.rb b/test/models/supporter_test.rb index 8956b5953..9365137e2 100644 --- a/test/models/supporter_test.rb +++ b/test/models/supporter_test.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + require 'test_helper' class SupporterTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase diff --git a/test/models/tag_test.rb b/test/models/tag_test.rb index 48c4028f9..a67f40f7b 100644 --- a/test/models/tag_test.rb +++ b/test/models/tag_test.rb @@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ class TagTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test 'updates user roles when saved' do @tag.users << @user @tag.save - assert @user.tag_admin? + assert_predicate @user, :tag_admin? end test 'updates partners tags when saved' do @tag.partners << @partner @tag.save - assert @tag.partners.length > 0 + assert_predicate @tag.partners.length, :positive? end test 'system_tags cannot modify name or slug' do @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ class TagTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase @tag.name = 'This is a new name' @tag.slug = 'a-new-tag-slug' - refute @tag.validate + assert_not @tag.validate - assert @tag.errors.has_key?(:name) - assert @tag.errors.has_key?(:slug) + assert @tag.errors.key?(:name) + assert @tag.errors.key?(:slug) end end diff --git a/test/models/user_test.rb b/test/models/user_test.rb index c0456a025..db173d278 100644 --- a/test/models/user_test.rb +++ b/test/models/user_test.rb @@ -10,19 +10,19 @@ class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test 'owned neighbourhoods returns all descendants' do # Does the admin only own one region neighbourhood? - assert @neighbourhood_region_admin.neighbourhoods.length == 1 - assert @neighbourhood_region_admin.neighbourhoods.first.unit == 'region' + assert_equal(1, @neighbourhood_region_admin.neighbourhoods.length) + assert_equal('region', @neighbourhood_region_admin.neighbourhoods.first.unit) # Does it return the region, the districts, and the wards? # We have five counties with one district each, all parenting one ward, plus the region # (See: factories/user.rb - neighbourhood_region_admin) owned_length = 1 + (5 * 3) - assert @neighbourhood_region_admin.owned_neighbourhoods.to_a.length == owned_length + assert_equal @neighbourhood_region_admin.owned_neighbourhoods.to_a.length, owned_length # does it actually return both the districts and the wards? - assert @neighbourhood_region_admin.owned_neighbourhoods.find_all { |u| u.unit == 'county' }.length == 5 - assert @neighbourhood_region_admin.owned_neighbourhoods.find_all { |u| u.unit == 'district' }.length == 5 - assert @neighbourhood_region_admin.owned_neighbourhoods.find_all { |u| u.unit == 'ward' }.length == 5 + assert_equal(5, @neighbourhood_region_admin.owned_neighbourhoods.count { |u| u.unit == 'county' }) + assert_equal(5, @neighbourhood_region_admin.owned_neighbourhoods.count { |u| u.unit == 'district' }) + assert_equal(5, @neighbourhood_region_admin.owned_neighbourhoods.count { |u| u.unit == 'ward' }) end test 'can edit neighourhoods' do @@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase owned_neighbourhoods = @neighbourhood_region_admin.owned_neighbourhoods - county = owned_neighbourhoods.find_all { |u| u.unit == 'county' }.first - district = owned_neighbourhoods.find_all { |u| u.unit == 'district' }.first - ward = owned_neighbourhoods.find_all { |u| u.unit == 'ward' }.first + county = owned_neighbourhoods.find { |u| u.unit == 'county' } + district = owned_neighbourhoods.find { |u| u.unit == 'district' } + ward = owned_neighbourhoods.find { |u| u.unit == 'ward' } # We do not have permissions to edit the country! - assert (@neighbourhood_region_admin.can_alter_neighbourhood_by_id? region.parent.id) == false + assert_not((@neighbourhood_region_admin.can_alter_neighbourhood_by_id? region.parent.id)) # We should have permissions to edit a county, district, or ward neighbourhood assert @neighbourhood_region_admin.can_alter_neighbourhood_by_id?