SDKS-465 Updates Readme with AAOS compatibility
SDKS-465 Updates Readme with AAOS compatibility
Bump versionCode for new release
Bump versionCode for new release
Updates README to direct users to Ditto Support
Updates README to direct users to Ditto Support
Update image message to display a button to fetch image rather than a…
Update image message to display a button to fetch image rather than a…
Update Ditto SDK and DittoSwiftTools minimum versions
Update Ditto SDK and DittoSwiftTools minimum versions
use ditto sdk 4.8.0
use ditto sdk 4.8.0
Remove empty components to pass Google review: \'your app contains Ch…
Remove empty components to pass Google review: \'your app contains Ch…
Force push
pull in tools depedency 2.1.0
pull in tools depedency 2.1.0
Remove empty action button
Remove empty action button
Update Android target SDK version to 34 and bump app versions
Update Android target SDK version to 34 and bump app versions
Force push
Update Android target SDK version to 34 and bump app versions
Update Android target SDK version to 34 and bump app versions
Force push
Update Android target SDK version to 34 and bump app versions
Update Android target SDK version to 34 and bump app versions
remove commented out depedency
remove commented out depedency