Provides an intuitive layout mechanism for Ember.js.
Code for the view:
App.layout = Ember.LayoutView.create({
templateName: 'main-layout'
Associated template:
{{yield header}}
<div id="content">
The {{yield}}
regions of the layout can now be dynamically populated by child templates or in code:
App.headerView = Ember.View.create( ... );
App.layout.setPath('yieldContent.header', headerView);
Or in the template of a child view:
{{#contentFor header}}
<h2>This is part of the header</h2>
This is in the main content.
Ember.Layout also integrates with Ember's StateManager (and consequently, Ember.RouteManager):
App.stateManager = Ember.StateManager.create({
rootLayout = App.layout,
section1: Ember.LayoutState.create({
view: App.section1
section2: Ember.LayoutState.create({
view: App.section2