(county.id) @@ -55,16 +55,16 @@ class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # Does this person manage at least one partner? @user.partners << create(:partner) @user.save - assert @user.partner_admin? + assert_predicate @user, :partner_admin? # Does this person manage at least one tag? @user.tags << create(:tag) @user.save - assert @user.tag_admin? + assert_predicate @user, :tag_admin? # Is this person a root? If they are, they're also a secretary @user.update(role: :root) - assert @user.root? + assert_predicate @user, :root? end test 'full name method gives sensible responses' do @@ -87,13 +87,12 @@ class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test 'without skip_password_validation' do user = User.new(email: 'test@test.com', role: 'citizen') - assert_equal false, user.valid? + assert_not_predicate user, :valid? end test 'with skip_password_valiation' do user = User.new(email: 'test@test.com', role: 'citizen') user.skip_password_validation = true - assert_equal true, user.valid? - + assert_predicate user, :valid? end end diff --git a/test/policies/article_policy_test.rb b/test/policies/article_policy_test.rb index 29db94980..7ef518360 100644 --- a/test/policies/article_policy_test.rb +++ b/test/policies/article_policy_test.rb @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ def setup partner.address.save! end # Double check that it's been looped together properly - assert @neighbourhood_admin.owned_neighbourhood_ids.include?(@partner.address.neighbourhood.id) + assert_includes @neighbourhood_admin.owned_neighbourhood_ids, @partner.address.neighbourhood.id @partner_admin = create(:partner_admin) do |user| user.partners << @partner diff --git a/test/policies/neighbourhoods_policy_test.rb b/test/policies/neighbourhoods_policy_test.rb index a3990dcaf..6cd8b50e8 100644 --- a/test/policies/neighbourhoods_policy_test.rb +++ b/test/policies/neighbourhoods_policy_test.rb @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class NeighbourhoodPolicyTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase end def test_scope - assert_equal(permitted_records(@citizen, Neighbourhood), []) + assert_empty(permitted_records(@citizen, Neighbourhood)) assert_equal(permitted_records(@neighbourhood_admin, Neighbourhood), @neighbourhood_admin.neighbourhoods) # Enforcing ordering is annoying, just compare the length, let the user test ensure that owned_neighbourhoods works assert_equal(permitted_records(@neighbourhood_region_admin, Neighbourhood).length, diff --git a/test/policies/partner_policy_test.rb b/test/policies/partner_policy_test.rb index 48192da89..407ca3f59 100644 --- a/test/policies/partner_policy_test.rb +++ b/test/policies/partner_policy_test.rb @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ class PartnerPolicyTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # Make some user accounts # ----------------------- @citizen = create(:citizen) - + @correct_partner_admin = create(:partner_admin) @wrong_partner_admin = create(:partner_admin) @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class PartnerPolicyTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase ## Set up partner we want to test for and make sure it's in the right regions # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - + @partner = @correct_partner_admin.partners.first @correct_ward_admin.neighbourhoods << @partner.address.neighbourhood @correct_district_admin.neighbourhoods << @partner.address.neighbourhood.district @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class PartnerPolicyTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # puts "B: Partner address ward parental ID: #{parent.id}; Child ID: #{@partner.address.neighbourhood.id}" # is_childed = parent.children.map(&:subtree).flatten.include?(@partner.address.neighbourhood) # puts "B: Partner address ward parent contains ward: #{is_childed}" - + # @multi_admin = create(:neighbourhood_admin) # @multi_admin.neighbourhoods << @partner.address.neighbourhood @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class PartnerPolicyTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase end # Everyone except guess can view list - def test_index + def test_index assert denies_access(@citizen, Partner, :index) assert allows_access(@root, Partner, :index) @@ -137,10 +137,9 @@ def test_update_with_partner_permissions # denies user with no partners assert denies_access(user, partner, :update) - + # can update partners user has access to user.partners << partner assert allows_access(user, partner, :update) end end - diff --git a/test/policies/partner_scope_test.rb b/test/policies/partner_scope_test.rb index 7f27f5ffd..94f9c6f6c 100644 --- a/test/policies/partner_scope_test.rb +++ b/test/policies/partner_scope_test.rb @@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ class PartnerScopeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase @basic_partner = create(:partner) end - test "returns nothing" do - assert permitted_records(@normal_user, Partner) == [] + test 