- Front-End Engineer, Amazon
- Self-taught
- Loves JavaScript
- Introduce yourself (i.e. name, what you do, random fact)
- Why do you want to learn JavaScript?
- What is JavaScript?
- Tools
- Syntax
- Variables
- Functions (intro)
- Operators
- Objects
- Functions
- External JavaScript
- jQuery
- Describe JavaScript
- Create a JS Variable
- Describe 3 different types of variables
- Apply JS Operators to:
- preform arithmetic
- concatenate strings
- compare variables
- Create a JS Object
- Access a JS Object's properties
[JavaScript is] an object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers.
[JavaScript] is a dynamic computer programming language.
A programming language is a formal constructed language designed to communicate instructions to a machine, particularly a computer.
- LiveScript was created by Brendan Eich in 10 days in May 1995
- A text editor for code
- http://www.sublimetext.com/
- Webbrowser
- Advanced developer tools
- https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/
- https://github.com/js-workshops/intro
- Download files using git clone or the ‘Download Zip’ button
- After unzipping the files, copy them to a directory you want to work from (i.e. ~/Document, ~/Desktop)
- Chrome Menu (top right hamburger button) -> Tools -> Developer Tools
- Mac shortcut: Cmd + Opt + i
- PC shortcut: F12, Ctrl + Shift + i
Programming languages are made of reserved characters. This allows you to tell the computer what to do without writting 010101000.
In JavaScript, you can declare strings with single or double quotation marks.
"String with double quotes"
'String with single quotes'
You can use a backward slash (\) to escape a character. For example, you might want to use a single quotation mark inside your string that is wrapped in single quotation marks.
'Charlie Brown\'s dog is named Snoopy.'
File: 001.1-syntax.html
In JavaScript, you declare numbers - integers and decimals.
The Boolean data type is a data type, have two values, intended to represent true and false.
File: 001.2-syntax.html
You use variables as symbolic names for values in your application. The names of variables, called identifiers, conform to certain rules.
The variable name you create is a pointer to that data stored in memory.
- Must start with a letter, underscore (_), or dollar sign($)
- Subsequent letters can also be digits (0-9)
- Variable names are case sensitive
Using the var keyword, we are able to declare variables to the current scope.
var x = 18;
Note: We will go over global variables at a later point.
A simple variable declaration has two operands, a left operand and a right operand. The left operand is on the left side of the equal sign, and the right operand is on the right side.
var y = "string";
Statements need to end with a semi-colon.
var z = true;
Note: I'll assign reading of when and when not to use a semi-colon.
Primitive Variables are the most common data types:
Type | Example |
Number | 42, 3.14159 |
Boolean | true / false |
Strings | "howdy" |
undefined | value is undefined |
File: 002-variables.html
A JavaScript function is a block of code designed to perform a particular task. A JavaScript function is executed when "something" invokes it (calls it).
to make use of (a law, a right, etc.)
To initiate a block of code, that would otherwise not be executed.
var myFunction = function() {
// this is a function
// your code block goes in between the curly brackets {}
var myFunction = function(myParameter) {
// this is a function
// your code block goes in between the curly brackets {}
// you can access the parameter by it's name above:
// myParameter in this case
File: 003-functions.html
JavaScript operators are symbols that can be used to assign values, compare values, preform arithmetic, test logic, manipulate strings, and more.
- Arithmetic operators
- Assignment operators
- String operators
Operator | Description |
+ | Addition |
- | Subtraction |
* | Multiplication |
/ | Division |
% | Modulus |
++ | Increment |
-- | Decrement |
var x = 3; // assigns the value 3 to x
x = x + 2; // assigns the value 5 to x (3 + 2)
x = x - 3; // assigns the value 2 to x (5 - 3)
x = x * 12; // assigns the value 24 to x (2 * 12)
x = x / 2; // assigns the value 12 to x (24 / 2)
x = x % 5; // assigns the value 2 to x (12 % 5)
x = x++; // assigns the value 3 to x (x + 1)
x = x--; // assigns the value 2 to x (x - 1)
Parenthesis can be used to indicate which part of an equation you want to evaluate first.
