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gfc-guava Maven Central Build Status Coverage Status

A library that contains utility classes and scala adapters and adaptations for google guava. A fork and new home of the now unmaintained Gilt Foundation Classes (com.gilt.gfc), now called the GFC Collective, maintained by some of the original authors.

Getting gfc-guava

The latest version is 1.0.0, released on 21/Jan/2020 and cross-built against Scala 2.12.x and 2.13.x.

If you're using SBT, add the following line to your build file:

libraryDependencies += "org.gfccollective" %% "gfc-guava" % "1.0.0"

For Maven and other build tools, you can visit (This search will also list other available libraries from the GFC Collective.)

Contents and Example Usage

org.gfccollective.guava.GuavaConverters / GuavaConversions:

These contain implicit and explicit functions to convert between

  • and scala.Option
  •,, and the respective scala functions.
    val foo: Option[String] = ???
    // Explicit conversion Option -> Optional
    import org.gfccollective.guava.GuavaConverters._
    val bar: Optional[String] = foo.asJava
    // Implicit conversion Optional -> Option
    import org.gfccollective.guava.GuavaConversions._
    val baz: Option[String] = bar
    // Have an Guava Function
    val guavaFunction: Function[String, Int] = ???
    // Explicit conversion Function[String, Int] -> (String => Int)
    import org.gfccollective.guava.GuavaConverters._
    val scalaFunction: String => Int = guavaFunction.asScala
    // Implicit conversion (String => Int) -> Function[String, Int]
    val guavaFunction2: Function[String, Int] = scalaFunction
    // Have an Guava Function
    val guavaSupplier: Supplier[String] = ???
    // Explicit conversion Supplier[String] -> (() => String)
    import org.gfccollective.guava.GuavaConverters._
    val scalaFunction: () => String = guavaSupplier.asScala
    // Implicit conversion (() => String) -> Supplier[String]
    val guavaSupplier2: Supplier[String] = scalaFunction _
    // Have an Guava Predicate
    val guavaPredicate: Predicate[String] = ???
    // Explicit conversion Predicate[String] -> (String => Boolean)
    import org.gfccollective.guava.GuavaConverters._
    val scalaFunction: String => Boolean = guavaPredicate.asScala
    // Implicit conversion (String => Boolean) -> Predicate[String]
    val guavaPredicate2: Predicate[String] = scalaFunction


Helper to convert between and Option tuples [lower-bound, upper-bound):

    // Empty Range: None
    val rangeOpt: Option[Range[Int]] =, None)
    // Less-than Range: Some( [Inf...10) )
    val rangeOpt: Option[Range[Int]] =, Some(10))
    // At-least Range: Some( [10...Inf) )
    val rangeOpt: Option[Range[Int]] =, None)
    // Closed-open Range: Some( [10...20) )
    val rangeOpt: Option[Range[Int]] =, Some(20))
    // Singleton Range: Some( [10] )
    val rangeOpt: Option[Range[Int]] =, Some(10))


Wrapper for Guava's LoadingCache/CacheBuilder API with a bulk cache load and replacement strategy.

    // How often should the cache reload (ms)?
    val reloadPeriodMs: Long = ???
    // Have a bulk load function that returns a KV-tuple Iterator
    def loadAll(): Iterator[(Int, String)] = ???
    // Build the cache with defaults
    val myCache1 = BulkLoadingCache(reloadPeriodMs, 
    // Optionally use a customized guava CacheBuilder
    // Default uses an instance with default settings, including strong keys, strong values, 
    // and no automatic eviction of any kind
    val cacheBuilder: CacheBuilder[_, _] = ???
    // Optionally have a cache-miss function
    // Default throws a RuntimeException on cache-miss
    def onCacheMiss(key: Int): String = ???
    // Optionally specify the cache initialization strategy (sync or async)
    // Default is to initialize the cache synchronously
    val initStrategy = CacheInitializationStrategy.ASYNC
    // Optionally have a ScheduledExecutorService
    // Default creates a new scheduled thread pool of size 1
    val executor: ScheduledExecutorService = ???

    // Build the cache fully customized
    val myCache2 = BulkLoadingCache(reloadPeriodMs, 


Provides conversions between scala Future and guava ListenableFuture/CheckedFuture instances.

