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Geotribu slides

🚀 Deployment

How to add a slide

  1. Create a markdown file under slides subfolder following the naming convention with the date as prefix
  2. Write your slides using the reveal-md syntax
  3. Push on the default branch (main) on origin (
  4. The CI/CD build and publish slides on the Github Pages website

Build & serve

This project uses MkSlides to convert Markdown into static HTML.

Local setup


  • Python >= 3.12

Install (typically on Ubuntu):

python3 -m venv .venv
# on Windows, it should be something like this:
# py -3 -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -U pip
python -m pip install -U setuptools wheel
python -m pip install .


mkslides build slides/

The generated website is under site subfolder.

Serve locally

mkslides serve slides/

The website is served on http://localhost:8000 (you can customize the port with -p option in case of conflict) and autoreloaded when a file is changed.

Export to PDF

Print as PDF

By default, you can find an hyperlink on the index pages that generates an HTML page ready to be print as PDF. It

Using decktape

With Docker

Here comes an example (replace with your own slides URL and output filename):

docker run --name decktape --rm  -v "./:/slides" astefanutti/decktape output.pdf

You can also specify author, title and subject:

docker run --name decktape --rm  -v "./:/slides" astefanutti/decktape --pdf-author "Julien Moura (Geotribu)" --pdf-title "Introducing the Geotribu project" --pdf-subject "Slides to introduce the project Geotribu." output.pdf