Install the lightswitcher server first See Raspberry PI setup
The CommandReader checks a blob located on Google Cloud Storage every second and reads a byte command from it. It has a mapping in the setting file between input command byte and output range of switchers that should be turned on or off.
See Google Cloud Setup to install a function, which implements a dialog with Alice home station and writes a byte command into a blob.
.NET Core should has already been installed on Raspberry.
Publish the app first
# lightswitcher source has been git-cloned before
cd ~/lightswitcher-source/lightSwitcher/RaspberryPi/CloudCommandsReader/
dotnet publish -c Release
mkdir ~/lightswitcher/command-reader-service
rsync -ar bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/publish/* ~/lightswitcher/command-reader-service
# Create appsettings.Production.json and specify Google Cloud Storage Key file path
cd ~/lightswitcher/command-reader-service
cat appsettings.Development.json > appsettings.Production.json
nano appsettings.Production.json
# Change CloudCommandsReaderSettings.KeyFilePath to a key file location. For instance "/home/pi/lightswitcher/gcloud_service_account_key.json"
Copy key file from your local machine
scp gcloud_service_account_key.json [email protected]:/home/pi/lightswitcher
Make dotnet process auto-restart, create a systemd service.
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/lightswitcher-commandreader.service
With the following content:
Description=ASP.NET Core 3.0 App - LightSwitcher Command Reader Service
# We can only use absolute path in systemd configuation
ExecStart=/home/pi/dotnet/dotnet/dotnet /home/pi/lightswitcher/command-reader-service/CloudCommandsReader.dll
# Restart service after 10 seconds if the dotnet service crashes:
Register and start the service:
sudo systemctl enable lightswitcher-commandreader.service
sudo systemctl start lightswitcher-commandreader.service
sudo systemctl status lightswitcher-commandreader.service
# to see service stdout
sudo journalctl -u lightswitcher-commandreader.service