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Snuba Pipelines

Snuba uses Jsonnet for creating the pipedream pipelines.


You'll need the following dependencies to build the pipelines:

brew install go-jsonnet jsonnet-bundler yq


You can render the jsonnet pipelines by running:

make gocd

This will clean, fmt, lint and generate the GoCD pipelines to ./gocd/generated-pipelines.

The snuba pipelines are using the libraries to generate the pipeline for each region.


Below is a description of the directories in the gocd/ directory.


These are a set of jsonnet and libsonnet files which are used to generate the GoCD pipelines. This avoids duplication across our pipelines as we deploy to multiple regions.

The gocd/templates/snuba.jsonnet file is the entry point for the generated pipelines.

gocd/templates/pipelines/snuba.libsonnet define the pipeline behaviors. This library defines the GoCD pipeline, following the same naming as the GoCD yaml pipelines.

gocd/templates/bash/*.sh are shell scripts that are inlined in the resulting pipelines. This seperation means syntax highlighting and extra tooling works for bash scripts.

gocd/templates/jsonnetfile.json and gocd/templates/jsonnetfile.lock.json are used by jsonnet-bundler, a package manager for jsonnet.

You can update jsonnet dependencies by runnning jb update.


GoCD generates pipelines using the jsonnet files directly, hence why the generated pipelines are part of the gitignore.