Some problems I observed in real dataflow pipelines
- quality controlling data prior to ingest from source systems
- actually knowing (responsibility for bought applications) where to find the data(base) and who knows about the format
- parameterize everything, most importantly the columns.
- always describe all the columns directly - even when loading data in spark
- make sure column names can be refactored with IDE support (centralized at single place / module / library)
- spark
- CDC schema migration
SQL nowadays is so much more than SQL92 (which most people are familiar with). Arrays, json, xml ... can be handled. In case of distributed systems ordering (total ordering vs partial ordering within partitions) turn out to be important concepts to master as well:
- understand the limits of your architecture / technology and dataflows regarding speed, capacity, latency, types of data handlable...
- define clear APIs (schemata) between different data sources and pipelines to allow building workflows on top of the ingested data streams
- be clear what type of data you want to process (batch vs. streaming). Do not force batch semantics for a stream processor. Idempotent jobs will make your life much easier.
- for batch workloads consider oozie over nifi. it just works TM
- some great NiFi tipps
- know the difference between masking field values on the fly i.e. in ranger vs actually not having the permissions to view a column which often (at lest for hive) disallows then to execute the
statement so any tool like tableau which relies on this will subsequently fail - understand knox
When working on a data project is is even more important to convey a story shows 6 points how to improve visualization by telling a clear story.
- use HAproxy instead of mysql router for hive HA setups for metastore
- centos os for locally installed cluster
- make sure to really consider if the cluster is only meant for analytics or if it is not more reasonable to run the analytics cluster on kubernetes / openshift
- own the base and cloud the spike
- consider hybrid cloud (cross cloud provider)
- adhere to and especially look out for any data provenance issues
- make sure to setup a file quota in HDFS per user
- real world ops pains
- java
- build in monitoring E2E by design
llap might not start (in case of a small development cluster) if not enough memory is available or a node is down. However, currently in HDP 2.6.4 no meaningful error message is displayed
- use intel CPUs. Hdoop 3.0 will use erasure coding. ISA-L intel library can greatly speed up compressions
- no proper strategy for holdout group and prevention of feedback
- model serving not scalable, no fully fledged ML solution available
- when woring on a machine learning prototype the chance is high - if the results look promising that the model needs to be deployed int oa production environment. Business stakeholders will expect a smooth & quick transition to production mode (results already look so great). Therefore, make sure to only use data sources which are actually available in a production setting, and make sure to get the data directly at the source
- understand the problem domain. Very often regular k-fold cross validation is not a perfect fit as there is a dependency on time. Use time series cross validation (possibly customized) to perform CV in a setting which resembles the actual business use case
- proper understanding of the data. Cehck for errors (too much / not ehough / wrong units / ...)
- work with and talk to the department to prevent data leakage into the model
- reproducibility is a problem ( and the overall pipeline E2E needs to be thought out very well
- model management is a big problem. This book describes it nicely
- planning
- spark pipeline example
Why do many analytics projects fail?
It is not always about the algorithm: the details and thoughts around is what matters. Think about a whole system (and ideally it is simple) which actually delivers value vs. a very complex algorithm only running in a notebook And more importantly: make the results tangible for example using tools like to drive trust from business units. collects various anti patterns gives a short summary of them.
- evaluation of models and presentation to non technical audience,
- before starting out with a data science use-case clearly define what constitutes success, how it is measured (= oftentimes this means how to obtain labels in a setting where no previous labelled data was collected)
- if in doubt hire a data engineer and not a data scientist (especially when starting out to bring data driven processes into the company) assuming the engineer also has a feeling for strategy
- but watch out that communication skills are great as well
- make sure to have enough process and engineering in the team to build a solid and regular IT software development lifecycle process accoring to current standards
- not any (great) developer is a great teamlead
- holds great resources regarding hiring & team building
- in case working for a small company read
- You measure your data engineer’s customer impact
- Data engineers grow with the company
- Your data ecosystem is easy to navigate for data engineers
- You invest in the tooling data engineers love
- Your data engineers have autonomy
great article: usually a problem
either too many data engineers / site reliability engineers
or a gap (no holistic approach) as separated into segregated teams in different parts of company hierarchy
do not use cannons to kill flies
inspiration for teams
start by working on a high profile use case, preferably for an external customer
work on a single team. Do not fight on multiple frontiers (use cases) but learn together. Remember kanban. Better to get a single pipeline fully into production then several only half functioning, and then speed up later on.
hiring & retaining data talent
tech lead experiences:
learnings from the crowd:
DO NOT do big data! unless you really have big data and fully understand all the consequences of a distributed system. Instead, invest a couple of $$ into beefier single node computers. High single thread performance + lots of RAM will make you so much more productive.
scalability Sometimes extreme scalability is not required! Do not get stuck in thinking you actually need it. Think of a scenario of many events for each user but the number of users being alsmost constant. Such a scenario can warrant some different algorithms to optimally process the data.
Still, if required build for scale, i.e. for many users. But even more important have a scalable architecture of small and reuasable components. Git submoduels can be a tool which supports this even for otherwise hard to version artifacts.
small files problem many small files (a lot smaller than HDFS block size) cause a performance degredation. workarounds:
- combine input format (spark whole textfiles)
- use sequence files
- Hadoop archives HAR
- kafka
specific helpful issues
- spark HBase kerberized:
- approximation design patterns
serving results of big data computation
- java and containers still do not play nicely (java9)
- If you separate the thinking about things from the doing of things, then innovation will suffer;
- Ensure you have no colliding / diametral goals