NOTE: Currently, on Apple Silicon Macs, a dependency must be installed with a special flag, or CocoaPods will crash.
# On Apple Silicon, first run:
sudo gem install ffi -- --enable-libffi-alloc
Install using sudo gem install cocoapods
If you already installed ffi, just uninstall using sudo gem uninstall ffi
Make sure you have the correct command line tools installed
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
Navigate to geteduroam folder
cd geteduroam
Install Dependencies and build (nodeJS dependencies)
npm i npm run build
Only if ios folder doesn't exist yet, creates it
npx cap add ios
Synchronize ios folder
npx cap sync ios
Install dependencies with CocoaPods
( cd ios/App; pod install; )
Start XCode
npx cap open ios
Press the
▶️ button to start in an emulator, you can also start on your device if your development account permits. -
To submit the app, click Product -> Archive.
To fix Bounce on iOS (this step shoulnd't be needed but sometimes the Bounce.m is removed so this is how to restore it).
In the folder Pods/, create a "New File", select "Objective-C File", select Next.
Include the name to the file and select Next.
Select Target Support Files: Capacitor, Capacitor Cordova, CordovaPlugins and Pods-App
Select Create and include:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @implementation UIScrollView (NoBounce) - (void)didMoveToWindow { [super didMoveToWindow]; self.bounces = NO; } @end