Nintendo Switch port of fheroes2 project
It's a homebrew app, so you need to be running custom firmware for it to work.
You will need to install the devkitPro toolchain. Make sure to include the following packages:
libnx switch-sdl2_image switch-sdl2_mixer
After installation run make -f Makefile.switch -j 2
command to build the package.
You will need a copy of the official game to run this port.
fheroes2 root directory is hardcoded as /switch/fheroes2
. Put the game files there (specifically ANIM
folders), then copy over the files
directory, as well as fheroes2.nro
. If you have a Russian version from
Buka Enternainment, you'll likely have Anim2
folder instead. Rename it to ANIM
if you wish use the Buka game data with
this port.
At the end you should have the following directory tree on your SD card:
+-- ...
+-- fheroes2 <--- this is the game directory
+--- anim <--- HoMM2 game data
+--- data <--- HoMM2 game data
+--- files <--- Part of fheroes2 release
+--- maps <--- HoMM2 game data
+--- music <--- HoMM2 game data
+--- fheroes2.nro <--- Part of fheroes2 release
Generally, you will need game resources from the localized version of HoMM2 in order to use translations in fheroes2. During the first run, the game should auto-detect the game data you have and offer to choose a language you'd like to use. English is always available.
This build of fheroes2 was tested on 12.0.3|AMS M.19.4|S (FAT32). exFAT is not recommended. USB mice and keyboards connected via an OTG adapter are supported.
Working controls are:
- Touchscreen - emulates mouse, including dragging
- L-stick - move mouse cursor
- R-stick/D-pad - scroll
- A - left mouse click
- B - Right mouse click
- X - Escape
- Y - Enter
- (+) - Cast spell
- (-) - End turn
- R - Cycle through towns
- L - Cycle through heroes