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Javascript library for writing Solid applications. (See Changelog for version history.)


Solid.js is currently intended for client-side use only (inside a web browser):

  1. Load dependencies (currently, rdflib.js).
  2. Load solid.js from a local copy (or directly from Github Pages).
  3. Use the require('solid') function provided by Browserify to import.

Example index.html:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
  // $rdf is exported as a global when you load RDFLib, above
  var solid = require('solid')
  // Use Solid client here ...
  console.log('solid.js version: ' + solid.meta.version())

Take a look at the Solid.js Demo Page (source located in demo/index.html) for more usage examples.


If you would like to learn how to build Solid apps using Solid.js, please see:

Developing Solid.js

Install dev dependencies:

npm install

Building (uses Browserify, builds to dist/solid.js and dist/solid.min.js):

npm run build


To run the unit tests:

npm test

This runs the Tape unit test suite.

Logging In and User Profiles

Before doing any sort of reading or writing of Solid resources, your app will likely need to authenticate a user and load their profile, so let's start with those sections.


Solid currently uses WebID-TLS for authentication, which relies on a web browser's built-in key store to manage certificates and prompt the user to select the correct certificate when accessing a server.

Solid servers must always return a Solid-specific HTTP header called User, which contains the WebID that the user used to access this particular server. An empty header usually means that the user is not authenticated.

Detecting the Current Logged-in User

Most of the WebID-TLS authentication process takes place before a web page gets fully loaded and the javascript code has had a chance to run. Since client-side Javascript code does not have access to most HTTP headers (including the User header) of the page on which it runs, how does an app discover if there is an already authenticated user that is accessing it?

The current best practice answer is -- the app should do an Ajax/XHR HEAD request to the relevant resource:

  1. either to the current page if it's a standalone app, or
  2. to the requested resource (if it's an app that's acting as a viewer or editor, and requires a resource URI as a parameter)

For the first case (standalone apps), Solid.js provides a convenience solid.currentUser() method (which does a HEAD request to the current page in the background). Usage:

  .then(function (currentWebId) {
    if (currentWebId) {
      console.log('Current WebID: %s', currentWebId)
    } else {
      console.log('You are not logged in')

For the second case (apps that are wrapping a resource as viewers or editors), client apps can just use a solid.login(targetUrl) function to return the current user's WebID. And if users are unable to log in, prompt the user to create an account with solid.signup().

Login example

Here is a typical example of authenticating a user and returning their WebID. The following login function, specific to your application, wraps the solid.login() function. If the promise is resolved, then an application will do something with the webId value. Otherwise, if the promise is rejected, the application may choose to display an error message.


<a href="#" onclick="login()">Login</a>


var solid = require('solid')
var login = function() {
  // Get the current user
    // authentication succeeded; do something with the WebID string
  }).catch(function(err) {
    // authentication failed; display some error message

Signup example

The signup function is very similar to the login function, wrapping the solid.signup() function. It results in either a WebID or an error message being returned.


<a href="#" onclick="signup()">Sign up</a>


var solid = require('solid')
// Signup for a WebID
var signup = function() {
  solid.signup().then(function(webId) {
    // authentication succeeded; do something with the WebID string
  }).catch(function(err) {
    // authentication failed; display some error message

User Profiles

Once you have a user's WebID (say, from a login() call), it's often useful to load the user profile:

var profile = solid.login()
    // have the webId, now load the profile
    return solid.getProfile(webId)

The call to getProfile(url) loads the full extended profile: the profile document itself, any sameAs and seeAlso links it finds there, as well as the Preferences file.

User Type Registry Index

If your application needs to do data discovery, it can also call loadTypeRegistry() after loading the profile:

var profile = solid.login()
  .then(function (webId) {
    return solid.getProfile(webId)
  .then(function (profile) {
    return profile.loadTypeRegistry()

Now, both listed and unlisted type indexes are loaded, and you can look up where the user keeps various types.

var vocab = solid.vocab
// .. load profile and load type registry

var addressBookRegistrations = solid.getProfile(webId)
  .then(function (profile) {
    return profile.loadTypeRegistry()
  .then(function (profile) {
    return profile.typeRegistryForClass(vocab.vcard('AddressBook'))
  an IndexRegistration(
    locationUri: 'https://localhost:8443/public-contacts/AddressBook.ttl',
    locationType: 'instance',
    isListed: true
  an IndexRegistration(
    locationUri: 'https://localhost:8443/personal-address-books/',
    locationType: 'container',
    isListed: false

You can then load the resources from the returned locations, as usual.

