This package consists of a number of utilities for use in conjunction with GDAL. Currently these programs are only supported on Unix systems, but it should be possible to compile them on Windows if you know how to make the corresponding Makefiles.
Contrast stretch and conversion from 8,16-bit or floating point to 8-bit
Generate hillshaded images from DEMs
Project a polygon and return its bounding rectangle
Pansharpening - works best for Landsat 7 images
Prints raster geocode information in YAML format (similar to gdalinfo but gives YAML)
Merge individual bands into a single GeoTIFF image (8-bit only)
Merge individual bands into a single VRT image
Convert raw binary files into GeoTIFFs
Trace the outline of an image and generate WKT or Shapefile (options exist for cleaning up raggedy edges, can also do feature classification)
Generate a bitmap of the area covered by a polygon
Debian/ubuntu: apt-get install dans-gdal-scripts
from source:
./configure # --prefix=/your/favorite/prefix
make install
To get dans-gdal-scripts working on OSX you'll need to get a few deps:
- Homebrew
- brew install gdal
- brew install boost
These programs were written by Dan Stahlke of the Geographic Information Network of Alaska. Send questions or comments to [email protected].