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Arnoud de Boer edited this page Apr 17, 2016 · 22 revisions

Here you can read about the lessons learned from the Geodata on the Web testbed. The scope of this testbed is ... --TODO--. Spatial data is seen as something difficult. But eventually, it is just data. That is why we try to avoid to talk about spatial data. Because the lessons learned also apply to any other data sets.

As you read this, most likely you are a (spatial) data owner or provider and think about publishing your data as open data on the WWW.

That's probably because you've heard that open data can create added value. Or because other people can create new applications using the same data. And this also fits in with the idea of one-time gathering for multiple use.

All beautiful thoughts, BUT...

Basically, you have two options:

  • Option 1) just put your data on the web the way YOU want it. This is something what most authorities do: drop the data on the WWW in the manner and with the data formats as they also use it internally in their own organsation.

Publishing data as open data is one thing, but then you're not there yet.

  • Option 2) put the data on the web, so that OTHERS can get the most out. Notice the differences: make it available for use as in option 1 or make it suitable for use as in option 2.

Option 2 may be asking a little more effort, but with the lessons learned we hope to give some handles in order to achieve this anyway.