addressBookRegistrations.forEach(function (registration) {
  if (registration.isInstance()) {
    // load the instance via web.get()
  } else if (registration.isContainer()) {
    // this is a container with many address books, use web.list()

Registering (and un-registering) Types in the Type Registry

To register an RDF Class with a user's Type Registry (listed or unlisted), use profile.registerType():

var vocab = solid.vocab
// .. load profile

var classToRegister = vocab.sioc('Post')
var locationToRegister = 'https://localhost:8443/new-posts-container/'
var isListed = true
profile.registerType(classToRegister, locationToRegister, 'container', isListed)
  .then(function (profile) {
    // Now the type is registered, and the profile's type registry is refreshed
    // querying the registry now will include the new container

// To remove the same class from registry:
var classToRemove = vocab.sioc('Post')
profile.unregisterType(classToRemove, isListed)
  .then(function (profile) {
    // Type is removed
    profile.typeRegistryForClass(vocab.sioc('Post'))   // --> []

Web operations

Solid.js uses a mix of LDP and Solid-specific functions to manipulate Web resources. Please see the Solid spec for more details.

Getting information about a resource

Sometimes an application may need to get some useful meta data about a resource. For instance, it may want to find out where the ACL resource is. Clients should take notice to the fact that the solid.web.head() function will always successfully complete, even for resources that don't exists, since that is considered useful information. For instance, clients can use the solidResponse.xhr.status value will indicate whether the resource exists or not.

Here, for example, we can find out where the corresponding ACL resource is for our new blog post hello-world.

var solid = require('solid')
var url = ''
  function(solidResponse) {
    console.log(solidResponse.acl) // the ACL uri
    if (!solidResponse.exists()) {
      console.log("This resource doesn't exist")
    } else if (solidResponse.xhr.status === 403) {
      if (solidResponse.isLoggedIn()) {
        console.log("You don't have access to the resource")
      } else {
        console.log("Please authenticate")

The SolidResponse object returned by most solid.web calls, including head(), contains the following properties:

  • url - the URL of the resource //
  • acl - the URL of the corresponding .acl resource //
  • meta - the URL of the corresponding .meta resource //
  • type - LDP type for the resource, if applicable. For example:
  • user - the WebID of the authenticated user (if authenticated) //
  • websocket - the URI of the corresponding websocket instance // wss://
  • method - the HTTP verb (get, put, etc) of the original request that resulted in this response.
  • xhr - the raw XMLHttpRequest object (e.g. xhr.status)

Creating a Solid Container

The Solid client offers a function called (also aliased to solid.web.create()), which is used to create containers. The function accepts the following parameters:

  • parentDir (string) - the URL of the parent container in which the new resource/container will be created.
  • data (string) - RDF data serialized as text/turtle; can also be an empty string if no data will be sent.
  • slug (string) (optional) - the value for the Slug header -- i.e. the name of the new resource to be created; this value is optional.
  • isContainer (boolean) (optional) - whether the new resource should be an LDP container or a regular LDP resource; defaults to LDP resource if the value is not set; this value is optional.
  • mime (string) (optional) - the mime type for this resource; this value is optional and defaults to text/turtle. This value is ignored when creating containers.

For example, a blog application may decide to store posts in a hierarchical manner -- i.e. /blog/hello-world. Here, blog is a container, while hello-world is a regular resource (file). In the example below we are also sending some meta data (semantics) about the container, setting its type to sioc:Blog.

// Assumes you've loaded rdflib.js and solid.js, see Dependences above
var solid = require('solid')
var parentDir = ''
var slug = 'blog'
var data = '<#this> <> <> .'
var isContainer = true, data, slug, isContainer).then(
  function(solidResponse) {
    // The resulting object has several useful properties.
    // See lib/solid/response.js for details
    // solidResponse.url - value of the Location header
    // solidResponse.acl - url of acl resource
    // solidResponse.meta - url of meta resource
  console.log(err) // error object
  console.log(err.status) // contains the error status
  console.log(err.xhr) // contains the xhr object

Listing a Solid Container

To list the contents of a Solid container, use solid.web.list(). This returns a SolidContainer instance, which will contained various useful properties:

  • A short name (.name) and absolute URI (.uri)
  • A .parsedGraph property for further RDF queries
  • A parsed list of links to all the contents (both containers and resources) (.contentsUris)
  • A list of RDF types to which the container belongs (.types)
  • A hashmap of all sub-Containers within this container, keyed by absolute uri (.containers)
  • A hashmap of all non-container Resources within this container, also keyed by absolute uri. (.resources)

Containers also have several convenience methods:

  • container.isEmpty() will return true when there are no sub-containers or resources inside it
  • container.findByType(rdfClass) will return an array of resources or containers that have the given rdfClass in their .types array