'returns nothing' do + assert_empty(permitted_records(@normal_user, Partner)) end - test "scope on ownership" do # test_scope_for_ownership + test 'scope on ownership' do # test_scope_for_ownership # user doesn't own this other_neighbourhood = neighbourhoods(:two) not_user_address = create(:address, neighbourhood: other_neighbourhood) @@ -28,11 +28,10 @@ class PartnerScopeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # now we should see all the partners the user owns found_partners = permitted_records(@normal_user, Partner) - assert found_partners.count == 3 + assert_equal(3, found_partners.count) end - test "scope on address" do # test_scope_for_address - + test 'scope on address' do # test_scope_for_address # give the user a neighbourhood to admin neighbourhood = neighbourhoods(:one) @normal_user.neighbourhoods << neighbourhood @@ -47,10 +46,10 @@ class PartnerScopeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # now we should get all the partners in this users neighbourhoods found_partners = permitted_records(@normal_user, Partner) - assert found_partners.count == 4 + assert_equal(4, found_partners.count) end - test "scope on service areas" do # test_scope_for_service_areas + test 'scope on service areas' do # test_scope_for_service_areas # give the user a neighbourhood to admin neighbourhood = neighbourhoods(:one) @normal_user.neighbourhoods << neighbourhood @@ -67,7 +66,6 @@ class PartnerScopeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # we should be able to see all the partners with service areas # in the users' neighbourhoods found_partners = permitted_records(@normal_user, Partner) - assert found_partners.count == 5 + assert_equal(5, found_partners.count) end end - diff --git a/test/support/email_helper.rb b/test/support/email_helper.rb index 55007115b..2bf3b6bcf 100644 --- a/test/support/email_helper.rb +++ b/test/support/email_helper.rb @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ -module EmailHelper +# frozen_string_literal: true +module EmailHelper # get the last email sent by ActionMailer # # Returns @@ -25,6 +26,6 @@ def extract_link_from(email) body_text = html_body.decoded end - body_text =~ %r{ 'M15 5DD', 'quality' => 1, 'eastings' => 383_417, - 'northings' => 395_997, + 'northings' => 395_997, 'country' => 'England', 'nhs_ha' => 'North West', 'longitude' => -2.251226, @@ -86,8 +87,8 @@ { 'postcode' => 'M16 7BA', 'quality' => 1, - 'eastings' => 383321, - 'northings' => 395843, + 'eastings' => 383_321, + 'northings' => 395_843, 'country' => 'England', 'nhs_ha' => 'North West', 'longitude' => -2.252664, diff --git a/test/system/admin/partner_test.rb b/test/system/admin/partner_test.rb index 9b34d7c26..12ad4ac57 100644 --- a/test/system/admin/partner_test.rb +++ b/test/system/admin/partner_test.rb @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ class AdminPartnerTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase @partner = create :ashton_partner @tag = create :tag @tag_pub = create :tag_public - @neighbourhood_one = neighbourhoods[1].to_s.gsub('w', 'W') - @neighbourhood_two = neighbourhoods[2].to_s.gsub('w', 'W') + @neighbourhood_one = neighbourhoods[1].to_s.tr('w', 'W') + @neighbourhood_two = neighbourhoods[2].to_s.tr('w', 'W') # logging in as root user visit '/users/sign_in' @@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ class AdminPartnerTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase # check it's in the list assert all(:css, '.list-group-item')[-1].text.starts_with?('Sunday all day') # check it's added to the text area - assert data.include?(new_time) + assert_includes data, new_time # remove the event all(:css, '.list-group-item')[-1].click_button('Remove') data = find('[data-opening-times-target="textarea"]', visible: :hidden).value # check time is removed from the text area - assert !data.include?