- Created
script- Desired to update SIPS information for all CUPS that belongs to a zipcode
- Package now is called "cnmc_client" instead of "cnmc"
- Client.fetch now accepts 'as_csv' flag
- To return a csv.DictReader ready to be iterated instead of the response result
- API.method() now accept 'download' flag
- Desired to handle downloads as a BytesIO instead of parse the result as JSON
- Useful to in-memory files representation
- API.download() new wrapper method
- Call API.method() as a GET request with download=True activated
- Created
script- Desired to show how to fetch SIPS files as bytes and iterable dicts
- Package cnmc_client is installable through setup.py file
- Initial CNMC client
- The client
- List files method
- Fetch files method
- Download file method //WIP
- OAuth1 session establishment
- GET and POST HTTP actions
- Basic Mamba specs for all functionalities
- New requirements
- Marshmallow
- Munch
- The client