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rpiaggio authored Feb 12, 2025
2 parents 425ac11 + c0a96ca commit 9fa5afb
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# Local development environment

242 changes: 242 additions & 0 deletions common/src/main/scala/explore/utils/extensions.scala
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@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or

package explore.utils

import cats.FlatMap
import cats.Monoid
import cats.Semigroup
import cats.effect.Clock
import cats.effect.IO
import cats.effect.Sync
import cats.effect.Temporal
import cats.effect.std.UUIDGen
import cats.effect.syntax.all.*
import cats.syntax.all.*
import crystal.Deglitcher
import crystal.react.syntax.effect.*
import eu.timepit.refined.types.numeric.NonNegLong
import eu.timepit.refined.types.numeric.NonNegShort
import explore.components.ui.ExploreStyles
import fs2.Chunk
import fs2.Pull
import fs2.Stream
import japgolly.scalajs.react.*
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.html_<^.*
import lucuma.react.datepicker.*
import lucuma.react.fa.IconSize
import lucuma.react.primereact.Button
import lucuma.react.primereact.Message
import lucuma.react.primereact.MessageItem
import lucuma.react.primereact.ToastRef
import lucuma.ui.LucumaIcons
import lucuma.ui.LucumaStyles
import org.http4s.Uri
import org.typelevel.log4cats.Logger

import java.time.Instant
import java.time.ZoneOffset
import java.time.ZonedDateTime
import scala.concurrent.duration.*

import scalajs.js

extension (uri: Uri)
def addPath(p: Uri.Path): Uri =

extension (f: Callback)
def showToastCB(text: String, severity: Message.Severity = Message.Severity.Info)(using
): Callback =
f.toAsync.withToast(text, severity).runAsync

extension [F[_], O](s: Stream[F, O])
* Combine items within a given duration using Semigroup.
* When an item is received in the stream, a timer is started. Within that time, items are
* combined until the timer expires, at which point the combined item is emitted.
* If no items are received within the given duration, no item is emitted.
def reduceSemigroupWithin(d: FiniteDuration)(using
F: Temporal[F],
S: Semigroup[O]
): Stream[F, O] =
reduceWithin(d, S.combine)

* Combine items within a given duration using the given function.
* When an item is received in the stream, a timer is started. Within that time, items are
* combined until the timer expires, at which point the combined item is emitted.
* If no items are received within the given duration, no item is emitted.
* This might seem similar to `groupWithin`. The subtle difference is that in-between durations
* `groupWithin` enters a "timed out" state, where the next element will immediately be emitted,
* and only elements _after_ that will be grouped. This is not the case for `reduceWithin`, which
* will always wait for the timeout to expire before emitting the combined element.
def reduceWithin(
d: FiniteDuration,
f: (O, O) => O
)(using F: Temporal[F]): Stream[F, O] =
Stream.force {
F.ref[Option[O]](None).map { ref =>

val sendLatest: Pull[F, O, Unit] =
// 'clear' the ref
Pull.eval(ref.getAndSet(None)).flatMap {
// Don't send empty elements
case None => Pull.done
// Send a combined chunk
case Some(c) => Pull.output1(c)

// Start a 'timed' pull. This will send a timeout cons after the given timeout, at which point we send the collected chunk
s.pull.timed { timedPull =>

def combine(x: Option[O], y: Option[O]) = (x, y) match
case (None, None) => None
case (Some(a), None) => Some(a)
case (None, Some(b)) => Some(b)
case (Some(a), Some(b)) => Some(f(a, b))

def addToSend(oChunk: Chunk[O]): Pull[F, Nothing, Unit] =
.eval(ref.getAndUpdate(combine(_, oChunk.reduceLeftOption(f))))
.flatMap {
// This is the first new element since the last emit (or first in the stream), so start the timer
case None => timedPull.timeout(d)
// Timed is started already, so do nothing
case _ => Pull.done