For example:

var container = solid.web.list('/settings/')
// container is an instance of SolidContainer (see lib/solid/container.js)
container.uri   // -> 'https://localhost:8443/settings/'  // -> 'settings'
container.isEmpty()  // -> false
container.types // ->
container.contentsUris // ->

var subContainer =
    container.containers['https://localhost:8443/settings/testcontainer/'] // -> 'testcontainer'
subContainer.types // ->

var resource =
// resource - SolidResource instance // -> 'privateTypeIndex.ttl'
resource.types // ->
resource.isType('')  // -> true

container.findByType('')  // ->
  // a SolidContainer('testcontainer'),
  // a SolidResource('privateTypeIndex.ttl'),
  // a SolidResource('prefs.ttl')

Creating a resource

Creating a regular LDP resource is very similar to creating containers, except for the isContainer value, which is no longer set.

In this example we will create the resource hello-world under the newly created blog/ container.

var solid = require('solid')
var parentDir = ''
var slug = 'hello-world'
var data = `
<> a <> ;
    <> "First post" ;
    <> "Hello world! This is my first post" .
`, data, slug).then(
  function(meta) {
    console.log(meta.url) // URL of the newly created resource
  console.log(err) // error object
  // ...

Updating a resource

Sometimes we need to update a resource after making a small change. For instance, we sometimes need to delete a triple, or update the value of an object (technically by replacing the triple with a new one). Luckily, Solid allows us to use the HTTP PATCH operation to do very small changes.

Let's try to change the value of the title in our first post. To do so, we need to indicate which triple we want to replace, and then the triple that will replace it.

Let's create the statements and serialize them to Turtle before patching the blog post resource:

// $rdf is a global exposed by loading 'rdflib.js'
var url = ''

var oldTitle = $$rdf.sym(url), $rdf.sym(''), "First post").toNT()

var newTitle = $$rdf.sym(url), $rdf.sym(''), "Hello").toNT()

Now we can actually patch the resource. The Solid.web.patch() function (also aliased to Solid.web.update()) takes three arguments:

  • url (string) - the URL of the resource to be overwritten.
  • toDel (array) - an array of statements to be deleted, serialized as Turtle.
  • toIns (array) - an array of statements to be inserted, serialized as Turtle.
var solid = require('solid')
var toDel = [ oldTtitle ]
var toIns = [ newTitle ]
solid.web.patch(url, toDel, toIns).then(function (meta){
  console.log(meta.xhr.status) // HTTP 200 (OK)
}).catch(function(err) {
  console.log(err) // error object
  // ...

Replacing a resource

We can also completely replace (overwrite) existing resources with new content, using the client's Solid.web.put() function (also aliased to replace()). The function accepts the following parameters:

  • url (string) - the URL of the resource to be overwritten.
  • data (string) - RDF data serialized as text/turtle; can also be an empty string if no data will be sent.
  • mime (string) (optional) - the mime type for this resource; this value is optional and defaults to text/turtle.

Here is an example where we try to overwrite the existing resource hello-world, giving it a bogus type -

var solid = require('solid')
var url = ''
var data = '<> <> <> .'

solid.web.put(url, data).then(
  function (meta) {
    console.log(meta.xhr.status) // HTTP 200 (OK)
  console.log(err) // error object
  // ...

Reading a resource

We can now retrieve the created resource in its raw (unparsed form).

var url = ''
  function(response) {
    console.log('Raw resource: %s', response.raw())
  function(err) {
    console.log(err) // error object
    // ...

Alternatively, we can retrieve it already parsed (here, by rdflib.js), using the function Solid.web.getParsedGraph(). This function returns a graph object, which can then be queried.

var solid = require('solid')
// $rdf is a global exposed by loading 'rdflib.js'
solid.config.parser = 'rdflib'  // 'rdflib' is the default parser
var RDF = $rdf.Namespace('')
var SIOC = $rdf.Namespace('')

var url = ''

  function(graphed) {
    // Print all statements matching resources of type foaf:Post
    console.log(graphed.statementsMatching(undefined, RDF('type'),
  function(err) {
    console.log(err) // error object
    // ...

Deleting a resource

Delete an RDF resource from the Web. For example, we can delete the blog post hello-world we created earlier, using the Solid.web.del() function.

NOTE: while this function can also be used to delete containers, it will only work for empty containers. For now, app developers should make sure to empty a container by recursively calling calling this function on its contents.

var solid = require('solid')
var url = ''

  function(success) {
    console.log(success) // true/false
  function(err) {
    console.log(err) // error object
    // ...


Javascript client library for Solid applications







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