- adapted the url format in the description files
- fixed a bug in cc_cen when setting an alternative reference
- added the ref_col argument to cc_coun to customize the column with ISO codes in the reference data
- adapted code to changes in sp and rgdal
- defunct CleanCoordinates, CleanCoordinatesDS, and CleanCoordinatesFOS
- fixed issue with input data.frame with unordered rownames in cc_outl
- fixed the 'ras not found' bug in cc_outl
- addressed the "ras not found" bug in cc_outl
- improved documentation of cc_outl
- improved handling of rownames in cc_outl
- changes to the description file
- improved error handling by cc_sea and cc_urb, in case the default reference cannot be obtained from the web
- added a reference for the methodology to the description file
- recoded cc_outl, and added a thinning argument to account for sampling bias
- fixed a bug with the cc_outl test, that produced erroneous flags under some settings of mltpl
- extended the example dataset for the coordinate level-test suite to be more realistic
- moved vignettes to online documentation
- added an area column to the countryref dataset
- fixed some minor spelling issues in the documentation
- added citation
- reduced testing time on CRAN
- improved documentation of the cc_outl function
- further url fixes
- fixed broken url to the CIA factbook
- minor bugfix with cc_cap
- corrected duplicated vignette index entries
- updated maintainer email
- removed convenience functionality to only download data from rnaturalearth at first use, to comply with CRAN guidelines
- tutorial on outlier detection on the bookdown documentation
- tutorial on using custom gazetteers
- rasterisation heuristic in cc_outl
- added sampling correction to cc_outl
- added verify option to cc_inst
- transfer to rOpenSci
- reduced packages size, by switching to data download from rnaturalearth for urbanareas and landmass
- fixed issue with names of plot.spatialvalid
- grouped functions on documentation webpage
- fixed broken links in the help pages ' improved documentation structure
- changed and more consistent naming scheme for the functions
- fixed typos in Readme
- set a download from naturalearth as default for cc_urb
- reduced vignette memory use and size
- enables sf format for custom references
- added speedup option for cc_sea
- added webpage (https://azizka.github.io/CoordinateCleaner/)
- Adapted function and argument names consistently to underscore_case
- Simplified internal code structure of wrapper functions
- adapted package to rOpenSci reviews
- CleanCoordinates deprecated, replaced by clean_coordinates
- CleanCoordinatesDS deprecated, replaced by clean_dataset
- CleanCoordinatesFOS deprecated, replaced by clean_fossils
- WritePyrate deprecated, replaced by write_pyrate
- Switched documentation and NAMESPACE generation to roxygen2
- Switched from sapply to vapply
- Improved code readability
- Adaption of code to rOpenSci guidelines