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UNIX Lesson 6.1: BASH Programming I

Bash Programming

It's time to automate

Until now we have discussed how to use the bash shell. Bash itself is a little programming language, and this chapter we're going to discuss how you can write your own computer programs in Bash. Programming in Bash is useful to know because of how seamlessly it integrates with all of the command line programs you've already learned. By the end of this lesson you should be able to write your own command line tools!

You can use nano to write all of the programs we're going to discuss in this chapter, however I recommend using the Sublime text text editor because it's more user friendly.

Here the instruction to download and install Sublime text:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sublime-text

Now let's create a new file called in the ~/bioinformatic_course/Code/ directory and let's open that file with either nano or Sublime.

cd ~/bioinformatic_course/Code/

You should now have a new, clean text file open. Any code block in the following sections that starts with the code (or similar) below should indicate to you that we're working on a particular text file.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# File:

You do not need to add these lines to your file. Note: please type all of the lines out for every program that we're going to write, do not copy and paste. Typing code is a little different from typing an email, and you should practice typing the code out yourself as much as possible. Both of these lines start with the pound symbol (#) and in the Bash programming language anything that is typed after a pound symbol is ignored (unless the pound symbol is between curly brackets ({ }), but that's only in very specific situations). The pound symbol allows you to make comments in your code which you can use to annotate code so that another human being who is reading your code can understand how your program is designed to function.

If you're using nano or another shell-based text editor you should perhaps open up two terminals, one where you can edit and save the programs you're working on, and one where you can run your programs. One advantage of using Sublime text is that you can keep Sublime open in a separate window and then run your programs in your terminal window.

Arithmetic operations

The Bash programming language can do very basic arithmetic, which we'll demonstrate in this section. Now that you have open in your preferred text editor type the following into your text editor:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# File:

expr 5 + 2
expr 5 - 2
expr 5 \* 2
expr 5 / 2

Save and then run this script in your shell:

## 7
## 3
## 10
## 2

Let's break down what's going on in the Bash script you just created. Bash executes programs in order from the first line in your file to the last line. The expr command can be used to evaluate Bash expressions. An expression is just a valid string of Bash code that, when run, produces a result. The arithmetic operators that you're already familiar with for addition (+), subtraction (-), and multiplication (*) work like you would expect them to. Notice that when doing multiplication you need to escape the star character, otherwise Bash thinks you're trying to create a regular expression! The division operator (/) does not work as you might expect it to since 5 / 2 = 2.5. Bash does integer division, which means that the result of dividing one number by another is always rounded down to the nearest integer. Let's take a look at a few examples on the command line:

expr 1 / 3
expr 10 / 3
expr 40 / 21
expr 40 / 20
## 0
## 3
## 1
## 2

The other numerical operator you should be aware of that you might not be familiar with is the modulus operator (%). The modulus operator returns the remainder after integer division. In integer division if A / B = C, and A % B = D, then B * C + D = A. Let's take a look at some examples on the command line:

expr 1 % 3
expr 10 % 3
expr 40 % 21
expr 40 % 20
## 1
## 1
## 19
## 0

Notice that when one number is completely divisible by another number then the result of the modulus is zero.

arithmetic expressions could be alse denoted with the following format:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# File:

echo $((10 + 5)) # => 15
echo $((3-1)) #substracttion 
echo $((1*6)) #multiplication
echo $((8/2)) #division

In this case you need to add echo command before the arithmetic operation.

If you want to do more complex math, for example math with fractions and numbers with decimals then I highly suggest combining echo and the bench calculator program called bc. Open up a new file called and type in the following:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# File:

echo "22 / 7" | bc -l
echo "4.2 * 9.15" | bc -l
echo "(6.5 / 0.5) + (6 * 2.2)" | bc -l

Save and then run this script in your shell:

## 3.14285714285714285714
## 38.430
## 26.2

You can pipe any mathematical string to bc with the -l flag in order to use decimal numbers in your calculations.


  • Bash programs are executed in order from the first line in a file until the last line.
  • Anything written after a pound sign (#) is a comment and is not executed by Bash.
  • You can do simple arithmetic with the expr command or with echo $(()) expression.
  • Perform more complicated arithmetic by piping a string expression into bc using echo.


  1. Look at the man pages for bc.
  2. Try doing some math in bc interactively.


In Bash you can store data in variables. Make sure you follow these rules when you're naming variables:

  • Every letter should be lowercase.
  • The variable name should start with a letter.
  • The name should only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores (_).
  • Words in the name should be separated by underscores.

