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Somleng IVR with RapidPro and GoIP (simBox)

This documentation refers to the original somleng deployment page Somleng

The Somleng (voice in Khmer) Project is a collection of open source telephony tools which can be used to build powerful Voice applications. The goal of the project is to break down the economic and accessibility barriers to building telephony applications. Read more about Somleng

The somleng platform is composed of 4 main software components or tools: PostgreSQL RBMS Freeswitch open source soft-switch platform used to power voice, video, and chat communications FreeSWITCH Twilreapi an Open Source implementation of Twilio's REST API Twilreapi. and then somleng-adhearsion an adhearsion app with twilio support feature [Somleng-Adhearsion] (

The somleng platform is connected to rapidPro rapidPro used to build the call flow through the twilML channel and the call routing to the GSM channel is handle by the GoIP Freeswitch+GoIP.


The OS used to deploy all these components is Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. The for main somleng components are deployed as dockers to allow user to easily manage and deploy them without going deep in their configuration. To get more information on the somleng docker installation go to [Somleng docker installation] (Ref: Rapidpro can be installed as described by this link rapidpro server development We have also observed a problem of call not triggered sometimes when the last version, so we have pulled a specific version of rapidPro that trigger the call using twilML channel. For the GoIP appliance, there is no installation to do, but some configuration must be done in the freeswitch and GoIP to allow freeswitch to bind the configuration to GoIP to be able to handle the VoIP calls and to route it to the GSM network For additionnal information on freeswitch configuration please visit the link Freeswitch on ubunut 14 It has been observed that sometimes the same software components that uses the same port are installed on the system when deploy rapidpro and somleng on the same servers. So it is advise to deploy rapidPro and somleng on different computer to avoid this conflict (just in case you want to make your life easy :-)).

Somleng installation

Prepare a computer with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and install the following components and assign a static IP address. Keep in mind that the rapidPro computer and the GoIP device must be in the same network segment.

Install docker components to manage docker processes

Install docker CE Get Docker CE for Debian

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88 #To verify that you have the good fingerprint with the last 8 characters
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce
sudo docker run hello-world #To verify that docker CE is configured correctly and work

Install docker compose

sudo curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
docker-compose --version #test if docker compose it is running

Install now somleng

git clone --depth 1 
cd somleng-project
sudo docker-compose pull
docker-compose run --rm -e INCOMING_PHONE_NUMBER="{\"phone_number\":\"1001\",\"voice_url\":\"\"}" twilreapi /bin/bash -c './bin/rails db:setup' #Setup and seed somleng API, 1001 is the VoIP freeswitch profile used to connect to GoIP

When performing the seed of somleng API, the postgres DB object are created and the account SID and account auth token are created. Write them down somewhere, you will need them for twiML channel configuration

Start somleng service in the somleng repository

sudo docker-compose up

Once somleng is runing, you could check and visualize the docker processes of the 4 with

sudo docker ps

Simulate an inbound call

Once installed, we can test in the plate-forme is working with the default configuration by making an inbound call. Open a new terminal and run these commands:

cd somleng-project
IFS=: read ACCOUNT_SID AUTH_TOKEN <<< $(sudo docker-compose run --rm -e FORMAT=basic_auth twilreapi /bin/bash -c './bin/rails db:seed') && echo "Account SID: $ACCOUNT_SID" && echo "Auth Token:  $AUTH_TOKEN"
curl -XPOST http://<IP twilreapi docker>:3000/api/2010-04-01/Accounts/$ACCOUNT_SID/Calls.json -d "Method=GET" -d "Url=" -d "To=+243890000001" -d "From=1001" -u $ACCOUNT_SID:$AUTH_TOKEN # Normally your computer should ring,make sure that your speaker or headset are not muted

To have the :

docker inspect <container ID> # under "NetworkSettings" within the JSON response, find "IPAddress" attribute

To responde to the call, open a new terminal and run these commands

sudo docker-compose exec linphone /bin/bash -c 'linphonecsh generic answer' #If your computer is connected to the internet,after the ring you should listen to the hold on music

To terminate the call

sudo docker-compose exec linphone /bin/bash -c 'linphonecsh generic terminate'

Customized somleng for GoIP installation

Freeswitch, twilreapi and somleng-adherson as been modified to allow the to make outbound calls through the simBox. The process consist to rebuild the docker images of the 3 tools and to point to them in the docker-compose.yml file instead of using original images from dwilkie dockerhub repository.The original tools image for somleng are under dwilkie repositories[dwilkie repo on docker-hub] ( Stop the default somleng project (Ctrl+C)

Rebuild the freeswitch docker image

git clone
cd freeswitch-rayo-goip
sudo docker build -t gbfree . #build the new image
sudo docker run -p 5060:5060/udp gbfree #try to run the new docker to see if it works. to stop Ctrl+C

Rebuild the twilreapi docker image

git clone
cd twilreapi-goip
sudo docker build -t gbtwilreapi .