var x = 2 * (100 / 5); // assigns the value 40 to x
var x = (100 / 5) * 2; // assigns the value 40 to x
Shorthand | Meaning |
x += y | x = x + y |
x -= y | x = x - y |
x *= y | x = x * y |
x /= y | x = x / y |
x %= y | x = x % y |
var x = 3; // assigns the value 3 to x
x = x + 2; // assigns the value 5 to x (3 + 2)
x = x - 3; // assigns the value 2 to x (5 - 3)
x = x * 12; // assigns the value 24 to x (2 * 12)
x = x / 2; // assigns the value 12 to x (24 / 2)
x = x % 5; // assigns the value 2 to x (12 % 5)
x = x++; // assigns the value 3 to x (x + 1)
x = x--; // assigns the value 2 to x (x - 1)
var x = 3; // assigns the value 3 to x
x += 2; // assigns the value 5 to x (3 + 2)
x -= 3; // assigns the value 2 to x (5 - 3)
x *= 12; // assigns the value 24 to x (2 * 12)
x /= 2; // assigns the value 12 to x (24 / 2)
x %= 5; // assigns the value 2 to x (12 % 5)
x = x++; // assigns the value 3 to x (x + 1)
x = x--; // assigns the value 2 to x (x - 1)
File: 004.1-operators.html
The + symbol is used as the addition operator with numbers, but it become the concatenation operator with strings. It combines two string values together.
var x = "two strings " + "becomes one";
// assigns the value "two strings become one" to x
File: 004.2-operators.html
A comparison operator compares its operands and returns a logical value based on whether the comparison is true.
Operator | Description |
Equal (==) | Returns true if the operands are equal |
Not equal (!=) | Returns true if the operands are not equal |
var x = 2; // assigns the value 2 to x
var y = 2; // assigns the value 2 to y
var z = 3; // assigns the value 3 to z
x == y // returns true
x == z // returns false
x != y // returns false
x != z // returns true
Operator | Description |
Strict equal (===) | Returns true if the operands are equal and of the same type |
Strict not equal (!==) | Returns true if the operands are not equal and/or not of the same type |
var x = 2; // assigns the number 2 to x
var y = 2; // assigns the number 2 to y
var z = '2'; // assigns the string 3 to z
x === y // returns true
x === z // returns false
x !== y // returns false
x !== z // returns true
Operator | Description |
Greater than (>) | Returns true if the left operand is greater than the right operand |
Greater than or equal (>=) | Returns true if the left operand is greater than or equal to the right operand |
Less than (<) | Returns true if the left operand is less than the right operand |
Less than or equal (<=) | Returns true if the left operand is less than or equal to the right operand |
var x = '10'; // assigns the string 10 to x
var y = 2; // assigns the number 2 to y
var z = 10; // assigns the number 10 to z
x > y // returns true
x < y // returns false
x > z // returns false
x >= y // returns true
y >= x // returns false
x <= z // returns true
File: 004.3-operators.html
The Object constructor creates an object wrapper.
A variable is a symbol for one specific values. An object is a symbol that can contain many variables.
- Are created with curly brackets ({})
- Contain key/value pairs separated by a semi-colon (:)
- The key/value pairs are separated by a comma (,)
var person = {
firstName: 'Jane',
lastName: 'Doe',
age: 28
var person.firstName; // returns 'Jane'
var person['firstName']; // returns 'Jane'
Similar to CSS, you can add JavaScript to your HTML file.
<script type="text/javascript">
// some javascript here
File: 005-objects.html
A JavaScript function is a block of code designed to perform a particular task. A JavaScript function is executed when "something" invokes it (calls it).
To initiate a block of code, that would otherwise not be executed.
Global Function
Note that we will cover the difference between global and local variables in the next lesson.
- Are created with the keyword ***function***
- If creating a global function, you add the name after the ***function*** keyword
- The function name is followed with parenthesis ***()***
function myFunctionName()
Local Function
- To create a local function, you use the ***var*** keyword and the statement character (***=***)
- The function name is the ***left operand*** of the statement
- The right operand is the ***function*** keyword followed by parenthesis ***()***
var myFunctionName = function()
Function Declaration
- The function declaration is after the parenthesis ***()***
- The statement lives between curly brackets ***{}***
- After the closing curly bracket, you end the function with a semi-colon (;)
var myFunctionName = function() {
// declaration here
function myFunctionName() {
// declaration here
- Inside the parenthesis, after the ***function*** keyword, you can pass in paramaters ***(param)***
- Parameters are used to pass data into the function to reference in your declaration.
var myAlert = function(msg) {
alert("ALERT: " + msg);
myAlert("Are you confused yet?");
// creates the alert: ALERT: Are you confused yet?
myAlert("Don't worry. It will make sense :)");
// creates the alert: ALERT: Don't worry. It will make sense :)
Multiple Params
- Multiple parameters can be passed inside the parenthesis after the ***function*** keyword.
