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Releases: ghiscoding/slickgrid-universal


28 Jun 18:08
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5.3.0 (2024-06-28)


Bug Fixes

v5.2.0 - Filter Shortcuts

18 Jun 01:10
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5.2.0 (2024-06-18)

New Release Info

This new release brings Filter Shortcuts that once defined will be added as sub-menus the Column Header Menu. These shortcuts are nothing new in terms of what you can already do with Column Filters, however the main reason to use them is to define some filters with simple logic, for example give me all the Blanks or Non-Blanks Values or even better filter the last 6 months data. For more info and demo, take a look at:

  • Example 10 - Filter "Next 20 days" with Date Range
  • Example 11 - Filter "Country" Blanks/Non-Blanks and "Finish" Until Now/Future
  • Read the Filter Shortcuts docs on how to use it

Lastly there's also a new Example 24 which is showing Column Totals in the grid Footer (the code was taken from an old SlickGrid example).


Bug Fixes

v5.1.0 - Filter Predicates

07 Jun 23:57
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5.1.0 (2024-06-07)

New Release Info

This new release brings a ton of new features and most of the new feature ideas came from this great Stack Overflow question Angular Slickgrid - Custom Filter which the user asked if it was possible to create a custom filter as SQL LIKE. So, from this idea in mind and considering that we already had a sortComparer for custom Sorting but no ways to customize Filtering, now let's work around this idea shall we?

  • filterPredicate for local JSON dataset (see Example 14 for SQL LIKE demo)
  • new filterQueryOverride which is the filter override for Backend Services (OData / GraphQL)
  • new OperatorType.custom that can be used with above custom filter predicate/override
  • new Operator a*z (StartsWith & EndsWith combo) available for local JSON dataset and Backend Services
  • new Top-Header panel which now allows the user to use both Draggable Grouping and Header Grouping together, this just wasn't possible before (see Example 3)

This new release also brings a lot of improvements to the Excel Export with a new Example 23 which demos how to dynamically use Excel Formulas (e.g. Sums), you can even use Excel Formulas with Grouping to do Sums, isn't it awesome!? Let's just say that pretty much everything you can do in excel-builder-vanilla, you can probably do in Slickgrid-Universal.

A huge thanks to @zewa666 and @jr01 for their contributions & feedback to add some of these new features and fixes. 🚀


Bug Fixes


11 May 20:53
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5.0.1 (2024-05-11)

Bug Fixes

v5.0.0 - Modern UI

10 May 00:15
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5.0.0 (2024-05-10)

New Major 5.0 Release

This new release brings a lot of changes oriented toward better UI/UX, our SVG icons are now pure CSS and can be colorized like any other text via the native CSS color property (which helped a lot improving the Dark Mode Theme).

Another noticeable UI change is the migration of the date picker from Flatpickr to Vanilla-Calendar-Pro, this new library has ESM support, it has modern styling and an awesome UI/UX. Another change that is mostly internal but is also indirectly connected to the date picker is the migration from MomentJS to Tempo which is a new modern lib and is also packaged as ESM which is great for Tree Shaking. Lastly DOMPurify is now optional, giving you the choice to install it or to use something else like isomorphic-dompurify for SSR support... Please note that even if it is now optional, we strongly suggest that you install it nonetheless that is if you want to stay secure and CSP compliant (see migration below for more info).

I believe that with all of these recent changes, the project is pretty much feature complete and you should not expect any new major releases for a long time (hopefully).