If you follow those rules then you can avoid accidentally overwriting data stored in environmental variables.

You can assign data to a variable using the equals sign (=). The data you store in a variable can either be a string or a number. Let's create a variable now on the command line:


The variable name is on the left hand side of the equals sign, and the data which will be stored in that variable is on the right hand side of the equals sign. Notice that there are no spaces on either side of the equals sign, this is not allowed when assigning variables:

number = 5
## Error in running command bash

In order to print the data in a variable, also called the value of a variable, we can use echo. When you want to retrieve the value of a variable you must use the dollar sign ($) before the name of the variable. Let's try this out:

echo $number
## 5

You can modify the value of a variable using arithmetic operators by using the let command:

let number=$number+1
echo $number
## 6


echo $number
## 6

You can also store strings in variables:

the_empire_state="New York"
echo $the_empire_state
## New York

Occasionally you might want to run a command like you would on the command line and store the result of that command in a variable. We can do this by wrapping the command in a dollar sign and parentheses ($( )) around a command. This syntax is called command substitution. The command is executed and then gets replaced by the string that resulted from running the command. For example if we wanted to store the number of lines in

math_lines=$(cat | wc -l)
echo $math_lines
## 7

Variable names with a dollar sign can also be used inside other strings in order to insert the value of the variable into the string:

echo "I went to school in $the_empire_state."
## I went to school in New York.

Scritp arguments

In Bash scripts, there is an option to pass arguments to the script when you are executing it. This allows the user to specify more information in the same command used to run the script. These arguments are stored in the script in a few special built-in variables.

Let's create a new file called with the following code:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# File:

echo "Script arguments: $@"
echo "First arg: $1. Second arg: $2."
echo "Number of arguments: $#"

Now let's try running the script a few times in a few different ways in order to undestand what exactly do the arguments:

## Script arguments:
## First arg: . Second arg: .
## Number of arguments: 0
bash red
## Script arguments: red
## First arg: red. Second arg: .
## Number of arguments: 1
bash red blue
## Script arguments: red blue
## First arg: red. Second arg: blue.
## Number of arguments: 2
bash red blue green
## Script arguments: red blue green
## First arg: red. Second arg: blue.
## Number of arguments: 3

Your script can accept arguments just like a command line program! The first argument to your script is stored in $1, the second argument is stored in $2, etc, etc. An array of all of the arguments passed to your script is stored in $@, and we'll discuss how to handle arrays later on in this lesson. The total number of arguments passed to your script is stored in $#. Now that you know how to pass arguments to your scripts you can start writing your own command line tools!


  • Variables can be assigned with the equal sign (=) operator.
  • Strings or numbers can be assigned to variables.
  • The value of a variable can be accessed with the dollar sign ($) before the variable name.
  • You can use the dollar sign and parentheses syntax (command substitution) to execute a command and save the output in a variable.
  • You can access command line arguments within your own scripts using the dollar sign followed by the number of the argument.
  • $1..$n store positional arguments. $@ stores all the argument into an array. $#stores the total number of arguments.


  1. Write a Bash program where you assign two numbers to different variables, and then the program prints the sum of those variables.
  2. Write another Bash program where you assign two strings to different variables, and then the program prints both of those strings. Write a version where the strings are printed on the same line, and a version where the strings are printed on different lines.
  3. Write a Bash program that prints the number of arguments provided to that program multiplied by the first argument provided to the program.
  4. Write a Bash program that calculate the %GC of a short dna sequence provided as an argument 'ATGTGTAAAGGTGTGTGGTG'. The result have to show decimals

User Input

If you're making Bash programs for you or for others to use one way you can get user input is to specify arguments for users to provide to your program, as we discussed in the previous section. You could also ask users to type in a string on the command line by temporarily stopping the execution of your program using the read command. Let's a write a small script where you can see how the read command works:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# File:

echo "Type in a string and then press Enter:"
read response
echo "You entered: $response"

Now let's run this script:

## Type in a string and then press Enter:

Let's type Hello! into the console, then press enter:

## Type in a string and then press Enter:
## Hello!
## You entered: Hello!

The read command prompts the user to type in a string, and the string that the user provides is stored in the variable that is given to the read command in the script.


  • read stores a string that the user provides in a variable.


  1. Write a script that asks the user for an adjective, a noun, and a verb, and then use those words in a sentence (like Mad Libs).