Rebuild the somleng-adhearsion docker image

git clone
cd somleng-adhersion-goip
sudo docker build -t gbsomleng .

Then update docker-compose.yml compose file in the somleng-project repository to take into account the new built images. So replace the content of your docker-compose.yml file by the the one in this repository.

Start somleng service in the somleng repository

cd somleng-project
sudo docker-compose up

In an other terminal,check is all the docker image are running with

sudo docker ps

Configure now GoIP

Login the GoIP device to the somleng-freeswitch tools

Insert SIM cards in the GoIP and configure the web built-in server as indicated in the GoIP user manual GoIP user manual. Read this document for more option. Just as a remind, Insert your SIM in the device as indicated for your model, connect you computer to the PC port. Change your computer network setting to be in the same network as the preset network for the GoIP. For example set you computer to Open your browser and enter the to connect to the built-in device web server. Enter the default admin username and password: admin/admin then assign a static IP address to your device. GoIP>Configuration>Network LAN Port:Static IP IP Address: #this IP address should be in the same network with the somleng server Subnet Mask(optional): Default Route: Primary DNS: save and reboot your device (GoIP>tools>reboot)

To activate the SIM channel, connect now the GoIP to the LAN port. And ping the device from the somleng computer to check if there connextion betwenn them. To check if the channel is activated and network config saved, send the SMS "###INFO###" to one of the SIM card.

Now login freeswitch to the GoIP

goipSetup -> Call Setting -> Config Mode -> Sip Phone Config Mode -> Trunk Gateway Mode SIP Trunk Gateway1:somleng server IP addr Phone Number: 1001 (Freeswitch userid) Authentication :1001 (Freeswitch userid) Password: 12345(Freeswitch password) check the line that you want to use for this service. Then save.

Then goto inbound call routing> CID Forward Mode: Use CID as SIP Caller ID Configuration Forwarding to VoIP Number:10000

Then allow DTMF Signaling for IVR Configuration>Advanced VoIP>DTMF Signaling :Outband Configuration>Advanced VoIP>Outband DTMF type: SIP INFO #leave other "none" by default

Set talk time limit to 2 minutes

GoIP>Configuration>SIM>Gprs registration disable GoIP>Configuration>SIM>Module Registration when limit runout (ok) GoIP>Configuration>SIM> SIP Registration when limit run out (ok) GoIP>Configuration>SIM> Drop Call when Talk time limit expires (ok) GoIP>Configuration>SIM> Talk Time limit (m)/call (=1) only integer is accepted GoIP>Configuration>SIM> Talk Time adjust(s)/call (=1) Save then reboot

Test to make outbont call to the GSM network

Make sure that the somleng server is running. Open a new terminal and run the command

IFS=: read ACCOUNT_SID AUTH_TOKEN <<< $(sudo docker-compose run --rm -e FORMAT=basic_auth twilreapi /bin/bash -c './bin/rails db:seed') && echo "Account SID: $ACCOUNT_SID" && echo "Auth Token:  $AUTH_TOKEN"
curl -XPOST http://<somleng server IP>:3000/api/2010-04-01/Accounts/$ACCOUNT_SID/Calls.json -d "Method=GET" -d "Url=" -d "To=+243xxxxxxxx" -d "From=1001" -u $ACCOUNT_SID:$AUTH_TOKEN

Rapidpro installation

Install rapidpro dev server

Follow the installation procedure described for rapidpro development server rapidpro installation Somleng works well for a certain version of rapidpro, so after cloning the rapidpro source from github, check it out to a specific version

git clone [email protected]:rapidpro/rapidpro.git
cd rapidpro
git checkout 49522433c62000ad9ee82f8b06d9e5732b4c2e64

Install stunnel to use ssl with django

This allow to create a secure tunnel for the rapidpro api operation. Ngrok could be used as well but since audio file are bigger than test, ngrok create a delay between the call pickup and the reception of the voice message, also timeout occurs often will routing the request to internet. For additionnal information on the use of ssl with django

sudo apt-get install stunnel
ls -l /etc/stunnel/
cd /etc/stunnel/
sudo -s
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out stunnel.pem -keyout stunnel.pem
openssl gendh 2048 >> stunnel.pem
cd /pathtorapidpro/rapidpro/
mkdir stunnel
cd stunnel/
sudo cp /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem .
sudo chown gerard:gerard stunnel.pem
touch dev_https #in rapidpro/stunnel

Then add the following content to the file


cert = stunnel/stunnel.pem
#sslVersion = SSLv3; this has been comment out since it raised exception
foreground = yes
output = stunnel.log


Run the rapidPro with stunnel

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
stunnel4 stunnel/dev_https &
python runserver &

Now you can try to access rapidpro with https://localhost:8443 and with http://localhost:8000 Then change the rapidPro setting

gedit temba/
HOSTNAME = '' # refers to the IP address of rapidPro server
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['localhost', '','']