Follow the Migration to 5.0 for all the changes


  • pure SVG icons, Moment to Tempo, Flatpickr to Vanilla-Calendar (#1518)


Bug Fixes


09 May 03:23
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v5.0.0-beta.3 Pre-release

5.0.0-beta.3 (2024-05-09)

5.0 Beta Release, please follow the Migration Guide v5 for all info.

Bug Fixes


07 May 03:56
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v5.0.0-beta.2 Pre-release

5.0.0-beta.2 (2024-05-07)

5.0 Beta Release, please follow the Migration Guide v5 for all info.


  • migrate from Moment to Tempo (#1507)
  • common: make DOMPurify as optional sanitizer grid option (#1503)
  • styling: delete "bare" Themes but keep "lite" & add to Bootstrap (#1493)
  • common: migrate from moment to moment-tiny (#1456)
  • filters: remove native (#1485)
  • styling: delete checkmarkFormatter and any Font-Awesome related (#1484)
  • common: migrate from Flatpickr to Vanilla-Calendar (#1466)
  • styling: remove SASS math.div polyfill (#1483)
  • styling: convert SVG icons to pure CSS (#1474)


Bug Fixes


20 Apr 00:11
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4.7.0 (2024-04-20)

Quick Info

This new release adds 2x new grid options defaultEditorOptions and defaultFilterOptions so that user can define global Editor/Filter options instead of having to duplicate same options on each column editorOptions/filterOptions. An example is shown below.

  • Note: for defaultFilterOptions, we use the same keys as the Editor (date, select, slider, ...) but please note that these 3 filters options have combined options into 1 prop for compound & range filters (e.g. date is for both compoundDate and dateRange filter options).
this.gridOptions = {
  defaultEditorOptions: { 
    autocompleter: { debounceWaitMs: 150 }, // auto-typed as AutocompleterOption
    date: { minDate: 'today' },
    longText: { cols: 50, rows: 5 } 

Bug Fixes



31 Mar 19:00
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4.6.1 (2024-03-31)

Quick Info

This release will now work with multiple tooltips on the same cell (e.g. multiple buttons with icons like the "Action" column in Example 22

Bug Fixes


23 Mar 18:15
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4.6.0 (2024-03-23)

Quick Info

This release upgrades multiple-select-vanilla package, that I also maintained, with a much more modern UI with the use of SVG icons. The SVG icons in that external lib are now also written in pure CSS which helps for Dark Mode (in that mode, the primary color for checked icon is a lighter version of the primary color). Note however that the SVG icons in Slickgrid-Universal are not yet pure CSS since that would introduce breaking changes in Slickgrid-Universal (a new major version will be pushed later on to address that).

⚠️ internalColumnEditor is deprecated and no longer needed

Note that in the past, SlickGrid and Slickgrid-Universal were using 2 different references for editor. The original SlickGrid was using editor as a Class to be later instantiated (e.g. Editors.longText) but that wasn't very convenient for the end users (you). For that reason I decided a long time ago to take this editor and reassign to another ref named internalEditor and then SlickGrid kept using editor (read from editor.model) and whenever the user wanted to read the SlickGrid editor after the grid was initialized, the user would have to get it from column.internalEditor (because after the initialization editor is SlickGrid's internal editor class not the one provided by the user), but that was so damn confusing... but now that Slickgrid-Universal is a standalone (no longer relying on 6pac/slickgrid) I decided to get rid of this confusion, so with this new release the editor remains the same to the user but the one used by SlickGrid just got renamed to editorClass. So in summary, editor is the same for the end user and editorClass is what is defined by model: Editors.longText and the internal ref swap that Slickgrid-Universal was previously doing is no longer needed internally. Below is an example of when that would be in use

// previously, to add an item to the editor/filter collection 
this.columnDefinitions = [{ id: 'complexity', editor: { model: Editors.singleSelect, collection: [{ value: 1, label: 'Simple' }, /*...*/ ]; }];
// then adding an item would require to read `internalColumnEditor` 
// after grid init, our `editor` became `internalColumnEditor
- const complexityEditor = this.columnDefinitions[0].internalColumnEditor; 
// BUT with this new release, adding a new item to the collection is as simple as 
+ const complexityEditor = this.columnDefinitions[0].editor; 
complexityEditor.collection.push({ value: 9, label: 'Hard' });

// and if you want to read the SlickGrid editor, you would now use
this.columnDefinitions[0].editorClass; // which is the same as `editor.model`

Bug Fixes