Logic and If/Else

Conditional Execution

When writing computer programs it is often useful for your program to be able to make decisions based on inputs like arguments, files, and environmental variables. Bash provides mechanisms for creating logical expressions which resemble mathematical equations. These logical expressions can be evaluated until they are either true or false. In fact, true and false are both simple Bash commands! Let's try them both out now:


At first it doesn't look like they do much. In order to see how they work, we're going to need to look under the hood of Unix a little bit. Whenever you execute a program on the command line, in general one of two things will happen: either the command is executed successfully, or there's an error. In terms of errors there are many ways that a program can go wrong, and Unix can take different actions depending on what kind of error occurs. For example if I enter the name of a command that does not exist into the terminal, then I'll see an error:

## -bash: this_command_does_not_exist: command not found

Since that command does not exist, it creates a specific kind of error which is indicated by the program's exit status. The exit status of a program is an integer which indicates whether the program was executed successfully or if an error occurred. The exit status of the last program run is stored in the question mark variable ($?). We can take a look at the exit status of the last program with echo:

echo $?
## 127

This particular exit status made an indication to the shell that it should print an error message to the console. What's the exit status of a program that runs successfully? Let's take a look:

echo I will succeed.
echo $?
## I will succeed.
## 0

So the exit status of a successful program is 0. Now let's take a look at the exit statuses of true and false:

echo $?
echo $?
## 0 #true
## 1 #false

As you can see:true has an exit status of 0 and false has an exit status of 1 since these programs don't do much else, you could define true as a program that always has an exit status of 0 and false as a program that always has an exit status of 1.

Knowing the exit status of these programs is important when discussing the logical operators: the AND operator (&&) and the OR operator (||). The AND and OR operators can be used for conditional execution of programs on the command line. Conditional execution occurs when the execution of one program depends on the exit status of another program. For example in the case of the AND operator, the program on the right hand side of && will only be executed if the program on the left hand side of && has an exit status of 0. Let's take a look at some small examples:

true && echo "Program 1 was executed."
false && echo "Program 2 was executed."
## Program 1 was executed.

Since false has an exit status of 1, the program echo "Program 2 was executed." is not executed, so nothing is printed to the console for that command. Several AND operators can be chained together like so:

false && true && echo Hello
echo 1 && false && echo 3
echo Athos && echo Porthos && echo Aramis
## 1
## Athos
## Porthos
## Aramis

In a series of programs joined together by AND operators, any programs to the right of a program that has a non-zero exit status is not executed.

The OR operator (||) follows a similar set of principles. Commands on the right hand side of || are only executed if the command on the left hand side fails and therefore has an exit status other than 0. Let's take a look at how this works:

true || echo "Program 1 was executed."
false || echo "Program 2 was executed."
## Program 2 was executed.

Only echo "Program 2 was executed." runs because false has a non-zero exit status. You can combine multiple OR operators so that only the first program with an exit status of 0 is executed:

false || echo 1 || echo 2
echo 3 || false || echo 4
echo Athos || echo Porthos || echo Aramis
## 1
## 3
## Athos

You can combine AND and OR operators in commands, which are evaluated from left to right:

echo Athos || echo Porthos && echo Aramis
echo Gaspar && echo Balthasar || echo Melchior
## Athos
## Aramis
## Gaspar
## Balthasar

By combining AND and OR operators you can precisely control the conditions for when certain commands should be executed.

Conditional Expressions

Enabling your Bash script to make decisions is extremely useful. Conditional execution allows you to control the circumstances where certain programs are executed based on whether those programs succeed or fail, but you can also construct conditional expressions which are logical statements that are either equivalent to true or false. Conditional expressions either compare two values, or they ask a question about one value. Conditional expressions are always between double brackets ([[ ]]), and they either use logical flags or logical operators. For example, there are several logical flags you could use for comparing two integers. If we wanted to see if one integer was greater than another we could use -gt, the greater than flag. Enter this simple conditional expression into the command line:

[[ 4 -gt 3 ]]

The logical expression above is asking: Is 4 greater than 3? No result is printed to the console so let's check the exit status of that expression.

echo $?
## 0

It looks like the exit status of this program is 0, the same exit status as true. This conditional expression is saying that [[ 4 -gt 3 ]] is equivalent to true, which of course we know is logically consistent, 4 is in fact greater than 3! Let's see what happens if we flip the expression around so we're asking if 3 is greater than 4:

[[ 3 -gt 4 ]]

Again, nothing is printed to the console so we'll look at the exit status:

echo $?
## 1

Ah-ha! Obviously 3 is not greater than 4, so this false logical expression resulted in an exit status of 1, which is the same exit status as false! Because they have the same exit status [[ 3 -gt 4 ]] and false are essentially equivalent. To quickly test the logical value of a conditional expression, we can use the AND and OR operators so that an expression will print "t" if it's true and "f" if its false:

[[ 4 -gt 3 ]] && echo t || echo f
[[ 3 -gt 4 ]] && echo t || echo f
## t
## f

This is a little trick you can use to quickly look at the resulting value of a logical expression.