- Each parameter inside the parenthesis is separated with a comma.
function multiply(x, y) {
return x * y;
multiply(2, 4);
// returns the number 8
Functions can be assigned to variables
function logName(myName) {
logName('John'); // logs 'John' to the console
var logName = function(myName) {
logName('Jane'); // logs 'Jane' to the console
function multiply(x, y) {
return x * y;
var z = multiply(2, 4); // assigns the number 8 to z
File: 006-functions.html
Inline JavaScript is added directly to the DOM between a <script> and </script> tag. If your not using the HTML5 Document type, then you need to define a type on the opening script tag:
<script type=“text/javascript”> // JavaScript goes here </script>
Not a maintainable format. Use this only for code that should be fired immediately, and doesn’t deserve it’s own file (I.e. Google Analytics code).
External JavaScript is JavaScript that lives in a separate file than the DOM, but is referenced by the DOM.
<script src=“path/to/file.js“></script>
Unlike CSS, which is added to the head, you typically add external JavaScript right before the closing body tag.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="path/to/css" />
<script src=“path/to/file.js“></script>
- Maintainability
- Asynchronous loading
- Compiled files
File: 007-external-js.html
jQuery is a JavaScript library, or a collection of functions/methods and objects that you can utilize.
It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.
“write less, do more”
A content delivery network or content distribution network (CDN) is a large distributed system of servers deployed in multiple data centers across the Internet. The goal of a CDN is to serve content to end-users with high availability and high performance.
File: 008.1-jquery.html
jQuery, unless assigned otherwise, assigns its methods to the $ symbol.
With jQuery assigned to the $ symbol, here is how you select a DOM element.
$("#myId") // returns DOM element with the ID 'myId'
$(".myClass") // returns DOM element with the class 'myClass'
File: 008.2-jquery.html
You can chain methods to the jQuery object that is returned. For example, after selecting the DOM elements, you might want to preform:
// adds the class 'active' to the DOM element with the ID 'myId'
// hides the DOM element with the class 'myClass'
The browser loads some content synchronously and other content asynchronously. This can cause a problem with our JavaScript, as a lot of it is dependent on the state of the DOM and other assets.
Good News! jQuery has a method to handle this.
A page can't be manipulated safely until the document is ‘ready.' jQuery detects this state of readiness for you.
$(document).ready(function() {
The console log statement is fired after the Document has loaded. http://learn.jquery.com/using-jquery-core/document-ready/
File: 008.3-jquery.html
Events are actions that happen in the browser. jQuery allows you to bind functions to events that happens in the invent.
Event types:
- ready
- hover
- click
Up to this point, we have manually invoked functions. With jQuery events, we can bind functions to actions that occur in the browser.
- Once the Document has loaded, preload popular assets to improve latency
- On hover over button, show tooltip with additional info
- On click of button, show contact form in modal
$("mySelector").hover(function() {
// hover in statement
}, function() {
// hover out statement
var hoverIn = function() {
// hover in statement
var hoverOut = function() {
// hover out statement
$("mySelector").hover( hoverIn, hoverOut );
File: 008.4-jquery.html
$("mySelector").click(function(e) {
// e is the click data
// this prevents the default click event from occuring
// click occured
File: 008.5-jquery.html
jQuery animations allow you to add visual effects to the browser with JavaScript. There are a number of jQuery animations, but will go over a commonly used one called show()
- The first parameter is the duration of the animation (i.e. how long until the element is showed).
- An option second parameter can passed it. It has to be a function, or callback for when the animation is complete.
File: 008.6-jquery.html
- Describe JavaScript
- Create a JS Variable
- Describe 3 different types of variables
- Apply JS Operators to:
- preform arithmetic
- concatenate strings
- compare variables
- Create a JS Object
- Access a JS Object's properties
Contact Info:
- [email protected]
- @ev_blurbs
- https://github.com/evblurbs