    // Have a Scala Future
    val scalaFuture: Future[String] = ???
    // Convert to Guava ListenableFuture
    import org.gfccollective.guava.future.FutureConverters._
    val listeableFuture: ListenableFuture[String] = scalaFuture.asListenableFuture
    // Convert to Guava CheckedFuture: 
    // Needs an implicit Exception mapper to lift Exception to the checked type:
    implicit val em: Exception => SomeException = e: Exception => new SomeException(e)
    val checkedFuture: CheckedFuture[String, SomeException] = scalaFuture.asCheckedFuture
    // Have a Guava ListenableFuture
    val guavaFuture: ListenableFuture[String] = ???

    // Convert to Guava ListenableFuture
    import org.gfccollective.guava.future.FutureConverters._
    val scalaFuture: Future[String] = guavaFuture.asScala

Note that Scala Futures that have been converted to Guava/Java Futures like above do not support cancellation and calling .cancel(mayInterruptIfRunning) will throw an UnsupportedOperationException.


A wrapper for Guava ListenableFuture providing monadic operations and higher-order functions similar to the Scala Future object and class.

  • Execute a function asynchronously by wrapping it in a ListenableFuture:
    // Have an implicit `java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService`
    implicit val es: ExecutorService = ???
    // Wrap the asynchronous execution of a function in a ListenableFuture
    val future: ListenableFuture[String] = GuavaFutures.future {
  • Find the first succeeded future from the given collection of futures, discarding the others. Returns None if no future completed successfully.
    // Have a collection of ListenableFuture:
    val futures: Iterable[ListenableFuture[String]] = ???
    // Find the first that succeeds:
    val first: ListenableFuture[Option[String]] = GuavaFutures.firstCompletedOf(futures)
  • Find the first succeeding future from the given collection of futures, that matches a predicate. Returns None if no future completed successfully.
    // Have a collection of ListenableFuture:
    val futures: Iterable[ListenableFuture[String]] = ???
    // Find the first that succeeds and matches the predicate ("Hello"):
    val first: ListenableFuture[Option[String]] = GuavaFutures.firstCompletedOf(futures)(_  == "Hello")
  • Monadic functions, similar to scala.Future
    // Have a ListenableFuture
    val future: ListenableFuture[String] = ???
    import org.gfccollective.guava.future.GuavaFutures._
    // Transform using map
    val f2: ListenableFuture[Int] = => s.length)
    // Transform using flatMap
    def otherFuture(s: String): Future[Int] = ???
    val f3: ListenableFuture[Int] = future.flatMap(otherFuture)
    // Filter
    val f3: ListenableFuture[String] = future.filter(_.length > 0)
    // Foreach
    def sideEffect(s:String): Unit = ???
    val f4: ListenableFuture[Int] = future.foreach(sideEffect)
  • Higher order functions, similar to scala.Future
    // Have a ListenableFuture
    val future: ListenableFuture[String] = ???
    import org.gfccollective.guava.future.GuavaFutures._

    // Handle exceptions that this future might contain
    val safeFuture: ListenableFuture[String] = future.recover {
      case ex: SomeException => "Failed"

    // Asynchronously handle exceptions that this future might contain via a new future
    def fallback(): ListenableFuture[String] = ???
    val safeFuture: ListenableFuture[String] = future.recoverWith {
      case ex: SomeException => fallback()
    // Create a new future by applying the 's' function to the successful result of
    // the future, or the 'f' function to the failed result.
    def success(s: String): Int = s.length
    def failure(t: Throwable): Throwable = new SomeException(t)
    val transformedFuture: ListenableFuture[Int] = future.transform(success, failure)
  • Alternate "fallback" functions to handle failed futures:
    // Have a ListenableFuture
    val future: ListenableFuture[String] = ???
    import org.gfccollective.guava.future.GuavaFutures._

    // Wrap the future value in a Try and instead of failing the future, fail the Try
    val safeFuture1: ListenableFuture[Try[String]] = future.withTryFallback
    // Wrap the future value in an Option and instead of failing the future, return None
    val safeFuture2: ListenableFuture[Option[String]] = future.withOptionFallback()
    // Provide a default value, if the future fails:
    val safeFuture3: ListenableFuture[String] = future.withDefault("foo")


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