These binary logical expressions compare two values, but there are also unary logical expressions that only look at one value. For example, you can test whether or not a file exists using the -e logical flag. Let's take a look at this flag in action:

cd ~/Code
[[ -e ]] && echo t || echo f
## t

As you can see the file exists! Most of the time when you're writing bash scripts you won't be comparing two raw values or trying to find something out about one raw value, instead you'll want to create a logical statement about a value contained in a variable. Variables behave just like raw values in logical expressions. Let's take a look at a few examples:

[[ $number -gt 3 ]] && echo t || echo f
[[ $number -gt 10 ]] && echo t || echo f
[[ -e $number ]] && echo t || echo f
## t
## f
## f

As you can see 7 is greater than 3 though it is not greater than 10, and there is not file in this directory called 7. There are several other varieties of logical flags, and you can find a table of several of these flags below.

Logical Flag Meaning Usage
-gt Greater Than [[ $variable -gt 8 ]]
-ge Greater Than or Equal To [[ $variable -ge 270 ]]
-eq Equal [[ $variable -eq 10 ]]
-ne Not Equal [[ $variable -ne 0 ]]
-le Less Than or Equal To [[ $variable -le 9 ]]
-lt Less Than [[ $variable -lt 2 ]]
-e A File Exists [[ -e $variable ]]
-d A Directory Exists [[ -d $variable ]]
-z Length of String is Zero [[ -z $variable ]]
-n Length of String is Non-Zero [[ -n $variable ]]

Try using each of these flags on the command line before moving on to the next section.

In addition to logical flags there are also logical operators. One of the most useful logical operators is the regex match operator =~. The regex match operator compares a string to a regular expression and if the string is a match for the regex then the expression is equivalent to true, otherwise it's equivalent to false. Let's test this operator a couple different ways:

[[ rhythms =~ [aeiou] ]] && echo t || echo f
[[ $my_name =~ ^j.+n$ ]] && echo t || echo f
## f
## t

There's also the NOT operator !, which inverts the value of any conditional expression. The NOT operator turns true expressions into false expressions and vice-versa. Let's take a look at a few examples using the NOT operator:

[[ 7 -gt 2 ]] && echo t || echo f
[[ ! 7 -gt 2 ]] && echo t || echo f
[[ 6 -ne 3 ]] && echo t || echo f
[[ ! 6 -ne 3 ]] && echo t || echo f
## t
## f
## t
## f

Here's a table of some of the useful logical operators in case you need to reference how they're used later:

Logical Operator Meaning Usage
=~ Matches Regular Expression [[ $consonants =~ [aeiou] ]]
= String Equal To [[ $password = "pegasus" ]]
!= String Not Equal To [[ $fruit != "banana" ]]
! Not [[ ! "apple" =~ ^b ]]

If and Else

Conditional expressions are powerful because you can use them to control how a Bash program that you're writing is executed. One of the fundamental constructs in Bash programming is the IF statement. Code written inside of an IF statement is only executed if a certain condition is true, otherwise the code is skipped. Let's write a small program with an IF statement:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# File:

echo "Start program"

if [[ $1 -eq 4 ]]
  echo "You entered $1"

echo "End program"

First this program will print "Start program", then the IF statement will check if the conditional expression [[ $1 -eq 4 ]] is true (0 exit status). It will only be true if you provide 4 as the first argument to the script. If the conditional expression if true then it will execute the code in between then and fi, otherwise it will skip over that code. Finally the program will print "End program."