def go(timedPull: Pull.Timed[F, O]): Pull[F, O, Unit] =
timedPull.uncons.flatMap {
// Combine chunk to send when the timeout expires
case Some((Right(chunk), next)) => addToSend(chunk) >> go(next)
// Timeout has expired, send the latest element
case Some((Left(_), next)) => sendLatest >> go(next)
// Stream is done, send the latest element
case None => sendLatest


def throttle(duration: FiniteDuration)(using Temporal[F]): fs2.Stream[F, O] =
.flatMap: deglitcher =>
s.through(deglitcher.debounce).evalTap(_ => deglitcher.throttle)

extension (bytes: NonNegLong)
// modified from:
def toHumanReadableByteCount: String = {
val base = 1000
if (bytes.value < base) s"$bytes B"
else {
val exp = (Math.log(bytes.value.toDouble) / Math.log(base)).toInt
val pre = "kMGTPE".charAt(exp - 1)
val value = bytes.value / Math.pow(base, exp)
f"$value%.2f ${pre}B"

extension [F[_]: Sync: ToastCtx](f: F[Unit])
def withToast(
text: String,
severity: Message.Severity = Message.Severity.Info,
sticky: Boolean = false
): F[Unit] =
f <* ToastCtx[F].showToast(text, severity, sticky)

def withToastBefore(
text: String,
severity: Message.Severity = Message.Severity.Info,
sticky: Boolean = false
): F[Unit] =
ToastCtx[F].showToast(text, severity, sticky) *> f

def withToastDuring(
text: String,
completeText: Option[String] = none,
errorText: Option[String] = none
)(using UUIDGen[F], Monoid[F[Unit]]): F[Unit] =
ToastCtx[F].showToastDuring(text, completeText, errorText).use(_ => f)

def clearToastsAfter: F[Unit] =
f <* ToastCtx[F].clear()

extension (toastRef: ToastRef)
def upgradePrompt(text: VdomNode, callback: Callback): Callback =
content = <.div(
Button(size = Button.Size.Small, onClick = toastRef.clear() *> callback)("Upgrade ...")
clazz = LucumaStyles.Toast,
sticky = true

// TODO Move these to react-datetime
extension (instant: Instant)
// DatePicker only works in local timezone, so we trick it by adding the timezone offset.
// See
def toDatePickerJsDate: js.Date =
val zdt: ZonedDateTime = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(instant, ZoneOffset.UTC)
// init removes the Z timezone
new js.Date(js.Date.parse(zdt.toString.init))

extension (zdt: ZonedDateTime)
// DatePicker only works in local timezone, so we trick it by adding the timezone offset.
// See
def toDatePickerJsDate: js.Date =

extension [A](value: js.UndefOr[DateOrRange])
def fromDatePickerToInstantEitherOpt(using
A <:< js.Date
): Option[Either[(Instant, Instant), Instant]] = { (e: Either[(js.Date, js.Date), js.Date]) =>
e match {
case Left((d1, d2)) =>
Left((fromDatePickerJsDate(d1), fromDatePickerJsDate(d2)))
case Right(d) =>

def fromDatePickerToInstantOpt(using ev: A <:< js.Date): Option[Instant] =

def fromDatePickerToZDTOpt(using ev: A <:< js.Date): Option[ZonedDateTime] = => ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(i, ZoneOffset.UTC))

extension (s: NonNegShort)
def |+|(i: Int): NonNegShort =
val int = s.value + i
if int > Short.MaxValue then Short.MaxValue
else if int < 0 then 0
else int.toShort

def |-|(i: Int): NonNegShort =
s |+| -i

extension [F[_], A](effect: F[A])
def logTime(name: String)(using Clock[F], FlatMap[F], Logger[F]): F[A] =
effect.timed.flatMap: (d, a) =>
Logger[F].debug(s"***** $name took ${d.toSeconds}s (${d.toMillis}ms)").as(a)

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