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- [Emergent Behaviour in Stochastic Queueing Systems]({{ site.url }}/talks/orseminar.pdf) - OR/Stats Seminar, 2024, Cardiff
- [Multi-Objective Linear Programming to find the Best Pokémon Team]({{ site.url }}/talks/PyConUK_2023.pdf) - PyCon UK, 2023, Cardiff (Video)
- [Evaluating Heterogeneous Ambulance Fleet Allocations in Jakarta]({{ site.url }}/talks/orahs_jakarta.pdf) - ORAHS, 2023, Graz
- [Open-Source Simulation with Ciw]({{ site.url }}/talks/bealelecture.pdf) - OR Society Beale Lecture, 2021 (Video, Code)
- [Mewnblaniadau Geiriau ar gyfer y Gymraeg]({{ site.url }}/talks/mewnblaniadaugeiriau2020.pdf) - Symposiwm Academaidd Technolegau Iaith Cymru, 2020
- [Applying Mathematics to Public Services in Wales]({{ site.url }}/talks/DKE_Seminar.pdf) - DKE Seminar, 2019, Cardiff Univeristy
- [Assessing a Preliminary Year Data Literacy Module]({{ site.url }}/talks/MERG_Seminar.pdf) - MERG Seminar, 2019, Cardiff Univeristy
- [Using Python for Healthcare Modelling]({{ site.url }}/talks/python-opp.pdf) - ABCi Innovation Day, 2019, Cardiff Bay
- [Gotta Solve 'Em All]({{ site.url }}/talks/PGR-talk-2018.pdf) - Postgraduate Seminar, 2018, Cardiff
- [Ciw: An open source discrete event simulation library (poster)]({{ site.url }}/talks/OR60_poster.pdf) - OR60, 2018, Lancaster
- [Dulliau ac Offerynnau ar gyfer Ymchwil Ailgynhyrchiadwy]({{ site.url }}/talks/cynhadleddwyddonol2018.pdf) - Cynhadledd Wyddonol y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, 2018, Aberystwyth
- [Modelling Deadlock in Open Restricted Queueing Networks (poster)]({{ site.url }}/talks/STEMforBritain.pdf) - STEM for Britain, 2018, London
- [Agent Based Modelling with Python]({{ site.url }}/talks/AgentBasedModelling/index.html) - PyCon Namibia, 2018, Windhoek
- [Python for Operational Research in Healthcare]({{ site.url }}/talks/pyconuk-2017.pdf) - PyCon UK, 2017, Cardiff (Video)
- [Producing Pretty Plots in Python]({{ site.url }}/talks/pyconna-2017.pdf) - PyCon Namibia, 2017, Windhoek (Code)
- [SWORDS PhD Talk]({{ site.url }}/talks/SWORDS-2016.pdf) - SWORDS, 2016, Cardiff
- [Queueing & Python: pip install ciw]({{ site.url }}/talks/pyconuk-2016.pdf) - PyCon UK, 2016, Cardiff (Video, Code)
- [Deadlock in Queueing Networks]({{ site.url }}/talks/cors-2016.pdf) - CORS, 2016, Banff
- [Llwyrglo yn Rhwydweithiau Ciwio (poster)]({{ site.url }}/talks/poster-ccc2016.pdf) - Cynhadledd Wyddonol y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, 2016, Aberystwyth
- [Simulating Queues with Ciw]({{ site.url }}/talks/simulating-queues-with-ciw-pyconna2016.pdf) - PyCon Namibia, 2016, Windhoek
- [A Brief Introduction to Markov Chains]({{ site.url }}/talks/intro-markov-chains-pgr2015.pdf) - Postgraduate Seminar, 2015, Cardiff
- [Queueing Networks for a Healthcare System]({{ site.url }}/talks/young-or-2015.pdf) - Young OR 19, 2015, Aston
- [Playing with Reinforcement Learning in Python]({{ site.url }}/talks/python-namibia-2015.pdf) - Python Namibia 2015, Windhoek