Let's try running this Bash program a few different ways. First we'll run this program with no arguments:

## Start program
## End program

Since we didn't provide any arguments to the code within the IF statement was skipped! Now let's try providing an argument to this script:

bash 77
## Start program
## End program

We provided the argument 77, however 77 is not equal to 4, therefore the code within the IF statement was once again skipped. Finally let's provide 4 as an argument:

bash 4
## Start program
## You entered 4
## End program

It worked! Since the first argument to this script was 4, and 4 is equal to 4, the code within the IF statement was executed. You can pair IF statements with ELSE statements. An ELSE statement only runs if the conditional expression being evaluated by the IF statement is false. Let's create a simple program that uses an ELSE statement:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# File:

echo "Start program"

if [[ $1 -eq 4 ]]
  echo "Thanks for entering $1"
  echo "You entered: $1, not what I was looking for."

echo "End program"

Now let's try running this program a few different ways:

bash 4
## Start program
## Thanks for entering 4
## End program

The conditional expression [[ $1 -eq 4 ]] was true so code inside of the IF statement was run and the code in the ELSE statement was not run. What do you think will happened when we make the conditional expression false?

bash 3
## Start program
## You entered: 3, not what I was looking for.
## End program

The conditional expression [[ $1 -eq 4 ]] was false (non-zero exit code) so code inside of the ELSE statement was run and the code in the IF statement was not run.

Between IF and ELSE statements you can also have ELIF statements. These statements act like IF statements except they're only evaluated if preceding IF and ELIF statements have all evaluated false conditional expressions. Let's create a brief program using ELIF:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# File:

if [[ $1 -eq 4 ]]
  echo "$1 is my favorite number"
elif [[ $1 -gt 3 ]]
  echo "$1 is a great number"
  echo "You entered: $1, not what I was looking for."

First let's run the program with 4 as the first argument:

bash 4
## 4 is my favorite number

The condition in the IF statement was true, so only the first echo command was executed. Now let's run the program with 5 as the first argument:

bash 5
## 5 is a great number

The first condition is false since 5 is not equal to 4, but then the next condition in the ELIF statement is true since 5 is greater than 3, so that echo command is executed and the rest of the statement is skipped. Try to guess what will happen if we use 2 as an argument:

bash 2
## You entered: 2, not what I was looking for.

Since 2 is neither equal to 4 nor greater than 3, the code in the ELSE statement is executed.

You should also know that you can combine conditional execution, conditional expressions, and IF/ELIF/ELSE statements. The conditional execution operators AND (&&) and OR (||) can be used in an IF or ELIF statement. Let's look at an example using these operators in an IF statement:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# File:

if [[ $1 -gt 3 ]] && [[ $1 -lt 7 ]]
  echo "$1 is between 3 and 7"
elif [[ $1 =~ "Jeff" ]] || [[ $1 =~ "Roger" ]] || [[ $1 =~ "Brian" ]]
  echo "$1 works in the Data Science Lab"
  echo "You entered: $1, not what I was looking for."

Now let's test this script with a few different arguments:

bash 2
## You entered: 2, not what I was looking for.

bash 4
## 4 is between 3 and 7

bash 6
## 6 is between 3 and 7

bash Jeff
## Jeff works in the Data Science Lab

bash Brian
## Brian works in the Data Science Lab

bash Sean
## You entered: Sean, not what I was looking for.

The conditional execution operators work just like they would on the command line. If the entire conditional expression evaluates to the equivalent of true then the code within the IF statement is executed, otherwise it is skipped.

Finally we should note that IF/ELIF/ELSE statements can be nested inside of other IF statements. Here's a small example of a program with nested statements:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# File:

if [[ $1 -gt 3 ]] && [[ $1 -lt 7 ]]
  if [[ $1 -eq 4 ]]
  	echo "four"
  elif [[ $1 -eq 5 ]]
  	echo "five"
  	echo "six"
  echo "You entered: $1, not what I was looking for."

Now let's run it a few times:

bash 2
## You entered: 2, not what I was looking for.

bash 4
## four

bash 6
## four

In order to get to the inner IF statement, the conditions for the outer IF statement must be met first (the first argument for the script must be between 3 and 7). As you can see combining variables, arguments, conditional expressions, and IF statements allow you to write more powerful Bash programs.


  • All Bash programs have an exit status. true has an exit status of 0 and false has an exit status of 1.
  • Conditional execution uses two operators: AND (&&) and OR (||) which you can use to control what command get executed based on their exit status.
  • Conditional expressions are always in double brackets ([[ ]]). They have an exit status of 0 if they contain a true assertion or 1 if they contain a false assertion.
  • IF statements evaluate conditional expressions. If an expression is true then the code within an IF statement is executed, otherwise it is skipped.
  • ELIF and ELSE statements also help control the flow of a Bash program, and IF statements can be nested within other IF statements.


  1. Write a Bash script that takes a string as an argument and prints "how proper" if the string starts with a capital letter.
  2. Write a Bash script that takes one argument and prints "even" if the first argument is an even number or "odd" if the first argument is an odd number.
  3. Write a Bash script that takes two arguments. If both arguments are numbers, print their sum, otherwise just print both arguments.