(new_time) + assert_not_includes data, new_time end end diff --git a/test/system/admin/site_test.rb b/test/system/admin/site_test.rb index cda1e3f19..7e91fcfc7 100644 --- a/test/system/admin/site_test.rb +++ b/test/system/admin/site_test.rb @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ class AdminSiteTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase @tag_pub = create :tag_public @site = create :site - @neighbourhood_one = neighbourhoods[1].to_s.gsub('w', 'W') - @neighbourhood_two = neighbourhoods[2].to_s.gsub('w', 'W') + @neighbourhood_one = neighbourhoods[1].to_s.tr('w', 'W') + @neighbourhood_two = neighbourhoods[2].to_s.tr('w', 'W') @sites_neighbourhood = create(:sites_neighbourhood, site: @site, @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class AdminSiteTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase click_link @site.name await_select2 service_areas = all_cocoon_select2_nodes 'sites_neighbourhoods' - msg = '@site should only have a primary neighbourhood, if this fails either this is now rendering where it should\'t or another neighborhood has been added at setup and the test should be adjusted' - assert service_areas.length.zero?, msg + msg = '@site should only have a primary neighbourhood, if this fails either this is now rendering where it should\'t or another neighborhood has been added at setup and the test should be adjusted' + assert_predicate service_areas.length, :zero?, msg end end diff --git a/test/system/admin/user_test.rb b/test/system/admin/user_test.rb index 036cf73f7..8b48b1fad 100644 --- a/test/system/admin/user_test.rb +++ b/test/system/admin/user_test.rb @@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ class AdminUserTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase @tag = create :tag @tag_pub = create :tag_public - - @neighbourhood_one = neighbourhoods[1].to_s.gsub('w', 'W') - @neighbourhood_two = neighbourhoods[2].to_s.gsub('w', 'W') + + @neighbourhood_one = neighbourhoods[1].to_s.tr('w', 'W') + @neighbourhood_two = neighbourhoods[2].to_s.tr('w', 'W') # logging in as root user visit '/users/sign_in' diff --git a/test/system/application_system_test_case.rb b/test/system/application_system_test_case.rb index cb4a6b456..3f2b4993d 100644 --- a/test/system/application_system_test_case.rb +++ b/test/system/application_system_test_case.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + require 'system_test_helper' # For system tests so we can test our JS frontend is working @@ -6,4 +8,3 @@ class ApplicationSystemTestCase < ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase Capybara.server = :puma, { Silent: true } Selenium::WebDriver.logger.ignore(:browser_options) end - diff --git a/test/system/collections_test.rb b/test/system/collections_test.rb index 943ce4e97..45232f817 100644 --- a/test/system/collections_test.rb +++ b/test/system/collections_test.rb @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true ## frozen_string_literal: true # -#require 'application_system_test_case' +# require 'application_system_test_case' # -#class CollectionsTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase +# class CollectionsTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase # # test "visiting the index" do # # visit collections_url # # # # assert_selector "h1", text: "Collection" # # end -#end +# end diff --git a/test/system/create_admin_users_test.rb b/test/system/create_admin_users_test.rb index ddfce6c6a..05213462a 100644 --- a/test/system/create_admin_users_test.rb +++ b/test/system/create_admin_users_test.rb @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ -require_relative "./application_system_test_case" +# frozen_string_literal: true + +require_relative './application_system_test_case' class CreateAdminUsersTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase setup do @@ -12,8 +14,7 @@ class CreateAdminUsersTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase app_routes.default_url_options[:protocol] = 'http' end - test "visiting the index" do - + test 'visiting the index' do # set up given_a_root_user_exists given_the_default_site_exists @@ -79,6 +80,6 @@ def last_email_delivered def extract_invitation_link_from(email) body = email.body.parts.first.body.raw_source - body =~ /^(https?:\/\/.*)$/ && $1 + body =~ %r{^(https?://.*)$} && Regexp.last_match(1) end end diff --git a/test/system/graphql/graphql_test.rb b/test/system/graphql/graphql_test.rb index 696c30e9e..590dc5ab2 100644 --- a/test/system/graphql/graphql_test.rb +++ b/test/system/graphql/graphql_test.rb @@ -1,29 +1,28 @@ -require_relative "../application_system_test_case" - -=begin - -This is basically a stand alone script that pokes the GraphQL endpoint -running on the server through a network connection (just as how users -will use the endpoint on staging/production). It does not use any -internal code like /test/integration/graphql/* - -We could be being overly paranoid here but it may become useful for -catching the kind of bugs that only show up on a real network -connection. - -NOTE: we are mainly interested in testing the endpoints that -the Trans Dimension elm app uses. -=end +# frozen_string_literal: true + +require_relative '../application_system_test_case' + +# +# This is basically a stand alone script that pokes the GraphQL endpoint +# running on the server through a network connection (just as how users +# will use the endpoint on staging/production). It does not use any +# internal code like /test/integration/graphql/* +# +# We could be being overly paranoid here but it may become useful for +# catching the kind of bugs that only show up on a real network +# connection. +# +# NOTE: we are mainly interested in testing the endpoints that +# the Trans Dimension elm app uses. require 'graphql/client' require 'graphql/client/http' - module PlaceCalApi extend self PING_QUERY_STRING = - "query { ping }" + 'query { ping }' ARTICLE_CONNECTION_QUERY_STRING = <<-QUERY query { articleConnection { edges { @@ -51,9 +50,8 @@ module PlaceCalApi } } QUERY - def configure(default_url_options) - @url = URI::HTTP::build(default_url_options) + @url = URI::HTTP.build(default_url_options) @url.path = '/api/v1/graphql' @http = GraphQL::Client::HTTP.new(@url.to_s) @@ -77,18 +75,18 @@ def do_article_connection_query end def do_partners_by_tag_query(tag_id) - @client.query PartnersByTagQuery, variables: { 'tagId': tag_id } + @client.query PartnersByTagQuery, variables: { tagId: tag_id } end private def define_constant(name, value) return if const_defined?(name) + const_set name, value end end - class GraphQLTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase # This tests a number of small (critical) bits of the GraphQL # system so its name is bit generic @@ -111,11 +109,11 @@ class GraphQLTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase PlaceCalApi.configure app_routes.default_url_options end - test "ping works" do + test 'ping works' do result = PlaceCalApi.do_ping_query - assert result.errors.empty? + assert_empty result.errors assert result.data.ping =~ /^Hello World! The time is \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}/, - 'missing PING data response' + 'missing PING data response' end test 'news article connection with image url' do @@ -145,4 +143,3 @@ class GraphQLTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase assert url =~ %r{\Ahttps://#{@server.host}:#{@server.port}/}, 'partner logo is not full URL' end end - diff --git a/test/system_test_helper.rb b/test/system_test_helper.rb index 87c03ac75..087541d02 100644 --- a/test/system_test_helper.rb +++ b/test/system_test_helper.rb @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +# frozen_string_literal: true + require 'test_helper' Capybara.app_host = 'http://lvh.me' @@ -14,10 +16,10 @@ ) Capybara::Selenium::Driver.new app, - browser: :chrome, - desired_capabilities: capabilities + browser: :chrome, + desired_capabilities: capabilities end -#Dir.glob(File.join(Rails.root, 'test/system/**/*.rb')) do |path| +# Dir.glob(File.join(Rails.root, 'test/system/**/*.rb')) do |path| # require path -#end +# end diff --git a/test/test_helper.rb b/test/test_helper.rb index ae0f9c10d..317eaa2e1 100644 --- a/test/test_helper.rb +++ b/test/test_helper.rb @@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ JsonMatchers.schema_root = 'test/support/api/schemas' include JsonMatchers::Minitest::Assertions -require "capybara/rails" -require "capybara/minitest" +require 'capybara/rails' +require 'capybara/minitest' -Dir.glob(File.join(Rails.root, 'test/support/**/*.rb')) do |path| +Dir.glob(File.join(Rails.root, 'test/support/**/*.rb')).sort.each do |path| require path end @@ -114,7 +114,6 @@ def create_default_site create(:site, slug: 'default-site') end - # Some helpers for working with JS and Capybara def click_sidebar(href) @@ -159,7 +158,7 @@ def assert_select2_multiple(options_array, node) # If we are left with nothing then the options and stored data match within :xpath, node.path do assert_selector '.select2-selection__choice', count: options_array.length - rendered = find(:css, '.select2-selection__rendered').text.gsub('×', '').gsub("\n", '') + rendered = find(:css, '.select2-selection__rendered').text.delete('×').delete("\n") options_array.each do |opt| rendered = rendered.gsub(opt, '') end @@ -202,7 +201,7 @@ def assert_field(obj, key, message = nil) def refute_field(obj, key, message = nil) message ||= "Field '#{key}' exists in: #{obj}" - refute obj.key?(key), message # obj.key? returns false if an item is nil, ergo... + assert_not obj.key?(key), message # obj.key? returns false if an item is nil, ergo... obj[key] end