- Issues
- Organized Commits & Coherent Diffs
- Branch & Merge Strategy
- Daily Reviews of PRs
- Periodic Reviews of Files
- Headset & sharing screens
- [@gillespie], particularly the "Efficient collaboration" chapter.
- [@fitzpatrick]
Review your diffs before committing. Check for things like accidental deletions and debugging code that should be deleted (or at least commented out).
Keep chatter to a minimum, especially on projects with 3+ people being notified of every issue post.
When encountering a problem,
- Take as much ownership as reasonable. Don't merely report there's an error.
- If you can't figure it out, ask the question and describe it well.
- what low-level file & line of code threw the error.
- how you have tried to solve it.
- If there's a questionable line/chunk of code, trace its origin. Not for the sake of pointing the finger at someone, but for the sake of understanding its origin and history.
This involves code/files that multiple people use, like the REDCap arches.
- Run the file before committing it. Run common downstream files too (e.g., if you make a change to the arch, also run the funnel).
- If an upstream variable name must change, alert people. Post a GitHub issue to announce it. Tell everyone, and search the repo (ctrl+shift+f in RStudio) to alert specific people who might be affected.